#not every book needs to be some serious hard hitting award winning novel
weekendwarriorblog · 4 years
Welcome to Awards Season Part 3 – The Performances of 2019
Okay, things went a bit haywire with my scheduling on what I hoped to be an ongoing (and weekly) column/series, but to be perfectly honest, I need to focus on paid writing work. I actually had a whole second part of the movies piece that talked about the movies that premiered in the September festival season and in recent months, but it was going very, VERY long, and I just didn’t have time to finish it. It would have been great, as The Godfathers* once sang, “If I Only Had the Time.” (*Look ‘em up on Spotify.. this is a real band and they’re awesome!)
Instead, as you can determine by the title above, I want to talk about some of the actors in this year’s awards races, which has become quite a bit more competitive than it has in years past.
What’s interesting about the Oscar acting race is that there are some really strong precursors like the Golden Globes, Critics Choice and SAG, but they’re all different groups with only SAG having any membership overlap with the Academy. All three groups have announced their nominations with the actual awards being presented over the next few weeks. The first two winners will be announced before the Oscar nominations on Jan 13, and then SAG announces a week later.
Another thing to note is that everyone has a different opinion of what makes a great performance. Some like really emotive performances, others appreciate transformative roles where you no longer recognize the actors, and in some cases, a movie just has such a good script that an actor’s ability to deliver those lines is enough to honor their roles. We have some of all of those below, and this has been an amazing year where we have a number of tough acting categories to fill.  
Often, all the voting groups might agree on three or four nominees in each acting category and there’s one or two slots open for others but this year definitely seems to be a lot of  possibilities with some categories only have one or two sure-things, which can lead to a lot of surprises when Oscar nominations are announced on Monday morning, January 13.
There are a couple movies that are getting a lot of attention for their lead performances, usually title roles, and that’s almost the only thing that’s getting any mention. Two or three of these days may get Oscar nominations, but it’s repeatedly been tough for actors to win in movies not nominated for Best Picture and only one of these three stands a chance in getting more than an acting award.
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Todd Phillips’ take on a Batman villain origin story doesn’t have a ton of agreement on why it’s good or bad, but one thing everyone can agree on is Joaquin Phoenix’s harrowing portrayal of Arthur Fleck, which actually gives the late Heath Ledger’s Oscar-winning portrayal of the character in Christopher Nolan’s The Dark Knighta run for its money. Even though none of the other performances in the movie are getting attention, I totally can see this getting other nominations for screenplay, technical categories and maybe even Best Picture which puts Phoenix in good place as a front runner for lead actor.
Another brilliant performance that no one can deny is Renee Zellweggerchanneling an older Judy Garland in this biopic that sees the aging singer/actor trying to mount a comeback at a series of London dates. It reminded me a lot of last year’s Stan and Olliebut Zellwegger has never been better in terms of what she puts into transforming into Garland when onstage performing but also creating an incredibly emotional
Another movie that I wish was getting more transaction is this Elton John musical that’s filled with his music but is equally brilliant for Taron Egerton’s performance for the veteran music man, a role that involves him singing all of his own vocals (unlike last year’s Oscar winner Rami Malik in Bohemian Rhapsody) and performing very emotional scenes. I love the movie, and I was glad to see Egerton get both
Dolemite is My Name
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The last time Eddie Murphy was seriously a contender in the awards race was for his supporting role in 2006’s Dreamgirls, although he ended up losing the Oscar to Alan Arkin after winning SAG and the Golden Globe. Murphy is going all-out for his portrayal of Rudy Ray Moore in a movie that harks back to James Franco in The Disaster Artista few years back. Murphy already received a Golden Globe nomination in the Musical/Comedy category where his toughest competition may be Taron Egerton, but Murphy’s comeback trail might be paved with a second Golden Globe after six nominations.
The other actor getting almost all the attention for her movie is Jennifer Lopezin this crime-drama set in the world of strip clubs, and she already has enough support that she could be considered one of the frontrunners in the supporting actress category. Still, it’s going to be hard for Oscar voters to take her or the movie too seriously due to the subject matter, so like Murphy, she’s doing a lot of extra-curricular stuff to get her out there (like performing half-time at the Super Bowl), which should guarantee Lopez a well-deserved Oscar nomination.
Jordan Peele’s follow-up to Get Outmay not have gotten as much awards traction, but considering that it came out in March, the support its getting for its star Lupita Nyong’oboth from critics and from early awards voters is refreshing for her performance in what is a straight-up genre film. She did not receive a Golden Globe nomination but her SAG nomination over other favorites (like Awkwafina) makes her a serious contender for a second Oscar nomination. (She won the Oscar for her first nomination in 12 Years a Slave.)
Uncut Gems
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After a strong platform release, the Safdie Brothers’ new crime-comedy-thriller (?), starring Adam Sandler, has opened nationwide, and Sandler’s performance is getting a lot of the praise and accolades for the movie, although he wasn’t nominated for a Golden Globe (possibly cause of the film’s confusing genre classification, although Sandler was previously nominated for Punch Drunk Loveyears ago). It did get a Critics Choice nomination as well as an Independent Spirit nomination, but it seems like a tough battle to convert that into an Oscar nod.
There’s something to be said about Cynthia Erivo’s performance as Harriet Tubman in an otherwise weak biopic (compared to some of the others this year), but she has already been nominated in all three previous precursors (SAG, Golden Globes, Critics Choice) which puts her in a good place to get one of five nominations. The question is whether she’ll get a nomination on the merits of the movie and her performance or if it’s a response to #OscarsSoWhite and the lack of women of color other than possibly Awkwafina, which would put her up against Lupita.
