#no matter how 'relatable' or 'trendy' a corporation may seem
jerryslogan · 3 years
There are few things in the design that are more important than color. Color can evoke reactions, emotions or even action all without using words. So how do we know which colors look good together? The answer is color theory in graphic design! The color theory describes the use of color in graphic design. Otherwise known as graphic design color palettes. However, it’s not only for artists as people use color theory in their everyday life as well! Whether it’s choosing an outfit or putting together a party invitation for a family members birthday color theory helps you choose a colorful graphic design!
1.The Understandings of Color Theory In Graphic Design
The biggest power behind color is their ability to evoke emotions and make people feel things, but the color meaning in graphic design can seem confusing at first as colors often have different interpretations. Let’s take a look at not only what emotions they evoke but also their symbolism!
Color Theory In Graphic Design: Red
Red is in the “Warm” color family and tends to evoke feelings of passion, both love, and hate! Proven by the fact you can see the color red used in both imagery of Cupid, an angel of love, and demons.
As it’s also been associated with power and imagery of fire, violence, and warfare we tend to use red as a warning of danger or even to reprimand someone, like marking things incorrect using a large red “X” mark. However, red can also be seen as a symbol of status like when used at red carpet events or it can make someone think of red rubies.
Red is best used as an accent color, as it can be overwhelming, and even harmful to the eyes if used in large amounts!
Color Theory In Graphic Design: Yellow
Yellow, also a warm color is considered to be one of the brightest and most energizing of the warm colors. It’s commonly associated with happiness and sunshine. However, it can also be used to convey a warning or caution as it’s commonly used in construction sighs.
yellow lemon quote wallpaper
Click the Image to Edit
Use yellow when you want a bright pop of happy energy or to draw immediate attention to an area. Yello is also great to use when creating more industrial or modern designs! If you find that yellow is too stark and bright, try using a more muted yellow.
Color Theory In Graphic Design: Blue
Blue is often associated with sadness however blue is also used to represent calmness and tranquility. The meaning and symbolism of blue are heavily reliant on the shade of blue. Light blues can be both refreshing and friendly while dark blues are considered stronger and reliable.blue computer science post
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When using blue remember the exact shade of blue you select will matter most with how your design will be perceived. Light blues are often calming, bright blues can be refreshing or even energizing while dark blues, like navy, are great for corporate designs where reliability is a featuring trait.
Color Theory In Graphic Design: Orange
Orange is bright and vibrant and so also gives off an energetic vibe similar to yellow, but is much more subdued in comparison. It’s commonly used in food labels or other cooking-related products (including cell phone recipe apps) as orange is said to invoke hunger in people!
While orange in its purest form is vibrant and bright, more muted forms will give off the feeling of warmth, and remind people of fall leaves. Which can be ideal for designs that want to give the feeling of being “cozy” and warm.
orange flower quote post
Click the Image to Edit
Orange can be a better warm option to use over red as it has all of the vibrancy and energy that the color red has but without the potentially aggressive symbolism.
Color Theory In Graphic Design: Green
Unsurprisingly green, a cool-toned color is considered as earthy and will invoke images of nature signifying renewal and abundance. Alternatively, green can also represent envy and jealousy as seen in the phrase “green with envy”.
Going with the same theme as “abundance”, green can symbolize wealth especially in countries where their currency is green.
green christmas party invitation
Click the Image to Edit
Green has a similar calming effect as blue, but with some of the energizing tones of yellow. The brighter the green the more energizing it will be. Muted and olive greens will work best in designs of nature and the natural world while dark greens are the most stable and representative of wealth.
Color Theory In Graphic Design: Purple
Before modern-day dyes were created, purple dyes were hard to find and extremely expensive to make so only royals and the wealthy could afford them. Given this history, dark purples are associated with wealth and royalty.
However, lighter purples, like lavender, are typically associated with softness and a more tender romantic love, as opposed to red which ignites more passionate love.
aesthetic purple cloud wallpaper
Click the Image to Edit
When using purples in design dark purples will give a sense of wealth and luxury while light softer purples are associated with spring and romance.
2. What’s the Color Terminology?
When talking about the color theory you may notice a few key terms pop up quite frequently. That is because describing color is best done by describing it’s hue, saturation, brightness or value. Let’s cover what exactly these terms mean!
Hue is one of the main properties of color and is the property of light by which the color of an object is classified as red, blue, green, or yellow in the color spectrum.
Green, orange, yellow, and blue — each of these is a hue, a color or a shade. A rainbow shows the melting of one hue into another, from red to violet, and all the shades in between. The noun hue means both a color and a shade of a color. Green is a hue, and turquoise is a hue of both green and blue!
Saturation is the intensity of a hue from a gray tone with no saturation, to pure, vivid color with high saturation. High saturation colors will come off more colorful or deep, while low saturation images will come off muted or pastel.
low and high hues
Value refers to the lightness, brightness or darkness of a color. Value in the art will refer to the shadows and highlights and will give your work more dimension. It is especially important in black and white photos, design and illustration as it will separate objects from each other and their background.
Brightness is simply both the hue of color along with the value of the color. It refers to its lightness and its ability to replicate light or reflection. This is also known as “luminance.”
3. Color Palette For Graphic Design
Creating a cohesive color scheme relies on one thing: knowing what colors go well together and compliment each other. Luckily there are a number of different ways to mix, match and find the perfect color scheme for you!
Color Wheel
The color wheel for graphic design is a circle with different colored sections used to show the relationship between colors. The typical color wheel includes the blue, red, and yellow primary colors. The corresponding secondary colors are then green, orange, and violet or purple.
color wheel
Secondary Color
A mentioned above, secondary colors are colors that come from mixing two primary colors. There are three secondary colors. In RGB graphic design, the secondary colors are purple made from red mixed with blue, orange made from red mixed with yellow, and green made from yellow mixed with blue.
secondary color
Two colors that are on opposite sides of the color wheel are called complementary colors. Complementary colors of graphic designs provide high contrast and high impact color combination. When placed together or next to one another these colors will appear brighter and more vibrant.
complementary color
Split Complementary
A split complementary color scheme involves the use of three colors. Start with one color, find its complement and then use the two colors on either side of it.
Analogous colors are among the easiest to find on the color wheel. Pick any color at any point on the wheel. Now, look at any three colors directly to the left or right of the chosen color. Together, those four are a group of analogous colors. Mixing colors that are adjacent to each other creates a colorful yet harmonious look. When using an analogous color scheme it’s best to choose one main color, using the other three as accent colors. This will help keep designs from becoming too chaotic or busy.
Tertiary colors are colors made by combining a secondary color with a primary color. There are six colors considered tertiary. In the RYB color wheel, these tertiary colors are red-orange, yellow-orange, yellow-green, blue-green, blue-violet, and red-violet.
4. Color Sites for Graphic Design
These sites are the top free to use color guide for graphic designers giving you easy to use tools to create graphic design palettes.
COLOURlovers is a creative community where people from around the world create and share colors, palettes, and patterns, discuss the latest trends and explore colorful articles. With more than 4,682,736 palettes, 10,035,451 colors, 5,844,503 patterns in 532,217 templates you’re sure to find inspiration to kick start your creative projects.
triadic colors
Color Hunt
Color Hunt is an open collection of color palettes, created by Gal Shir. Color Hunt started as a personal small project built to share trendy color combinations between a group of designer friends. The collection scaled up and now being used daily as handy resources by thousands of people all over the world.
color hunt
Paletton, a design tool for creating color combinations that work together well. It was formerly known as Color Scheme Designer.
5. How to Create a Graphic Design with Color Theory?
Step 1
First, you are going to fotor.com and choose your template by going to Design and choosing Poster found in the Marketing category.
Choose your template from the side panel, I will be choosing this Black Friday sale poster!
Step 2
Next, let’s customize the design!
First, the text, let’s Click on the title text and change the font face to Alibaba Sans Bold.
I will also be changing the “When” and “Where” to Alibaba Sans Bold.
Double-click on the text to change what it says, I will be changing it to “bikes and accessories”
Now onto the colors. Let’s change the yellow to a more outdoorsy green color.
Click on the yellow header, in the upper left-hand corner choose the pastel green color.
Change all yellow sections to this green color. You can even change the rippled texture in the bottom right-hand corner!
Once done, click on all the text and change them to white using the same method. In Fotor, everything is customizable by simply clicking on it, it’s that easy!
change the color
Finally, let’s use complementary colors to make the bike stand out. In this case, we have a lot of green. The complementary color of green is red! So let’s click on the bike, and choose red for our third color box, changing the frame of the boke to red.
Finish up by changing the rims of the bike to white, using the second color box.
change the color of the bicycle
Step 3
Lastly, let’s save our image by Naming out file, choosing .PNG for out the file type and then choosing High for our quality! And you are all done!
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int3h-blog · 5 years
■ Wire Messenger
If you’ve dipped your feet into the world of secure communications, you may have heard of messaging software called Wire, developed by Wire Swiss GmbH (Headquartered in Switzerland, Developed in Germany). They claim privacy by design and market themselves largely with a focus in security.
Many people who find their way to use secure communications typically have negative feelings towards data-mining monopolies such as Google and Amazon, and often try doing what they can to avoid using their services. As time goes on, it becomes clear as day just how nearly impossible it is to legitimately pull this off, as per the plan of any monopoly. One would think that such a forward thinking company supposedly focused on your privacy and security, as well as being open-source, which plays for the savvy, would do anything but use Amazon or Google services. Of course, there is no promise of this at all, in fact, in their white paper it’s very clear just how integral Amazon is to their security model. The trick is to seem so privacy oriented and so ‘hip’ to the privacy-aware (see: open-source software, open white papers on encryption, etc.) that one would assume Wire had this covered.
Folks are shocked – shocked – that CIA-backed Amazon is selling face-recog tech to US snoops, cops
Unfortunately, it has come to my and a few others’ attention that Wire is not much different from other trendy security / privacy software. There are connections to Amazon and Google servers upon launch that remain established until the process is killed. Looking into the paper, you can see that they are using European Amazon AWS servers. You can also see this for yourself by inspecting connections the process spawns. I am currently unaware of why the Google or Cloudfront connections are made.
Businesses have begun hijacking legitimate social and politcal issues, this being an individual's right to privacy, often profiting greatly off of it. Without going too much into NordVPN, VPN software that you can creepily spot advertisements for just about anywhere nowadays, is doing this as well. Again, this is another story. People often fall for marketing tricks, the tricks that exist for you to believe that a random business has your best interest in mind. Time and time again, we can see that VPNs that lie about logging, give information easily to just about any agency under any circumstance, don’t put any effort into the security of their clients, they all make these claims to have your best interest in mind and we learn that it is simply not true. So why not butter up the private and the paranoid by masquerading as ‘one of them’ just to re-connect them back to the monopolized, corporate botnet that they’ve been trying desperately to avoid. Thank goodness everyone reads software white papers, am I right?
A source that I am choosing to anonymize has run into a peculiar problem with the software. A random contact was somehow added to their contact list, without any sort of permissions given to the app relating to an address book. After a small amount of research, I found others had similar stories, but mostly due to a 'feature' that was being referred to “autoconnections”. It is still a mystery as to why this has happened since my contact hasn’t created an environment for such a feature to work. I suppose you could add this to the list of security blunders that Wire has made.
Secure Messaging App Wire Stores Everyone You've Ever Contacted in Plain Text
Wire’s Certificate Validation Vulnerability
How to intercept all Wire voice and video calls
In this world, you’re a UUID, data in an SQL database, a profit, no matter what you’ve been marketed into believing.
Remember to transcend the corporate shilling and protect yourself. No one cares for you more than you do.
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scribblechill · 6 years
On Thundercats Roar, the Calarts Style, and ‘Toxic Masculinity’
Okey, I know I rarely, rarely make blog posts. If I have something to say about cartoons or the animation sphere I would probably make a video on my channel. But I believe that this matter is not a suitable topic for a potential video, and also I’m still kind of on my Youtube hiatus. Anyways...
There is a reason why Thundercats is hated so much, and it’s because of the plight of the ‘Calarts style’. A lot of people, especially those who grew up with cartoons from the 80′s and 90′s, criticised the show for repeating the art style repeated in modern 2010′s cartoons such as Steven Universe and Gravity Falls, and that the Thundercats reboot is no more than an epiphany for the ‘lazy’ style in all contemporary cartoons. 
But is this true?
The modern ‘calarts’ style is constructed from drawing a circle, and drawing a bracket, representing the lower jaw, that protrudes out, as seen in this image:
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As an artist who has emulated and utilised this style, I can say that this is perfectly true. But now let’s look at the other side, the 80′s- The 80′s style is primarily based on realistic human anatomy and proportions, with accurately depicted muscles. 
But here’s the catch. The education process of an animator within an art school is rigourous- students are required to attend mandatory figure drawing classes, where their skills when it comes to anatomy and perspective are drilled to perfection. The artists who animate with the calarts style, and the artists who made the original Thundercats have no doubt gone through this process- with all that intense training, one could probably regurgitate a human figure as easy as...well, drawing a circle with a jaw below it. 
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Image credits: Reiq from Deviantart
I do agree that there is more effort that is placed into defining emotions and muscular features in the original Thundercats and many 80′s cartoons. However, the fact that they regurgitated the real life anatomy does not make them any more, or less, creative than contemporary cartoons. 
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Look at Lion-O for a start, he is supposed to be a human-cat-alien. However, all the character designers did is illustrate a normal, muscular person, change the eye size to match a cat, and made the skin orange. It’s practically one or two cat features stuck to a perfectly standard rendition of a male figure that the artist could have drawn a million times during anatomy class in animation school. 
And hence, like how the ‘Calarts’ style is based off a regurgitated circle and a bracket, the 80′s cartoon style is based of a regurgitation of standard human anatomy that is commonly understood by all artists- including modern animators in Calarts. Anime uses a regurgitated style, so as comic books. But how about this image?
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So are 80′s cartoons a pile of shit too?
No, the creator of this image has obviously nitpicked the characters from contemporary animation. But it does tell the point that the ‘repetitious, lazy style’ argument could work both ways, and it could be true with exceptions at the same time. The point is- each era of animation have a stylistic/anatomical thing that is repeated, and that’s fine! Because in the cartoon industry a lot of artists work between shows, and this result in their style being intertwined between many dominating shows within the industry. Both style has their beauty- the 80′s, muscly, realistic style is a celebration of how life-like and realistic you could make a series of moving pictures to be. And the Calart style looks fluid, lively, and well, cute. 
Though the design from Thundercats Roar might have been too much of a generic copycat (ba dum tss) of the Calarts style, let’s remember there are many amazing cartoons that are animated in the same style, but are beloved and are appreciated for their artistic beauty. For a start- Wonder Over Yonder, created by Craig McCracken, who surprise, came from Calarts himself. We should appreciate each era of cartoons- past, present or future, and of course, be free to criticise it too. And we should not allow one bad fruit in the basket to ruin it all for everyone. 
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But there is one last thing about this whole Thundercats thing I want to address. I think this comment left by a fellow on Youtube highlights this problem I want to talk about best. 
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‘When I see this style (Calarts), I don’t think ‘cutesy’. I think racist bigoted, vindictive, far left authoritarian. This drawing style is a huge warning sign that you’re dealing with the someone who’s really into violence and revenge, but deluded enough to think they’re childlike and fun.’ -anon
This is one of the biggest problem with the whole issue- people politicising the Thundercats reboot and the Calarts style. 
