#omya's lu chapters
doodlesbf · 1 year
Chapter 1 of 🧚‍♂️🤰🧟‍♀️
Twilight ran with the unconscious pregnant girl to the house just as the main door open to reveal time, who open the door and see twilight and the unconscious girl and move out the way so twilight can come in as time close the door and follow twilight as he put the unconscious girl down on the couch and time now can see the dry blood on her strange clothes and time knows one thing. She isn't from his hyrule since no one wear those types of clothes.
The door open again quick by malon and she run in with wild right behind her yet he shut the door as malon see the two near the couch so malon came over to see the unconscious girl on the couch,strange clothes that have dry blood on it and is pregnant.
Malon: I'll check her for injuries, time go find some clothes and twilight, wild go to look for a doctor in town.
They listen to malon since their not sure how along this girl in her pregnancy is but figured it would be for the best to do what malon ask as malon check the girl but find no injuries on her minus for some bruises and small harmless cuts but a groan made malon stop as she look to see the girl is opening her eyes and malon smile to see she okay.
Okay waken up to see she's somewhere she never been and see a women and omya jump a bit and try to get away from her almost fallen off the couch if this women haven't grab her just in time.
Women: please clam yourself, your safe sweetie.
Omya listen yet is on edge as this women help her get back on the couch but omya place her arms gently around her belly to hide/protect her baby from this women as a sound of a door close upstairs made omya jump but the women sign.
Women: time honey, she wake. Do you have the clothes I ask?
Time: yes found them and that's good.
Omya turn her head to see a tall man walk down the stairs hold clothes as once he reach the bottom of the step he hand the women clothes and he look over as omya shiver know deep down that he's a dangerous man yet omya can feel the spirit of the hero in him just like her husband but.....her husband link is died. Who is he?...
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doodlesbf · 1 year
Story 3
First I'm going to explain about the emojis, I try looking for the emoji closest to the story theme I have the idea on.
🧟‍♀️- like in breath of the wild the calamity came too soon .
🤰- this story have a oc I'm working on so it'll be easier on me to write it out.
🧚‍♂️- this linked universe au idea is from my friend bf and I chatting idea and who's in it made me get slapped with a story idea au.
Opening short chapter 0
Everything....Everything was burning by the fires and the air is hard to take in while monsters roars can through out the burning of hyrule and the burning smell of flash from the people of hyrule.
Link groans in pain due to the worse injuries he have and drips of his blood stains his clothes as his wife Omya trying to bring him to safety but link knew there isn't safety and sounds of monsters roars and Ganondorf laughing send shivers down the two backs.
Link bite his lip, he have failed to defeat Ganondorf and his friend zelda try to seal the demonking but that failed horrible but he can feel that zelda is gone. Link push himself to stand up and this cause his wife Omya to stop as she look to link.
Omya: link! We must hurry before-
Link look to omya and lift his hand up to cup her cheek and sadly smile, he knows what he must do but first he need to send his beloved wife to safety so he use his Triforce to see for himself his wife slowly fainted away as she panicking to see him use the Triforce on her.
Omya: link!?! What are you doing!!
Link: I'm saving you omya and our child...please stay safe and remember that I will always love you even if I have to be reborn over and over again.
Omya tears falling to hear her beloved husband link last words before she can see his eyes that was full of life now look dead and his body stop moving as she fainted away by his Triforce. She doesn't know were this power of Triforce of courage is sending her but she hug herself crying to the death of her husband and place a hand on her belly to were her baby is as she slowly grown tried from all that's happened around her and close her eyes to sleep unknown to her the Triforce of courage and wisdom appeared on her left hand to show she the new holder as she magical appeared on grass and the sleeping omya is lay on her side as Epona is eating grass suddenly felt magic right next to her and look to see a girl asleep and appeared to be wearing strange clothes as Epona jump away and making a loud noise as the sounds of two pairs of footsteps running to Epona.
Wild is the first to ran to the horse to try to clam her down and twilight ran over but stop dead in his tracks to see a girl on the grass and is panick..
Twilight: miss?! Are you okay?!
Twilight call put to the girl but he gets no response which the two boys grown nervous thinking Epona kill the girl but seeing that there's no damage to the girl or the horse, twilight walk over and knee down so he can carefully lift the girl in his arms and see dry blood on her clothes did get him nervous believe that he's hurt but he notice her belly and smell of strong pregnancy hormones he's on edge,panic even have his wolf instant on haywire.
Twilight stand up have the girl in his arms he told wild to get malon as he rush to get back to the house to hope time is still home since he and wild found a mystery pregnant girl out in the horse field alone and probably hurt is very concerning to find right out in the morning time.
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doodlesbf · 1 year
Here's my writing au stories
Blind child
Blind child chapters
Secret chapters au
Mermaid au chapters
Mafia chain chapters
Secret chapters au
Chain's monster lu chapters
LU 🐲🐍 chapters
Leia's chain au
Omya's LU chapters
Other stories
Secret chapters LUminish au
So far of what I'm writing stories au in case someone is looking for pacific ones.
My writing & art requests rules
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