Just Mercy
Destin Daniel Cretton’s adaptation of this popular novel hasn’t been getting nearly as much critical or awards traction as other movies, but it’s best bet is Jamie Foxxas a prisoner on Death Row, which also got a surprising SAG nomination despite not receiving any other awards.  We’ll see if the movie gets any traction now that it’s in limited release. It will only hit theaters nationwide just as the Oscar nomination process is closing.
A good problem for a movie to have is to have so many great performances by its cast that it’s hard to just single out one great performance. Sometimes, this means that it’s best best is in the SAG Ensemble category rather than in individual ones, but there are a few where there are clear standouts in an overall great cast.
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Bong Joon-ho’s class dramedy-thriller has gotten a lot of love and attention from critics over the past year since it debuted at Cannes, and a lot of that is due to its amazing cast. There are great performances by mostly unknown Korean actors, some of whom have been working for decades in Korea but you’d be hard-pressed to get anyone to remember any single name. The one exception may be Song Kang-ho, who is easily the Tom Hanks/Cruise of Korea, having worked with Director Bong since the beginning of his career. Lots of
The Irishman
Martin Scorsese’s latest crime-drama about the Jimmy Hoffa disappearance has an amazing ensemble cast, although like Marriage Storyand others above and below, it’s getting the most attention for three amazing performances. Probably the most attention is being paid to two performances: Joe Pesci in his return to the screen after many years, reuniting with Scorsese, and Al Pacino, who shockingly never worked with Scorsese before, instead being the lynchpin of Francis Ford Coppola’s “Godfather” movies.  The irony is that they’re both supporting roles to that of Robert De Niro, who not only plays the main character but also originally found the book and brought the project to Scorsese. De Niro is really good in the movie, better than he’s been in years, but it’s not the sort of transformative or emotional role that often gets attention. The fact that BOTH SAG and the Golden Globes left De Niro off their list might prove that there isn’t nearly as much support for this movie, although it’s likely to get two acting nominations in the supporting category.
Once Upon a Time … in Hollywood
In some ways, Quentin Tarantino’s ninth movie is in the exact same boat as Scorsese’s, because it’s a great ensemble but three performances in particular are getting all the attention.Obviously, Leonardo DiCapriois well liked and well-respected by the Academy to receive as many Oscar nominations as he has (before winning for The Revenant), and he’s doing something very different in Tarantino’s latest, definitely more comical. It’s an interesting counterpoint to the performance by Brad Pitt, who is just so dominant in the film in every scene that it’s hard not to think that putting him into the supporting category might help him win much like Christoph Waltz did for Django Unchainedand George Clooney in Syriana. (Oh, the joys of category fraud!) Margot Robbieis also pretty amazing in the film as Sharon Tate, but it’s not nearly as moving and memorable as her performance in…
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The Jay Roach-directed Fox News sex scandal movie was released a few weeks back and has expanded nationwide with not much of a fanfare, but the biggest support it’s received is from SAG, who gave it four nominations including the coveted Ensemble Cast nomination against some of the stronger Best Picture contenders like Irishman, Parasiteand Once Upon a Time. Charlize Theron’s multiple nominations as Megyn Kelly by most of the groups, including Golden Globes, definitely gives her an edge to get into the Oscar nominations, and Robbie’s portrayal of a composite character is also quite compelling. Amazingly, Nicole Kidmanalso received a nomination for her turn as Gretchin Carlson, a much smaller role, but that was from SAG, who has more in common with the Academy than other groups.  I’m a little bummed that John Lithgowisn’t getting more attention for his performance as Roger Ailes or Kate McKinnonfor that matter.
Little Women
This might be better off in the one-off category, because so much attention is being foisted on Saoirse Ronan’s second performance in a Greta Gerwig movie that other great performances are mostly being ignored. That is, except for Florence Pugh, who is just as amazing playing Amy in two different periods, both younger and more mature. Frankly, I think Timothée Chalametis also terrific (as he is in The King), as is Chris Cooper and Laura Dern, but people have issues with some of the choices made and the movie might be more impressive for Gerwig’s adaptation than any single performance. The fact that this didn’t get a SAG ensemble nomination in a VERY crowded year is somewhat telling, but Ronan was also left off the list which might mean she may have to watch this year’s Oscars from Ireland.
I also want to mention Trey Edward Schutt’s latest movie, which has fantastic performances by Kelvin Harrison, Jr, newcomer Taylor Russell, Lucas Hedgesand Sterling K. Brown, the latter giving a fine supporting role. Unfortunately, despite the critical support, this one seems to be getting lost in the shuffle of a busier-than-usual fall awards season. The fact that Brown has yet to receive a nomination means this one is probably D.O.A., but still a fine dramatic film.
The next few movies also have great ensemble casts but their focus seems to be even more radar-focused on one or two performances, which may be why none of them received SAG Ensemble nominations.
Marriage Story
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Noah Baumbach’s relationship drama might be the only movie this year that has a chance at the extremely elusive ability to be nominated in all four acting categories, something we’ve only seen recently with two of David O. Russell’s movies, Silver Linings Playbookand American Hustle. A lot of attention is being focused on the powerful, emotional performances by Adam Driverand Scarlett Johanssonand rightfully so, but Laura Dernis pretty amazing as the latter’s divorce lawyer, and it’s so wonderful to see Alan Aldaon screen as one of Driver’s kinder lawyers. This might be another case where the screenplay is so good that all the actors are doing their best work, although the lack of a SAG Ensemble nomination (despite those great performances) and Baumbach not receiving a Golden Globe nomination for directing also puts a slight damper. So far, the first three actors have received nominations from every precursor group and that should help get them Oscar nominations, although Dern has the best chances at converting her nomination to an actual Oscar since she doesn’t have as much definite competition.