Basically the consensus is- the Calarts style and the Thundercats reboot itself is an attempt from leftists and SJW’s to stifle ‘toxic masculinity’, otherwise known as ‘the war on boys’. As we have all noticed- the original Thundercats is very masculine, while the reboot looks cutesy and non-threatening. Many people believe that this reboot is a small part of the agenda from the liberals imposing feminine standards on young boys at school, in the media they consume and in society, instead of allowing them to have rough and tumble play. 
Let me get this straight first- I do believe that this is an issue with the western education system in many western countries, especially Sweden. But I’m not here to talk about politics, I’m here for animation. 
The modern cartoon style portraying their characters as more cutesy instead of more masculine is not a large social engineering project, but it’s instead a mix of the change in writing style and economics. 
First of all, large corporations like Cartoon Network has no intention on manipulating kids to be more feminine. They just market, greenlight, and promote what sells. It’s called business. The cutesy style is trendy nowadays- so networks today promote it. The muscle-man, masculine style is trendy back in the 80′s, so networks promoted it before. Welcome to the free market. 
Second of all- the writing style. The entire Calarts style started with the ‘cartoon renaissance’ of the 2010′s- catalysed by shows like Adventure Time and Gravity Falls. These shows not only brought a new art style, but they also brought something back that has been mostly eroded in the previous decade- story and character development. The imperative part of character development is relatability, and this would mean the rejection of ‘Mary Sues’, or perfect flawless characters. 
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It lies in the visual narrative- a worked up person with large muscles- as portrayed in Thundercats, does not seem as ‘relatable’ as maybe a more bubbly, cutesy, character, because the fact is that the majority of us do not look, and more importantly, feel like that. But unlike the Thundercats reboot, this bubbly Calarts character design in many good contemporary cartoons juxtaposes with the character’s surrounding world, which is often illustrated to be much darker, and included more physical and emotional challenges they have to face. They are more appealing because the audience, whether they are kids are adults, realise that someone meek and not very insignificant like themselves, represented by the ‘cutesy’ style, could fight and fare along in a world that’s dark, complex, and that they can overcome the hurdles in their personal life like family relationships etc (classic examples being Gravity Falls, Steven Universe, Adventure Time, even Gumball, OK KO and Star Vs to some extent) and that they could do so too. They are not more appealing to the audience because the audience is being brainwashed into being more feminine. 
A lot of the people supporting the notion that the Calarts style is representative of the feminisation of society will point out that cartoons today do not show and encourage people to take action on their own flaws, and that the audience is shielded from reality and are replaced with rainbows and sunshine to ‘feminise’ the children, and some of them end up calling artists and animators that utilise the Calarts style as ‘cucks’, ‘soyboys’ (lol) and ‘betas’ and are obsessed with their ideologies and social engineering. When in fact, cartoons today have been promoting the idea of overcoming one’s own flaws all the time, (Maybe not in Thundercats Roar or TTG but in Adventure Time, Steven Universe, Star vs. etc) and are in fact building stronger people in real life, all thanks to the fact that the audience could actually relate increasingly to  more modestly, cutely designed characters.    
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Img cred: Know Your Meme
And I have to say, I personally think a lot of them are completely new to the modern cartoon/animation sphere and they just popped in because they saw this Thundercats reboot, and just because of that one reboot they came up with the notion that the Calarts style and the entire cartoon industry is stifling masculinity. No offence to them at all. But like I said earlier, the cutesy style actually creates a sense of reliability and juxtaposition for the audience that a more masculine and strong illustration style like the original Thundercats might not be able to offer. It’s only that Thundercats Roar failed to create this sense of juxtaposition, but it doesn’t mean the rest of the bunch- OK KO, Steven Universe, fail to do so too. 
If you are a big fan of cartoons, may I ask you, will the show lose it’s appeal, at least slightly, because...
- Star from Star vs looks more like Wonderwoman
- Dipper from Gravity Falls is an alpha with gains. 
I’m well aware that this is could be different between person to person. 
The point is, the fact that we are politicising a fucking art style and calling everyone who uses and endorses it as your political opponent, shows how emotionally driven this whole debate is. Fans of the former Thundercats have every right to be mad at the reboot- it is a bastardisation of the original and a disrespect towards the original creator. However, turning this nostalgic rage into political stigmatisation and blanket generalisation of the many hardworking artists and animators that just get along is childish in itself. Sure, some artists might actually believe that masculinity is toxic, whoever designed the characters in the Thundercats reboot might be lazy- but the majority of those people who use the Calarts style, or come from Calarts, want to pursue their passion, make the best animations they could, and put food on the table. 
The political issues implied are very real, but using them to emotionally justify one’s rage against these artists is not right. 
It takes some balls for you to voice out against social change (despite doing it in the wrong place), but it takes a real man to pursue the gruelling yet rewarding art form of animation. 
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michaelandy101-blog · 3 years
The MozCon Digital 2021 Closing Agenda
New Post has been published on https://tiptopreview.com/the-mozcon-virtual-2021-final-agenda/
The MozCon Digital 2021 Closing Agenda
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This 12 months’s MozCon Digital is correct across the nook, and we could not be extra excited! In case you’ve by no means thought of it earlier than, it is excessive time you turned acquainted with the concept of a “couchference” — a full-fledged convention held from the consolation of your property workplace area, actual workplace area, and even your couch.
On July 12th, 13th, and 14th, be a part of Ringmaster Roger beneath the MozCon huge prime for insights and tactical displays from business leaders, plus the chance to attach and community with fellow attendees!
Tickets are simply $129 for Moz subscribers till Could 31, together with entry to the professionally produced video bundle (a $350 worth!), offering unbelievable marketing thought management at an unheard-of worth:
Save my spot at MozCon Digital!
And keep in mind, this can be a nice alternative for our mates around the globe and people who aren’t in a position to journey to expertise the MozCon magic dwell! If this might be your first time attending, we would love to listen to what speak you are most excited for within the feedback.
Learn on to see what your favourite business leaders are talking on this 12 months!
All speak occasions are in Pacific, so maintain that in thoughts when planning your day!
Monday, July 12th
eight:30am – Networking
Open time for attendees to attach with different attendees and MozCon companions.
9:00am – Welcome to MozCon 2021
Sarah Chicken, CEO of Moz
The fearless chief of Moz might be welcoming every one in every of us to this 12 months’s digital occasion, laying out precisely what you may anticipate over the subsequent three days.
9:35am – Doing the Completely (Im)Potential: Debunking Digital PR & Hyperlink Constructing Myths in 2021
Shannon McGuirk, Consumer Companies and Supply Director | Aira
“You higher be pitching that marketing campaign into the press earlier than 9am and undoubtedly not on a Friday or Monday!”
“Link relevancy is important if you’re a link builder, but if you’re a digital PR, it doesn’t really matter.”
“You’re asking the impossible to get links to category and product pages.”
Bored with listening to daring claims and questions like these? We’re too. Shannon goes to problem most of the digital PR and hyperlink constructing myths you are seeing debated on Twitter. From the previous traditional myths that stand the check of time and are at all times requested, by way of to new beliefs which are scorching matters, she’s going to make use of information, insights and case research to point out you methods to cowl a few of these beliefs and enhance your hyperlink constructing and digital PR efforts in 2021.”
10:15am — The Science of Buying Conduct: How you can Use it Successfully to Entice & Convert Extra Prospects Into Prospects
Flavilla Fongang, Founder & Inventive Model Strategist | 3 Colours Rule
Some manufacturers have achieved the dream: a big viewers who believes in them, shopping for from them time and time once more with out questioning the worth or authenticity of the services and products. They usually’ve finished it by creating an emotional reference to that viewers. As of late, it is extra about constructing a group round your model, somewhat than merely having shoppers. We’ll discover the ability of name psychology that is been utilized by enormous, profitable manufacturers equivalent to Apple or Starbucks to earn clients which are loyal long-term.
10:50am — Networking
Open time for attendees to attach with different attendees and MozCon companions.
11:15am — The Content material Refresh: How you can Do Extra With Much less
Kameron Jenkins, Content material Lead | Shopify
Regardless of the place you’re employed, there’s one thing all of us appear to have a scarcity of… time. Mix that with bold visitors KPIs and you will rapidly notice 100% new content material technique is not sustainable. Enter the content material refresh. Learn to determine and execute one of the best refresh alternatives so you may rank sooner and enhance your current content material ROI.
11:40am — Rule Your Rivals: From Knowledge to Motion
Dr. Pete Meyers, Advertising Scientist | Moz
Best evaluation ends in an avalanche of potential key phrases to focus on, leaving you buried in indecision. Actual case research will present you methods to forge your information into an actionable plan that drives strategic, focused content material. Escape from beneath the key phrase pile and conquer your content material rivals.
12:20pm — Construct for Search: Fashionable Internet Dev That Places web optimization First
Dana DiTomaso, President & Accomplice | Kick Point
With the debut of Core Internet Vitals, trendy web optimization is extra related to web site growth than ever earlier than. Certain, we’ve at all times been occupied with title tags and ensuring our pages convert — however the precise underpinnings of a web site may need been left to your internet growth group and possibly that one technical web optimization. They’re probably very expert individuals, however the probabilities of them occupied with how growth choices affect web optimization are usually slim to none. Let’s modernize the connection between the net growth course of and web optimization.
12:55pm — Networking
Open time for attendees to attach with different attendees and MozCon companions.
1:20pm — Internationalization Errors: How you can Go International With out Dropping All Of Your Visitors
Jackie Chu, web optimization Lead, Intelligence | Uber
Internationalization is without doubt one of the main causes of technical web optimization debt for multinational corporations. We’ll speak by way of widespread internationalization errors and methods to keep away from them so you may win visibility and develop anyplace.
2:00pm — Mastering three Click on + Engagement Alerts for Larger Rankings/Visitors
Cyrus Shepard, web optimization Marketing consultant | Moz
Profitable web sites are all completely different, but practically all Google-ranked web sites reach the very same basic methods. In our quest to optimize for Core Internet Vitals, mobile-first indexing, and JavaScript rendering, have we overlooked the content material and person experiences that dominate the very prime of Google search outcomes? On this presentation, Cyrus explores the three Google click on and engagement alerts that top-ranking internet pages grasp: clicks, lengthy clicks, and final clicks. Utilizing examples and experiment outcomes, he demonstrates how any web site — and SEOs of all ability ranges — can leverage these alerts for improved Google visitors.
2:40pm — Birds of a Feather Dialogue Teams
Be part of fellow attendees in one in every of our Birds of a Feather Dialogue teams to share concepts, and community with friends round a standard subject. Birds of a Feather teams are casual, peer-to-peer conversations.
three:15pm — That’s a wrap on Day 1!
Networking stays open till three:30.
Tuesday, July 13th
eight:30am — Networking
Open time for attendees to attach with different attendees and MozCon companions.
9:00am — Day 2 Opens!
9:10am — Why Entrepreneurs Ought to Suppose Extra Like Traders To Drive Content material Outcomes
Ross Simmonds, Founder, CEO | Foundation Marketing
Each single piece of content material your model creates is an asset. So why will we view them as an expense? On this session, Ross will speak concerning the parallels between content material marketing/web optimization and the world of investing. From the methods that take weblog posts and touchdown pages to the moon, to the basics of content material investing to create a aggressive benefit, find out how an funding mindset can drive outcomes.
9:50am — Taking Cost of Your Indexability: How you can Optimize and Prioritize Your Technical Work
Areej AbuAli, SEO Consultant
Take cost over the indexability of your web site! With a give attention to aggregators and classifieds, Areej will share recommendation on methods to greatest scale back index bloat for big web sites. Diving into parameter dealing with, sitemap logic, robots directives, and extra, we’ll additionally assess methods to analyze probably the most impactful adjustments, methods to get sign-off from senior stakeholders, and methods to prioritize work with product groups.
10:25am — Networking
Open time for attendees to attach with different attendees and MozCon companions.
10:50am — Reporting for Responsibility: Why You Must Begin Utilizing GA4 TODAY
Brie E Anderson, Proprietor, Founder | BEAST Analytics
Very like with some other change, the change to Google Analytics four could seem daunting and a bit ineffective. Nevertheless it’s higher to get began now earlier than you must. Plus, on this presentation we’ll uncover secrets and techniques Google arms out in GA4. Then, stick round to see what’s new and could also be even higher sooner or later.
11:15pm — Counterintuitive Content material: How New Tendencies Have Disrupted Years of Dangerous Recommendation
Casie Gillette, Senior Director, Digital Advertising | KoMarketing
Together with the always-shifting panorama, one of many largest issues we as entrepreneurs wrestle with is the sheer quantity of data. For years we have been instructed we needed to produce as a lot content material as attainable. Then we have been instructed to give attention to high quality however we nonetheless needed to have a constant schedule. What about YouTube or voice search or TikTok? The very fact of the matter is, there is not any one technique to do content material marketing. On this session, we’ll have a look at content material from a completely completely different perspective and speak about how one can begin creating content material by yourself phrases.
11:55 — To Submit or To not Submit: What We Realized From Analyzing Over 1,00zero Google Posts
Pleasure Hawkins, Proprietor | Sterling Sky Inc
What worth do Google Posts have, and the way ought to the common SMB prioritize them? Dive into the information from two research performed by Sterling Sky to reply these questions.
The primary examine analyzes over 1,00zero Google Posts to see what varieties carry out higher primarily based on clicks and conversions, and measures the affect of assorted options equivalent to inventory pictures, emojis, titles, and extra. The second seems at whether or not posting on Google has any affect on the place your corporation ranks within the native pack. Findings from each may have you reevaluating your shoppers’ Google posting technique!
12:30pm — Networking
Open time for attendees to attach with different attendees and MozCon companions.
12:55pm — Maximize Your Conversions: Harnessing Full-Funnel Optimization for B2B Success
Joyce Collarde, web optimization Supervisor | Obility
The lengthy gross sales cycles offered in B2B pose a singular set of challenges for changing guests into coveted customers. Success requires a strategic strategy that goes past the touchdown web page to incorporate your complete web site. On this session, we’ll have a look at three tried-and-true strategies for growing your conversion charge and profitable extra enterprise.
1:20pm — Past the Fundamentals: 5 web optimization Tips for Uncovering Superior Insights from Your web optimization Knowledge
Rob Ousbey, VP Technique | Moz
Fashionable SEOs don’t have any scarcity of knowledge, however you possibly can study even MORE about your web site, content material, hyperlinks, and rivals by working smarter, not more durable. Rob will present you methods to breathe new life into your normal web optimization information, and stroll away with extra superior insights which are positive to impress your group (and your boss!)
2:00pm — The Chilly Exhausting Reality about CTR and Different Frequent Metrics
Britney Muller, Serial Entrepreneur + Knowledge Science Pupil | Data Sci 101
Reporting on web site efficiency is an integral a part of web optimization, however not all metrics are created equal. In case you suppose your metrics are telling the complete story, suppose once more. Begin constructing extra insightful reporting strategies with information science. On this session, Britney will present you methods to quash your reporting woes and make simple work of figuring out precisely why your web site’s efficiency modified.
2:35pm — Birds of a Feather Dialogue Teams
Be part of fellow attendees in one in every of our Birds of a Feather Dialogue teams to share concepts, and community with friends round a standard subject. Birds of a Feather teams are casual, peer-to-peer conversations.
three:00pm — That’s a wrap on Day 2!
Networking stays open till three:30.
Wednesday, July 14th
eight:30am — Networking
Open time for attendees to attach with different attendees and MozCon companions.
9:00am — Day three Opens!
