#oh yea I'm just gonna sing this word that is also a petname to the character bff's face
Soooo... I have realised no one mentioned this tibdit of information and I feel it's Very Important for the sake of fanfic, so I'm here to bring y'all what a few hours of very focused research after ep 9 of the gifted graduation dropped brought me.
And there's no better place to post this than my tinhatting corner, isn't there?
So. I know we've all read about That Song. We've all read the translation and it's been life changing to see the way the whole scene is shot like a romcom, and how well the song fits the theme of the scene, but my tinhatting brain couldn't stop there. I had to notice that both Pang and Wave sing some parts of the song. Wave does it in the beginning, before Pang comes in, and Pang does so once he's sitting with the earbud on. And, right there and then, the urge to know which part of the song they were singing about came to me. I was especially interested in knowing what Pang was singing, because he's just singing it under his breath, and he does this weird thingy where he's singing the last word, looks at Wave, and then smiles this small smile as he looks away. Which is already... Como se dice,,, pretty romcom-y of them, and I have questions to Nanon about his soft heart eyes and to the screenwriters about their stage directions, but like... It's chill. It's cool.
It gets progressively less cool as one goes to read the parts they were singing.
Let's start with explaining the instruments I used (and, while we're here, let's thank Vale who helped me find all this stuff, she's an angel), bc as a firm believer of science I need to explain my method in case anyone wants to repeat my mistakes: first of all, this is the lyrics sheet I've used for translation. I've put it in this app, which is super useful in that it gives you the translation for every single word and their transliteration, which is extremely important for those of us (me) who don't understand Thai alphabet. To make sure I was using the right lyrics, I've used this version of the song to follow along to, and then, once I was confident I put on the right lyrics, I started to follow along with the episode. And it was... An interesting experience, to say the least.
So. What were they singing, and why do I feel like it's so relevant I had to make a post about it?
Let's start with Wave.
First, he sings this line:
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The translation of the sentence is a bit messy, but it corresponds to "there may be times where we meet someone new". That's... Honestly kinda irrelevant to the whole Pangwave business because, well. There's no new people involved? But after that, it kinda gets interesting.
Then, he sings:
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The translation for this one according to Google translate should be "but we still have our hearts not afraid" which... Doesn't make much sense to me unless we translate it as "but we still have (keep) each others' heart, don't be afraid" (or maybe "but our hearts are still not afraid", but that seems like too much of a stretch to me), but I'm not sure if I'm just misconstruing stuff, so please feel free to correct me. Now THIS sounds like a sentiment Wave, the guy who's listening to a love song after a fight with his "friend" while drinking his absent friend tea, could relate to.
The final part we hear Wave sing along to is this one:
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(Note: I've crossed out the part that Wave doesn't sing because it was part of that same verse)
This one is the trickiest to translate, as Wave gets interrupted mid-phrase, but it's basically the bridge of the song. According to Google translate, we should translate it as: "What I want is keep us always watching / if we accidentally forget-". I guess it could be "what I want is for us to keep being careful [with our hearts] / if we accidentally forget to [...]"
So, all in all it's pretty clear it's a song about two lovers who are momentarily separated, but despite that, still enamoured with each other. Pretty fitting for Pangwave's situation, right? But what really, truly, absolutely made me lose sleep it's not the fact that Wave chose this song, or which parts he chose to sing of it, but what Pang sings. Did I have an inkling before researching the exact line he sings, that it would devastate me? Yes. But did I know how much? Absolutely not.
Here, this is the line Pang sings under his breath:
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Once again, Google translate tells us this means "always take care and keep your heart", which is more of less something romcom-y but not romcom-y enough to make me go as feral as I actually went. You want to know what made me actually want to ask a few questions to anyone involved with the scene? It's the fact that the one word Pang murmurs under his breath while looking at Wave, the one word he sings, and then SMILES AND LOOKS AWAY FROM WAVE? it's. This one.
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I urge you to look for it yourselves if you don't believe me, but I can assure you I've watched it enough times to be very sure, and I'm still asking myself how is it possible that Pang sings a word which means "heart", "sweetheart" and "beloved one" while looking at Wave and then. He looks away. Like. I just wanna know what was the idea behind this whole scene, because to me it just looks like Pang accidentally on purpose called Wave sweetheart and then realised and got nervous about it.
So, yeah. That's all, and if y'all needed an excuse to make Pang use pet names for Wave in fics, here it is: it's basically canon.
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