#olivia madrigal
albaharu · 2 months
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Collab with @thestakeout <3
Cassandra and Ma-ma from Dredd (2012)
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zafirosreverie · 1 year
Habits (GN!Reader)
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You can decide who this is with. Agatha, Pepa, Julieta, Carla, Ajak, Alma, any woman on my masterlist.
Idea taken from "Costumbres" by Rocío Dúrcal.
You saw her walk away down the empty street, hidden in the night. The sound of her footsteps faded after a few seconds and her silhouette melted into the darkness a few moments later, just like the fleeting feeling of belonging inside you.
It was always like that, no matter how much you told yourself that it was wrong, that you shouldn't go through with it, that you needed to let her go, no matter how much you swore it would be the last time, it never was. She always came back.
Sometimes she would take days, other times weeks, but never more than a month. Even she couldn't stay away that long, and you couldn't let yourself forget about her either, though not for a lack of trying.
You had a strange relationship. You had loved her, perhaps more than you would ever admit aloud, and she had loved you back, perhaps less than her voice swore, but time kept on dancing on the clock and fate rearranged the pieces, and in that chaos, you realized that you did not fit in with her, that you did not belong by her side.
It was painful to realize it, but deep down, you knew what had to happen. The day she left, the black clouds swirled above your house, as if they could sense your own mood, and yet you managed to smile at her, wish her well, and not call out her name as she was lost in the sea of people.
You spent the first day locked in your room, in the chair or the dressing table, but never in your bed, you couldn't, not when her perfume was still there. By the third you learned to breathe again. On the fifth your feet woke up, on the twelfth you reconciled with sleep, on the fifteenth you recovered the taste for your favorite dishes, on the twentieth you smiled again. And at fiftieth...
On the fiftieth, she came back.
You wish you could say you weren't expecting her, you really wanted to say she had taken you by surprise. But it was not like that. There were no whispered apologies, no warm hugs, no secret smiles, not even that spark that had brought you together in the first place, nothing. Just...she was there. It was a fact, cold and raw, nothing more.
A weak, quick "hello" was all it took for the dance you were now dancing, and had been doing for the past five years, to begin.
It was strange, you didn't know anything about her, about her life, if there was someone you were betraying by receiving her when her most carnal passions needed you, but you didn't care much either.
You missed her, you always missed her, and no matter how much she denied it, you knew she couldn't forget you either, no matter how hard she tried. She was always going to come back, over and over, and over again. Even if she didn't feel any more love for you, just a grudge.
Neither did you if you were honest. You no longer had anything to feel for her, and that was worse.
But you missed her, you missed her so much. You missed not feeling alone, the warmth of sharing a bed with someone, of feeling someone else's skin on yours, of hearing happiness flowing from the lips attached to yours. It didn't matter that the illusion lasted a few hours before she was gone again. It was fine, she would come back, she always did.
"There is no doubt, it is true that habit is stronger than love" you whispered before closing the window and going back to bed.
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Ladies of Disney + Blue
Part 2!
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jacarandaaaas · 6 months
“Coming like a storm into your town” is such a pepa line
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lizzywrites1 · 2 years
Okay... here goes...
Lizzy’s random Encanto OC:
Her name is Daniela
Daniela Olivia Rojas Madrigal
She’s the firstborn daughter of Julieta and Agustín (stay with me here)
She’s two years older than Isabela
Her gift is to use the elements at will. Not like Pépa with her weather, but like... think Avatar: The Last Airbender... Yeah, I know... just... I told you she doesn’t make a lot of sense.
When she gets mad she has a tendency to heat up and is more willing to use the fire aspect of her gift, but really, her emotions don’t go hand-in-hand with her gift.
She’s tall like Agustín and does actually wear glasses and has lighter eyes like her Pa. She’s built more like him too but has Julieta’s hair and smile.
Her glasses are more for reading than anything else, but when she first got them and everyone said, “Just like your Papí,” she was sold and never wanted to take them off. Total Daddy’s girl and may or may not have gotten into squabbles with Luisa over his attention.
She’s like Agustín, personality-wise, but is very patient and can be reserved like Julieta. V elegant, but will trip and fall on her face from time to time. 
She travels
A couple of years pre-movie, she decided she needed more than what Encanto had to offer. Since Isabela was the favorite, there wasn’t really any pressure on her to be perfect.
After many late-night talks with her parents, they finally are convinced and sully support her decision to explore the world outside of the Encanto.
Alma is not happy about this.