9:10am — The Quick & The Spurious: Core Internet Vitals & web optimization
Tom Capper, Senior Search Scientist | Moz
Core Internet Vitals are all the fad, however do they dwell as much as the hype? Tom explores the actual web optimization affect of Google’s shiny new metrics, which of them you really need to fret about, and methods to prioritize fixes.
9:50am — The Final How-To for Faceted Navigation web optimization in E-commerce
Luke Carthy, eCommerce Consultant
One of many largest FAQs in e-commerce: “How do you handle faceted navigation when it comes to SEO?”
We’ll ask the powerful questions and reply them head-on! Be part of Luke as he walks by way of case research, real-world examples, and methods to leverage faceted navigation to essentially capitalize on high-converting long-tail key phrases. In case you’re in e-commerce, you gained’t wish to miss this!
10:25am — Networking
Open time for attendees to attach with different attendees and MozCon companions.
10:50am — Let the API Do the Work: Harnessing Pure Language for Extra Productive web optimization
Miracle Inameti-Archibong, Head of web optimization | Erudite Agency
Key phrase analysis is an important course of in getting insights into your client behaviour. Nonetheless, it’s typically a really guide and labor-intensive course of. How can we velocity up the method so we are able to get to engaged on our implementations and getting outcomes? Miracle walks by way of sensible methods entrepreneurs can use APIs to do the heavy lifting and save time.
11:15am — A Reside Information to Discovering & Filling the Gaps in Your Hyperlink Technique
Amanda Milligan, Advertising Director | Fractl
Is your hyperlink portfolio robust sufficient to face up to every part Google and your rivals throw at you? In case you’re hyper-focused on acquisition and also you ignore technique, you may find yourself with a pile of weak backlinks that are not related — and will not transfer the needle. Aggressive evaluation is your key to discovering and filling the gaps in your hyperlink constructing technique. I will stroll you thru the method start-to-finish.
11:55am — From the Medic Replace to Now: How the E-A-T Ecosystem Has Reworked Natural Search
Lily Ray, Senior Director, web optimization & Head of Natural Analysis | Amsive Digital
Be taught why E-A-T (experience, authoritativeness, and trustworthiness) has taken a entrance seat in web optimization discussions lately, the quite a few locations the place Google focuses on E-A-T, and the way the rising emphasis on surfacing authoritative content material has drastically modified the natural search panorama throughout search, Information, Uncover, YouTube, and extra.
12:30pm — Networking
Open time for attendees to attach with different attendees and MozCon companions.
12:30pm — Networking
Open time for attendees to attach with different attendees and MozCon companions.
12:55pm — Recreation-Altering Methods to Use the Google Search Console API
Noah Learner, Product Director | Two Octobers
Let’s face it, you aren’t getting what you need out of your key phrase information. Unlock your latest web optimization secret weapon with this deep dive into the ability of the Google Search Console API. This game-changing software will assist you crush the competitors, promote web optimization to your group, and win prospects with deep web optimization insights you had no thought have been out there.
1:20pm — The three Most Necessary Search Advertising Instruments…Your Coronary heart, Your Mind, & Your [Small] Ego
Wil Reynolds, Founder & Vice President of Innovation | Seer Interactive
Search is a sport of rankings. Just one can win the #1 spot and small tweaks can imply the distinction between rating #1 and #5. In case you’re utilizing the identical instruments as everybody else, what aggressive benefit are you bringing to the desk? Wil exhibits you methods to rework your information into profitable insights with three instruments everybody has at their fingertips: your coronary heart, your head, and a willingness to query every part you thought was true about web optimization.
1:55pm — Birds of a Feather Dialogue Teams
Be part of fellow attendees in one in every of our Birds of a Feather Dialogue teams to share concepts, and community with friends round a standard subject. Birds of a Feather teams are casual, peer-to-peer conversations.
2:30pm – Farewell and Goodbye from MozCon 2021
Sarah Chicken, CEO of Moz
That’s a wrap on MozCon Digital 2021! Stick round for networking till three:30, and hope to see you once more subsequent 12 months!
See you there?
Chatting with audio system by way of Q&A, connecting with friends and potential companions in Birds of a Feather teams, absorbing all of the information for one more fruitful 12 months of marketing… we won’t wait to share it with you!
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supershanzykhan · 3 years
Useful tips for good manners at meetings and social events
When should you respond to RSVP?
What should you wear?
When should you come?
When should you extend the handshake?
How do you introduce people in a group?
What should you talk about?
What should you not talk about?
When should you postpone extra courtesy to others?
Other business etiquette rules
Useful tips for good manners at meetings and social events
Appropriate business etiquette is expected from all professionals, especially at corporate events. Some people are trained in the art of good manners, especially for work-related settings. As a result, many people learn how to manage meeting etiquette and business activities on the job. Behavior that is not a problem outside of the corporate world can affect professional relationships and even damage careers. The corporate event may be a more relaxed setting, but it is still within the ethics and principles of the business environment.
Not everyone is completely comfortable with the idea that they can decide on whether they will display the right business etiquette when dealing with corporate hosts, co-workers and other guests. The purpose of etiquette is to create an environment that allows everyone to feel comfortable and professional at the same time.
When should you respond to RSVP?
The invitation provides very important information about the event, including details about the host, event type, purpose (also a brief agenda), location, time, specific instructions and of course RSVP.
Events can be based on a variety of RSVP options, including email, phone, mail-in cards and more. Guests should respond quickly when receiving an invitation and it is best to respond within a week. If you declined at the last minute, please let the host know before the event or express your heartfelt regret the next day.
What should you wear?
Hosts and guests are mistaken towards traditional sensitivity: dress neatly and in good taste (everything should always be emphasized). Most event invitations provide direction:
Business attire (suits and clothing)
Black-tie or black-tie-option (more formal evening dresses with full-length gowns, very dressy pantsuits or trendy cocktail dresses)
Business casual (pants or khakis with long sleeve shirts, jackets with blazers, slacks or knee length skirts)
Required jackets and ties (as indicated, include pantsuits and cocktail dresses)
Some events and venues recommend golf, tennis, horse racing, resorts and other casual wear. Managers are usually specific about attire requirements. Make sure your attire is clean and fluffy.
When should you come?
The event host spends considerable time and resources planning and executing the event, so most people know the answer to this question: Be on time. If you are a representative of the host, you should arrive 30 minutes in advance (you will be given time; show when requested).
If you are a guest, please understand that the administrator is selected with an invitation list. Most invitations have a concise agenda that highlights when guests arrive for the event, usually providing a 15 to 30 minute window for registration and welcome reception times.
Also, stay as long as possible or until the end of the event.
When should you extend the handshake?
Always shake hands and leave upon arrival . This is an easy rule that some people violate. Greet everyone with a hearty handshake and direct eye contact. However, when approaching a group of people, guests should always move the host hand first.
Of course, in some cases, handshake greetings are not possible when both hands are full. In those situations, the party may or may not use another gesture to convey greetings.
How do you introduce people in a group?
Most people introduce different people to an event at some point, especially when they want to get to know all the parties. What is the order of contacts? Remember two rules:
Introduce lower ranking people to higher ranking people.
Remember to include titles (e.g., doctor, judge, etc.) or name prefix (e.g., Mr., Mrs., Mrs.).
What should you talk about?
It is important to have strong listening and communication skills in group situations. This means interrupting, maintaining open body language (standing or sitting upright, do not cross your arms and maintain good eye contact) and being interested in what others have to say.
Contribute to conversations by talking about different things. Find topics of mutual interest and avoid correcting what others say. Make sure everyone in the group is involved in the discussion, not just one or two people. Encourage people to talk about themselves and be charming when offering or accepting compliments.
Adding the following is unfortunate, but some require: Avoid using unrealistic language and the wrong kind of slang in conversations.
What should you not talk about?
There are several things to avoid in general:
Personal finance matters
Personal health issues (yours and others)
Divisive or sensitive issues such as politics, religion or social conflicts
When should you postpone extra courtesy to others?
It may seem old-fashioned, but you need to let people know that you hold them in high esteem — and that this action is usually not recognized by the recipient. Here are several examples of how to show respect in an event:
Follow the leadership of others (e.g., the host) to learn when and where to sit.
Hold the doors to others.
Do not assume that empty seats are available.
Allow others to take a better seat.
Wait until others agree with you.
Wait for the host before taking the first drink.
Wait for everyone to eat after serving and until the host starts.
Other business etiquette rules
When attending a function in professional or other formal settings, keep in mind some other aspects of etiquette:
Do research on the event topic and stage before arriving.
Never drink more than two alcoholic beverages.
Allow the event host to make the first toast.
Notify hosts of any food restrictions prior to the event.
Understand how to use flatware: Eat outside.
The glassware is placed on the right side.
Bread plates are placed on the left side.
When done place the fork and knife in place for four hours.
Place napkins on a chair seat or arm when briefly stepping away.
Personally thank the host before leaving.
Thanks to the host within the week.
Courtesy:Outdoor Event Planner in Lahore
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supershanzykhan · 3 years
Event organizer – a promising occupation with increasing demand
You plan to try your hand at organizing events, but you're not sure where to start, you're troubled by the notables, the basics, or aren't you sure what it all entails and how to succeed in this kind of work? You're in the right place! This text will give you answers to everything that is troubling you, in order to encourage you, because you can also become a successful event organizer with a few tips.
You must have had a situation where you had to organize a celebration, a business event, a presentation or any other gathering in the short term. These situations can be extremely stressful and require a great amount of concentration and skill. And did you know that you can leave such things to the professionals? Yes, you heard right. People who do this type of work are called event organizers and are extremely popular.
What is event organization?
You've probably heard of the term event planner. It's a highly regarded area, which has been booming for the last few years. But what exactly is this about?
Experts often cannot agree on the exact definition, so there are several explanations for the notion of "event organizer". The official and most common explanation relates to the organization of events being to coordinate, design, and implement any details related to a meeting, event (business or not), related to a company or organization.
These events include:
team building,(in order to better meet colleagues and to make a stronger connection between employees, in order to form a good team);
some kind of marketing campaign, which in this case offers broad possibilities – in addition to internet advertising, the event organizer can be highlighted in the field of traditional marketing by using various advertising props and materials made by the printing technique;
education of new or old members, etc.
If it is a large corporation, people who are employed in such a position often must have excellent communication with other departments (such as marketing, commercial, etc.).
What falls within the obligations of the event organizers?
There are certain items that are extremely important to successfully organize an event, and are within the description of the event organization. It is necessary:
Good budget planning;
Respect for the deadlines set;
Select a place or event;
Reservation of the site;
Purchase of paperwork (permits, travel accounts, etc.);
Planning accommodation, transport, where to feed, etc.
As you can see, the to-dos are numerous, and they are all part of the obligations of the person who organizes.
In addition, in these positions you can learn about: organizing topics, arrangement of activities, choosing mentors, guest, educators, equipment selection, etc. You may be wondering how profitable it is, who would hire people to do it, or how to start a career in this area in the first place?
It's true that it's an area that's very popular, but the competition is also high. As one of the promising solutions, organizing events requires work and effort. Especially if you want to be successful. That's why it's good to get acquainted with the basics of this job.
Event Organization Basics
You need to know at least the basics if you plan to move to this area from another profession. To help you master a new type of job, you can learn about:
By designing a goal – ask yourself certain questions: Why do I want to do it? Do I find myself in this business? What is necessary to be successful in this business? Do I have the necessary skills to perform an event?
By organizing your team;
Developing a kontakate, etc.
Designing a goal is an important item. If you don't think hard about everything, you might throw a lot of time and effort at something that doesn't fill you. It's not a rare situation for people not to find work. It's crazy to do something you hate. Then we are not productive because we do not give our maximum, and it seems exhausting to the body.
You also have to be realistic about your good and bad qualities. If you're not in a hurry or not used to that pace of work, it might not be a bad idea to think better about whether this is an invitation for you.
Team organization – You can't do it all on your own. If you have reasonable doubts that there will be a large workload, feel free to organize a team. Hire a person on the side, if necessary.
Develop contacts – In this type of job it is not bad to be familiar with a large number of people. That's why experts suggest developing communication skills, getting acquainted with internet marketing, trying to reach as many people as possible.
In order to reach a large number of people and gain important contacts, you must be familiar with social networks. Proper advertising can do half the work for you. That way, you'll collect data that you might otherwise only dream of. In the digital world, a digital presence is also required. You can try to get a little more familiar with these topics. Advertising doesn't always have to cost money. There are numerous possibilities for online advertising.
These small rules can make you quickly and easily familiar with matter, but also to successfully expand your business.
Necessary skills for the work of event organizers
Every skill matters, however certain jobs require some qualifications that determine whether you will be successful in the job or not. To succeed in organizing an event, you must have:
Language skills – this depends on the client or company, but it is mostly about a good knowledge of English;
Communication skills – you may need to get in touch quickly and easily with people you don't know. This is not a job for shy and reclusive people. Good access and communicativeness often mean whether work will be done or not;
Keep up to date with events – this sometimes means that you have to know people, but also pay attention to the events that take place. Sometimes it is necessary to be trendy and keep in touch with time;
Desire to learn marketing – without good marketing nothing. Of course, you don't have to be a marketing manager, but some premeditation or at least interest isn't out of the way. You can follow blogs and websites in this area such as a blog run by Mario Pilar
You like a dynamic environment – event organization is anything but a boring job. It often happens that your next day is completely different from the last one.
Positions like this sometimes require a lot of renunciation. People who would like to do this kind of work often don't have much time, at least not at the beginning. Know that getting into the business will take time and patience.
Expand a job in the event organization area
You may already be in these waters, however you don't have enough clients. Workload can vary from time to time, for those who don't work in big companies this can be a turning point. Often the workload depends on whether someone stays to do this job or not.
How to find clients?
Those who work independently to organize events know how important clients are. You can find clients in a number of ways. Some of the most effective are:
Online advertising – try social networks (Instagram, Facebook, Tik Tok, etc.
Freelance platforme: Upwork, Freelancerm Fiverr, People Per Hour itd.
Job-finding sites: Remote.co, Remote Global, Neuvoo and many others
Mouth to mouth – Sounds ridiculous and a bit outdated, however the recommendation was the other number one solution when it came to searching for clients. The reason people prefer someone to recommend a good worker is because people are largely distrustful.
Online advertising – usually involves social networks. It's good if you're familiar with some kind of internet marketing, or you've done a job that's similar. If you are not one of those lucky ones, you can try to train extra, on your own, through a course or to hire an expert person to do so.
Freelance platforms – can be a great thing. There's a lot of competition, but so is the job offer. Be prepared that it will probably take some time to find your first engagement.
Job-finding sites – Similar to freelance platforms, however this includes a much more classic approach. The job offer generally changes day by day, so we suggest that your CV and handout letter be updated and ready.
Recommendation – A recommendation from another person can mean a lot. If a person encourages you and recommends you to another, you are more likely to get that project. Of course, this doesn't always work, but a little extra help doesn't hurt.
How to get a work placement in the field of event organization?
You may have received or expect an interview call, Skype or Zoom call, or some other form of communication with a lead, but if you're new to this job, you're probably not fully aware of how to get hired by a person or company. There are various reasons why someone chooses one person, but there are also a few things you need to pay special attention to:
Good CV;
Excellent propraty letter;
Recommendations - references;
Good CV – sounds like a cliché, but most people don't really know what to put on a resume. If we're looking specifically at this job, try throwing out things that are completely unrelated to this job. What might be interesting or useful are:
Seminar papers from a related field
Volunteering or college projects.
If your CV is too long (more than 2 pages), you can try listing some of your hobbies or activities in a handout or contact letter.
