#not sure i'll do the whole series because i'm a season 5+ hater
tarth · 1 year
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GAME OF THRONES Season 1 | April 17, 2011 - June 19, 2011
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elviriel · 7 months
Angel The Series. Obviously.
bless you for asking 🌹 i finished it yesterday and the opinions are Brewing
my favorite female character: Cordelia. I grew so, so very attached to her during my watch - I always liked her a lot, but I wasn't hugely invested in her in BTVS either. Here, though? Favorite. Which made season four and five all the more frustrating at times, especially given what we know of the behind the scenes stuff with CC and JW T_T. But yeah, I love Cordelia. She's a fun foil for a character like Angel, and her journey with the visions - and the fact that she didn't want to give them up - was really enjoyable for me
my favorite male character: At the risk of sounding obvious, Angel? I keep trying to articulate the why of it, and it comes down to just the fact that I just... like him. Wesley from season 3 on comes very close, but in general, I tend to root for Angel more. The biggest indicator of my liking for Angel was that the second Spike came onto the scene, I was hissing like a cat like "ok vampire with a soul is ANGEL'S THING"
my favorite book/season/etc: I find it hard to choose between 2 and 3 atm. 2 had Angel's little dark spiral, which I found very fun, and season 3 had the whole "the father kills the son" arc, which was the most invested I ever was in this show
my favorite episode (if its a tv show): season 5 is fresher in my mind, so I'm going to say episode 12 of season 5, because that one has Cordelia in it - and is, thankfully, a nice send-off for her, though I'll forever be bitter she couldn't be around for the whole season (It might have made me less resentful of Spike's general presence, tho I did enjoy him regardless)
my favorite cast member: Idk much about them as people, but I'm going to say Alexis Denisof kILLED as unshaven miserable Wesley, and I was very impressed with him
my favorite ship: I hesitate between Angel x Cordelia and Wesley x Lilah. Angel x Cordy took me by surprise - I'm a diehard Bangel, and before watching ATS, the knowledge that Angel x Cordy became a thing made me a hater already. But I was surprised by how their friendship grew, and the Ship was Awakened in me when Angel was obviously deeply upset that Cordelia was still mad at him in season 2. That being said, I also think I'd have been satisfied with Angel x Cordy without the romantic element, as long as they kept the close friends/warriors for good aspect. It's the kind of ship that I feel could stay friends (unlike, say, Bangel, to refer to Spike's little 'You'll never be friends' speech", which I know you're familiar with xD), and I do like my ships with a bit more bite, no pun intended. And Wesley x Lilah was a fucking delight. Didn't see it coming, enjoyed every second of it, right down to the corpse head chopping. OH, I also enjoyed Lindsey x Darla for what it was. Lindsey in general was a fav of mine - he's just neat!
a character I’d die defending: Mmmm. No answer springs to mind, but I will say, I found myself kind of protective of Harmony in season 5 - I know she's a soulless little demon, but like, be nice to her (the fact that Spike was so dismissive of her got under my skin like BRO where's that soul of yours now)
a character I just can’t sympathize with: I desperately want to say Andrew, but we barely saw him, and that's mostly my BTVS feelings bleeding over. I'm sure there are answers among the villains, but nobody comes to mind.
a character I grew to love: Definitely Wesley. I was never too keen on him, but then, gosh. His dark side is just FASCINATING and I love him to bits.
my anti otp: unfortunately i can't say sp*ffy for ATS xD but otherwise, i don't think there's any ship on Angel I outright hate. Though Connor x Cordelia was definitely unpleasant, I don't really count it as a ship. I guess.... Angel x Nina didn't do much for me? But we barely saw them together, so, it's hard to muster any anti otp hatred. Fred x Wesley didn't do much for me (I always side-eyed them because from the start, I was convinced it would mean nothing good for Gunn), but without Fred x Wesley, you don't get Wesley x Illyria, which was the highlight of my late season 5 viewing 💙
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