Like at all.
She hardly talks to Daniela during the time before she leaves but of course tells her goodbye and that she loves her.
Over time, she writes the family about where she is and where her travels take her. She returns home a couple of times, bringing in new fashions for her sisters and father and spices for her mother.
When she receives her mother’s letter about Casita’s fall and nearly losing her little sister, she races home. She doesn’t use her gift much to not freak people out, so she hadn’t noticed when the magic disappeared initially.
She was always closest to Mirabel, having been their mother’s biggest helper when the little one was born early and needed extra care.
She’s close with all of her sisters and they were both proud and upset when she left, but are totally relieved when she comes home.
She taught Luisa the most effective way to reroute the river and would help Isabela with proper watering and soil for her plants.
After Casita is rebuilt and has been for a while, she returns to her travels, saying she joined a band of people who were doing the same thing as she did and left their hometowns to travel.
This time around, she meets a young man, and surprise, surprise, they fall in love. She gushes about him in her letters home and Julieta and the girls think it's wonderful while Agustín isn’t all too sure about it. He wasn’t too happy about Mariano and he knew the boy since he was little.
Daniela brings him home and of course wins the family over in no time, asking Agustín for Daniela’s hand. Agustín cries and Julieta has to answer for him.
Agustín calls Daniela, “Mi bebé,” (My baby), (She is their first after all, even though she isn’t the baby of the family), whereas Julieta calls her, “Mi todo,” (My everything).
I feel like that's a lot more than anyone asked for (And I could honestly go into more detail but will spare you)... So, yeah, her being their first child is what I’m like, “This makes no sense,” and it doesn’t and her gift is meh, but it's what stuck with her and I literally can’t change it in my brain.
I doubt it, but if you have any questions about her... just ask. She’s not in anything and I think she’s just too random for me to write her into anything even though I’d love to. 
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estcsy · 2 years
I was every single song from the sour album at one point
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raymadrigal · 2 years
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Ghastly Elegance
Documentation by Lillian Heredia
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mugunghwarp · 2 years
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Idade: 22 anos.
Gênero: Feminino cis.
Qualidades: Esperta, motivada.
Defeitos: Insistente, inquieta.
Nacionalidade/Etnia: Inglesa/filipina-americana.
Temas de interesse: Angst, crack, fluffy, romance.
Faceclaim: Olivia Rodrigo - cantora e atriz.
Twitter: MV00AA.
OOC: +18 qualquer pronome.
TW: Vômito (visual), tripofobia, mídia de insetos, mídia paranormal, palhaços, gore, jumpscare, fotossensibilidade e luzes piscantes, capacitismo.
TW: Menção ao mar, afogamento, parada cardíaca, gravidez de risco, morte, ansiedade, negligência parental e consequências do colonialismo.
Há quem diga que as páginas desse conto foram polvilhadas com magia. A princesa dessa história é sobrevivente de um nascimento arriscado, uma parada cardíaca e violentas ondas marinhas. Antes da certeza de um final feliz, há a da perseguição — poderia ela considerar-se, talvez, adorada pela morte.
Mesmo antes das páginas de seu conto se abrirem, estava fadada a nascer em um berço de riquezas. Destino determinado por um ciclo de casamentos forçados: destas uniões, mantém-se intacto o poder de homens brancos. É a ordem da natureza. Existem forças que não podem ser paradas. O poder de uma linhagem de mulheres filipinas pouco poderia fazer para impedi-las: ao invés disso, os autores do conto e seus personagens suplicam por sua derrota. Com a regressão das páginas, a primeira Madrigal Adlawan a ser marcada pelos dedos desse destino é a avó da falsa princesa. Pressionada a mudar-se para os Estados Unidos pelo então namorado — um predador à espreita e um manipulador sagaz: na busca de uma esposa obediente, a melhor forma de assegurar sua obediência é encurralá-la em teias —, rico e poderoso, tardiamente percebeu que a sua única forma de sobrevivência em terras predominantemente dominadas por brancos seria ele. De sua história, há um aprendizado e uma questão: sem maridos brancos, o que fariam? Desse questionamento silencioso, sua filha aprendeu a seguir os mesmos passos. Com o marido, rodopiou dos Estados Unidos para o Reino Unido — uma tentativa de expandir a riqueza da família. O desfecho dessa história já é conhecido e previsível. Do casamento, é esperado que hajam herdeiros para carregar o impecável legado da família. O primeiro a nascer é um belíssimo e infeliz garoto e, anos depois, a última a nascer é uma belíssima e azarada garota.