Accompanying letter – Goes in addition to the CV. Leading experts in the field of employment advise that you pay attention to the drafting of a good accompanying letter. The best effect leaves one that explains your motivation and desire but comes out of the pattern. Its purpose is to specify why you are the best person for the position, why someone would hire you. What makes you special? Have you had previous contact with that company or organization, is there a personal story? Try to implement it in a letter, and you'll surely be noticed. We also suggest that you learn the difference between motivational letter, handout and Contact Letter.
Recommendations – references – These things are extremely important when it comes to more serious projects or cooperation with foreigners. So make a good impression with your employer or client. You might need it. If you have a website or profile, it wouldn't be a bad idea to have a special section for positive comments. That way, clients will know that you're a trustee and you're serious. You can also ask for a letter of recommendation.
Portfolio – If you are in this area a little longer and have worked on several projects, you can create a portfolio. It's a set of your works in one place. You don't have to put every work in there. If you're not happy with how you did something, skip it. For the portfolio, choose the ones you're proud of. Of course you can name other things like your skills, education, etc. It may be in print, although the online version has been increasingly used in recent years. To conclude, no start is easy, especially if you don't have touchpoints with a field of business. Ups and downs are something normal, and you'll meet them often. However, it is important to understand that each job requires a certain effort. Real experts are ready to learn everything they can to become relevant in a particular area, so if you are serious about becoming an event organizer, everything you need to learn and do won't be you.
Courtesy:event organizers in Lahore
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cindyboxer349-blog · 6 years
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Oakley Flak Jacket Alternative Lens Authorized site! In consequence, Oakley deems these frames out of model. Having used each Radar EV and Jawbreaker fashions, we’d happily use either (each on and off street) so the selection maybe comes down more to desired style than efficiency. These allow a perfect match no matter your face form, so you'll be able to have any frame style you wish. Fits normal and Asian match FLAK JACKET frames. His first product was a bike grip that with a tread and shape that was distinctive and fit the rider's hand higher than anything. The article below. May be related to the product.But have you ever ever beforehand questioned how these magic shades accomplish all of that Naturally not, Replacement Lenses For Oakley Flak Jacket XLJ A Sunglasses, nevertheless, it's best to research. You will see that aggressive costs on Oakley Flak 2.0 Alternative Lenses and all sorts of different products you find on the website.
I’m not one to get all into the technical facet of original lenses vs alternative lenses. While I know it’s the form of a diamond and i even get the "c3" reference, the sticker seems to be like it must be on the armbands of some futuristic storm troopers. While you're altering the lenses, it is very important follow the proper steps. Whereas the Jawbreaker’s seems are unquestionably polarizing, they're to a large extent dictated by the design’s dizzying array of moving parts and gadgets. So if you already personal or are about to buy the Oakley Flak Jacket XLJ, Racing Jacket, Flak 2.Zero XL, RadarLock, M-Frame, or Jawbreaker you possibly can buy Oakley prescription lenses. We informed our clients this on a regular basis - "um, come back tomorrow with these completely damaged, and we'll replace them." Oakley never gave us (the retailer) a problem. They are available heaps of different colours to fit your package and helmet, and there are also three completely different lenses supplied within the field that you would be able to swap in and out with ease to cope with totally different light circumstances. However, these are the eyes that simply draw consideration of your face. I've previous eyes however a new digicam, and if these lenses have any flaws, my digicam can’t see them.
Darkish ones will reduce down on mild so you do not need to squint to see the place you are going. I may have Samvette, Visionary Lenses, and Evolense. Sunglasses restorer was initially thought as a company who will make lenses for sports sunglasses. I assumed as of right now, until the rest of the collections drops the only jade iridium polarized pairs are the gascan, Holbrook, frogskin and flak jacket ? They're good and dark, which I positively want. What are my lens repair/alternative choices? To start out off with the lens is very effective in coping with the eyesight problems that people face infrequently. Most people who take satisfaction in their experience, want it to look the most effective it may be. Finish outcome was a thinner and lighter pair of Oakley prescription sunglasses that look like a standard pair when worn, properly done Oakley. 300.00. Jannard believed that he could be able to build a company that could "work higher and look better than anything on the market". Because these models are intended for use throughout sports or work the lenses are more likely to be broken, even though the frames may be left intact. These Oakley Fives Squared sunglasses use condensed cranial geometry for a tapered architecture that feels as good as it appears to be like.
2 Pair ACOMPATIBLE Lenses - Black | Ice Blue Mirror Coating.
LCDs use a polarizing filter which conflicts with the polarization within the glasses. Iridium polarized lenses filter out glare. Prizm Daily Polarized Lens: 14% VLT - obliterates the glare from the water, snow & street leaving you with the truest optical experience obtainable. Glowing blue lights usually make a glare in any other case generally known as azure haze. 2 Pair ACOMPATIBLE Lenses - Black | Ice Blue Mirror Coating. With an aerodynamic black rubber band and a sporty blue dial, the Oakley Men's Holeshot Unobtainium Strap Version Chronograph Rubber Watch matches your lively lifestyle. Lower the unnecessary bulk with the streamlined Oakley Conductor 8 sunglasses. It repairs sunglasses and eye wears of nearly all brands. As soon as you’ve invested in the latest superstar sunglasses of choice you’ll want to extend their put on as Ray-Ban has confirmed they're a sizzling lengthy-term vogue accessory. 200 sunglasses and playing ball doesn’t sit properly with me. Oakley have added and eliminated some well-known Oakley prescription lenses, try what has changed here. Nicely there's the you’re getting the widest subject of view due to Oakley True Digital expertise.
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Let your true character shine through with these authentic Oakley sunglasses. Slicing Oakley lenses is not any completely different than an aftermarket lenses with the exception of the plastic used. I really assume the lenses are great, especially for athletes who undergo several pairs of lenses. Whether or not you are replacing properly used lenses or are including to your quiver of tints for different circumstances, we've each Oakley Flak Jacket lens that you might need. You can’t know what the hype is all about until you strive Substitute Lenses For Oakley Flak Jacket XLJ A Sunglasses for yourself! Experience Confidence with Revant alternative lenses. Important Observe: Substitute lenses might not be returned if they've been mounted or scratched. You probably have any additional questions on how to submit a service request or on our phrases & situations please consult with the following FAQ. That stated, there’s no arguing with the quality of the optics, which is unquestionably very good. Get pleasure from trendy. Present the best quality.
The most effective I can inform with my non-scientific testing, these Elite lenses are significantly better than the inventory made-in-USA lenses my GasCans got here with. A number of of their frames can be found with Rx lenses. I picked up the Prizm Street lenses and black earsocks. We develop up and develop lenses for much more models. Ninety.00 more than for non-polarized. Unlike Ray-Ban, Oakley didn't start as part of a big corporation. Yes, but the combination of design, high quality, sturdiness and styling means they’re price it.oakley sunglases There's Monster. Run in the morning, experience in the afternoon, and end the day fishing on the river with out ever swapping shades. That time I must present to you an merchandise which could also be it is perfect along together with your want. So if you had been searching for simply the lens nows your time to seize them. Their line of sports activities glasses, based mostly on the unique design of aviator sunglasses, could be very successful and extremely regarded. In addition- it's going to be absolutely free! But this stuff lacked engineering and due to this fact hindered the free movement one needs when when concerned in a bodily demanding sport comparable to sailing.
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ayellowbirds · 7 years
World of Qarqa: to be drawn
This is a list for myself (and potentially for artists i may commission) of stuff i want to be drawn in the future to develop the setting of Cypora’s Guide to Becoming an Evil Queen, the fantasy world of Qarqa.
Qarqa is a high fantasy setting based on two key sources of folklore: Jewish, and North American. Because of that, it differs strongly from your usual elves & dwarves Tolkienesque fantasy setting in many ways, but also deliberately uses aspects of those as a base—there are people living in Cypora’s world who think that the universe works according to rules we might recognize as those of a tabletop RPG like Dungeons and Dragons.
New commissions will depend on how much i receive in weekly donations (more info at this link).
Cypora Schenk: the protagonist. A tavern-keeper’s daughter. A transgender girl; pale-skinned with a too-slim body hardened by work & later training set beneath a large and unruly puff of curly auburn hair. Codes as Ashkenazic/Persian mix.
Alícha de Matos: the deuteragonist. An orchard owner’s daughter. A transgender girl, short and athletic with a martial artist’s build. Usually wears high-waisted denim trousers and a dark green jacket from a naval uniform, with mulberry-hued trim added and the coat of arms of Martıkoy sewn onto the front (see below). Codes as Sephardic.
Acantha: the corn dolly. A feathertop; a being made of corn husks and straw in the likeness of a modestly-dressed young woman almost constantly smoking a long-stemmed pipe. Wields an old scythe and a beaten but well-sharpened hay knife.
Adara: a sister-in-law. Strale’s wife.
Aletheia: a maid. A tall golem made of wet clay, which serves to keep the innermost areas of the dungeon in working order.
Almaz: an adventuring warrior. Dark-skinned and heavily armored woman with finely braided hair kept in a tight, high ponytail. Later: harder, colder, with a false eye made of gold and scars around it.
Astruc: a swashbuckler. Androgyne grandchild of Zalema, a chubby and bouncy type who likes to make their presence known with flashy displays and bold actions. Wears lots of colors, beads in their hair. Codes as mixed ancestry.
Bang: the tinker. A yeahoh; a kind of bigfoot notable for a broader frame and darker fur. Disguises himself as merely a tall, hirsute, & full-bearded human by wearing leather traveling garb that covers most of his body. A transgender boy, younger than he seems at first.
Earsel I: a dead emperor.
Enosch Schenk: an elder brother. 
Fagim Fossoyeur: an undertaker. A single father trying to do the best by his daughters, glad they have good friends. 
Guta Schenk: an tavern-keeper. Cypora’s mother, short and exceptionally strong. Codes as Ashkenazic.
Ishvi Med: Keturah’s baby brother.
Ivorde Consley: a dead businessman.
Joia-Douce Bleustein: a loup-garou. 
Keturah Med: the beekeeper. Daughter of a family of mead-makers, chubby nerd with an interest in all arthropods. Very dark-skinned, with an especially voluminous afro. Wears reinforced beekeeping garb as armor. Codes as Beta Israel.
Libet Schenck: a middle sister.
Licoricia Fossoyeur: the angelspawn/naphil. Daughter of an undertaker and an angel; brown skin and long, loosely braided hair kept back in a low ponytail. Her eyes are an unnatural blue not found among mortals, and more of them open all over her body (and in the air beyond it) when she is agitated. Armed with a sharpened shovel. Codes as an African-American Jew.
Madrona: a witch. Acantha’s creator, a wise old bubbe in a simple gray dress, usually hunched over so much that her full height of nearly two meters is not apparent. Codes as Litvak.
Melisende: a healer. A lutin, voluptuous and mature at about 2′3″, able to take the form of a white cat.
Musa (formerly Marx in early drafts) Schenk: a tavern-keeper’s husband. Codes as a Persian Jew.
Orangella Fossoyeur: the demonspawn/mazik. Daughter of an undertaker and a shedah (demoness); her feet look like those of a giant chicken, or maybe a dinosaur. Noticeably paler than her sister Licoricia or father Fagim. Codes as a biracial African-American & Ashkenazic Jew.
Pesche Schenk: an eldest sister. Tall & sturdily built, her curves cover working muscle. Widely admired for her healthful looks and dedication.
Poncella de Matos: an apple orchard owner.
Raduard: an adventuring mystic. All narrow angles, thin-lipped and pale eyed.
Ravid: a sibling-in-law. Libet’s spouse.
The Rear Admiral: a monster. A giant cecalia clad in a naval uniform sewn together from ships’ sails, dyed green and set with ornaments of gold thread. It had a cluster of barnacles in place of a beard, and kept its hair in the most filthy matted parody of dreadlocks you could imagine outside of a folk music festival. Its tentacles were disproportionately thick compared to its upper body.
Scoloaster Spitznogle: an undead. A vampir, wrapped in a shroud and with too-long nails; her sharp teeth are exposed by her lack of lips.
Shiaroc pla Aurm: a lizard woman. Distinguished by abundant scars and light stripes, as well as an unusually thick tail. Wears a high-collared heavy leather jacket and skirt as armor, reinforced with slats of exotic hardwoods.
Shokh: the Schenk family’s reliable old ox, a great and powerful critter. Reference “Belted Galloway” breed.
Simham: a spice trader. A handsome but anxious young man who has traveled a long way and thinks very highly of Enosch.
Strale Schenk: a second brother. 
The Old Goat: an overlord. A gigantic goatman who served as the first overlord of Dungeon #1540, two and a half meters tall but very slender. He soaked his fur in pine tar to stick bits of flint in it as armor, and wielded an axe that magically dripped blood, together with an enchanted lantern. 
The Stranger: a visitor. A “phantom monster” that observes the inhabitants of Dungeon #1540. Reference the Flatwoods Monster.
Toiba: a boss. The leader of the kapelyushniklekh, she wears a fine bowler hat decorated with a plume of feathers that doubles her height.
Tomer Med: Keturah’s father. A man with a very large belly, full cheeks, and exceedingly long dreadlocks.
Toussaint: a prophet. A mothman who believes he is the envoy of the goddess Misfortuna, whom nobody has ever heard of. 
Vivard: a novice. An inexperienced adventurer who took to the lifestyle as a means to rise above his station as an orphan.
Dom Xandre Nunos: A restaurant owner. A famously skilled arm-wrestler fond of challenging rowdy patrons.
Zalema: An old salt. A man built like the timbers of an old dock, sturdy and weathered, and gay as the day is long. Codes as Romaniote.
Tzufit Med: Keturah’s mother. A tall woman with very dark skin, and high cheekbones.
Groups of People
People of the Land: the general term for any of a number of ethnic groups united by shared history as former nomadic peoples and many common religious and cultural standards. Code as Jewish; “Imperialized” code as westernized/assimilated, “Outlanders” code as nomadic and more warlike.
Anakim: humans descended from giants, usually bearing one or more disproportionately overgrown body parts.
Anasha: Westerners among the People of the Land. Code as Middle Eastern Jews.
Djente: People of the Land from the equatorial coasts. Code as Sephardim & related groups of Jews.
Dungeon Explorers’ Union of Martıkoy & Kósta Estridia: a recently formed organization, contentious and constantly at risk of splitting into smaller groups.
Guildniks: the Guild of Inspethian Adventurers and Associates, a more formalized organization. Members are well-equipped and expected to be presentable, receiving polished membership badges reflecting status & level of contribution to the Guild.
Haints: dybbuks and gilgulim, all the incoroporeal or semi-corporeal spirits of the living who linger beyond the grave. The exact distinction between the two types is a matter of debate, so many gloss them both simply as haints.
Icosans: the ethnic group making up the Icarian Empire’s ruling class. Tend towards exceptionally pale skin, often flushed, or discolored bluish-grey by trendy alchemical treatments; small noses and thin, colorless lips.
Janam: People of the Land from the far west, notable for a rich musical tradition. Code as Indian (specifically Kerala) Jews.
Kindaunkeyt: easterners among the People of the Land. Code as Ashkenazim & related groups of Jews.
Mondiens: an ethnic group closely related to the Icosans. Code as northwestern European gentiles.
Sebat (pending rename): far southerners among the People of the Land. Code as Jews of African ancestry.
Valley Union: the Adventurer’s Union of The Lower Alstuc Valley. More rag-tag and informal, the few Union Halls being somewhere to cut the dust and rest your boots rather than a proper meeting-place.
