#omori heros mom
zipsunz · 6 months
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under the mistletoe 🌿
(art by me, script by @sunkitty143!)
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pineappleciders · 24 days
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let's appreciate the omori mothers!!! to all moms, past or present, you do so much. thank you❤️
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mootjester · 1 year
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On my second week of coping with Omori’s ending.
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daikonghost143 · 5 months
So i got my mom to play omori. Its going to take a veeery long time to finish but I’ll try to reblog and update this post/thread as we move forward every once and a while cause she has some good thoughts about it so far. She unfortunately already know about Mari falling down the stairs from me talking to friends about the game in her general vicinity, but other than that shes going in blind so this should be fun !!
Anyway, so onto her thoughts. We’re at the point where you’re about to go searching for Basil in the Vast Forest and she seems to be enjoying it so far even if we could only play for a few hours. Shes *very* attached to Basil (shes just like me ong /j) and when he went missing she was absolutely horrified. In her own words, “Basil.. very soft soul. He’s- He’s very soft. Uh, he might be gay. I’m not sure, because he’s very sweet and soft spoken and has a flower crown and he, he seems a little gay, I’m very worried for what may happen him if he doesn’t grow a pair.” (She adores him though. When he went missing she grabbed me and was like “oh my god is he okay. If anything happens to him im gonna stop playing i love him so much.” So.. i wish her luck.)
She thinks Aubrey is a little self-centered, very loud, but she likes the confidence and thinks she seems ok. She feels similarly towards Kel, though she seems to like him a lot more. She really just said that he seems very sweet but needs to stop fighting with Aubrey.
She doesn’t really have an opinion on Hero, he’s, “just sorta there. Hes just a normal guy,” in her words. I assured her he gets better, but for now she’s impartial. Mari on the other hand, she’s very concerned for. Aside from her knowing that slight spoiler that she fell, she’s just weirded out that she stays at the picnic all the time, because “after a while that would hurt your butt.” She seems to like her well enough, and thinks she’s sweet but she’s definitely a bit concerned too.
As for Omori, she thinks he seems like a very kind, old soul sort of person but he also scares her a bit because she can tell his story’s going to get very sad eventually.
Overall she seems to like it so far!! Yay !! I’ll reblog with her opinions on story and stuff next time we play :]
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kanene-yaaay · 1 year
Not sure if this has been said before but picture with me:
Hero asking Kel to help him study anatomy for medical school by writing the bones' names on him. Everything is fun and games and jokes about skeletons and horrible puns w bones until Hero decide to number every single one bone in Kel's ribcage
And so Kel dies. Yeah yeah 100% dead no way to help him shhh it's okay don't worry about the crackling laughter in the background everything is fine
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i-like-omori · 10 months
Opinion on Hero and Kel's mom?
also someone i dont know much about,,
uhhhh she seems like a good mom from what i remember
the whole family seems to be more focused on heros achievements than kels though, but i dont think it's out of malice
hhh i dont have much to say because i barely know her..
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fishysplayhouse · 4 months
I'm imagining a scenario where the Omori cast(Aubrey, Sunny, and Basil) all go to Hero whenever they need to learn how to tie a tie
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starfilled-galaxy · 4 months
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mamoritai-au · 1 year
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lilac-gold · 1 year
I find it so interesting that Sunny's parents are nowhere to be found in Headspace. The only glimpse of them is the photo in Sweetheart's Castle after it's given to Omori by the Keeper, but Mari's a pretty large character in Headspace and it's her who Sunny killed. Logically, she would be the face he tried to forget about most- or go the other way and remember everything admirable about her as a result of his guilt, which he does. Sunny glorifies her in his memories, denying her death and his guilt, but he blocks out any recollections of his mom and dad. Maybe it them seemingly splitting after Mari's death, Sunny's family falling apart even more, multiplied his guilt but it began to manifest itself in the only was he knew how to. He forgot the bad, and refuses to think about his parents in his dream world.
What I find equally intriguing is that it's Hero and Mari who take up the roles instead. Mari offers Omori & co. a place to rest and recover, somewhere to eat food, get better and ask for advice. She acts in a parental manner to the younger kids, and while this could just be her older sibling instinct showing, she does seem to fit into the role of Omori, Aubrey, Basil and Kel's mother. Likewise, Hero offers warm meals and looks after them, healing them and getting them out of sticky situations. He's protective and mature, older than the rest of them and taking them on as his responsibility.
