#no one can tell me Beth/Daryl wasn't romantic
marvelstarwarshero · 11 months
Why is my heart telling me to watch The Walking Dead again and actually finish it this time when I know that there are 2 deaths within the span of about a season that I never recovered from and never will?
The second of which is definitely permanent, the first of which is permanent but I still let myself believe the conspiracy theories...
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emsee22 · 8 months
Reasons I believe Beth and Daryl were intended to be a romantic pairing
30 Days Without An Accident 4x1, Daryl's "It's a damn romance novel" comment. Sure, can be played off like teasing, a little bit of jealousy. But the point is, he notices Beth's relationship with Zach. And for some reason cares enough to comment on it.
30 Days Without An Accident 4x1, the hug. Not just that there was a hug, but that they didn't end the scene with the hug. They ended the scene with Beth's sleeve falling off her shoulder and show her putting it back on, and end with their eye contact after that. If this was meant to be brother/sister, or platonic, vibes then why emphasize an erogenous zone like that? That would be creepy. The writers intended it to be romantic.
I don't find Still 4x12 to be a romantic episode, necessarily. I think that one is just building on their intimacy as friends. I do appreciate their openness with each other on the porch and there are elements of that conversation that I view as romantic (namely, Daryl's expression and nervous fiddling with the knife). However, I can understand how people view their pairing as platonic if they only base that view on this episode.
Alone 4x13 is where they really start hammering in the romance. For starters, Daryl's reaction to Beth stepping in the bear trap. Yes, of course you can say he just didn't want her to get eaten by the walker, but compare how he gets down to the ground with her, rubs her foot, and gives her his body for support - even giving her a piggyback ride - to Carol's foot cramp in 10x18 Find Me. He first eliminates the threat, then he checks on her and shows genuine concern for her injury, and offers her physical support. Daryl loves Carol, she's his best friend, but in Find Me, he just teases her and tells her that she shouldn't have come along.
Alone 4x13 when Beth stops to look at the "Beloved Father" grave, Daryl compassionately picks some flowers and lays it on top of the grave for her, to commemorate Herschel. That is not inherently romantic. He also compassionately gave Carol a Cherokee Rose when she lost Sophia. I just think it is sweet. In the same scene, Beth and Daryl hold hands (admittedly, a little awkwardly, but that is primarily on Daryl) and Beth puts her head on his shoulder.
Alone 4x13 when they are looking at the bodies that are made to look very human (although they're walkers) and Beth argues back at Daryl's joke about dolls with why it's beautiful. She looks at him and asks "Don't you think that's beautiful" and all he does is pensively stare back at her. It's a romantic cliche and the pause with the intense eye contact seems to imply that his thoughts are that she is beautiful. At the very least, he sees something in the way she thinks about the world that is beautiful.
Alone 4x13 Daryl breaks his silence thinking about telling Beth that she's beautiful with the shiptease after action patch-up tv trope with "C'mon, let's get you patched up." She sits on the table and he wraps her foot up from the bear trap.
Alone 4x13 how he watches her sing in the doorway, and then how he pushes her buttons about the music "Well there ain't no jukebox, so... keep singing"
Alone 4x13 the bridal carry romance trope into the kitchen for the cute little redneck dinner Daryl set up for Beth. Plus his excitement to show it to her, hence the "I'm going as fast as I can" before he picks up her heard outside the doorway.
Alone 4x13 dinner conversation about what changed Daryl's mind about there still being good people. Beth changed his mind. If it wasn't romantic, why couldn't he just say "you're gave me hope / you showed me there are still good people." But the teasing, the repeated asking, the smile and eye contact, the nervousness from Daryl and then the self-realizing "oh" that is more like a romantic confession than anything else. Plus the fact that the confession is interrupted, another TV trope in romance. Plus the fact that in Alone, Daryl & Beth are foils to Sasha & Bob - who we know for a fact were canon. Difference is Sasha & Bob are reunited by the end of Alone, while Beth & Daryl are separated.