Zombies: humans brought back from death on a “budget resurrection”, not truly alive but more resistant to death. White-eyed and often showing grievous wounds that would fell a living being.
Aleftav: the traditional abjad used among the People of the Land, also called “the Old Script”.
Arms of Martıkoy: Murrey, a gull displayed argent.
Alícha’s Axes: paired light axes weighted & honed for combat instead of work.
Bitternut Hollow: a village in the hills. Reference Appalachian communities, Juhuri, Georgian Jews.
Alícha’s Bow & Arrows: a short bow and a bundle of finely made arrows, made from reforged & recarved magical amulets. Crossroads: a small village named simply for being centered upon the crossing of two ancient major roads, a popular stop for both travelers and adventurers.
Dungeon #568: The Sea King’s Castle. Formerly the Sixth Battle Squadron of the Icarian Imperial Navy, a set of enormous ironclad vessels interlinked with bridges and chains, warped into the form of a floating fortress. The central vessel is shaped into a likeness of an impossibly vast & monstrous octopus.
Dungeon #1532: The Inspeth Delve. Former site of Inspeth University, a dungeon populated by monsters associated with academia and the strange sciences formerly studied at the university.
Dungeon #1540: The Timber Barony. Former home & business of Ivorde Consley, a dungeon built around the processing and sale of lumber both conventional and exotic. Outwardly resembles a fortified town with walls of living trees integrown to form a barrier.
Endless Cauldron: produces an infinite reservoir of thin, nutritious porridge.
Vivard’s Espada Ancha: a short, broad, double-edged sword with a D-shaped hand guard
Ever-Burning Lantern: an enchanted lumber-camp lamp that always produces light.
Flying Canoes: enchanted small boats. Difficult to maneuver due to the lesser resistance of air compared to water.
Golden Beehive: a magical mead-producing fountain.
Alicha’s Hatchet: a plain, utilitarian, but reliable small axe.
High-Stepping Boots: Cowhand-style leather boots set with designs of birds and feathers in rich colors on a black-dyed background. Enchanted to allow flight by creating propulsion from the heels.
Los Soldados: the barren coast north of Martıkoy, with abundant jagged rock formations.
Martıkoy: a coastal town mostly set on the slope leading to the shore and wrapping around a wide, peaceful bay. I had a weird mix of San Francisco and Sleepy Hollow in my mind when I was writing scenes there.
Mirror of the Distant Eye: a small hand mirror enchanted to allow two-way communication via other mirrors produced at the same time, even over great distances.
Seed-Grown Shelter: a permanent shelter in the form of a live tree with a hollow large enough for several people to fit within, grown from a single magic seed.
Sharkspawn Sack: a leather bag full of shark teeth that conjures a magical shark made of whatever material the bag is thrown against.
Cypora’s Shepherds’ Axe: a ciupaga made for work rather than show, sturdy with a good axe head and a sharp steel point at the other end.
the Stafroph: the Icosan alphabet.
The Stone Rooster: an oversized granite carving of a chicken, enchanted to crow thrice when Dungeon #1540 has a new overlord.
Vuègbòrd: “Void-Boundary”, the sword of Almaz. An impossibly sharp short sword, so dark that it reflects no light whatsoever, making it appear two-dimensional at first.
Windknot: rope or cord tied with a special magical knot that conjures a powerful wind when untied.
Angels: agents of the divine, awful and strange with too many eyes or wings, or arms or mouths, or all or none. Known classes include the Harisot (the “Ruinations”) and Rekbaim (the “Vehicles”)
Axehandle Hounds: Sturdy, long-bodied canines with short legs and sharp metal axes for muzzles. They supplement much of their diet with wood.
Beach Beasts: monsters commonly associated with marine & island dungeons, a twisted mingling of mammalian, avian, and reptilian aspects. Reference the Montauk Monster.
Cecaelias: humanoid above the waist, with the tentacled end of an octopus, squid, or cuttlefish where the legs should be. Often dress after the manner of Icosan naval officers, they appear to have a sense of ranks.
Dogs, Talking: some dogs talk. It makes it easier for them to own stuff, like clothing, jewelry, and so forth.
Duendes: little people, mischievous and uncanny, often subtly integrated into human society. Average around 60 centimeters in height.
Feathertops: Wrought sewn together from the stuff of scarecrows, animated with a feather amulet and an enchanted smoking pipe. They are more extroverted than golems.
Fishmen: Icarian soldiers twisted into piscine forms, with huge dark eyes and scaly skin.
Goatmen: feral humanoids with the heads and legs of goats and shaggy-haired bodies of great strength.
Golems: Wrought made of wet clay or other flexible materials, usually in humanoid form. They tend to take things literally, and speak so little that most think them incapable of it.
Globsters: animate masses of undead marine life congealed into a gelatinous form.
Goblins: silvery-skinned, bat eared creatures that are highly resistant to injury. Reference the Hopkinsville Goblins.
Kapelyushnikles: Miniature people notable for mischief and wearing excellent hats of all kinds, and great skill in the care of draft animals. Knee-high to a toddler; each one speaks with a distinct accent with little to no relation to the others. 
Lizard People: Towering, broad-bodied and long-necked beings with dark scute-covered forms and long tails, paired with shaggy manes of hair. Reference pelycosaurs.
Loups-Garous: else called Volkelaks, humans able to turn into tremendous, powerful wolves.
Lutins: Shapeshifting little people, often taking the form of rabbits or cats. About as big on average as a cat on its hind legs.
Mazikim: the result of demons and humans having children, mazikim tend to have features of both, and sometimes neither.
Mothmen: often mistaken for a lesser kind of angel, these enigmatic beings stand above the tallest humans and have great, glowing red eyes. What appear to be otherwise featureless faces conceal wide mouths lined with tiny, very sharp teeth. Reference pterosaurs (esp. Anurognathus) and owls.
Nehashim: dragons; a wide and mutable class of creature where even among siblings they can range from great whale-serpents to creatures almost indistinguishable from humans.
Nephilim: the children of angels and humans, they tend to have notably beautiful features and incredibly strong bodies, while bearing at least one overtly monstrous physical trait.
Sei’rim: antelope-hoofed creatures of the wilderness, vain demons fond of forcing or coercing humans into serving them as if they were gods.
Shedim: demons of shadow, looking in their true form like gray-skinned humans with the feet of fowl or dinosaurs. They are masters of shapeshifting, and craft smoke and shadow as humans do with metal and wood.
Shreteles: especially tiny people, barely as tall as a fist, notable for their magic of abundance. The ones in question dress as lumberjacks.
Vampirs: living dead that thirst for human blood, they have strange powers but a number of weaknesses. They tend to have flushed features and a ragged, filthy appearance.
Wrought: the broad class of golems, feathertops, and other intelligent automata that do not require human intervention for long-term activity. More finely crafted wrought are not distinguishable from living beings unless injured.
Yeahohs: a kind of bigfoot, dark-furred, heavily muscled, and with sharp teeth.
Miscellaneous Critters: Agropelters, Devil Dogs, (Jersey) Devil, Hodags, Snallygosters, Tailypos
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itechaja · 4 years
With the approach of the Information Age, we have a tendency to found solutions to previous troubles however additionally new troubles are waiting to be solved. Information abounds inside the digital environments but it’s not always smooth to attain a view of it so that we can take necessary decisions primarily based on it.
For this cause, the Business Intelligence equipment promises to provide answers for reworking the raw information that we’ve got.
Business knowledge (BI) speaks to a lot about theories, methodologies, structures, and technologies that change raw statistics into a piece of meaningful information, and beneficial facts for big business purposes.
The BI motive is to deal with a huge amount of unstructured statistics to identify, increase and create new possibilities. It’s saying that pictures are a better way to explain something than the words are. The human thoughts know much easier the graphical explanation than the theoretical one.
To make a decision, our statistics wish to be displayed with the right presentation in phrases of charts, reviews, scorecards, and many others. Initially, the statistics warehouse concept became just about keeping historical records. Nowadays, an information warehouse is the base for the BI.
Business Intelligence consists of an increasing number of components which consist of the subsequent:
Multidimensional aggregation and allocation
DE normalization, tagging, and standardization
Real-time reporting
Interface with the unstructured facts supply
Group consolidation, budgeting, and rolling forecast
Statistical inference and probabilistic simulation
Performance signs
Version manipulate and technique control
BI is made of a few related tasks which include records mining, online systematic processing, questioning and detailing.
Examples of businesses that can be using the BI tools are the food industry. They use BI to make strategic decisions like the new merchandise they upload to their menus, which dishes should they discontinue, which stores are underperforming they should shut down or they can renegotiate contracts with the meals providers and while they try to identify the brand new possibilities to enhance their approaches.
Microsoft BI Tools
Among all exceptional software vendors from all around the globe, Microsoft seems to be the simplest one authorized to say that it gives you the “Business Intelligence for everyone”. This is how Microsoft advertises its new MSBI Traning platform. Microsoft used all revel in it has received turning in the operating structures and workplace suites for end-users whilst designing the Business Intelligence platform.
The Microsoft BI platform includes the most beneficial equipment that is operated from an intuitive interface. The platform is composed of those 3 solutions – Microsoft SQL Server, Microsoft SharePoint, and Microsoft Office. The foremost energy for the Microsoft Business Intelligence platform is that almost all people know the way to use it, recognize its additives and the interface isn’t something new for the users
Microsoft Business Intelligence platform supports reports and evaluations, getting ready and sharing it with other customers throughout the businesses. What truly is essential for today’s businesses is the time needed for information to unfold inside all the groups. The shorter, the higher, and the Microsoft answer is perfect from this point of view.
Microsoft BI platform can be used for:
Preparing dashboards: – Dashboards prepared within the Microsoft solution are completely interactive; consequently, you’ll quickly dive into every location of the information to observe it from another point of view and find out something more.
Stimulating collaboration: – Efficient collaboration may be very essential to all present-day agencies and the Microsoft Business Intelligence platform supports it with properly-advanced communication capabilities. It lets in all users across the organization to work on the identical model of information for boosting their performance.
Self-enough reporting and analysis: – The huge reporting and analytical skills from the Microsoft BI platform permit a user to organize and regulate reports and analysis. The operating surroundings are then secure and intuitive so that no experts want to maintain an eye at the machine.
Data mining and predictive analysis: – The platform provides equipment that assists to routinely examine the information from unique factors of view and find out the trends.
Data warehousing: – Microsoft Business Intelligence platform provides ETL (Extract, Transform, Load) techniques and helps statistics segregation and warehousing.
PowerPivot and SSAS (SQL Server Analysis Services) 
PowerPivot and SSAS are current Microsoft tools for the BI marketplace. Microsoft does not have presently a BI product but gives people a purpose to upgrade to MS Office 2010 or MS Office 2013 and promotes the idea of a self-service BI. The Microsoft BI-stack is based on a couple of gears like Excel 2013 and SQL Server Analysis Services and additives like Microsoft PowerPivot. For users to get MS Excel Dashboards many corporations to lease BI experts. The returned-quit API of PowerPivot is available only packaged with SharePoint and SQL Server. This approach that enterprise customers will want consulting offerings to integrate most of these transferring components.
BISM (Business Intelligence Semantic Model) 
In addition to Excel, SSAS, SSRS, and PowerPivot, Microsoft reviled a brand new replacement of the  roadmap with a brand new BISM version in Analysis Services so one can energy Crescent (upcoming Microsoft Data Visualization technology) as well as other Microsoft BI front ends reviews inclusive of Excel Dashboards, Reporting Services, and SharePoint Insights.
When a BI Developer creates a PowerPivot utility, the model embedded within the workbook is likewise a BI Semantic Model. Once the book is revealed to SharePoint, the model is hosted within an SSAS server and served as much as other applications and services consisting of Excel Services, Reporting Services, and SharePoint Insights.
Data Integration & ETL Pipeline (Extract, Transform and Load) 
An enterprise might have one or greater distinct kinds of applications catering to the desires of the business enterprise’s capabilities. When we have a tendency to designing and developing a Data Warehouse as a part of the BI System we additionally have to compelled to outline the strategies for facts acquisition from all the source systems and combine it right into a statistics warehouse.
SQL Server Integration Services (SSIS)
Microsoft SQL Server Integration Services (SSIS) is an ETL platform for organization-stage data integration and statistics transformation solutions and a component of the SQL Server platform. SSIS offers the ability to have a regular and centralized view of records from different supply structures and enables them to ensure statistics safety via integration, cleansing, profiling, and control. SSIS offers a quick and versatile ETL framework and has in-memory transformation abilities for very fast information integration situations.SSIS has several integrated components to connect to conventional information assets (RDBMS, FTP, Web Services, XML, CSV, EXCEL, and many others.), alongside a rich set of transformation components for facts integration.
Once the Data Warehouse is created and data integration components load information into the Data Warehouse, next you want to create an OLAP multi-dimensional structure. MSBI certification system will leverage SSAS for creating information accessible for analytics and reporting. SSAS, as the main OLAP tool, can provide on-line analytical processing (OLAP) and records mining capability for enterprise intelligence applications. SSAS pre-calculates summarizes and shops the facts in a fairly compressed shape, which eventually makes the reporting and predictive analysis extremely speedy and interactive exploration of aggregated facts from different views.
Data Mining
Data mining models created in SSAS can help to become aware of rules, patterns, and traits in the records. In this manner, the customers can determine why matters manifest and expect what’s going to occur within the destiny. SSAS has already protected numerous data mining algorithms as out of box talents. SSAS also helps you to define KPIs (Key Performance Indicators) in your SSAS cube so that it will evaluate business performance over time towards the set target, as contemplated within the dice records. Normally, the front-stop reporting is supplied via information through SSAS cubes. These cubes aggregate facts, and through cache control features optimize the question results. The predefined queries have faster response time than summarizing those from the underlying information assets every time users query it.
Information Delivery
When SSAS cubes (multi-dimensional shape) are accomplished and feature populated them with the information from Data Warehouse, extraordinary reporting gear may be used to research the records from unique perspectives or dimensions.
SQL Server Reporting Services (SSRS)
SQL offers a complete variety of geared up-to-use gear and offerings to help create, install, and manage reviews for agencies. Reporting Services consists of programming functions that enable to extend and personalize the reporting capability. You can create tabular reviews as well as distinctive types of chart reports, graph reviews, maps or geographical reports. Also, KPI primarily based scorecard reports may be created.
PowerPivot, Power View, Excel offerings and SSRS offer users with the potential to both define and execute ad-hoc reports from a trendy records model. By the use of the SSAS cube, users can investigate reviews in a bendy manner based on the exposed measures and dimensions.
Collaboration and website hosting platform
SharePoint 2010 or 2013 can be used as a collaboration, hosting and sharing platform; the reviews and dashboards could be all deployed or hosted through a SharePoint portal. SharePoint is one of the main merchandise for corporation content management which gives collaboration, social networks, corporation seek, enterprise intelligence, and so forth. Abilities out of the field.
It’s no longer mandatory to have SharePoint because of the reporting user interfaces because you may very well have SSRS reviews deployed at the report server. SharePoint web hosting platform offers several out of the field functions like Performance Point offerings for developing exceptional-searching dashboards, which affords out of box drill down, drill route and decomposition. Excel and PowerPivot services will be used for deploying excel or PowerPivot to SharePoint to form it accessible to different folks, turning Personal BI into Organizational BI.
SharePoint built-in safety functions allow role-primarily based security. SSAS also lets in defining function-based total protection in addition to cellular-level protection. These safety roles or cellular-level protection will govern statistics access and ensures that the proper individual has got the right of entry to the right facts at the proper time.