The Farewell
We then get into the Sundance premieres that I spoke about last time, and Lulu Wang’s personal dramedy about going to China to visit her dying Nana, who was unaware of her condition. The movie has a beautiful performance by Awkwafina, one of last year’s breakout stars.  She has already received Golden Globe and Critics Choice nominations but was ignored by SAG in favor of others. That doesn’t mean that she’s completely out of the race and to the actor’s credit, she’s been doing the most in terms of getting out there and talking about the movie/role, which will keep her on people’s minds when filling out their awards ballot. It’s hard not to give equal credit to the Chinese actress, Zhao Shuzhen, for her performance as Nana, although she hasn’t received nearly as much early awards recognition, just a Critics Choice nomination. If you remember, Alfonso Cuaron’s Romagot a supporting actress nomination for a lesser-known Mexican actress, so maybe this film will get similar love.  As much as I love this movie, I feel that both actors are starting to become outliers within very crowded categories, but it’s hard to deny what they both bring to Wang’s film.
The Two Popes
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One of four Netflix movies that the streaming service is pushing is this drama that features a fantastic script by Anthony McCarten (Darkest Hour) and two amazing performances by Jonathan Pryceand Anthony Hopkins, which certainly deserve accolades. The question is whether the Academy members give much support to the movie over others in a very crowded year. If this movie is able to get a Best Picture nomination or screenplay, one can probably assume that one or both actors will get nominated but it seems like Hopkins has a better chance, just cause Pryce is competing in a much tougher Lead Actor category. Both actors received Golden Globe nominations and Hopkins was nominated for a Critics Choice nod, but neither received SAG nominations, which isn’t great for their Oscar chances.
A movie that just got released (today, in fact) after first premiering at Sundance all the way back in January might be in a place where it’s been forgotten by some and not seen by others, which is a shame, since the performances by Alfre Woodard and Aldis Hodgeare two of the year’s best even though the movie is definitely a tougher drama, maybe even than the somewhat similar Just Mercy. Unlike that one, this movie probably won’t even get a wide release, so it will probably get lost in the shuffle.
The Report
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Another movie that got a ton of attention out of Sundance but has lost a lot traction since is Scott Z. Burns’ political thriller starring Adam Driverand Annette Bening, the latter as Senator Dianne Feinstein, who oddly is getting more attention than Driver. (It might since Driver is so much better in Marriage Storythat few are paying much heed to his equally great performance in this.) Bening did get a Golden Globe nomination but no SAG OR Critics Choice, so it feels like she may be an outlier in the supporting actress category.
Richard Jewell
An otherwise decent real-life drama that has been mired in politics and other stuff is Clint Eastwood’s new movie about the Atlanta Olympics bombing and the title security guard, as played by Paul Walter Hauser, who helped save lives but then was accused of planting the bomb. Hauser is quite fantastic, as is Kathy Batesas his mother, but only the latter has gotten any awards attention with her Golden Globe nomination.
The four movies below are likely to be remembered as the movies that people liked but didn’t get as much attention for their performances as for more technical aspects.
The Lighthouse
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Another movie that got quite a bit of critical attention at Cannes ala Parasite but hasn’t been able to convert that into much attention beyond that is Robert Eggers’ second movie that relies so much on the two-hander performances by Robert Pattinson and Willem Dafoe. Dafoe seemed like a shoe-in to get a fifth Oscar nomination for his role – personally, I thought he was better in Edward Norton’s Motherless Brooklyn– but supporting actor has just become far too competitive in the later months of the year.
Jojo Rabbit
Taiki Waititi’s Nazi satire has many fans – I’m not one of them – but winning the Audience Award at the Toronto Film Festival is one of the precursors for the Academy’s Best Picture category that can’t be ignored. On top of that, Scarlett Johansson (already sitting pretty with her inevitable Marriage Storynomination) was nominated by SAG and the Critics Choice in the supporting category, which shows support for the movie, even though the Golden Globes only nominated her co-star Roman Griffin Davisas filler in the Actor, Musical/Comedy category. (He also could be a frontrunner for the Critics Choice Young Actor/Actress.) The thing is that they might have a tougher time at the Oscars, especially with so many other options in the supporting actress category.
Ford vs. Ferrari
I guess I’m a bigger fan of James Mangold’s racing drama than many of my fellow critics, and yet, many were surprised by the amount of support that Christian Balehas been getting in the earlier side of awards season, most notably with SAG and Golden Globe nominations, yet nada from the Critics Choice (my own group!). That’s really interesting, and it shows continued support and respect for the frequently-nominated Oscar winner, and we’ll have to see if that can translate to another Oscar nomination.
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Sam Mendes’ movie is fantastic and is likely to get a lot of Oscar nominations and George MacKay’s performance is one that really should be getting more attention, although it’s likely to get lost in the shuffle of the amazing visuals and action of this very personal war movie.
Honey Boy
Another movie that is definitely getting a little lost in the shuffle is Alma Har’el’s narrative feature debut based on Shia LaBeouf’s screenplay, in which LaBesouf stars as a version of his own abusive Hollywood father. It also has fantastic performances by young Noah Jupe, also great in Ford v Ferrariand Lucas Hedges, but it’s a tougher movie and like Waves, it’s hard to get people to see this when there are so many bigger and stronger movies.
