#of course you dont't get this info that the city had a palace before Seiros popped up in Tru Piss
randomnameless · 1 year
In the explore section, before attacking Enbarr, GK goes :
Enbarr's history goes back 1,400 years. That even predates the founding of the Empire.
Which is confirmed in by the History books (Rhea landing around there in -41) and Nopes.
A Monk even says :
Did you know? A magnificent canal flows through downtown Enbarr.  It's said to have been constructed under the guidance of Saint Seiros before the Empire was even formed. Ever since, that canal has been a major lifeline for the capital's development.
But then Judith says :
It's not just big. This city was designed to protect the castle where the emperor lives.  It's as though the city itself is a massive stronghold.
Enbarr existed before Adrestia, but it was re-designed to protect Willy’s castle? Rhea in a typical “Treehouse 5D chess” moment created that canal, to serve as a fortification somehow, because 40 years later Willy would become Emperor and it will serve to protect his new castle?
Enbarr existed before Adrestia, Nopes indicates there used to be a noble there (jury’s out about Willy being one of the many lords of Enbarr or The Lord of Enbarr!) who would have had a palace/castle before Seiros the Warrior popped up. Seiros made her canal and developped the city. And maybe later on, as Adrestia prepared for war and built forts around (Myrddin iirc) Enbarr was fortified too, to protect the palace/castle ?
Edit : I’ve checked around the script and all, and it’s the “designed” to part that was a bit weird - in the jp/cn scripts it’s more something like the city had the task to protect the palace, but it doesn’t mean it was specifically designed, since the beginning, to do so.
Double Edit : I was mistaken on “designed” because it has two meanings, and I brainfarted (no thanks to the french loc this time), it’s coherent with the jp meaning if you take “designed” as “this city was chosen” meaning, but not as the “designed” like “it was built/conceived this way for this purpose”
(pour une fois c’est toutes les trad EU qui se sont merdées)
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