Also, he makes dad jokes and acts like an old grandpa sometimes. The foe facts journal adds so much more fun traits to the HS gang that we otherwise don't get to see
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Idk if this has been theorised before, but it's also possible that Sunny's father appears in HS through Daddy Longlegs. The hat/ hat rack and 'daddy' part would indicate so, and it's interesting that a shadowy, faceless, tall figure holding a light and wearing a hat helps Omori get closer to Black Space & the truth. If Sunny hasn't seen him in years and is potentially mad at him about the divorce, he might have blocked out his father's face, only recalling someone guiding and tall with a hat on their head lol. DLL looks like a shadow- like a hole that needs to be filled, a missing space. Like how Sunny's dad is missing from his home
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I'll probably have more thoughts on this tomorrow, but for now, I need to get some rest! I hope you enjoyed reading this far- thank you for taking the time to do so! I always love hearing people's thoughts on my little analyses if you wish to share them <3
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77ngiez · 8 months
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put that girl in situations
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zipsunz · 5 months
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heromariweek2024: day 7 - free day
our princess, my future 🦋
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dannybobany · 7 days
Omori fanfic I’d like to write:
Post good ending Shortbread (Hero x Bowen) thanksgiving fic except it’s not about shortbread at all. It’s about the inevitable problem caused by trying to celebrate thanksgiving between these two families
Just IMAGINE it for a moment would you, Kel and Mikhael just realized that they have to celebrate this holiday and every other major holiday for the foreseeable future in the same room as each other and this fact is ruining everything for both of them
Bowen’s parents are trying their best to be supportive but as generally conservative people this is not easy for them, and they keep saying offensive things in front of Kel’s and Hero’s mom, who is trying very hard to tolerate this and be polite for Hero’s sake but these people are seriously getting on her nerves (made worse by the fact her husband is refusing to take sides because “I just don’t like getting political sweetie”)
Sunny and his Mom show up an hour in because Kel invited them…. Without telling Hero about it
Daphne is sitting in the corner trying her best to entertain Sally while silently panicking about the fact that she’s just noticed Hero’s dog is nowhere to be seen. Like the dog got out at some point and obviously this is a problem and she would feel really bad if something happened but bringing up “hey your dog is loose” in a house about to explode for five other reasons is not a good idea
Shenanigans ensue
Can also work with goldrush but it’s funnier if Kel and Mikhael still hate each other
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Hello Tumblr!!!
This is a collection of Omori playlists I made, for anyone who's interested! They were made with my ongoing fanfic, "In your dreams, kid", in mind, but I think they're sufficiently enjoyable as standalone playlists.
Hope you enjoy :D
Kel (Youtube | Spotify)
Hero (Youtube | Spotify)
Mari (Youtube | Spotify)
Sunny (Youtube | Spotify)
Basil (Youtube | Spotify)
Aubrey (Youtube | Spotify)
Omori (Youtube | Spotify)
Kim (Youtube | Spotify)
Polly (Youtube | Spotify)
Sunny's Mother (Youtube | Spotify)
Captain Spaceboy (Youtube | Spotify)
Princess Sweetheart (Youtube | Spotify)
Jock (Youtube | Spotify)
Kelhero (Youtube | Spotify)
Sunnymari (Youtube | Spotify)
Maribery (Youtube | Spotify)
Herobery (Youtube | Spotify)
Heromari (Youtube | Spotify)
Sunflower (Youtube | Spotify)
Kelbrey (Youtube | Spotify)
Suntan (Youtube | Spotify)
Sunburn (Youtube | Spotify)
Aubrey x Kim (Youtube | Spotify)
Hero x Sweetheart (Youtube | Spotify)
Mari x Sweetheart (Youtube | Spotify)
Omori x Sunny (Youtube | Spotify)
Omori x Aubrey (Youtube | Spotify)
Basil x Polly (Youtube | Spotify)
Sunny's Mother x Polly (Youtube | Spotify)
Hero x Jock (Youtube | Spotify)
Hero x OC (Youtube | Spotify)
Platonic Dynamics:
Omori & Mari (Youtube | Spotify)
Mari & Basil (Youtube | Spotify)
Kim & Basil (Youtube | Spotify)
Aubrey & Basil (Youtube | Spotify)
Kel & Basil (Youtube | Spotify)
Omori & Basil (Youtube | Spotify)
Kel & Mari (Youtube | Spotify)
Hero & Sunny (Youtube | Spotify)
Mari & Her Mom (Youtube | Spotify)
Sunny & His Mom (Youtube | Spotify)
Spaceboy & Mari (Youtube | Spotify)
Spaceboy & Sweetheart (Youtube | Spotify)
Aubrey & Sweetheart (Youtube | Spotify)
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pizzaapplecheese · 2 years
Sunny's mom in OMORI
This post was made months ago and I realized I never shared this on Tumblr, so here you guys go.
This was originally posted on reddit, but I thought I should share here as well. It was made in response to my parent tier list and the hate I have gotten on it.