I have more to write about the Oscar race and maybe next time I’ll make some actual predictions… again, time permitting.
0 notes
Still in quarantine here though not quite as strictly. How about you? This week, I’ve got news, a book, music, movies, and a fab new product for you.
With the pandemic, none of us have been able to get to our regularly scheduled dental appointments, which means my temporary crown that was supposed to only last two weeks held out for two months (yay, little crown), so I finally had that replaced once my dental office opened up (kinda, sorta). Lots of masks, testing, one patient per waiting, etc., which I’m personally happy about.
California has been hit pretty hard by COVID-19 – not necessarily in the small Northern California county, nor town, where I live – yet one never knows, right? Grateful to first responders everywhere, yet especially here in my city, county, and state for having level heads and not giving in to pressure from Washington D.C.
So, that was my appointment. Then, my kids had their appointments – they both have Invisalign braces and had some setbacks there as well, due to not being able to go in and have their regular monthly check-ups with their orthodontist. It is what it is.
I’m not one to freak out over this stuff. Teeth can still be fixed despite delays. So they both had their appointments and now we have to reassess and move forward differently. We all had to wear masks and be temperature tested etc., just to enter the office. Not a big deal. Let’s all be safe, right?
Honestly, I don’t get the people who are freaking out over having to wear a mask to enter places of business. Get over yourselves, people. Follow the safety precautions or leave. What’s not to understand? I don’t get the politicization of all of this, either. If you read what’s happening outside the U.S., it’s clear other countries are putting the well-being of their citizens first, not spreading fake news or hoax information. I truly worry about the intelligence (or lack thereof) of our country. And that’s all I have to say about that.
Not a huge Tarantino fan. I’m sorry! I’m just not. My older sister Caren loves all his movies. So does my daughter and my guy. I’m just…meh. However, I will say, I adored Once Upon A Time in Hollywood. 
No spoilers – just an all-around great flick.
Dazed And Confused
Also great. Another one I hadn’t seen and now I finally understand why Matthew McConaughey always says, “Alright, alright, alright!”
Westworld, Season 3
A million times better than Season 2, whose only highlight for me was the Kiksuya episode. The title is Lakota for ‘remember,’ and if you haven’t seen it, it’s outstanding. What I especially loved about this ep is Ramin Djawadi’s poignant piano cover of Nirvana’s Heart-Shaped Box.
Anyway, back to Season 3 – I enjoyed it. Evan Rachel Wood’s Dolores is hell-bent on destroying us humans and recruits Breaking Bad’s Aaron Paul (lurve him) as her sidekick. Maeve isn’t so sure about that, and neither is Charlotte Hale. Despite some interference from a few males who have no idea what they’re in for, the women of Westworld kick serious ass and that’s all I’ll say about that.
Speaking of music (aren’t I always?), More Than Words by Extreme came up on my Spotify the other day and I started going down the Nuno Bettencourt (the guy who plays guitar, sings harmony, and whips his hair around in the video) rabbit hole. Back when the song came out in 1990, girls everywhere wanted to lose their virginity to Nuno and I’d guess many did with this song playing.
I remember purchasing the album Pornograffiti way back then and enjoyed their other acoustic song, HoleHearted, as well (hey, it’s catchy), and then being blown away by Bettencourt’s guitar solo intro on He-Man Woman Hater/Flight of the Wounded Bumblebee. Even if you’re not a fan of heavy funk metal, you can appreciate this. Interestingly, he’s Rhianna’s lead guitarist whenever she goes on tour.
Okay, so Alanis Morrissette’s You Oughta Know. Everyone oughta know this song, right? Well. This is my story.
I fell in love with the entire Jagged Little Pill album long before I had my first child and knew all the words to pretty much every song. So, when I had my daughter, Anya, in 1999, one of the best pieces of advice I received (and continue to pass along to pregnant mums) is this: have a back-up song.
What does that mean? You’re sleep-deprived, dying for a shower, and you’ve sung Wheels on the Bus and Mockingbird and all those other Mother Goose mind-numbing songs and lullabies so many times without losing your shit, you’re not sure how much more you can take without mumbling to yourself in the corner…so have a back-up song. Doesn’t matter if you don’t know all the words. Doesn’t matter if you sing it off-key.
Just have a song that doesn’t make you want to stick diaper pins in your eyes. That’s what this song is for me. 
Eventually, both my kids learned the right words (non-explicit version). Musically, the title song (which is You Learn), Not The Doctor, and Mary Jane are the standouts for me on this particular album, both of which received no airplay. Typical.
I had horrible acne from my teenage years into about my thirties. It calmed slightly as I approached menopause and has finally started to truly chill the fuck out. I tried diets, Accutane, peels, the works. Nothing worked. For me, it’s definitely a hormone and stress thing.
However, over the years I’ve learned a few things:
The less I fuss with my skin, the better it does. No 12-step skincare routines for this girl.
Start faithfully using sunscreen as early as you can and keep using it till you die.
People laugh about the sunscreen advice, yet I’m serious. My first job after college was with a company that sold sunscreen (along with antiperspirant and condoms – yea, that’s a future post). In training, they showed us photos of young people with skin cancer and that’s all it took for me. Sold! I was 22 years old and started slathering SPF 60 all over every day.
I’m 56 years old now and barely have a line on my face and no wrinkles whatsoever. And, no skin cancer (knocking on wood).
Back to point 1: I’ve discovered a wonderful CBD product that has completely stopped any breakouts whatsoever. I’d say, ‘bullshit, Rach,’ if this wasn’t the absolute truth.
