#oh and id never 'replace' him the request said the 141 + konig
l13 · 10 months
Its more for you than anything else. I saw the explosion over gaz and to offer some sort of explanation. The Fandom in large kind of replaced Gaz (who is only member in the 141 who is a poc) with König (who is large, Austrian or German, not in the game but the Multiplayer.
Gaz is a fully developed charakter with flaws and strength and everthing. He has a charakter modle where we are not learning month after the fact that he is wearing a t-shirt instead of a mask. And könig is basically just that. Some voicelines and an ever changing spreadsheet of a few Infos (they can't even decide on a nationality).
So it feels super sus that the Fandom as a whole is ignoring Gaz (who again, is the only poc charakter of the 141) and is spending so much time and energy on someone like könig. And then someone comes along, who admittedly dosnt know a whole lot about the game itself, forgets gaz (like 90% of the Fandom in large ignors him) and just add to a fire she didn't even knew was going on.
I do understand how frustrating that must be for both sides.
i totally get that, and i understand the frustration behind it as well. But that anon could have easily voiced their opinion calmly, just as you're doing now, without attacking me out of the blue.
I don't know about other people, but I personally have not consumed any content about gaz and i'm not really familiar with his character. With that said, I'm not going to lie and say that i didn't know he was in 141, because I did. I literally just forgot, though.
Besides that, everyone's preferences are different, and no one should be put on the spot if they happen to not obsess over one poc character that much, and be accused of being racist. Like, what the fuck?
No one can tell me which characters to like and not like. And I don't choose which characters to write for based on the color of their skin, jesus christ.
That anon had a lot of shit to say about my writing and how it's so bad, but if they took the time to actually check my masterlist they would have seen that I write for hobie brown. A character from atsv, who is literally a poc. Not to mention I literally have gaz in the visuals posts, as well.
Anyways I don't really wanna blow things out of proportion, I think I already have. Point is, I don't like being accused of smth I'm not, it's honestly very sad. But I totally see where you're coming from, and that the anon's mindset was in the right place but just came off super bad
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