Anyways, I see Sunny's mom as a good mom, so I decided to go on a whole rant on why I believe this. We all see things differently and this is not me telling you that you are wrong. We are all people who sees things differently, even if we are behind a screen. Keep this in mind before commenting anything.
The most common thing I see when people talk about Sunny's mom is about the fridge. When Sunny opens the fridge and eats the steak, the game points out that it is now empty. People tend to use this as evidence of Sunny being neglected. However, when moving houses, which is what Sunny is doing, it is common sense to remove all the food in the fridge. Unless you want to make a mess, it is a good idea to take everything out. Plus it isn't like his mom left him with nothing to eat at all, a note in Sunny's room written by his mom mentions that she left Sunny a steak in the fridge, which Sunny ate. If you look at your menu, Sunny has 30 dollars, meaning even if he hated the steak, he could have bought pizza from Gino's or if it is the hikikomori route, then he could have ordered in a call. 
Speaking of Sunny, many people ask why haven't she put Sunny in therapy, after all Mari "committed suicide", so why isn't he? This is because the game is set between the 1990s-2000s, ignoring the stigma, therapy at that time was extremely expensive. Unless you are extremely rich and want to get therapy, it would be almost impossible to get therapy. It is accessible now, so what changed? In 2014, President Obama passed an Act which allowed people to be able to afford Healthcare, therapy was included. Sunny's mother would not be able to afford Sunny proper therapy at all. Sunny not going to therapy does not mean she does not care for him. 
Sunny's mom cares for Sunny and wants his happiness. In her calls, she tells Sunny that "a change of scenery will be positive for the both of us", she says "us" indicating that she isn't focusing on herself on the move, she is focusing on both of them. She wants Sunny to feel better as seen with the word "positive" showing that she wants Sunny to be happy. Later she tells Sunny "I hope you're pacing your chores... I don't think even I could finish everything in one day!" She uses herself as an example to show Sunny that it is okay to not do all of the tasks at once. It also could be her making sure Sunny doesn't overwork himself, or harm himself by exhaustion from all of the work done. Even in her sticky note about the steak, she points out that it is his favorite. If she did not care for Sunny, then she would not do any of these things whatsoever. Especially moving houses for his sake, the amount of money and effort needed is a lot, yet she still does it to get him to be happy. 
Honestly, my favorite trait about Sunny's mom is that she knows when she messes up and takes full responsibility. On the first night, she mentions that she forgot to tell the electric company that she needs more time for the move, so the lights stopped working early on. When she realizes she did that she tells Sunny this "Also, sorry! MOMMY messed up! I forgot to tell the electric company that we need a few extra days before we're ready to move, so the lights might cut out sometime tonight." She first apologises to Sunny, admitting she messed up, and explains what she did wrong to him. She doesn't even ask him to forgive her at all. She knows that Sunny should be angry at her, so she does not even bother. 
Now let's go on with the contradictions it will have if Sunny's mom is abusive/neglectful/does not care about Sunny. When we enter Basil's memories to find out the truth, we get a small cutscene with the mom where she says "My only daughter... is gone. And you... you are my only son. I can't... lose you as well." the word "can't" clearly shows that Sunny's mom is unable to let Sunny leave her like Mari did, she is unable to lose Sunny at all. That word choice would be strange to use if she doesn't care about Sunny at all. Another thing to point out is that Sunny subconsciously sees his mother as overprotective of him, in headspace we see Statue of his mother. No matter where Sunny turns, she is always watching him, making sure he doesn't leave her sight. That is until he goes behind her, then her face distorts. There is 2 implications for the face thing, one could be her hiding her pain from Sunny (who sees it anyways) or Sunny believes the second he leaves her she will fall apart. Both implications show her care for Sunny, the first one she hides her pain for Sunny's sake to let him be happy and relax and in the second she is unable to handle the thought of Sunny dying or leaving her in any way. 
Malnourishment is a big thing the fandom points Sunny's mom at, however there is no evidence in the game that Sunny is malnourished at all. People can be short, that is a thing. Sunny looked tall when he was young, so what is it to say he didn't hit puberty early? It is common for early bloomers to be short after all. Another thing is, the only indicator we get of it is coming from Kel's mom, who is implied to be Mexican with the ofrenda in the house. Speaking from experience, but Mexican parents say that regardless if you put on or lost weight from when you last visited them. It isn't shocking that she calls Sunny skinny. 
Lastly, Sunny is 16. He is almost an adult now, so why are we treating him like he is 5? He is able to handle himself and make his own decisions at this point. We can't just pretend that everything Sunny does and does not do is his mom's fault. Sunny's mom cannot spend her time watching Sunny 24/7 and hold his hand all the time either.
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dogbound1128 · 2 years
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