The Business Intelligence area is in continuous improvement. These technologies are at the start of a protracted journey in an international wherein the important thing to achievement lies inside the capability to make higher choices in a shorter time than the opposition. Microsoft did their step on this path and created a hard and fast of merchandise that permit a new vision for this region. We should be ready to see what’s going to occur similarly, likely the following step can be the Artificial Business Intelligence.
Harsh Kumar
Harsh Kumar Sharma serves as a Seo Executive in the leading MSBI training Institute named Edunbox and there I handle all works related to SEO, Content Writing and Email Marketing Works.
via NiSu
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woundvest7-blog · 5 years
How Cardi B Makes Fashion Moves
LOS ANGELES, United States — Two weeks prior to the launch of her collection for Fashion Nova, the rapper Cardi B is breezily recounting her relationship with the Los Angeles-based fast fashion retailer, one that dates back to 2014, before she had two No. 1 singles on Billboard’s Hot 100 and before she amassed an eye-popping 34.6 million Instagram followers.
“They are always loyal to me. It's like a friendship now,” she said of the bodycon clothing line that churns out 1,000 new items a week. “I'm also really proud of them. Their brand has sold so much, and I have sold so much at the same time and it's like, 'Yay, we did it!' We both did it at the same time.”
Her collection, which goes on sale November 15, comes at a time when Fashion Nova’s popularity may just rival the rapper’s. According to a Piper Jaffray survey last week, Fashion Nova was the sixth most popular e-commerce site among upper-income teens, beating out brands including Forever 21, Lululemon and Adidas.
Since launching as an e-commerce site in 2013, Fashion Nova has managed to harness a lightning-in-a-bottle type of hype, fueled primarily by a network of prolific micro influencers who post photos of themselves wearing the curve-hugging clothing on Instagram. That, coupled with the constant flow of new product that Richard Saghian, chief executive of Fashion Nova calls “ultra fast fashion,” has catapulted the company into the top tier of online retail.
But the exposure and success has drawn competitors, who are taking a page out of the Fashion Nova playbook, as well as complaints from customers about fit and quality. As the marketplace becomes more saturated, the brand is looking to prove it can do more than churn out an endless series of disposable — and easily imitated — dresses, pants and tops.
Enter Cardi B. True to form, the rapper is as candid about her relationship with the brand (she has previously stated that she receives $20,000 a month to wear the label and promote it on social media) as she is her plastic surgery and personal life. But though she was among Fashion Nova’s earliest fans, recently, she’s worn Moschino, Tom Ford, Dolce & Gabbana and Alexander Wang for events ranging from the Grammys to the Met Ball and New York Fashion Week. She’s following fellow female R&B stars like Rihanna and Beyoncé who have had success with their break into fashion, expanding their brand and sartorial influence into their own lingerie and streetwear lines, respectively.
I want to make these women look so happy — so radiant, sexy, so corporate and poppin'. I want them to look like they’re wearing Gucci and Prada.
No doubt the impressive lineup of designers clamoring to dress Cardi B has only bolstered the Fashion Nova brand, which she continues to wear with the same frequency she does high-end items. Cardi B’s collection, the first celebrity collaboration for Fashion Nova, comes at a time when there is a seemingly perfect storm of her popularity and a growing appetite for authenticity and inclusivity among consumers.
The line will consist of 80 looks ranging from junior to curve, with an average price point of $40, including suiting, blouses, dresses, outerwear, denim, knitwear and accessories. In designing the collection, Cardi B said her goal was to create clothing that would blur the lines between expensive and inexpensive, with a focus on quality fabric and fit.
“Every little detail to me matters,” Cardi B said. “I want to make these women look so happy — so radiant, sexy, so corporate and poppin'. I want them to look like they’re wearing Gucci and Prada, but they’re not, they’re wearing my line.”
The pre-launch promotion stays true to Fashion Nova’s roots — relying on influencers to spread the word — but on a vastly amplified stage. Cardi B, whose real name is Belcalis Almanzar, has been teasing her forthcoming collaboration with Fashion Nova on social media for several months in the same manner that she evangelizes the brand on Instagram, whether she’s wearing it head-to-toe or paired with Christian Louboutin boots and a Balenciaga bag.
Fashion Nova will have a launch event in Los Angeles starting November 14 at 8pm, featuring musical performances and drumming up even more excitement for the collection launch which happens at midnight. The event will be livestreamed for fans anywhere to watch, but the brand also has plans for a “Party with Cardi” online sweeps in which 10 customers will be flown out for the event. Shoppers will be able to purchase in real time when the collection goes live at midnight, November 15.
“Because Cardi styles our product with high end luxury brands such as Gucci and Givenchy, we will be able to slowly dissolve the perceived separation between 'high-end' and 'cheap' clothes and make trendy fashion accessible to everyone,” said Saghian in an email. “This will really resonate to a wide consumer base who essentially want it all; it doesn’t have to be one way or the other anymore.”
Cardi B had specific ideas for the way she wanted the trench coats in collection to fit. She’s been seen wearing her fair share of the item, including a dark green leather Drome jacket on Jimmy Kimmel Live last month and a black Alexander Wang to New York Fashion Week in February.
“Sometimes when I wear a trench coat, I feel like it looks a little weird where you tie it,” she said. “It looks a little baggy on the top, and then it looks a little flat on the bottom. I specifically do not like that, so I made sure that the tailoring was right on that.”
She said the fit of her jackets is “something that I am really proud of,” adding “I don't want people to buy jackets that will rip while they're wearing it.”
Sometimes, designers don't have what I'm looking for.
Fashion Nova originally gained an edge in the market by making clothes that worked for voluptuous body types — an aspect of the brand amplified by Cardi B’s Instagram mantra: “I can buy designer but this @fashionnova fit!”
She said like many women, she has had a hard time finding clothing to fit her curves, one reason she still wears Fashion Nova even with designers vying to dress her.
“Sometimes, designers don't have what I'm looking for,” she said. “Designers don't make jeans that fit me. I have a big butt, and they seem not to fit me. The only jeans that fit me would be like Fashion Nova jeans. That's how I balance it out. I don't care if it cost $20 or $15. If it looks good on me, it looks good on me. I can style it up.”
She said her biggest challenges in creating the line was to make pieces that would look good on a range of body types. Her upcoming collection includes several styles of curve-hugging silhouettes, partly to address the many issues she has had with denim in the past.
“What I don't like about wearing jeans is when the butt is boxy,” she said. “And I don't like when there is that little space in the butt part, between your back, do you know what I'm talking about? That's my biggest pet peeve.”
Fashion Nova has a legendarily rapid production schedule — the company relies on a network of 1,000 manufacturers to turn out endless variations on streetwear and designer-inspired looks, sometimes just days after a Kardashian or Hadid wore them on the red carpet.
The clothes pumped out by this network are of varying quality, and while customer complaints about an anonymous midi-dress might fly under the radar, the stakes are higher with Cardi B’s high-profile collection.
The upside is that the company has the ability to quickly ramp up production to match demand.
“We have no doubt that it will sell out in minutes,” Saghian said. “We’re prepared for the demand and expect the line to be very lucrative. We’ll be looking for more celebrity collaborations as well.”
And Fashion Nova can quickly produce looks inspired by new Cardi B lyrics, or an outfit she wears that goes viral.
“The biggest thing with Cardi is that you have a young woman repping a market of young women who are not usually marketed to. They see themselves in her and because of that, they’re rooting for her,” said Kenny Mac, founder and creative director of strategic planning agency Creative Contraband and the former marketing director for Sean “Diddy” Combs.
“If in a song, she’s talking about, 'I like those Balenciagas, the ones that look like socks...' Fashion Nova has the infrastructure to develop and design and sell in a quick fashion. It’s very transactional.”
Saghian said he’s already looking for his next celebrity collaboration. And Cardi B said she’s been bitten by the design bug with plans to branch out into new markets -—even kidswear.
“I definitely want to branch out into shoes. I love shoes. I have a big fetish for shoes,” she said. “And I want to be able to design what I want for my daughter to wear.”
Related Articles:
Inside the Fashion Nova Hype Machine
Influencer Marketing Lessons from Fashion Nova and Zara
Source: https://www.businessoffashion.com/articles/intelligence/how-cardi-b-makes-fashion-moves
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A máquina de vendas online funciona
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bpennington · 6 years
The Politics of Design
by Paul Rand
It is no secret that the real world in which the designer functions is not the world of art, but the world of buying and selling. For sales, and not design are the raison d’etre of any business organization. Unlike the salesman, however, the designer’s overriding motivation is art: art in the service of business, art that enhances the quality of life and deepens appreciation of the familiar world.
Design is a problem-solving activity. It provides a means of clarifying, synthesizing, and dramatizing a word, a picture, a product, or an event. A serious barrier to the realization of good design, however, are the layers of management inherent in any bureaucratic structure. For aside from the sheer prejudice or simple unawareness, one is apt to encounter such absurdities as second guessing, kow-towing, posturing, nit-picking, and jockeying for position, let alone such buck-passing institutions as the committee meeting and the task force. At issue, it seems, is neither malevolence nor stupidity, but human frailty.
The smooth functioning of the design process may be thwarted in other ways, by the imperceptive executive, who in matters of design understands neither his proper role nor that of the designer; by the eager but cautious advertising man whose principal concern is pleasing his client; and by the insecure client who depends on informal office surveys and pseudo-scientific research to deal with questions that are unanswerable and answers that are questionable.
Unless the design function in business bureaucracy is so structured that direct access to the ultimate decision-maker is possible, trying to produce good work is very often an exercise in futility. Ignorance of the history and methodology of design — how work is conceived, produced, and reproduced — adds to the difficulties and misunderstandings. Design is a way of life, a point of view. It involves the whole complex of visual communication: talent, creative ability, manual skill, and technical knowledge. Aesthetics and economics, technology and psychology are intrinsically relate to the process.
One of the more common problems which tends to create doubt and confusion is caused by the inexperienced and anxious executive who innocently expects, or even demands, to see not one but many solutions to a problem. These may include a number of visual and/or verbal concepts, an assortment of layouts, a variety of pictures and color schemes, as well as a choice of type styles. He needs the reassurance of numbers and the opportunity to exercise his personal preferences. He is also most likely to be the one to insist on endless revisions with unrealistic deadlines, adding to an already wasteful and time-consuming ritual. Theoretically, a great number of ideas assures a great number of choices, but such choices are essentially quantitative. This practice is as bewildering as it is wasteful. It discourages spontaneity, encourages indifference, and more often than not produces results which are neither distinguished, interesting, nor effective. In short, good ideas rarely come in bunches.
The designer who voluntarily presents his client with a batch of layouts does so not out prolificacy, but out of uncertainty or fear. He thus encourages the client to assume the role of referee. In the event of genuine need, however, the skillful designer is able to produce a reasonable number of good ideas. But quantity by demand is quite different than quantity by choice. Design is a time-consuming occupation. Whatever his working habits, the designer fills many a wastebasket in order to produce one good idea. Advertising agencies can be especially guilty in this numbers game. Bent on impressing the client with their ardor, they present a welter of layouts, many of which are superficial interpretations of potentially good ideas, or slick renderings of trite ones.
Frequent job reassignments within an active business are additional impediments about which management is often unaware. Persons unqualified to make design judgments are frequently shifted into design-sensitive positions. The position of authority is then used as evidence of expertise. While most people will graciously accept and appreciate criticism when it comes from a knowledgeable source, they will resent it (openly or otherwise) when it derives solely from a power position, even though the manager may be highly intelligent or have self-professed “good taste.” At issue is not the right, or even the duty, to question, but the right to make design judgment. Such misuse of privilege is a disservice to management and counterproductive to good design. Expertise in business administration, journalism, accounting, or selling, though necessary in its place, is not expertise in problems dealing with visual appearance. The salesman who can sell you the most sophisticated computer typesetting equipment is rarely one who appreciates fine typography or elegant proportions. Actually, the plethora of bad design that we see all around us can probably be attributed as much to good salesmanship as to bad taste.
Deeply concerned with every aspect of the production process, the designer must often contend with inexperienced production personnel and time-consuming purchasing procedures, which stifle enthusiasm, instinct, and creativity. Though peripherally involved in making aesthetic judgments (choosing printers, papermakers, typesetters and other suppliers), purchasing agents are for the most part ignorant of design practices, insensitive to subtleties that mean quality, and unaware of marketing needs. Primarily and rightly concerned with cost- cutting, they mistakenly equate elegance with extravagance and parsimony with wise business judgement.
These problems are by no means confined to the bureaucratic corporation. Artists, writers, and others in the fields of communication and visual arts, in government or private industry, in schools or churches, must constantly cope with those who do not understand and are therefore unsympathetic to their ideas. The designer is especially vulnerable because design is grist for anybody’s mill. “I know what I like” is all the authority one needs to support one’s critical aspirations.
Like the businessman, the designer is amply supplied with his own frailties. But unlike him, he is often inarticulate, a serious problem in an arena in which semantic difficulties so often arise. This is more pertinent in graphic design than in the industrial or architectural fields, because graphic design is more open to aesthetic than to functional preferences.
Stubborness may be one of the designer’s admirable or notorious qualities (depending on one’s point of view) — a principled refusal to compromise, or a means to camouflage inadequacy. Design cliches, meaningless patterns, stylish illustrations, and predetermined solutions are signs of such weakness. An understanding of the significance of modernism and familiarity with the history of design, painting, architecture, and other disciplines, which distinguish the educated designer and make his role more meaningful, are not every designer’s strong points.
The designer, however, needs all the support he can muster, for his is a unique but unenviable position. His work is subject to every imaginable interpretation and to every piddling piece of fact- finding. Ironically, he seeks not only the applause of the connoisseur, but the approbation of the crowd.
A salutary working relationship is not only possible but essential. Designers are not always intransigent, nor are all purchasing agents blind to quality. Many responsible advertising agencies are not unaware of the role that design plays as a communication force. As for the person who pays the piper, the businessman who is sympathetic and understanding is not altogether illusory. He is professional, objective, and alert to new ideas. He places responsibility where it belongs and does not feel insecure enough to see himself as an expert in a field other than his own. He is, moreover, able to provide a harmonious environment in which goodwill, understanding, spontaneity, and mutual trust — qualities so essential to the accomplishment of creative work — may flourish.
Similarly, the skilled graphic designer is a professional whose world is divided between lyricism and pragmatism. He is able to distinguish between trendiness and innovation, between obscurity and originality. He uses freedom of expression not as a license for abstruse ideas, and tenacity not as bullheadedness but as evidence of his own convictions. His is an independent spirit guided more by an “inner artistic standard of excellence”(1) than by some external influence. At the same time as he realizes that good design must withstand the rigors of the marketplace, he believes that without good design the marketplace is a showcase of visual vulgarity.
The creative arts have always labored under adverse conditions. Subjectivity emotion, and opinion seem to be concomitants of artistic questions. The layman feels insecure and awkward about making design judgments, even though he pretends to make them with a certain measure of know-how. But, like it or not, business conditions compel many to get inextricably involved with problems in which design plays some role.
For the most part, the creation or effects of design, unlike science, are neither measurable nor predictable, nor are the results necessarily repeatable. If there is any assurance, besides faith, a businessman can have, it is in choosing talented, competent, and experienced designers.