Flora + Blast Age Adapting Facial Serum 1.5% Full Spectrum Cannabis Complex 357mg CBD 
It’s $77 on Sephora and this is not an affiliate link. Yea, it’s an investment, so see if (when stores open up), you can ask for a small sample. You don’t need much – I use only 2 drops at night on a clean face. I’ve been using it daily for 2 months and not one zit. Your mileage may vary. I’m buying another bottle for my kids (who both have acne) to share. That will be the true test. (And if you’re afraid of CBD products, get over yourself. CBD contains no THC, so you will not get high.)
I’m reading Barbara Delinsky’s A WEEK AT THE SHORE and, reading as a writer, I noticed several writing rules she breaks. As a reader, I’m completely engrossed in the story. Once I finish the book, I’ll share exactly what I mean (next post). I’m lucky to know Barbara, so I’ve sent her questions and she’s graciously agreed to answer them.
Thoroughly enjoying this novel (just released on 5/19) and highly encourage you to pick it up. Delinsky has had 22 New York Times bestsellers and is a master storyteller. So is my cat Pip (if you speak Catinese, which I do):
(Full disclosure: Barbara is a client, and I did receive this hardcover and goodies free of charge to help with her book promotion. I also purchased my own copy and an eBook copy because I support my author clients.)
Mental Health Tip
Are you tired of being stuck in the house? So are we. We get out daily for a walk but these four walls can give us cabin fever. Cleaning up gives me a sense of calm, yet that too can also feel overwhelming. What to do?
I read The Mighty regularly (you used to have to create an account – now you can simply sign in with your Facebook or Google credentials), and I saw this visual and find it useful, with a bit of customization (ahem):
For the daily list, we do pretty much all of that, with the exception of laundry. We do that about twice a week. And when I say we, there’s four of us to share the burden, which is helpful (and often leads to bickering among the youngest, but that’s another story).
If you’re alone, do what you can so your living area is clean and livable. It does take effort, and for many of us living with mental health issues, sometimes it’s all we can do to get out of bed.
I get it. Reach out if you’re having a difficult time. RAINN is a wonderful source and they’re open 24/7 at rainn.org or call 1.800.656.HOPE even now, they’re still available to help you.
Till next week-ish, take care and stay self, my lovelies. Tell me what you’ve been up to, please!
Read more about Rachel’s experiences in the award-winning book, Broken Pieces.
She goes into more detail about living with PTSD and realizing the effects of how being a survivor affected her life in
Broken Places, available in print everywhere!
The post This is How To Spend Quarantine With Me, Week Two appeared first on Rachel Thompson.
via Rachel Thompson
0 notes
hermanwatts · 4 years
Sensor Sweep: Harley Quinn, Luna, David Gemmell, Frankenstein Jr.
Cinema (RT.com): The new DC Universe film ‘Birds of Prey’ is populated by despicable men, and feminist women who want to be just like them. The outcome: financial losses and moral bankruptcy. ‘Birds of Prey (and the Fantabulous Emancipation of One Harley Quinn)’ opened on Friday and stars two-time Academy Award nominated actress Margot Robbie reprising her role as DC Comics supervillain Harley Quinn.
History (Sputnik News): Michael “Mad Mike” Hoare, the world’s most famous mercenary, has died. In the 1978 film The Wild Geese Richard Burton played a character who was based on Hoare. One of the world’s most infamous mercenaries, “Mad Mike” Hoare”, has died aged 100. Hoare came to prominence in the 1960s when he led a group of mercenaries who fought in what is now the Democratic Republic of Congo.
Fantasy Fiction (Interesting Literature): In the 1980s, with his debut novel Legend (1984), the British author David Gemmell revolutionised heroic fantasy. Drawing on the stories of Robert E. Howard and the novels of Michael Moorcock and J. R. R. Tolkien, Gemmell also took inspiration from his favourite novelist, the prolific writer of Westerns, Louis L’Amour. L’Amour’s stripped-back style of writing, and his emphasis on the darker aspects of the Wild West, combined with the epic qualities of The Lord of the Rings, and Gemmell’s own strong belief in the power of redemption, to create a new model for heroic fantasy, with no-nonsense writing, fast-paced action, and superlative characterisation.
Games (Table Top Gaming News): Board games aren’t new. They’ve been around for thousands of years and some look surprisingly familiar. Smithsonian magazine has a nice story covering some of the most popular ancient games. Maybe some will make a comeback?  Long before Settlers of Catan, Scrabble and Risk won legions of fans, actual Roman legions passed the time by playing Ludus Latrunculorum, a strategic showdown whose Latin name translates loosely to “Game of Mercenaries.” In northwest Europe, meanwhile, the Viking game Hnefatafl popped up in such far-flung locales as Scotland, Norway and Iceland.
Writing (Kairos): The most eye-opening part of being a professional editor has been the fascinating look it offers into other writers’ creative process. There’s a lot of talent out there that oldpub would never give the time of day. These authors are finding audiences thanks to newpub. At the same time, you come to see that the skeptics did have one valid point about self-publishing. Zero barrier to entry does mean that KDP is flooded with work that’s not ready for prime time. That’s not a slight against new authors. Neophytes in any craft can be forgiven for not knowing everything, and for not knowing what they don’t know. Mastery takes practice.
Music/Critics (Wasteland & Sky): As can be seen, they ran wild with this attitude of self-serous fun haters for a very long time. Every Punk and Metal album is disregarded as trash because they weren’t “mature” or “grown up” enough for the clique. Hard Rock, Blues, and Boogie bands were all but ignored or tossed in the trash as redundant and not having enough important to “say”, as well. This sounds all too familiar, does it not? This behavior only makes sense if you understand they were working for an agenda and not to inform the customer about their interest.