Feito príncipe e princesa, os irmãos se banhavam em presentes e regalias. Um curativo para estancar o sangramento da ausência afetiva dos pais, sempre ocupados demais com os próprios deveres e afazeres. Com um império de riqueza a governar, pouco tempo restava para reconhecer os frutos dele — seus próprios filhos. No fim, não eram reis e rainhas e tampouco príncipes e princesas: apenas mais uma família arruinada por mãos brancas, cobertas de sangue e ganância, com uma mãe fadada a perseguir uma perfeição inalcançável e crianças famintas por afeto.
E, para Aurora, o afeto não veio dos pais e tampouco dos cuidadores por eles contratados. Para Aurora, o afeto não veio dos pais e nem de demais pessoas que a cercavam. Trechos de sua infância foram manchados por frustração. Demorou, mais do que outras crianças, para aprender a falar: seu cotidiano era marcado por desentendimentos e isolamento. As primeiras palavras não resolveram seu enigma frustrado. O resto do mundo ainda não a compreendia — e, honestamente, Aurora também não o entendia. Depois de anos de dúvidas e incertezas, houve uma resposta entregue à família: um diagnóstico de autismo. Das poucas pessoas que se esforçavam para entendê-la, haviam o seu irmão mais velho e sua avó, que preferia viajar para o lar dos netos antes de passar um minuto sequer na companhia do marido. Através dela, os irmãos Adlawan redescobriram sua identidade filipina — os idiomas, a culinária, a cultura e as tradições — e a reivindicaram. No irmão e na avó, Aurora encontrou um refúgio: da pintura, Aurora criou um.
Meio aos desencontros com a morte, a ansiedade de Aurora apenas cresceu. Em tentativas de encontrar a razão de ainda estar viva, ela mergulhou em pesquisas sobre os ambientes onde quase morreu. Artistas devem saber que, onde há caos, também há beleza, e Aurora se viu fascinada pela fauna das mesmas águas que a afogaram. Desde então, Aurora viaja de canto a canto, buscando espiar as mais diversas espécies marinhas e preencher as linhas de seu grosso caderno de estudos — sem jamais encostar na água. E o tempo de estadia é, claro, sempre escrito pelas ofertas do destino.
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Waves 1-18 Of My Comfort Characters List
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Oggy & Olivia (Oggy & The Cockroaches)
Little Miss Sunshine & Little Miss Shy (Little Misses)
Mr Quiet & Mr. Scatterbrain (Mr Men Show)
Hello Kitty, My Melody & Cinnamoroll (Sanrio)
Jigglypuff, Hypno, Eevee, Pichu, Torchic, Jirachi, Manaphy, Darkrai, Alice, Alicia, Dwebble, Iris & Sylveon (Pokémon)
Atsuover, Rageminer, Dawko, Jaiden Animations, CookieSwirlC, Nicky Tate, WolfyChu, Rosanna Pansino, Ava Ryan (YouTubers)
Holly & Nanny Plum (Ben & Holly's Little Kingdom)
Shaggy (Scooby Doo)
Slinky Dog, Jessie, Trixie & Bonnie (Toy Story)
Kasane Teto, Kagamine Rin & Hatsune Miku (Vocaloids)
Bubble (BFDI)
Cake, X & Winner (BFB + TPOT)
Lightbulb, Paintbrush, Bow & MePad (Inanimate Insanity)
Sonic, Tails, Vector, Chip, Cream, Chao, Orbot, Cubot, Zavok, Zazz & Tails Doll (Sonic The Hedgehog)
Mario, Luigi, Yoshi, Rosalina, Boo, Count Bleck & Tippi (Super Mario)
Dum Mee Mee (Shopkins)
Tinky Winky, Dipsy, Laa-Laa & Po (Teletubbies)
Oswald The Lucky Rabbit
Jack Skellington (Nightmare Before Christmas)
XR (Buzz Lightyear Of Star Command)
Garnet, Amethyst & Pearl (Steven Universe)
Giulia (Luca)
Wall-E & EVE (Wall-E)
Sunflower (Plants Vs Zombies)
Scarecrow & Mad Hatter (BTAS)
Scarecrow (TNBA)
Scarecrow (The Brave & The Bold)
Scarecrow (Arkham Asylum)
Scarecrow (Arkham Knight)
Scarecrow (Injustice 2)
Scarecrow & King Shark (Harley Quinn Series)
Scarecrow (Happy Halloween Scooby Doo)