Alone 4x13 he chased after her for hours, from night to day.
Alone 4x13 he was ready to kill Len for disrespecting her "Some bitch must have got you all worked up" "You lost yourself a piece of tail" "I bet it was a little one too, they don't last long out here." If Joe didn't stop the knife, I bet Daryl would have ended Len a whole lot sooner.
In 5x8 Coda, when she starts rushing back to Dawn, to say goodbye to Noah, Daryl tries to stop her.
Coda 5x8 he cries over her body
Coda 5x8 he bridal carries her body out of the hospital, sobbing
Them 5x10 he shuts down with the group. Carol knows there is more to his sadness and she is trying to understand it. She assumes Beth saved him (she did, in a way). Rick knows that Daryl lost something deeper than a friend, hence "I know you lost something back there"
I am going to stop there because that is just the freshest for me.
People don't like this ship because of the age gap, or simply because they ship Daryl with someone else. Here's the thing, I don't believe Daryl was written to be the same age as Norman in season 1. He looks between 26 - 32 in the first season; and he can pass for that until the latter half of season 4, where he starts to really look more Norman's age. I don't think he is meant to be more than 36 in season 4. And honestly, I don't have a problem with the age gap when Beth is a legal adult and it is the flipping apocalypse. With all that said, I think if they were really intending this to be a brother / sister pairing, then it is creepy and there was too much tension and chemistry to make it platonic / familial.
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twdmusicboxmystery · 9 months
Unrelated question probably butt, do you know if Emily and Norman were ever a thing?
Apparently there was a humor about it some time ago (probably during season 4/5) I've seen a few old posts/pictures and videos where they seemed to be a lil bit more than friends, but idk cause Norman is flirty with literally anyone lol
Idk what to think, some say yes some say no... But people also deny Beth and Daryl had something romantic going on soo
So, personally, I don't think they were ever an item. But let me just acknowledge that I'm in the minority on that. Most people base it one of two things, or both. The two of them hanging all over one another on the red carpet when pictures were being taken, and/or when Emily was doing an event, and Norman showed up, and she ran up and hugged him and he kind of carried her out to where people could see with her wrapped around him. That second one happened very soon after Coda aired.
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They both were obvious displays of affection and romance. But to me, it seemed contrived. I felt like they were doing their jobs creating buzz and promoting BETHYL. I didn't take it to mean they were actually together in real life.
But again, there are plenty of people who disagree with me on that and say there's no way it wasn't real. It's all conjecture and a matter of opinion. Honestly, we're necver going to know unless one of them comes out and tells us, and even then, there are fans who are so set in their opinions that they wouldn't believe anything that contradicts it.
So, I guess the short answer is that we don't know. I personally don't think they ever were. But, to each their own.
To address your last line, I honestly see the denial of Bethyl as something totally different. For one, it's fiction, which means the writers can do whatever they want, and they intentionally wrote it as a romance story. Plus, those who deny Bethyl tend to have ulterior motives. They aren't so much denying the reality of it (though they'll say they are) so much as they're trying hard to make everyone think it isn't a thing, when it clearly is, because they have a different ship in mind. And that's different from simply saying, "i don't think think these two were ever a real-life couple," you know?
Hope that helps. Xoxo! 🍁🍂😘
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my-mt-heart · 3 years
Obviously if Beth was ever meant to be a love interest for Daryl, she would still be alive. Their story would have continued. Also, I need to say this. When Beth and Daryl got into a fight, he said "what do you want from me, Girl!?" Contrast with Carol, "You're a real piece of work Lady!" Daryl is telling us how he sees Beth. As a kid. A girl. Not his type. Robert Kirkman even confirmed that Daryl never loved Beth in a romantic way. That he saw her as a second Sophia. And he also said that it wasn't like this great romance didn't happen because Beth died. Though he isn't a writer/producer for the show, he is an insider source. The writers were never scripting a romance between them. Period. People can ship them, that's fine. But passing their interactions off as romantically intimate as though they were facts is erroneous.
