#not to mention fucking over anyone who has a complicated gender or doesn't pass or is closeted etc
transvarmint · 2 months
Being a woman does not make you immune to being misogynistic, nor does it make you any less prone to being misogynistic.
You are not less misogynistic by virtue of being a woman. You are not any less capable of perpetrating it.
To believe that being a woman in and of itself makes you less likely to be misogynistic is just essentialism. It implies that other genders are more misogynistic solely only the basis of their gender, rather than being misogynistic based on the choices they actively make.
To not be misogynistic, you must actively choose to fight against it, everyday. You must actively make choices that challenges systemic and social misogyny. You must question your own biases and how they influence your behavior.
You cannot be passively anti-misogyny. Your gender does not give you a free pass.
And importantly, women can absolutely perpetuate misogyny against other women, AND people who are not women. So you must be checking yourself for misogynistic bias in ALL interactions.
*** Before anyone comes at me, YES this applies to men and all genders as well. No, I'm not blaming women for systemic misogyny. I'm simply pointing out that everyone plays a role in it. Women are capable of perpetuating bigotry, especially if there are other intersections at play. Women are not perfect victims, they are human beings who have autonomy, and that autonomy includes the capability to uphold harmful institutions. ***
*** Also yes, experiencing misogyny on a daily basis will cause you to have a different relationship to it. Some folks respond to that by fighting against misogyny, but others respond to that trauma by continuing the cycle of abuse. This is just a fact. ***
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Yeah, there's a lot to be said about the historical, medical, and literary losses experienced during WW2 and the way that this narrative being pushed seriously damages our own senses of self.
Most people aren't thinking "oh how nice it would be to have been at risk for death in a genocide" or some other tomfoolery like these folx keep insisting they must. Most people are a) remembering loved ones they lost (coincidentally, this whole business has convinced me and my family to go back thru our family records and revisit some old memories and family knowledge and hoo boi did that result in some interesting new discoveries because it's been a while, and other family members have found new records and documents that we didn't know about before), b) thinking about the very simple fact that not so long ago, entire swaths of the world were convinced they should be horrifically tortured/murdered and that doesn't bode well for our current rate of de-evolution, c) speaking of our current rate of de-evolution and the direct comparisons that are being made by both survivors and expert historians, people are wondering just how concerned they need to be about their own selves right here and now, d) people are realizing (and no matter how often we have this convo, there will always be some person who has been so cut off that this is the first they're hearing of it) that "holy shit people like me existed in the world, and there's not this stalwart absence where my sense of placement and self should be anymore because actually that absence is man-fucking-made", e) that man-made loss itself is extremely notable, as you say. There was successful gender reassignment surgery way back when, there were records of queer experiences and acknowledgement of queer humanity that we will never get to read again because the nazis burned it, eugenicist science performed in the camps on disabled bodies has formed the unquestioned backbone of massive portions of medical and psychological sciences for a CENTURY and we're only just now beginning to successfully dismantle that, these are not trivial realities, and lastly f) a not insignificant portion of victims was American expats who came from marginalized US communities to live in Europe because during the first world war they realized that not every place was like their own home where they were treated as subhuman, only to find themselves in the middle of a genocide.
The realities of the holocaust, let alone of WW2 as a whole, are FAR more complex and far reaching than this narrative allows for. It is critical that we acknowledge that. Because a HUGE amount of neo-nazi radicalization relies on a base understanding of the holocaust as an aberrant event disconnected from any other aspect of history and modern society, and which occurred so long ago that it could no longer be relevant to anyone today. Agreeing with that premise doesn't EVER protect Jews, because it inevitably eventually turns into "so why are YOU so worked up about it still when everyone else has gotten over it".
Not to mention - and this is where I'm gonna really fuck myself tbh so like...whatever - this all sprang up again somehow, miraculously, right after Bibi realized he was losing his fucked up grip on Israeli politics and his predecessors might expose him, his administrations, and their political and military decisions for the monstrosities that they were. Which I wouldn't normally bother connecting to this only he deliberately raised the spectre of the "11 million myth" again juuuuuust before Tumblr started spouting the same words like a fucking broken spigot. Tumblr is well known for getting it's views on Judaism and Jews from some of the more insanely conservative and orthodox Jewish cults, which are the same ones Bibi happens to rely on and ally with, and it doesn't surprise me at all that Tumblr has become saturated in this particular brand of fucked up holocaust denial as a result.
I'm not gonna get into my feelings on Israel which are deeply complicated both as a result of my upbringing and my research/work/specialties. But like. Bibi and his ilk have been actively harmful to every Jewish population living outside of Israel and have not spared a thought to abandoning us to all manner of genocide, hate crimes, and abuses because - and this is critical - he thinks of us as traitors and not real jews. This is an administration that has denied the Jewishness of children and grandchildren of Jewish holocaust survivors because the families had gone Reform after the holocaust and "Reform isn't real Judaism". This is an administration that believes interfaith marriages aren't real and there are no black Jews left in the world. This is an administration that has actively allied itself with right wing extremists, the current US President (45) and fucking neo-nazis without so much as batting an eye. This is an administration that has actively fought against LGBT+ rights. This is an administration that has actively passed laws saying major swaths of the population of their country DON'T HAVE CIVIL RIGHTS AT ALL. Why the fuck anyone would trust their views on ~anything~ is beyond me. At this point, anyone who finds themselves agreeing with this administration on anything should do some serious soul searching and outside research in order to make sure they haven't been fed a pile of misinformation because NOTHING they say should be trusted.
In much the same way as the United States currently has an administration that actively works against the interests of it's people both at home and abroad, Israel has that in Bibi. I wish more of these Tumblr folx had the context to understand that. No matter what they think, this narrative doesn't "center Jews". It hurts us.
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