Ragdoll (The Batman Series)
Question (DCAU)
Harley Quinn (MultiVersus)
SpongeBob, Patrick Star, Gary The Snail & Sandy Cheeks (SpongeBob SquarePants)
Moomimtroll, Moominmamma & Snorkmaiden (Moomin Series)
Numbuh 3/Kuki Sanban, Numbuh 5/Abigail Lincoln, Mushi Sanban, Numbuh 9/Maurice, Father/Benedict Wigglestein & Monty Uno/Numbuh 0 (Codename: Kids Next Door)
The Snatcher (A Hat In Time)
Poppet, Jeepers, Shishi, Sleepypaws, Baby Rox, Kissy, Captain Squirk & Dr. Strangeglove (Moshi Monsters)
Needlem0use & Luther Artwright (Needlem0use)
Pinkie Pie, Apple Bloom & Flurry Heart (My Little Pony)
505 & White Hat (Villainous)
Odie (Garfield)
Lilo, Stitch & Angel (Lilo & Stitch)
Candy Cat & Bunzo Bunny (Poppy Playtime)
F, P & Y (Alphabet Lore)
Rover, Isabelle, Timmy Nook & Tommy Nook (Animal Crossing)
Boo (Monsters Inc)
Orbulon (Warioware)
Felix & King Candy (Wreck It Ralph)
Bill Cipher (Gravity Falls)
Mio Mao
Edd, Matt, Tom & Tord (Eddsworld)
Tuffy & Tyke (Tom & Jerry)
Roy O'Brien (ROY Series)
Moon Knight (Marvel)
Mama (Cooking Mama)
PukeyHurlC (Grossery Gang)
Toriel, Napstablook, Sans & Papyrus (Undertale)
Jevil (Deltarune)
Boyfriend, Girlfriend, Hex, Tabi, Sunday, Sarvente, Nikusa, Annie, Garcello, Chris, Legacy Annie/Rascal & QT (Friday Night Funkin)
Soft! Boyfriend (FNF: Soft)
Red Guy, Duck Guy, Electracey, Bread Mother & Lesley (Don't Hug Me I'm Scared)
Puss In Boots, Kitty Softpaws, Three Diablos & Perrito (Puss In Boots)
Korekiyo Shinguji (Danganronpa)
Dave Algebra Class
SCP-049/Plague Doctor & SCP-999/Tickle Monster (SCP)
Skid, Pump, Robert, Jaune & Streber (Spooky Month)
Shirousa & Kurousa (Sugar Bunnies)
Bingo & Snorky (Banana Splits)
Dr. Nefarious (Ratchet & Clank)
Grim Reaper (Grim Adventures Of Billy & Mandy)
Spot The Dog
Harry Hill, Robert Englund, Charles Martinet & Tom Kenny (Celebrities)
Slushi, Cofi & Bezel (Chikn Nuggit)
Foxy, Funtime Freddy & Sun (Five Nights At Freddy's)
Toothless (How To Train Your Dragon)
Gingy (Shrek)
Neo Cortex, Aku Aku, Dingodile, Lani-Loli & Kapuna-Wa (Crash Bandicoot)
Pipsqueak (The Lorax)
Secret History Tails (Mashed)
Lord X Hog & Curse (EXEs)
Majin Sonic
MX (Mario 85)
Eri, Tsuyu Asui & Ms Joke (My Hero Academia)
Suki (Avatar: The Last Airbender)
Sonic (Sonic The Hedgehog Movie)
Shuey Rhon Rhon (Beijing 2022 Paralympics Mascot)
Miraitowa & Someity (Tokyo 2020 Olympic Mascots)
Inky (Pac-Man)
Mirabel Madrigal & Pepa Madrigal (Encanto)
Meilin Lee & Abby Park (Turning Red)
Wanda (Fairly Oddparents)
Bender (Futurama)
N (Murder Drones)
EteleD & Corrupt Mii (Wii Deleted You)
Taki (Friday Night Fever)
Unikitty (Unikitty Series)
Della Duck (Ducktales)
Hypno & Lost Silver/Gold (Pokepasta)
Shinto (FNF: Lullaby)
Pim (Smiling Friends)
Wednesday Addams (Wednesday Series)
Komasan (Yo-Kai Watch)
Sayori & Monika (Doki Doki Literature Club)
Kirby & Meta Knight (Kirby)
Chudd Chudders & DangerGrid Of Doom (Skatoony)
Bendy (BATDR)
Boris & Sammy Lawrence (BATIM)
Tari & Meggy Spletzer (SMG4)
Zardy (Zardy's Maze)
Scar (Alien Vs Predator)
Mugman & Baroness Von Bon Bon (The Cuphead Show)
Charlie Morningstar, Angel Dust & Alastor (Hazbin Hotel)
Slender Man, Splendor Man & Lulu (Creepypasta)
Mario.EXE (Mario's Madness)
Blitzo, Moxxie & Colin (Helluva Boss)
Woolly & Tig
Sam (Trick R Treat)
Hank Anderson (Detroit: Become Human)
Mr. Shark (The Bad Guys)
Charles Calvin, Reginald Copperbottom, Right Hand Man & Dmitri Petrov (Henry Stickmin)
Grogu (The Mandalorian)
Pusheen The Cat
Anya Forger (Spy X Family)
Slappy (Goosebumps)
Zoe Kusama (Criminal Case)
Flaky (Happy Tree Friends)
Pim (Smiling Friends)
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evostar · 17 days
I don’t have designs but I got names for Dolores’ kids!