Okay. I’ve been debating with myself whether or not I should ever put this in writing, but fuck it, here I go...
I really liked Daryl’s and Beth’s dynamic. Like, thoroughly enjoyed it because of what it accomplished for Daryl’s character. BUT WAIT. Hold on. Let me explain. I don’t ship them. I never have. I mean, take a look at their interactions: 
-Piggyback ride
-Never Have I Ever
-First drink 
-Crossbow lessons
This is not a relationship between two equal adults. This is between an adult and an adolescent. Father/daughter. Older brother/younger sister. Whatever floats your boat, but let’s agree it’s a mentorship of some variation that I guess works both ways at certain points because they both have things to learn from each other. It’s a reluctant one for Daryl because as Beth even points out herself, he fears she is no different than Sophia, an innocent little girl not built to survive this world. She helps him realize that he’s wrong, that she can make it after all. Well, you know, until he watches a bullet rip through her skull, but my point is, mentorship. 
It’s always nice when the EP’s validate what we’re already suspecting, but also, trust what’s being shown on screen. The clues are there. 
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insanityperhaps · 2 years
Daryl x reader
!! Warnings !! : suicidal thoughts, attempted suicide
It seemed everyone else had someone. Someone to love and find comfort in, whether it be romantic or a strong friendship. Rick has Lori and Carl. Glen has the farmers daughter, Maggie. Andrea has Shane. Beth and Hershel are blood. And Carol and Dale have a strong friendship.
That just left me and the redneck camping at the back of the farm.
I did have a sorta crush on him. What can I say? He's hot!
Daryl's a pretty straight up guy. So I thought it wouldn't hurt to ask. Just to try get to know him a bit more. I mean, he's gotta be lonely too, right?
I walk the farm till I reach his camping spot.
It's quite late, but there's still a light on in his tent.
He unzips the tent door peering his head out.
Musta heard me coming.
"You heard me, huh?" I ask, smiling a little.
He looks up at me, "No one else steps so damn quiet."
I raise my eyebrows, "You knew it was me before you saw me?"
He just gives me that knowing look.
"Can I help ya with somethin'?" His gravely voice asks.
"I just wanna talk" I say shrugging my shoulders.
"Alright so talk" he responds, impatiently.
I stop and take a breath, he's never spoken to me in that somewhat annoyed tone before.
"Can I come inside?" I ask, nervously.
He looks down, "I'd rather ya didn't"
I just stare at him, after a little wait he gives in and goes back inside the tent, leaving the door open for me.
I follow him in.
It's rather cosy in here. Nothing but his sleeping bag, his crossbow and a couple clothing items.
I sit on the end of the sleeping bag.
"How are ya Daryl?" I ask, anything to start conversation.
He squints his eyes, "Didn't know ya cared" he speaks with a harsh undertone.
"Course I do" I respond. Maybe a little too quickly.
He huffs a laugh.
"Look I'd rather be on ma own. If ya came here to jus talk about ma feelings, ya ain got no business bein here." he glares at me.
Well that hurt a little.
I look down before responding, "I-I just thought...well everyone else has got someone yanno, and me, I've got no one. And then I thought you've got no one too. So, maybe you might want someone. Maybe you might want me? " I say, looking up to him.
He just stares at me. I gulp.
His features go soft for a mere second before hardening again.
"Well ya thought wrong" he growls.
With that I leave. Tears fall down my cheeks. How could I be so stupid?
Next day
Most of the group were going gun training today. I told Shane I wasn't up to it, he wasn't happy bout it but he let me be.
When they all left, I waited about an hour and then headed to the woods.
I didn't venture far, just far enough so I couldn't be easily seen from the edge of the field.
I found myself a tree to sit against. And I let the tears fall.
I feel like I don't belong in this group. I'm not very close with anyone. No one would care if I died. Maybe I should just get it over with.
I reach down grabbing my knife from my belt.
I hold it in my hands, just staring at it.