T.V. (RMWC Reviews): Superheroes were big in 1966. The decade had started out with DC Comics revitalizing their superhero stable with new versions of the Flash, Green Lantern and more. Meanwhile, the publisher formerly known at Timely and Atlas comics renamed itself to Marvel and cemented its own legacy with The Fantastic Four. Batman got a revitalizing shot in the arm with a live-action TV series. The Fantastic Four and Spider-Man would get cartoon shows in 1967, but between then was Hanna-Barbera.
Fiction (Glorious Trash): Over the years Zwolf has mentioned the short stories that ran in vintage issues of Easyriders, and that three anthologies had been published of these stories in the late ‘70s and early ‘80s. I decided to pick up at least one of them, only to find that all three were ridiculously overpriced on the used books market. Then I came across this ’84 British paperback and assumed it must’ve been a retitled reprint of Best Biker Fiction 1 (Dell, 1977) for the UK market.
Horror (Too Much Horror Fiction): Folk horror has been enjoying a resurgence in popularity in recent years, but it is certainly not a new subgenre. Fans have long spoken of the rustic, pagan, creepy charms of books and movies like Harvest Home, Blood on Satan’s Claw, The Wicker Man (based on the near-forgotten 1967 novel Ritual by David Pinner), Witchfinder General, The Ceremonies, “Children of the Corn,” “The Lottery,” most recently Midsommar, and of course back to the greats like Arthur Machen.
Fiction (Dark Worlds Quarterly): We live in a world that ignores its past. “Everything old is new again” is a kinder way to say it. Even Science Fiction does this. I was reminded of this when I finally got around to reading Jack Williamson’s The Legion of Space. Written in 1934 as a serial novel for F. Orlin Tremaine’s Astounding (the one in between the BEMs of the Clayton Astounding and the Golden Age of John W Campbell’s Astounding Science Fiction). The novel offers a roller-coaster ride of wonders, fights, and escapes, as you would expect before things got serious (and frankly often dull) in that “Golden Age.” What I hadn’t expected was the blueprint for hit after hit of Science Fiction’s most popular films.
Art (DMR Books): Today I’m going to take a look at the Frazetta art which features the space-faring hero, Buck Rogers. While I’m sure many hardcore Frazetta fans have seen most of the covers I’ll feature in this post, the backstory and legacy of those works seem to be less well-known. Frazetta began doing Buck Rogers covers for issues of Famous Funnies comics in the early 1950s starting with #209. n my opinion, the first few covers were not primo Frazetta, but by the time he got to #211, Frank was hitting his stride. My favorite out of the entire run is #214.
Reading (Karavansara): First factor: as I grow old, I have no more time for trilogies made of seven 1000-pages books, that seem to be the default format of fantasy these days. And indeed, I mostly go for short story collections, or for one-shot novels. Shorter works allow me to try many different authors and worlds, instead of chaining me to some overblown storyline.
RPG (Emperor Ponders): I think some of you may be confused about what RPGs are. I know it says “roleplay” in there (probably not the best choice of a word, but now we are stuck with it) but it’s not really acting or performance. Nobody requires you to perform anything. If you are in a group where people or the DM forces you to act or perform, just run away and don’t look back. You may be a bit confused, so here’s the general play pattern pretty much all RPGs follow, or should follow,:
Art (Silver Key): Some more Tom Barber art. Sent to me via email and reposted here with his permission. This first could/should be on the cover of a Dungeons and Dragons supplement. The latter is called “Holding off Distractions” and is beyond bad-ass, very sword-and-sorcery. Love the use of shadow in both. Amazing work here.
Fantasy Fiction (DMR Books): A prequel to all of that mayhem is, of course, The Children of Hurin. That short novel is a perfect illustration of why there must be a delineation betwixt “heroic fantasy” and its sub-category, “sword-and-sorcery”. How can I put this? Clark Ashton Smith was a fan of The Lord of the Rings. Simple as that. Here is what Dr. W.C. Farmer–Clark’s last great friend–had to say about it:
Ian Fleming (Bloody Spicy Books): Ian Fleming’s James Bond has left a huge stamp on my life. After seeing 1995’s “Goldeneye” in the theater my love of super secret agents was firmly ignited. I wanted more and I dove deep. There was more movies? I rushed to Blockbuster (dating myself) and found myself discovering Sean, Roger, Timothy and even George. There were James Bond books? I dove in. Past the character I found out about Leslie Charteris “The Saint” via Roger’s show. “The Man From U.N.C.L.E?” I’m there. Hundred of hardback and paperback hero-spies later eventually it led me to the spawn of Bond, the Men’s Adventure paperbacks.
Appendix N (Goodman Games): Farmer found early acclaim in the pulps, winning the Hugo in 1953 for Best New SF Author only a year after the publication of his first tale in Startling Stories. He continued writing for Startling Stories where his work would be found beside that of other Appendix N luminaries like Jack Vance and Fletcher Pratt. Other early works can be found in The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction, a publication that features a letter to the editor from Gary Gygax himself in the August 1963 issue.
Robert E. Howard (Walker’s Retreat): I have a copy of this volume, as I have every volume in this series, and I can confirm everything Stewart says in his review. This is a fantastic volume, well worth buying a physical copy of and putting into your private library. You will be able to see where Howard got the ideas that would ultimately become Conan the Cimmerian, how that voice would develop, and yet this character–Kull–would remain separate and distinct from Conan.