Diego Baltazar - 17 years old (all the kids’ hermano mayor)
Paloma Abar - 15  years old
Ines Barbero - 15 years old 
Camilo - 15
Mirabel - 15
Xavier Cruz  - 13 years old
Jaun Alonso - 13 years old
Andres Delgado - 11 years old
Luz Almamilla  - 11 years old 
Marcia ruiz  - 10 years old
Carlos Ballon  - 10 years old
Lyla Cazarez  - 10 years old 
Esteban De Toro - 10 years old
Rosa Facundo - 10 years old 
Donaldo Granado - 8 years old
Daniela Granado - 8 years old
Damaro Granado - 8 years old
Leandra Henriquez - 8 years old
Esmerelda  Jerez - 8 years old
Olivia Jiminez Madrigal (the girl Dolores adopted)- 7 years old
Rafaela Lazcano - 7 years old 
Juancho Bertan - 5 years old 
Yago Terron - 5 years old
Frisco Segundo - 5 years old
Alejandra Mancha- 5 years old
Cecilia Reymundo - 5  years old 
Vicenta Marciel - 5 years old
Patricia Ortuno - 5 years old
Almira Dantel - 3 years old
Cruzito Pabon - 2 years old
Bronco Socarras - 1 year old
Angela Tadeo - 10 months old 
Amalia Tadeo - 10 months old 
Victorio Jiminez  Madrigal - 7 months old
I feel like the unofficial adopted kids (especially the abused ones) will use the last name “Madrigal” to estrange themself from the last name they got from their parents/guardian. 
Also, when a kid (or kids) feels unsafe at home do they go to Dolores and/or Mariano? I’m sure it’s a yes but I’m just makin sure. 
I kind of imagine a kid running to Tia Casita and going through the secret back door to Dolores. And in the morning all of the other madrigals just wake up and see a random kid at the breakfast table. Lolo silently dares anyone to say anything with her side eye. 
In that type of situation she’ll have the kid stay at Casita with Camilo, Mirabel, and Antonio while she beats up the people who made her baby feel any sort of pain (and takes them to the authorities right afterwards.)
And on the plus side, a new baby gets to stay with her! 
Lil side thought: The kids definitely call Mariano’s grandmother Bisabuela and it warms her heart so much. 
Also I’m pretty sure that’s the case with most of the children there!! Don’t like being a (surname)? Dont worry just be a madrigal! 😃👍
When any of the children just start to feel bad at a certain point, they most likely go to Dolores. Calling her or just go into the room! But I’m sure that if they noticed that Dolores is busy they definitely will go to Mariano too :)
I would say that Dolores would’ve wanted the kids to rather have breakfast in the room since most of them maybe don’t trust any other adult but if they would still want to stay with Dolores (or any of the others) she would bring them down without an expectation!
Sooo true! It’s like- you hurt them and Dolores will hurt you 🙌 Dolores loves taking in new babies, since they’re literally adorable 🥹
Bisabuela on her way!💪 (literally such an cute name for her💕)
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The next morning after Dolores took the two in
Alma would’ve been just like “seriously…an other one..”
