#not going to add this one because it's not *quite* a gibbet but the spirit of the thing is there
verkja · 11 months
Figuwhump Day 20
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[ID: A pencil drawing. A woman with short dark hair, wide-set eyes, and a scar on her face reclines in a rectangular, thick-barred cage. She rests her hands on the cage bars, and her legs are partly bent - she looks casual, but her position cannot be comfortable. Chains run from the corners of the cage to outside the frame of the picture, holding it in mid-air. End ID.]
I was initially going to use a bonus image for this day, but was inspired to instead just change the cage so it's less of a big dog cage and more of a horizontal gibbet cage! Because I love gibbets. Anyway, not sure Tsetsig has been imprisoned in anything exactly like this before, but she might have been.
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