New Fiction (John C. Wright): Jagi, here. You may have heard that the Planetary anthology series has changed publishers and is now coming out from Tuscany Bay Books (TBB). Today, TBB launches Planetary: Luna. I am particularly proud of this book because I was the co-editor before it moved to its new home. (I bowed out because I wasn’t needed.) This book includes excellent stories from many great authors.
Science Fiction (Locus Magazine): And so here we are in the quintessentially stefnal-sounding year of 2020, looking back forty-six years to the 1974 appearance of an anthology helmed by Jerry Pournelle and aimed squarely at our present day. And our first response to the book must invariably be, “Why did they not publish this in 1970, to make a nicely rounded fifty-year look-ahead?” This book’s entry at ISFDB offers a relevant tidbit: “This began as an original anthology with most of the work commissioned in 1971.
Sensor Sweep: Harley Quinn, Luna, David Gemmell, Frankenstein Jr. published first on https://sixchexus.weebly.com/
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g33kl1f3 · 7 years
Yesterday at Emerald City Comic Con in Seattle, Washington, Image Comics kicked off the show with a slew of exciting creator-owned announcements that set the comics and entertainment industry abuzz.
Image Comics revealed the following creator-owned projects set to launch in the coming year and beyond.
DEATH OF LOVE Fan-favorite writer Justin Jordan (SPREAD), artist Donal DeLay, colorist Felipe Sobreiro, and letterer Rachel Deering team up for an all-new, five-issue miniseries—DEATH OF LOVE.
In DEATH OF LOVE, a bitter, self-proclaimed nice guy gains the ability to see the Cupidae, who are responsible for love in the world. Who he then ends up in bloody and, hopefully, hilarious war with.
DEATH OF LOVE launches from Image Comics this Fall 2017.
FAMILY TREE Bestselling, award-winning Jeff Lemire (ROYAL CITY, DESCENDER, Sweet Tooth) and Phil Hester (Shipwreck, Green Arrow) come together for FAMILY TREE.
When an eight-year-old girl literally begins to transform into a tree, her single Mom, troubled brother, and possibly insane Grandfather embark on a bizarre and heart-wrenching odyssey across the back roads of America, desperately searching for a way to cure to her horrifying transformation before it’s too late.
But the further they get from home, and the closer the girl gets to completely losing her humanity, the more external forces threaten to tear the family apart as fanatical cults, mercenaries, and tabloid Paparazzi close in, determined to destroy the girl or use her for themselves.
A new genre-defying ongoing series, THE FAMILY TREE will combine mystery, action, and Cronenbergian body horror into an epic story about the lengths a mother will go to keep her children safe in the face of an increasingly unstable world and unspeakable horrors.
FAMILY TREE will launch this Fall 2017 from Image Comics.
FLAVOR Fan-favorite writer Joseph Keatinge (RINGSIDE, SHUTTER) and artist Wook-Jin Clark serve up FLAVOR.
In FLAVOR, Xoo’s a young chef in a closed-off metropolis whose economy surrounds the touring of—and some argue, exploitation of—young chefs. When she’s registered for the cooking tournament, she discovers the dark underbelly of the city—why they exploit the young chefs, where their foods coming from and why she’s got to fight against it all.
FLAVOR is on the menu for Fall 2017.
GENERATION GONE Fan-favorite writer Ales Kot and artist André Araújo team up for an all-new series in GENERATION GONE.
GENERATION GONE asks: What happens when three disenfranchised millennials who were already planning to rob a bank get superpowers? What happens when two of them are in a toxic relationship that implodes shortly after? Think Unbreakable meets Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind and you’re starting to get it.
GENERATION GONE launches this Summer 2017 from Image Comics.
MAGE: THE HERO DENIED, PART 3 Matt Wagner returns with the highly-anticipated conclusion to MAGE.
MAGE: THE HERO DENIED is the long-awaited conclusion of Matt Wagner’s epic fantasy trilogy. MAGE follows the adventures of the reluctant everyman hero Kevin Matchstick who, after encountering a shaggy and beguiling wizard, discovers he is the reincarnation of the legendary Pendragon and able to wield the power of the mystical weapon, Excalibur.
MAGE will hit stores this Summer 2017 from Image Comics.
MOONSTRUCK From Lumberjanes creator Grace Ellis and talented newcomer Shae Beagle comes a story of monsters, romance, and magical hijinks! Fantasy creatures are living typical, unremarkable lives alongside humans, and barista Julie strives to be the most unremarkable of all. Normal job, normal almost-girlfriend, normal… werewolf transformations that happen when she gets upset? Yikes! But all bets are off when she and her centaur best friend Chet find themselves in the middle of a magical conspiracy. Will Julie and Chet be able to save their friends? Is Julie’s dogged determination to be normal a lost cause? Who’s going to watch the coffee shop while our heroes are out saving the world?
These questions and more will be answered in MOONSTRUCK, coming this summer from Image Comics.
NEW LIEUTENANTS OF METAL Fan-favorite writer Joe Casey (OFFICER DOWNE, SEX) and artist Ulises Farinas team up for an all-new series in NEW LIEUTENANTS OF METAL.
From Joe Casey and Ulises Farinas—they are the most kick-ass, head-banging heroes ever assembled! They are a precision strike force, ready to face any threat! They are a metal militia of mayhem and they mean serious business! If you like blood and explosions… or if you like bloody explosions… this is the book you’ve been waiting in line outside the coliseum to read! Their names are legend: The Mighty Kreig! Vandenborg Riot! Manowarrior! Steppenwulf! Beset from all sides by a growing roster of vicious foes, the New Lieutenants of Metal have arrived to bust down the doors of perception and deliver you to a greater comicbook glory! Featuring the first appearance of Spike!