Julieta and Agustín would start to eventually adore them! (But then question later on from where they come from)
Pepa would be confused meanwhile casita accidentally left Félix out! (Not in a mean way, he was just late and casita forgot)
Mariano would’ve come to visti too, just to make sure everything’s okay! (Alma would think he came for Isabela, and would put him next to her which annoyed dolores a lot)
Mirabel would tell the kids that she would come play later! (She’s their favorite playmate and it’s normal for them to eat faster than the Madrigals)
Antonio introduces the girl everyone in his family and would definitely keep talking to her!
Isabela would get annoyed that Dolores is doing it, thinking she’s trying to ruin breakfast time (but she actually also adores the new children)
Camilo would try to irritate Isabela on purpose when he sees that she gets annoyed by it, mostly he does it because he knows that she likes the children (he makes sure they eventually talk to her too, if the wanna)
Luisa waves to the little one, also finding it adorable :D (Camilo did it on purpose but then he started to wave on his own)
And dolores just stares Alma down, daring her to say anything about it!
+ Mariano’s grandmother (don’t have a name yet) would be with the children upstairs, making sure they’re okay while Dolores is gone
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willthewise85 · 9 months
Name: Penny
Basic stuff: gender-fluid lesbian, INFP, writer, theater kid
Pronouns: she/they/it
Interests (that I post abt): Solitaire, dps, st, IT, Yellowjackets, hsmtmts, tlou, Marvel, prolly other stuff too but those are the main ones
Music taste: Taylor Swift, Boygenius, Lucy Dacus, Mitski, Maya Hawke, Lana Del Rey, Olivia Rodrigo, Noah Kahan, Hozier
(Some of) My kins:
Michael Holden (osemanverse)
Carrie White (Carrie)
Ellie Williams (tlou)
Pepa Madrigal (Encanto)
Stephen Grant (Moonknight)
Robin Buckley (Stranger things)
Richie Tozier (IT)
Heather Mac (Heathers the musical)
Neil Perry (Dead poets society)
Misty Quigley (Yellowjackets)
Sprolden (Solitaire)
Stenbrough (IT)
Seblos (Hsmtmts)
Taivan (Yellowjackets)
Perc’ahlia (Critical Role)
Ao3: Willthewise85
My Sprolden fic master list: here
Sideblog: vexahlias-bow
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bruniciobrunaldo · 15 days
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Hello, my name is Bruno, I'm 21 and I'm trying to get back on track with writing (also lost my old account) I'm thinking of using this account to express my love for all the fictional characters I love (not only Ash)
Either way, I write for different fandoms, being my thing writing for male readers and readers under the trans umbrella mostly
Who I write for
Michael Myers (RZ's too)
Jason Vorhees
Freddy Krueger
Leatherface (Bubba Sawyer)
Leatherface (Thomas Hewitt)
Chop Top Sawyer
Nubbins Sawyer
Billy Lenz
Ghostface (Billy Loomis, Stu Macher and Mickey Altieri)
Brahms Heelshire
Vincent Sinclair
Bo Sinclair
Lester Sinclair
Pennywise (1991 and 2017)
Leslie Vernon
Josef (Creep)
Kurt Kunkle
Norman Bates
Martin (1977)
The Creeper (Creepers Jeepers)
Albert Shaw/The Grabber
Steve Rogers/Captain America
Bucky Barnes
Bruce Banner
Peter Quill/Starlord
Scott Lang/Ant-man
Quicksilver (any)
Jack Russell
Steven Grant
Arthur Harrow
Peter Parker (any)
Doc Ock (Olivia or Otto)
Hobie Brown
Gwen Stacy
George Stacy
Miles Morales
Pavitr Prabhakar
The Spot
(movie or series versions)
Bruce Wayne/Batman
Edward Nygma
Edward Nashton
Arthur Fleck
Joker (Ledger)
Oswald Cobblepot
Jonathan Crane
Abner Krill (Polka Dot-Man)
Harley Quinn
Barry Allen/Flash (movie only)
Ratcatcher 2
Rick Flag
Chris Smith/Peacemaker
Adrian Chase/Vigilante
Judge Frollo
Dr. Facilier
Lottie LaBouf
Jim Hawkins
Madrigal family
Dead by Daylight
David King
Jeff Johanssen
Ace Visconti
Jane Romero
Kate Denson
Felix Richter
Mikaela Reid
Vittorio Toscano
The Trapper
The Nurse
The Doctor
The Huntress
The Legion
Skull Merchant
Other characters
Ash Williams
Carrie White
Dewey Riley
Robert Van Helsing
Coach Boomer
