#noion art
noion-art · 9 months
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Garlic Bread
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stimsandcrims · 5 months
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[terfs, anti-endo, anti-mspec monospecs, trans-id, etc don't interact please! explanation of my dni on my pinned post]
❤️🧄❤️ // ❤️🧄❤️ // ❤️🧄❤️
garlic bread stimboard with art by @noion-art
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mutxnts · 3 months
That garlic bread art is stolen, original here: https://www.tumblr.com/noion-art/722461748019527680/garlic-bread
ah crap, thanks for the heads up. went ahead and deleted the stolen one and reblogged from the original source!
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perpetual-help · 2 years
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My goal in this post will be to dissect and respond in detail to a comment left under this post:
“Not all witches practice demonology”
Demonology is the study of demons.
“Demonology.—As the name sufficiently indicates, demonology is the science or doctrine concerning demons. Both in its form and in its meaning it has an obvious analogy with theology, which is the science or doctrine about God. And with reference to the many false and dangerous forms of this demonic science we may fitly adapt the well-known words of Albertus Magnus on the subject of theology and say of demonology, “A daemonibus docetur, de daemonibus docet, et ad daemones ducit”.—It is taught by the demons, it teaches about the demons, and it leads to the demons.—For very much of the literature that comes under this head of demonology is tainted with errors that may well owe their origin to the father of falsehood, and much of it again, especially those portions which have a practical purpose (what may be called the ascetical and mystical demonology) is designed to lead men to give themselves to the service of Satan. There is, of course, a true doctrine about demons or evil spirits, to wit that portion of Catholic theology which treats of the creation and fall of the rebel angels, and of the various ways in which these fallen spirits are permitted to tempt and afflict the children of men.”
All witches practice with demons, either knowingly or unknowingly by the very nature of their works. Witchcraft is the antithesis to Christianity in that it places self will above God’s will at its very core - it doesn’t matter if the intentions are “benevolent” or not. The very second you seek to manifest something by your own will, through “your power,” by channeling some energy/spirit/deity to perform your intention, you have literally opposed what we, as God-fearing Christians, have been commanded to do. There’s no getting around this. Christians do not cast spells when they pray.
While recognizing one’s littleness and limited understanding in all things, a Christian gives their petitions to God in ASKING that the petition might be granted and only if it be the will of God. This does not require some summoned magick on our part, or anything further than a request from a humble heart.
Jesus Himself taught us how we should pray in the Our Father:
“Our Father, who art in heaven, hallowed be Thy name; Thy kingdom come; THY WILL BE DONE on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread; and forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us; and lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil.”
I know I’ve said this before, but I don’t think it can be said enough. A Christian’s goal is to conform their entire being to the will of God, in all things, always. This is because God ALONE is Love, Mercy, Holiness, Virtue, Power, Justice, Peace, and all Goodness. Outside of Him and His will is only evil and its effects.
A Christian should never seek to conform the will of God to their own intentions because God alone knows the full nature of the intentions and its consequences.
“Have you ever read the Hebrew version of the Bible?”
The Bible consists of inspired books that have been compiled by The Catholic Church. These books were originally translated from Greek, Hebrew, and Aramaic.
For your sake, I will look at the texts in their original languages and compare them to their translations. We will let the verses speak for themselves.
I will use a verse listed in my original post:
Galatians 5: 19-23 (Originally written in Greek)
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“It’s not your place to judge my relationship with God.”
To correct you or any other witch under the misguided noion that the demonic practices of witchcraft do not offend God is not to judge your relationship with God, it is to correct your actions which directly oppose the teachings given to us by God. Only God knows the innermost workings of your heart. As long as you and every other witch are still alive, God will continue to call you to repentance and to rest in His Truth.
“…Catholicism which, in case you weren’t aware, stole pagan practices since the beginning of the religion’s existence.”
No, it didn’t. This is a tired and unfounded argument that has been unfortunately perpetuated by people ignorant of history. It would take more than one post to entirely unravel this, so I will leave a link to my favorite apologist, Trent Horn, who has already debunked this claim.
“…in Catholicism it’s common practice to pray to the saints, which is no different than the ‘violation’ of the first commandment…”
Catholics do not worship saints.
Catholics do ask for the prayers of the saints. This is no different than asking a friend to intercede on your behalf to Our Lord Jesus Christ.
God Bless you, help you, and keep you always.
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Fortune Cookie Paladin  art by NOION
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popolodipekino · 4 years
croce oce oce
Recita l’incipit dell’opera [B. Croce, Estetica] che la conoscenza ha due forme: o è conoscenza intuitiva o conoscenza logica; conoscere significa produrre o immagini o concetti. Ma, dopo aver passato in rassegna alcune vaghezze tradizionali sulla noione di intuizione, Croce l’affronta in proprio non per via di definizione, bensì di esempio: è intuizione il risultato di un’opera d’arte. [...] egli intende dimostrare che cosa sia un’intuizione partendo dall’esperienza che abbiamo dell’arte.  [...] A questo punto ci attenderemmo che Croce definisca l’arte, ossia il momento in cui si dà intuizione-espressione allo stato puro. E in effetti nella “Conclusione” egli scrive: “avendo definito la natura della conoscenza intuitiva o espressiva ch’è l’atto estetico o artistico...”. Purtroppo questa affermazione è falsa: non appare in nessuna pagina dell’Estetica una definizione dell’arte che non sia quella di intuizione, e non appare nessuna definizione di intuizione che non rimandi alla definizione dell’arte. [...] Questo circolo definitorio ha forse deresponsabilizzato i primi lettori, assicurandoli che l’arte è esattamente quello che essi sentono come arte, mentre il resto sono arzigogoli da professori, di cui la seconda parte del libro, dedicata alla storia dell’estetica, fa giustizia sommaria. Se il giudizio pare duro, si vedano folgoranti tautologie come “ci sembra lecito e opportuno definire la bellezza espressione riuscita, o meglio, espressione senz’altro, perché l’espressione, quando non è riuscita, non è espressione”; oppure vaghezze che non verrebbero perdonate a un esordiente, come quando a p. 90 l’autore, per distinguere le espressioni riuscite da quelle “sbagliate”, confronta due coppie di quadri, dei quali non ci vien detto nulla tranne che l’uno è “privo d’ispirazione” e l’altro “bene ispirato”, l’uno “fortemente sentito” e l’altro “freddamente allegorico”, dove nessuno sa che cosa sia un quadro fortemente sentito. Non si può evitare di pensare che molti lettori di Croce siano stati estasiati di sentir eleggere a categorie critiche le deboli interiezioni che essi usavano nei circoli culturali dell’italietta postumbertina. da U. Eco, Croce, l’intuizione e il guazzabuglio in Kant e l’ornitorinco
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noion-art · 1 month
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my favorite channel
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noion-art · 4 months
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jars of honey
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noion-art · 26 days
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a collection of some of my 32px sprites
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noion-art · 10 days
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funky eggs
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noion-art · 4 months
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a grand feast
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noion-art · 9 months
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noion-art · 4 months
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icy treats
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noion-art · 5 months
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tis the season
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noion-art · 9 months
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s(lime) cube
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noion-art · 2 months
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