I close my eyes and place it against my wrist.
I slow my breathing.
It'll be painless. It'll be just like falling asleep.
"You actually gonna do that?" a voice interrupts my thoughts.
I open my eyes, turning to him.
He sits down next to me and puts his hand out.
I look down as I reluctantly pass him my knife.
My body feels numb. An emptiness in my heart. Everyone I love is dead.
I expect him to say something, but he doesnt. We just sit in silence.
I wish he didn't see me like this.
"You gonna tell me whas da matter with ya?" he asks, turning to me.
I take a breath, "I'm broken, Daryl." my voice cracks, a tear falling down my cheek.
"Nah, ya just having a bad day." he says rather confidently, as he uses his thumb to wipe away the tear crawling my cheek.
I look to him, "No, everyday is a bad day." I cry, "All my family are gone. They're all gone Daryl!" I scream.
He pulls me into his chest, hushing me.
I've always wanted a hug from him, but in this moment, I couldn't care less.
All the tears I've been holding back escape me.
After a couple minutes of ugly crying, I pull back to sit up.
"I jus wanna be on my own" I whimper, pulling my knees to my chest.
"I ain't goin' anywhere."
I look up at him through blurry eyes, "You don't have to pretend to care yanno" I narrow my eyes, "you made it perfectly clear you don't care last night."
He looks a bit taken back by my harshness. But I couldn't help it, I push people away as a defence mechanism.
We sit in silence just looking at each other. Neither knowing what to say.
A twig snaps.
Without time to react, a walker appears out of nowhere, grabbing hold of my arm.
"No!" I cry, too weak to actually defend myself.
Daryl is quick to react, and leaps at it. Falling on top of it.
He holds it down and reaches to his pocket, grasping the knife I gave him, stabbing it through its eye into its brain.
I look to him, still in shock from what just happened.
"That was close" I mumble.
"Too close" he replies, standing up.
He reaches out his hand to me, "come on, let's get ya back to camp"
I grab his hand as he helps me up.
We walk back to the farm in silence.
Everyone apart from Shane and Andrea seem to be back from gun practice.
"I gotta talk ta Rick. You head to ya tent." he says, in a serious tone.
I follow his instruction. I wanna be on my own anyway.
I sit down inside my tent, bringing my knees to my chest and letting my head rest.
I think back to the run in with the walker. And I realise I don't want to die. The moment it grabbed ahold of me, I made that decision pretty quick.
I want to live.
After a couple minutes, my tent unzips.
"(Y/N)?" it was Rick.
"Hey Rick" I greet, my voice a little hoarse.
He sits down inside.
He looks at me rather sympatheticly.
I admire Rick. He's a good guy. He's kept us alive so far.
I don't often speak with him though. He's often got important stuff to do.
"Daryl told me what happened out there" he says looking down.
"The walker?" I ask, hoping that's all Daryl's told him.
"Yea" ,he takes a breath, "and the other thing" he says scratching his head.
He gulps, looking back to my eyes, "I want you to know that you're a valued member of this group." he reaches out grabbing my hand, comfortingly.
"And if anything were to happen to you..." he pauses, "I- well I care just as much about you as I do Carl and Lori." he gives me a sad smile.
"And Daryl, well he may not be the best at showing it, but he cares for you, (Y/N)." the look in his eye and his tone of voice is very sincere.
I feel my cheeks redden at hearing this.
Daryl likes me.
He huffs a laugh, "Hell, when he rushed over to see me, he was worried sick. I thought his brother had returned for a second. He's the only other person I know Daryl cares like that for."
I smile a little, "really?" I ask quietly.
He nods.
"So you ever feel like you did today, I want you to know you've got me, you've got Daryl, hell, you've got the whole group. Just talk to one of us. Promise me." He speaks looking me dead in the eye.
"I promise" I tell him, meaning it with my whole heart.
He pats my knee, "good" he smiles.
Just before he leaves my tent he turns back to me, "oh and you've got a visitor out here."
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