Jareth The Goblin King
Willy Wonka (Chalamet's)
The Janitor (Willy's Wonderland)
Steve Harrington
Eddie Munson
Jonathan Byers
Dewey Finn
Beetlejuice (Keaton's)
Abe Sapiens
Prince Nuada
Mostly for nsfw purposes (mainly monsters)
Freaky nsfw (the monsterfucker kind)
Long fics
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elveswithoutears · 1 year
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Massive Blog Promo
OC - @axxholesniper, Liquidator, OC, Fethry Loon, Hades, Jims Starling, Launchpad McQuack, Liquidator - @clucktales Steelbeak, Steelbeak - @directorsteelbeak, Ernesto De La Cruz (Alive and Dead), King Dice, Ms Chalice, Agustin Madrigal, Bruno Madrigal, Helpy, Moon Drop, Sunny, William Afton, Egon Spengler, Ray Stantz, Gozer, Dean McCoppin, Jake Lockley, Marc Spector, Steven Grant, Lucifer, Ebenezer Scrooge, Harry Huffman, Sherlock Holmes, Teldryn Sero, Eddie Munson, Basil of Baker Street, Olivia Flaversham, Professor Ratigan, Alador Blight, Admiral Hornagold, Captain Crow, Captain Jim Nicklebones, Jacob Holland - @elveswithoutearsmultimuse , Negadrake - @negadrakemallard, Peter Vincent - @petervincentmasterofdarkness, Darkwing Duck, Gosalyn Mallard, NegaGos, Darkwarrior, Darkiwng, Gosalyn Mallard, NegaGos - @terrorofthenight Darkiplier, Mayor Iplier - @thedarkmarkdamien Falcon Graves - @thefalcongraves Alastor, Charlie, Nifty, Sir Pentious, Tom Trench, Ozzie, Fizz, Millie, Robo Fizz, Stolas, Striker - @theredhazbinhotel
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wearelondonhq · 7 months
mw characters in general across multiple fandoms?
ooh so many! gomez addams, pugsley addams, enid sinclair, ajax petropolus, bianca barclay (wednesday), landon gibson, noah porter, kimberly (after), tarzan, belle, elsa, anna, isabela madrigal, luisa madrigal, ariel (disney), david nolan/prince charming, captain hook/killian, zelena, ruby, alice, will, cyrus (once upon a time/in wonerland), spencer hastings, emily fields, hanna marin (pretty little liars), edward cullen, bella swan, jacob black, alice cullen, jasper hale, emmett cullen, rosalie hale, laurent (twilight), mike wheeler, steve harrington, jonathan byers, max mayfield, jane "eleven" hopper, lucas sinclair (stranger things), the doctor (any! but special request for 10-13), amy pond, and rory (doctor who), qetsiyah, stefan salvatore, jeremy gilbert (the vampire diaries), kim possible, monique, ron stoppable, junior (kim possible), colin robinson, guillermo de la cruz (what we do in the shadows), ryn, maddie bishop (siren), jane facciano, olivia valdovinos, cynthia zdunowski, nancy nakagawa (rise of the pink ladies), avery grambs, grayson hawthorne, jameson hawthorne, alexander hawthorne, nash hawthorne, libby grambs (the inheritance games), alina starkov, inej ghafa (grishaverse), fiona gallagher, philip gallagher, ian gallagher, veronica fisher (shameless), and truly a billion more!
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dear-indies · 4 months
Hi Cat !! Hope you're having a lovely new year so far! May I please ask for some actors/actresses (faceclaims) who can play the parents and the younger sisters of Monica Barbaro, please? Thank you so much!! Hope 2024 treats you tell!! 💕
(I did send this ask a while ago, but I'm unsure if tumblr ate it)
She's 1/4 Mexican so here are some suggestions! Please note that I couldn't find anything about her Mexican background (if she's a white Mexican etc.) so these might not be perfect casts.
Half Mexican parent:
Diana Gabaldon (1952) Mexican / English, Irish, Scottish.
Anne Ramsay (1960) Mexican / Northern Irish, Scottish, English, distant German.
Alex Meneses (1965) Mexican / Ukrainian, possibly some Polish.
Tommy Pallotta (1968) Mexican / Italian, English, possibly other.
Ricardo Antonio Chavira (1971) Mexican / German, Irish.
Al Madrigal (1971) Mexican / Italian Sicilian.
Other parent:
Peter Gallagher (1955)
Daniel Day-Lewis (1957)
Stanley Tucci (1960)
Jeanne Tripplehorn (1963)
Dermot Mulroney (1963)
Marisa Tomei (1964)
Famke Janssen (1964)
Alan Cumming (1965) - is bisexual.