Meaningful design, design of quality and wit, is no small achievement, even in an environment in which good design is understood, appreciated, and ardently accepted, and in which profit is not the only motive. At best, work that has any claim to distinction is the exception, even under the most ideal circumstances. After all, our epoch can boast of only one A.M. Cassandre.
from “A Designer’s Art”
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Get to Know Leo Fuchigami, Corporate wellness entrepreneur, life coach & community builder
New Post has been published on https://personalcoachingcenter.com/get-to-know-leo-fuchigami-corporate-wellness-entrepreneur-life-coach-community-builder/
Get to Know Leo Fuchigami, Corporate wellness entrepreneur, life coach & community builder
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MG Meets Leo Fuchigami*, a Japanese-Canadian corporate wellness entrepreneur, life coach, fitness specialist, and community builder from Vancouver. He provides bilingual fitness team building services and wellness workshops to Fortune 500 companies across Tokyo as the founder of CoFit Movement. Additionally, he is the Fitness Specialist at Apple Japan, freelance group fitness instructor, life coach at Principle Fitness, and Asics Tokyo fitness influencer. In this exclusive interview with MG Leo talks about finding your niche and differentiating yourself from the rest through community building…
From Vancouver to Tokyo. How? Why? Please could you tell us what led you to Japan…
I was born in Toronto to Japanese parents, but raised in Vancouver for my K-12 + uni years. I majored in Marketing + International Business, with a specialisation in Mandarin-Chinese and business in China. Upon graduation, I moved to Korea and worked as a middle school English teacher for a year. I then spent five months in Latin America, mostly in Lima, Peru, before I moved back to Vancouver. After several years in Vancouver and another extended trip to South America, I decided to fulfil my childhood dream of living and working in Japan to find the answer to the question, ‘Who am I?’, a question many bi/multicultural children struggle with in their formative years. I think it was never a question of if, but when I would go to Japan. Throughout my childhood, I had visited for a week or two during the summers to meet my grandparents and extended family, but had never experienced Japan as an adult. In 2014, I determined that, if I did not move to Japan now, the opportunity may not arise again. So, I bought a one way ticket and started looking for work.
As a Japanese-Canadian, how did I navigate the working culture in Japan?
Prior to leaving for Japan, I was warned by some friends and family of the difficulties of working in the Japanese work environment, and the unique discrimination that nikkei (Japanese born and raised overseas) would face, as a result of looking like a Japanese-person and having a Japanese name, yet not living up to the expectations (of etiquette, linguistic ability, etc.) of a Japanese person. To my surprise, I found that I was a massive beneficiary of positive discrimination. There is, in fact, a need for, and to some degree, a reverence for, bicultural bilinguals in multinational organisations. Putting aside the influence of nepotism, there is a natural gravity pulling bicultural bilinguals towards middle management from a purely functional perspective. To generalise, they serve as bridges between expat upper management and domestic employees; regional/global departments and domestic departments.
When I first started working in Japan, I felt my linguistic capabilities and cultural understanding were wholly inadequate. But, language and etiquette, are, in fact, things that can be learned. Personality, culture, and perspective, however, are much more fixed. I realised that my outspokenness, my inclination to create and disrupt, and my ability to empathise innately with both cultures (Japan vs. West) were highly valued and rewarded. In some environments, these traits can be seen as a nuisance and be suppressed, but in others, they are cherished.
In Vancouver, Canada, my linguistic skills and bicultural background would only be useful in the tourism, education, and trade sectors. But, in Tokyo, what might have been tertiary considerations in Vancouver, become primary considerations, automatically elevating my stature and value as an employee. It is something I do not like to admit, but it is a reality, and one I am determined to use for good and rather than justify complacency.
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How did you get involved in the fitness industry in Tokyo?
I did not enter the fitness industry in a traditional manner through the institutional side. My first interaction as a ‘player’ in the industry was when I joined the leadership of an outdoor fitness community called SOGO Fitness. It was, and still is, on a purely volunteer basis. Through the efforts of all the leaders and supporters in SOGO, we have grown the community to over 7000 members in Tokyo and nearly a dozen events per week. As a result, we have had the great fortune of working with many organisations in the sports apparel sector such as Nike, Lululemon, Reebok & GAP, as well as those from the tech and F&B sectors. The skills and connections I organically developed through my involvement in SOGO helped establish me (as well as many other SOGO leaders) as someone that can lead group fitness + build communities + organise event logistics + connect with decision makers at lateral organisations. By leveraging the reputation, skills and network that I built through my involvement at SOGO, I was able to ‘officially’ enter the fitness industry in 2018 already differentiated from existing players in the market.
How has the perception of fitness changed in Tokyo?
Tokyo is definitely experiencing a fitness boom. As recently as four years prior, fitness fanatics were often typecast as goofy caricatures on TV, but these days, it is increasingly cool to be fit. What was once considered a hobby for the fringe is now becoming a mainstream aspiration. This can be seen all across Tokyo. The chain gyms have 10x’d their locations in the last decade. There seems to be a new CrossFit box, boutique gym, or studio opening every week. Terms like ‘athleisure’ and ‘fitness influencer’ have started to become universally recognised.
How is the fitness industry different between Japan and Canada/US?
The US is, far and away, the epicenter of global fitness innovation. Whether it is gym chains, sports apparel, fitness apps, fittech, supplements, equipment manufacturers, the newest trendy fitness classes, or IG influencers, the US generally dominates. Japan has a global presence in traditional sports category apparel (i.e. running shoes from Asics, swimming wear from Mizuno), etc. but otherwise is, from my view, mostly taking a copy and localise approach. That is to say, for local companies to duplicate the business models of successful English-based fitness apps, services and business models. Think Soul Cycle (US) vs. Feel Cycle (Japan). I think, for the time being, the ‘low hanging fruit’ of fitness disruption and business opportunity in Japan will be of this variety.
Where I think Japan may best be able to export fitness innovation overseas in the short to medium term are:
Niche application IoT & AR/VR fittech
Services leveraging the Japan association. Marie Kondo is the best example of this. She has become the de facto queen of cleaning in the English-speaking world, and she has done so with limited English speaking ability
Japanese-style supplements. Somewhat similar to the above, Japan has a lot of soft power as it relates to quality, health, safety, attention to detail, food innovation, and mindfulness. Additionally, Japanese packaged goods exporters already have the global supply chains in place, so domestic supplement makers that can properly exploit these advantages should be able to find success
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Name three things you love about Japan and three things you’d love to change (can be work or life related)
I love…
The sense of freedom and lack of anxiety that results from living in one of the safest countries in the world, with regard to personal safety
The infrastructure – from the nationwide railway system, to the comprehensive telecommunications networks, to the clean and organised streets
The desire to balance new with old. It’s easy to criticise the stubbornness with which Japan/Japanese seem to cling to old traditions/processes/media icons/perspectives, etc., especially by those with the moniker of innovator or disruptor. However, there is an unspoken cost to constant disruption, especially felt by the old, the less wealthy, the rural, and the less adventurous. There is an exhaustion that comes from constant innovation. Plus, there is a serenity that comes from seeing the same person on TV for 40 years, visiting a temple that has existed for 1000 years in a commercial district, and buying paper books in a digital district
I would love to change…
The insular perspective and mindset that some Japanese hold. Some Japanese, when given the opportunity to travel, would choose to travel to other parts of the country, rather than overseas. Whether it is anxiety/fear of the unknown or the limited knowledge of what the rest of world has to offer, they do not desire to even know. I believe it is imperative for Japanese to have a greater sense of adventure in this matter in order to broaden the sense of empathy beyond the country, and understanding for the tribulations of immigrants. This is not a unique situation to Japan, but I see it as a bigger issue here than most other nations I have lived in. It is a shame, because Japanese have the freedom to travel and the means to, yet some choose not to. There are many around the world that dream of the ocean or the amazon, but due to their circumstances, may not be permitted to, or simply cannot
Smoking indoors at restaurants with pseudo-insulation. Although this is changing, I can’t wait for Japan to catch up with most other developed nations. It is an unavoidable hazard to customers and employees alike, for the benefit of a shrinking minority
The difficulty with which many Japanese have in expressing their introspective thoughts. Japanese are adept at considering the interconnectedness of things, but falter in individual introspection. As an individual that enjoys deep conversations, I find myself unable to connect with many Japanese because of their aversion and/or inability to join such conversations
Please tell us more about your business – CoFit Movement: what are its aims and what makes it unique among fitness startups…
A lot can be deduced from our slogan, ‘Connecting People Through Fitness’. We want to create the best fitness services and products that are designed to connect people. This can span B2B to B2C, but we have decided, strategically, to focus on becoming the best bilingual corporate fitness services provider in Tokyo first.
But, our ambitions do not stop there!
Q2 2018 Launched specialised fitness team building service called Office Connection Fitness
Q3 2018 Launched an innovative partner training certification program for fitness instructors called Partner Resistance Training
Q4 2018 Launched a fitness music video production service called X Productions
Q1/2 2019 Expand portfolio of services with a heavier emphasis on corporate wellness workshops
Q3 2019 Hire additional instructors with different fitness and wellness specialties and become a bilingual corporate trainer dispatch platform
Q4 2019+ Franchise to other cities and countries
2018 was the year we trialed our services with Japanese, multinational F500, and startup companies. It proved that there was a demand for this kind of service, and that we were uniquely positioned to be a leading player in the market. 2019 is the year where we expand our services, client portfolio, and develop the platform for scalability. It is my hope that 2020 will kick off global expansion. But, beyond business success, there is a greater fundamental vision. Through my travels, I have observed that there are a few universal activities in the world that have the ability to connect people beyond linguistic and cultural barriers. These include dance, soccer, music, farming, alcohol, and food. I believe community/connection fitness is the next to join this rank, and we hope for CoFit (and SOGO) to be a big part of that equation.
What made you set up your own company?
In 2016-2017, I determined that the fitness and corporate wellness boom was early stage, undeniable, and had many years of growth potential. Additionally, I felt it was an area less likely to be impacted by automation and AI, unlike many functions within digital marketing. So, on December 31st, 2017, I left my 9-5 digital marketing office job in order to transition into the corporate wellness industry.
Based on my knowledge of the market, I realised that traditional institutional fitness providers (gyms, both chain and boutique, and the network of established instructors) were well positioned to extend existing services to corporate clients. That is, for example, for a domestic yoga studio to offer Japanese yoga classes to corporations. However, the greatest demand for wellness services, I presumed, would initially come from multinationals that seek bilingual services, and, given the opportunity, would prefer fitness services that offer a value-add beyond just traditional fitness. That is to say, fitness with a component of mindfulness, education, or holistic wellness.
I was driven by a combination by an overwhelming sense of purpose, the clear market opportunity, and the belief that I was well positioned to succeed (given my mix of skills, passion for the craft, and network of friends, supporters, and partners). So, I reached out to Menya, a fellow fitness innovator, whom I already worked closely with on SOGO and I knew shared the same vision of disrupting the fitness industry, and we created CoFit. We had a powerful ‘why’ and a partnership based on shared values, trust and respect. The rest, is history!
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Fitness innovator, life coach, digital marketer… that’s a lot of roles and skills, which are your favourites?
I find immense enjoyment in both life coaching and fitness. With my fitness initiatives (CoFit & SOGO) I am able to help a lot of people, a little. But, with my life coaching (Principle Fitness), I am able to help a few people a lot. I think there is a need for both approaches and am truly grateful that I can pursue both.
So, does health really lead to wealth?
In my experience and observations, this question can be answered with a more straightforward ‘Yes’. Speaking from personal experience, when I am physically and mentally healthy, I am far more productive, empathetic, confident, disciplined, focused, and motivated – all traits necessary to succeed in society either as a student, employee or entrepreneur. If we presume that wealth is a result of productivity, and health and productivity have a positive correlation, then we can reasonably assume that, to strive for health, in consideration of time constraints and opportunity costs, will lead to wealth.
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Which project – business or pleasure – are you most proud of completing and why?
My first project was a website called Hack My Study from 2010, which provided advice on study hacks and productivity techniques for students. A great source of inspiration for this project was Tim Ferris and ‘The 4-Hour Workweek’. It has since received over 2.5 millions views, earned $12,000 in Google AdSense Revenue and Amazon & 3rd party affiliate commissions, and even beat Tim Ferris’s competing articles on many keywords. It was not my biggest success, but it was the one that started it all. That I was able to provide effective advice to students across the world for free and learn many valuable skills in the process, it cemented the idea in me that there are many ways to create win-win-win (creator-consumer-society) situations through creation and entrepreneurship.
Is there anything else you’d like to mention?
If you want a good laugh, check out the fitness music video I recently co-produced called Radio Taiso X. We took the original Radio Taiso #1 routine, remixed it into an EDM track, created a hardcore version of the exercises, and then filmed around six locations in Tokyo.
If your company is interested in providing fitness team building activities for your employees as a way to promote interdepartmental socialisation, and create a healthier, happier, and more optimistic working environment, please contact leo[at]cofitmovement.com. Or If you or your business is interested in workshops on goal setting, productivity, community building, and happiness, or you’re interested in 1-on-1 coaching, please contact leo[at]principlefitness.org. Finally, if you’d like to learn more about Leo’s community building projects, you can read more on his homepage leofuchigami.com.
*Please note that any opinions expressed in this interview are that of Leo’s and do not reflect that of his employers. Where cited, his opinions do, however, reflect that of the organisations he has built or been a significant contributor to.
Source, N;
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Mandatory Arbitration of Shareholder Claims: What’s the Latest?
One of the trendy concepts in certain circles in recent years has been the idea of litigation management bylaws – that is, the adoption by company of bylaw provisions that help manage the company’s litigation risks. For example, one bylaw provision that has been widely adopted by publicly traded companies is a forum selection provision specifying a particular jurisdiction as the preferred forum for litigating shareholder disputes.
  Another one of the proposed litigation management bylaws that has proven more controversial is the idea of a mandatory arbitration clause, requiring shareholder claimants to submit claims – including even claims under the federal securities laws – to arbitration. This idea, which has been percolating for years, received a significant boost in a statement from SEC Commissioner Michael Piwowar. In a recent letter to a member of Congress, SEC Chair Jay Clayton weighed in with his views on the topic, suggesting that the idea is not a particular priority for him. But aspects of his communication and of the current state of debate on the issue suggest that the idea is probably not going to just go away.
As I noted at the time, SEC Commissioner Michael Piwowar caused quite a stir last summer when he suggested that the SEC would favorably view submissions by IPO companies that included bylaw provisions requiring mandatory arbitration of securities claims. The idea of mandatory arbitration for shareholder claims has continued to circulate in the intervening months.
  For example, an October 2017 U.S Treasury Department Capital Market Report (here) recommended that the SEC investigate ways to reduce the cost of securities litigation, including allowing companies and shareholders to settle disputes through arbitration. Indeed, there has been considerable speculation that the new SEC leadership might be “laying the groundwork for a possible policy shift” to allow mandatory arbitration provisions.
  More recently, SEC Chair Jay Clayton said during questioning about the possibility of mandatory shareholder claim arbitration provisions at a February 6, 2018 Senate Banking Committee hearing that “I am not anxious to see a change in this area,” adding that if the topic came before the SEC “it would take a long time for it to be decided because it would the subject of a great deal of debate.”
  Other voices have actively expressed skepticism about the mandatory arbitration clause idea. In a February 24, 2018 speech, Rick Fleming, Investor Advocate at the SEC, called mandatory arbitration of shareholder claims “an illusory remedy.” He said that while there “may be some validity” to the concerns that have been cited in support of mandatory arbitration provisions, “stripping away the right of a shareholder to bring a class action lawsuit seems to me to be draconian, and, with respect to promoting capital formation, counterproductive.”