NEW LIEUTENANTS OF METAL will launch from Image Comics in 2017.
REDLANDS Eisner Award-winning Jordie Bellaire and artist Vanesa R. del Rey team up for an all-new series REDLANDS.
In REDLANDS, three witches move to Redlands, Florida and take over as law enforcement.
This new series—created by the all-female team of bestselling, award-winning Jordie Bellaire and Vanesa R. del Rey—marries the sexy, witchy-goodness of Greg Rucka and Nicola Scott’s BLACK MAGICK and Melissa de la Cruz’s beloved Witches of East End with the deep-South atmosphere of Jason Aaron and Jason Latour’s SOUTHERN BASTARDS and American Horror Story: Coven.
REDLANDS launches this Summer from Image Comics.
SACRED CREATURES Bestselling artists Klaus Janson and Pablo Raimondi team up for an all-new ongoing series titled SACRED CREATURES.
The survivors of an ancient, supernatural race have woven their existence into the fabric of our society, and when their delicate balance of power begins to unravel, humanity itself is at risk of being torn apart. SACRED CREATURES is a supernatural thriller that reveals the hidden forces manipulating mankind and takes the reader on a journey spanning the history of the world itself.
SACRED CREATURES hits stores this Summer from Image Comics.
SAVAGE TOWN Declan Shalvey (INJECTION) and Philip Barrett team up for an all-new original graphic novel titled SAVAGE TOWN.
SAVAGE TOWN is a crime story set in Limerick City, loosely based on real events at the turn of the millennium. It follows Jimmy ‘Hardy’ Savage as he fails his way up the criminal ladder.
SAVAGE TOWN will hit shelves this Fall 2017 from Image Comics.
SHIRTLESS BEAR-FIGHTER From writers Jody LeHeup (former editor of Uncanny X-Force, Deadpool, Quantum and Woody) and Sebastian Girner (editor of SOUTHERN BASTARDS, DEADLY CLASS, BLACK SCIENCE), newcomer artist Nil Vendrell, colorist Mike Spicer (HEAD LOPPER, MYTHIC), and letterer “Famous Dave” Lanphear comes a modern tall tale for the ages!
After being betrayed by the bears that raised him, the legendary SHIRTLESS BEAR-FIGHTER wanders the forest he’s sworn to protect, fist-fighting bears, eating flapjacks, and being the angriest man the world has ever known! When wild-eyed, super-strong bears attack the citizens of Major City, Shirtless ventures into the human world to do what he does best…PUNCH THOSE BEARS IN THE FACE! But all is not as it seems. Someone is manipulating Shirtless…and only by confronting the demons of his past can Shirtless hope to save his future!
SHIRTLESS BEAR-FIGHTER is a an over-the-top action/comedy chock full of humor, colorful characters, larger-than-life battles, and high adventure. It’s the story of a wrathful man at war with himself, what happens when we allow anger to rule our lives, and what we can do to set things right.
“Probably the most important comic book ever made.” —Jody LeHeup
“We need him now more than ever. Someone’s gotta fight all these bears!” —Sebastian Girner
SLEEPLESS Bestselling creator Leila del Duca (SHUTTER, AFAR) and writer Sarah Vaughn (ALEX + ADA) team up for the all-new series SLEEPLESS, with editor Alissa Sallah and letterer Deron Bennett.
In SLEEPLESS, an enchanted knight who never sleeps falls in love with the noblewoman he is sworn to protect as they navigate the treacherous court of a newly crowned king. Set in a Renaissance-inspired kingdom, politics and love abound in this historical romance drama.
SLEEPLESS will launch from Image Comics.
THE FAMILY TRADE Writer Justin Jordan and artist Morgan Beem come together for the all-new ongoing series THE FAMILY TRADE.
THE FAMILY TRADE is about a family of assassins, con men, and thieves dedicated to keeping their floating city floating. Which goes reasonably well until their youngest member manages to nearly cause the city to go to war with itself.
THE FAMILY TRADE will launch from Image Comics this Fall 2017.
THE HARD PLACE Writer Doug Wagner (PLASTIC) and artist Nic Rummel team up with editor Keven Gardner for an all-new series.
In THE HARD PLACE, a former legendary getaway driver has decided that after five years in prison he’s ready to go straight, but when a bank heist goes wrong and two violent bank robbers recognize the driver, they force him to help them escape using a Russian mobster’s daughter as a human shield. The driver finds himself pursued by a resentful police department and hunted by every asset of the Russian mob.
THE HARD PLACE will launch from Image Comics this Summer 2017.
THE NEW WORLD Fan-favorite creators Ales Kot and Tradd Moore come together for an all-new series, THE NEW WORLD.
THE NEW WORLD is set in the United States of America: decades from now. A war-torn landscape slowly revitalizing itself. What happens when Romeo is a straight-edge hacker and Juliet a messy TV star cop with license to kill? What happens when they meet? What happens when their aims may be opposite but the chemistry too real to deny?
THE NEW WORLD hits stores from Image Comics in 2017.
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IMAGE COMICS’ ECCC 2017 ANNOUNCEMENTS REVEALED Yesterday at Emerald City Comic Con in Seattle, Washington, Image Comics kicked off the show with a slew of exciting creator-owned announcements that set the comics and entertainment industry abuzz.
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