Marton Csokas (1966)
John Cusack (1966) - is pro Palestine!
Olivia Williams (1968)
Michael Sheen (1969)
Paget Brewster (1969)
Catherine Zeta-Jones (1969)
David Tennant (1971)
Carla Gugino (1971)
Seychelle Gabriel (1991) French, Mexican / Italian, including Sicilian.
And then half because I couldn't find other 1/4 Mexican suggestions:
Rose Matafeo (1992) Samoan / Croatian and Scottish.
Luciane Buchanan (1993) Tongan / Scottish.
Maia Mitchell (1993) - is pro Palestine!
Midori Francis (1994) Japanese / Irish, Scottish, Welsh, Italian - is queer.
Ivana Baquero (1994)
Jaz Sinclair (1994) African-American / Italian, Irish, Swedish.
Geraldine Viswanathan (1995) Tamil Indian / Swiss-German.
Jessie Mei Li (1995) Hongkonger / English - is a gender non-conforming woman who uses she/they.
Emma Mackey (1996)
Ella Balinska (1996) Afro Jamaican / Polish, English.
Myha'la (1996) Afro Jamaican / White.
Iman Meskini (1997) Tunisian / Norweigan - is pro Palestine!
Nicole Maines (1997) - is trans.
Piper Curda (1997) Korean / English, Scottish - is apsec.
Lauren Tsai (1998) Taiwanese / Polish, Italian, English, German, Irish.
Bailee Madison (1999)
I hope you have a great 2024 too, anon!
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disneyfemslashfankids · 8 months
Disney Femslash Fankids List
Fankid Tagging System:
💝-Same Universe
💗-Disney x Non Disney
Made by me:
Daxton and Serena Rabbit(Jessica Rabbit x Lola Bunny)💖💗
Emilyn Rabbit(Jessica Rabbit x Holli Would)💖💗
Elle, Andy, Sebastian, Mateo, Ezra and Pamela(Anita Radcliffe x Julieta Madrigal)(Elle, Andy and Sebastian are triplets same thing goes to Mateo, Ezra and Pamela)(Andy is a demiboy)💖
Dawn Dracula(Mavis x Rapunzel)💖💗
Maeko Madrigal(Moana x Mirabel Madrigal)💖
Jennavee Rabbit(Jessica Rabbit x Betty Boop)💖💗
Karleen Madrigal(Elsa x Isabela Madrigal)💖
Astree Madrigal(Mirabel Madrigal x Giulia Marcovaldo)💖
Edwin de Vil(Cruella de Vil x Anita Radcliffe)💝
Kyra(Elsa x Rapunzel)💖
Lenna DunBroch(Elsa x Merida DunBroch)💖
Sunny Hofferson(Astrid Hofferson x Rapunzel)💖💗
Audra Madrigal(Chicha x Pepa Madrigal)💖
Carla Madrigal(Sarah Hawkins x Pepa Madrigal)💖
Ruth DunBroch(Merida DunBroch x Toothiana)💖💗
Clarissa(Yatta x Malina)💝
Amie Madrigal(Isabela Madrigal x Rapunzel)💖
Chandler Madrigal(Raya x Dolores Madrigal)💖
Beatrice Porter-Smollett(Amelia Smollett x Jane Porter)💖
Maria, Mark, Myron, Marcus, Maya and Mona Lee-Wexler(Miriam Wexler x Mei Lee)💝
Wilma and Joan Mangal(Priya x Goth Girl)💝
Priscilla Lee-Park(Abby Park x Mei Lee)💝
Elias, Silas, Helen, Margaret and Harriet Pines-Northwest(Pacifica Northwest x Mabel Pines)💝(Elias, Silas and Helen are triplets)
Jana, Athena, Meera and Olivia Noceda-Blight(Amity Blight x Luz Noceda)💝(all four girls are quadruplets)
Caleb and Lynn Pines-Chiu(Candy Chiu x Mabel Pines)💝
Evan and Esme Pines-Corduroy(Wendy Corduroy x Mabel Pines)💝
Heather La Bouff(Tiana x Charlotte La Bouff)💝
Amelia(Tiana x Cinderella)(I forgot the person who requested her)💖
Amanda Pelekai(Nani Pelekai x Ariel)(requested by anon)💖
Eli and James La Bouff(Tiana x Charlotte La Bouff)(requested by @georgi-girl)💝
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