  More recently, in a February 26, 2018 speech, then-newly appointed Democratic Commissioner Robert J. Jackson, Jr. said in a speech said he is “concerned” about the idea of mandatory arbitration provisions. Jackson noted that due to budget constraints and an expanding agenda, there are limits to what the SEC itself can do. At a time of increasing budget constraints, Jackson said, this is “hardly the time to be thinking about depriving shareholders of their day in court.” If investors are barred from bringing suits in court, “then the burden of investigating and litigating these cases may fall entirely on the SEC.” How much, Jackson asked, “would Congress need to appropriate to make sure we have enough resources to do the job?”
  Clayton’s April 24, 2018 Letter
In an April 24, 2018 letter to Democratic Congresswoman Carolyn B. Maloney (here), SEC Chair Jay Clayton weighed in with a more detailed expression of his views on the idea of mandatory arbitration of shareholder claims. His overall point of the detailed letter is that “I have not formed a definitive view on whether or not mandatory arbitration for shareholder disputes is appreciate in the context of an IPO for a U.S. company.” He also said that in light of other issues on which he and the agency are focused, the issue is “not a priority for me,” noting that any decision on the issue by the agency would “divert a disproportionate share of the Commission’s resources” from matters Clayton considers to be of higher priority.
  In addition to these general statements, Clayton also provided important additional commentary in which he added his perspective on how he and the agency would consider the issues that the idea of a mandatory arbitration clause presents.
  The idea of mandatory arbitration of shareholder claims, Clayton said, is “complex” and involves important issues under federal securities laws and state corporate laws, as well as “many public policy considerations.”
  In light of these various important considerations, any review of a mandatory arbitration clause in the context of a U.S. IPO Company’s registration statement “should be conducted in a measured and deliberative manner.” If a U.S. company were to submit an IPO application that included a mandatory arbitration clause in its governing documents, “the decision about whether to declare the filing effective should be made by the Commission, not the Division [of Corporate Finance] by delegated authority.”
  Clayton’s letter reviews the history of agency actions and practices within which any such request would be considered. For example, his letter alludes, without naming the company, to the 2012 effort by Carlyle Group, to submit an IPO registration statement including its corporate bylaws that contained a mandatory arbitration provision (discussed in detail here). Carlyle Group ultimately withdrew the arbitration provision under pressure from the Division of Corporate Finance, which indicated it would not accelerate the effective date for a registration statement of an applicant with a mandatory arbitration clause in its bylaws.
  Clayton also noted that the federal securities laws “provide a basis for private rights of action by investors” and that there is “a long history of claims of this type” in federal and state courts. However, Clayton also noted notwithstanding this extensive history that “direct and indirect limitations of these kinds of actions have been prevalent for many years.”
  For example, a variety of companies conducting exempt Regulation A offerings have included mandatory arbitration clauses in their governing documents. In addition, many foreign issuers with securities listed or traded in the U.S. have included mandatory arbitration provisions or analogous provisions in their filings. Clayton noted with respect to these foreign issuers that the agency’s staff has “focused on the disclosure of the material risks related to those limitations.” Clayton also noted that the U.S. Supreme Court has “affirmed a strong federal interest in promoting the arbitration of claims under federal laws.”
Clayton’s detailed letter highlights his view that the issues other than the introduction of mandatory arbitration clauses more urgently require the agency’s attention and resources. Nevertheless, while emphasizing that the issue is not a priority for him, his letter does not close the door on the idea. To the contrary, he noted in his letter that the “views of the market participants on this issue … are deeply held, and in many, cases, divergent.” And while it is not a priority for Clayton himself, he acknowledges that it remains the subject of “heightened interest” and he says that he has “encouraged those with strong views to support their position with robust, legal and data driven analysis.”
  Clayton’s suggestion that even though the idea of mandatory arbitration clauses is not a priority for him that he is not going to close down discussion  of the idea came as something of a disappointment to Congresswoman Maloney, to whom Clayton addressed his letter. In an April 26, 2018 statement, Maloney said “While I’m pleased that Chairman Clayton took my letter so seriously, and wrote a detailed response, I’m still very disappointed that he has not committed to opposing the use of forced arbitration clauses in company bylaws should this come up for a Commission vote. Allowing companies to use forced arbitration clauses would devastate investor confidence in our markets, and would prevent shareholders from holding the next Enron or WorldCom accountable in court.”
  The likelihood is that even though Clayton believes the SEC has bigger fish to fry, this issue is unlikely to just go away. As Alison Frankel noted in an April 27, 2018 post on her On the Case blog, Clayton wrote his letter is “written within a vortex of controversy.” Clayton’s express reference to the existence, despite the long history of shareholder litigation in this country, of “prevalent” restrictions on investors’ rights to sue, for example, in the context of exempt offerings and foreign issues, may hearten those who favor the expansion of the use of mandatory arbitration provisions, as should express reference to the U.S. Supreme Court’s recent statements in favor of arbitration generally.
  Frankel notes that Clayton’s letter suggests that if this issue is going to come up at the agency, it is going to come up in the context of a specific company’s registration statement submission, and not through a formal rulemaking process – and therefore not involving all of the formal processes that formal rulemaking requires. Clayton does suggest that any submission would be reviewed at the Commission level rather than at the delegated-authority division level.
  However, as Frankel also notes, given the apparent split on this issue at the Commission level, Clayton himself “would almost certainly be the SEC’s deciding vote on a mandatory shareholder arbitration proposal.” Under these circumstances, a prospective IPO company candidate might well choose to include within its pre-effective registration statement submission incorporating a corporate charter with a mandatory arbitration provision, if for no other reason than to try to force a decision on the issue. Indeed a company could try this at any time.
  For that reason, it seems unlikely to me that this issue is just going to go away, even though it is not a priority for Clayton. To the contrary, it seems likelier to me that this issue is going to bubble up and require Commission action, sooner rather than later.
  Quarterly Claims Update Webinar/Cryptocurrency Focus: On May 1, 2018, at 11:00 am EDT, I will be participating as a panelist in the Advisen Quarterly Claims Update webinar. This quarter’s session will have as its particular focus the emerging issues surrounding cryptocurrencies and Initial Coin Offerings (ICOs). The session will be moderated by Advisen’s Jim Blinn. The panel will also include Garrett Koehn of CRC Insurance Group and Paul Tomasi of E-Risk Services. Information about this free one-hour webinar, including registration instructions, can  be found here. The quarterly claims update webinars are always  interesting, this one is likely to be particularly so.
The post Mandatory Arbitration of Shareholder Claims: What’s the Latest? appeared first on The D&O Diary.
Mandatory Arbitration of Shareholder Claims: What’s the Latest? published first on http://simonconsultancypage.tumblr.com/
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lawfultruth · 6 years
Mandatory Arbitration of Shareholder Claims: What’s the Latest?
One of the trendy concepts in certain circles in recent years has been the idea of litigation management bylaws – that is, the adoption by company of bylaw provisions that help manage the company’s litigation risks. For example, one bylaw provision that has been widely adopted by publicly traded companies is a forum selection provision specifying a particular jurisdiction as the preferred forum for litigating shareholder disputes.
  Another one of the proposed litigation management bylaws that has proven more controversial is the idea of a mandatory arbitration clause, requiring shareholder claimants to submit claims – including even claims under the federal securities laws – to arbitration. This idea, which has been percolating for years, received a significant boost in a statement from SEC Commissioner Michael Piwowar. In a recent letter to a member of Congress, SEC Chair Jay Clayton weighed in with his views on the topic, suggesting that the idea is not a particular priority for him. But aspects of his communication and of the current state of debate on the issue suggest that the idea is probably not going to just go away.
As I noted at the time, SEC Commissioner Michael Piwowar caused quite a stir last summer when he suggested that the SEC would favorably view submissions by IPO companies that included bylaw provisions requiring mandatory arbitration of securities claims. The idea of mandatory arbitration for shareholder claims has continued to circulate in the intervening months.
  For example, an October 2017 U.S Treasury Department Capital Market Report (here) recommended that the SEC investigate ways to reduce the cost of securities litigation, including allowing companies and shareholders to settle disputes through arbitration. Indeed, there has been considerable speculation that the new SEC leadership might be “laying the groundwork for a possible policy shift” to allow mandatory arbitration provisions.
  More recently, SEC Chair Jay Clayton said during questioning about the possibility of mandatory shareholder claim arbitration provisions at a February 6, 2018 Senate Banking Committee hearing that “I am not anxious to see a change in this area,” adding that if the topic came before the SEC “it would take a long time for it to be decided because it would the subject of a great deal of debate.”
  Other voices have actively expressed skepticism about the mandatory arbitration clause idea. In a February 24, 2018 speech, Rick Fleming, Investor Advocate at the SEC, called mandatory arbitration of shareholder claims “an illusory remedy.” He said that while there “may be some validity” to the concerns that have been cited in support of mandatory arbitration provisions, “stripping away the right of a shareholder to bring a class action lawsuit seems to me to be draconian, and, with respect to promoting capital formation, counterproductive.”
  More recently, in a February 26, 2018 speech, then-newly appointed Democratic Commissioner Robert J. Jackson, Jr. said in a speech said he is “concerned” about the idea of mandatory arbitration provisions. Jackson noted that due to budget constraints and an expanding agenda, there are limits to what the SEC itself can do. At a time of increasing budget constraints, Jackson said, this is “hardly the time to be thinking about depriving shareholders of their day in court.” If investors are barred from bringing suits in court, “then the burden of investigating and litigating these cases may fall entirely on the SEC.” How much, Jackson asked, “would Congress need to appropriate to make sure we have enough resources to do the job?”
  Clayton’s April 24, 2018 Letter
In an April 24, 2018 letter to Democratic Congresswoman Carolyn B. Maloney (here), SEC Chair Jay Clayton weighed in with a more detailed expression of his views on the idea of mandatory arbitration of shareholder claims. His overall point of the detailed letter is that “I have not formed a definitive view on whether or not mandatory arbitration for shareholder disputes is appreciate in the context of an IPO for a U.S. company.” He also said that in light of other issues on which he and the agency are focused, the issue is “not a priority for me,” noting that any decision on the issue by the agency would “divert a disproportionate share of the Commission’s resources” from matters Clayton considers to be of higher priority.
  In addition to these general statements, Clayton also provided important additional commentary in which he added his perspective on how he and the agency would consider the issues that the idea of a mandatory arbitration clause presents.
  The idea of mandatory arbitration of shareholder claims, Clayton said, is “complex” and involves important issues under federal securities laws and state corporate laws, as well as “many public policy considerations.”
  In light of these various important considerations, any review of a mandatory arbitration clause in the context of a U.S. IPO Company’s registration statement “should be conducted in a measured and deliberative manner.” If a U.S. company were to submit an IPO application that included a mandatory arbitration clause in its governing documents, “the decision about whether to declare the filing effective should be made by the Commission, not the Division [of Corporate Finance] by delegated authority.”
  Clayton’s letter reviews the history of agency actions and practices within which any such request would be considered. For example, his letter alludes, without naming the company, to the 2012 effort by Carlyle Group, to submit an IPO registration statement including its corporate bylaws that contained a mandatory arbitration provision (discussed in detail here). Carlyle Group ultimately withdrew the arbitration provision under pressure from the Division of Corporate Finance, which indicated it would not accelerate the effective date for a registration statement of an applicant with a mandatory arbitration clause in its bylaws.
  Clayton also noted that the federal securities laws “provide a basis for private rights of action by investors” and that there is “a long history of claims of this type” in federal and state courts. However, Clayton also noted notwithstanding this extensive history that “direct and indirect limitations of these kinds of actions have been prevalent for many years.”
  For example, a variety of companies conducting exempt Regulation A offerings have included mandatory arbitration clauses in their governing documents. In addition, many foreign issuers with securities listed or traded in the U.S. have included mandatory arbitration provisions or analogous provisions in their filings. Clayton noted with respect to these foreign issuers that the agency’s staff has “focused on the disclosure of the material risks related to those limitations.” Clayton also noted that the U.S. Supreme Court has “affirmed a strong federal interest in promoting the arbitration of claims under federal laws.”
Clayton’s detailed letter highlights his view that the issues other than the introduction of mandatory arbitration clauses more urgently require the agency’s attention and resources. Nevertheless, while emphasizing that the issue is not a priority for him, his letter does not close the door on the idea. To the contrary, he noted in his letter that the “views of the market participants on this issue … are deeply held, and in many, cases, divergent.” And while it is not a priority for Clayton himself, he acknowledges that it remains the subject of “heightened interest” and he says that he has “encouraged those with strong views to support their position with robust, legal and data driven analysis.”
  Clayton’s suggestion that even though the idea of mandatory arbitration clauses is not a priority for him that he is not going to close down discussion  of the idea came as something of a disappointment to Congresswoman Maloney, to whom Clayton addressed his letter. In an April 26, 2018 statement, Maloney said “While I’m pleased that Chairman Clayton took my letter so seriously, and wrote a detailed response, I’m still very disappointed that he has not committed to opposing the use of forced arbitration clauses in company bylaws should this come up for a Commission vote. Allowing companies to use forced arbitration clauses would devastate investor confidence in our markets, and would prevent shareholders from holding the next Enron or WorldCom accountable in court.”
  The likelihood is that even though Clayton believes the SEC has bigger fish to fry, this issue is unlikely to just go away. As Alison Frankel noted in an April 27, 2018 post on her On the Case blog, Clayton wrote his letter is “written within a vortex of controversy.” Clayton’s express reference to the existence, despite the long history of shareholder litigation in this country, of “prevalent” restrictions on investors’ rights to sue, for example, in the context of exempt offerings and foreign issues, may hearten those who favor the expansion of the use of mandatory arbitration provisions, as should express reference to the U.S. Supreme Court’s recent statements in favor of arbitration generally.
  Frankel notes that Clayton’s letter suggests that if this issue is going to come up at the agency, it is going to come up in the context of a specific company’s registration statement submission, and not through a formal rulemaking process – and therefore not involving all of the formal processes that formal rulemaking requires. Clayton does suggest that any submission would be reviewed at the Commission level rather than at the delegated-authority division level.
  However, as Frankel also notes, given the apparent split on this issue at the Commission level, Clayton himself “would almost certainly be the SEC’s deciding vote on a mandatory shareholder arbitration proposal.” Under these circumstances, a prospective IPO company candidate might well choose to include within its pre-effective registration statement submission incorporating a corporate charter with a mandatory arbitration provision, if for no other reason than to try to force a decision on the issue. Indeed a company could try this at any time.
  For that reason, it seems unlikely to me that this issue is just going to go away, even though it is not a priority for Clayton. To the contrary, it seems likelier to me that this issue is going to bubble up and require Commission action, sooner rather than later.
  Quarterly Claims Update Webinar/Cryptocurrency Focus: On May 1, 2018, at 11:00 am EDT, I will be participating as a panelist in the Advisen Quarterly Claims Update webinar. This quarter’s session will have as its particular focus the emerging issues surrounding cryptocurrencies and Initial Coin Offerings (ICOs). The session will be moderated by Advisen’s Jim Blinn. The panel will also include Garrett Koehn of CRC Insurance Group and Paul Tomasi of E-Risk Services. Information about this free one-hour webinar, including registration instructions, can  be found here. The quarterly claims update webinars are always  interesting, this one is likely to be particularly so.
The post Mandatory Arbitration of Shareholder Claims: What’s the Latest? appeared first on The D&O Diary.
Mandatory Arbitration of Shareholder Claims: What’s the Latest? syndicated from https://ronenkurzfeldweb.wordpress.com/
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