thenictu · 6 months
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The winter is returning. Back to dark photo-walks.
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hi-technique · 1 year
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chomo-dali · 6 months
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dingo-california · 10 months
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Old Zoo at Griffith Park
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Dawn on terra roxa, Cameroon
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Not much sleep on a night train when this landscape appears with the sunrise.
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I found a farm in Africa somewhere after Ngaoundal at the morning train to Ngaounderé…
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I seem to have become less happy with the red dirt impressions later on my trip. I found this note written on a posting: "Honestly, the red shitty dust is all over my carrying gear, but not on my precious camera, lenses, Surface p3 or harddisks."
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But still, that soft morning sunlight filtered throught sunrise fog and reflected from red dust and red earth make for some really nice photos.
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opplevkambodsja · 1 year
Salg i sikte
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-- Vent til jeg er nede igjen. Så skal jeg kjøpe noe.
Så det gjorde hun. Og det gjorde jeg.
Flinke folk ser forretningsmuligheter og følger opp de beste.
Jeg møtte denne unge selgeren i Pre Rup-tempelet, som er en av ti viktige templene av de drøyt 40 som er i den sentrale Angkor parken. Den er en av de eldste templene, og er et viktig frampek til khmer-imperiets absolutte glansalder.
Pre Rup tempelkomplekset er fortsatt en av mine favoritter i Kambodsja.
Intro til forretningsånd
Dette var første besøk i Kambodsja i 2011. Min dengang sjåfør og seinere venn hadde satt meg ved en sideinngang for å slippe unna maset ved hovedinngangen. Det gikk ikke denne selgeren hus forbi.
En side ved khmer-metoden å bedrive forretninger er at den er preget av entrepenørånd og evne til å improvisere. Uten at den plager vettet av kundene. Jeg trodde dette var unntaksvis, slik denne episoden viser. Det er det ikke. Perfekt for oss som er grundig lei av råsalg i jobbsammenheng.
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Kunde under oppsikt.
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askdrzinasia · 2 years
Water, umbrellas, curves and play
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Seoul got fountains. Like, a lot of them. Both in public squares and places, and like here, inside a shopping mall. It looks like a lot of fun for the kids running and playing with the water, too. Probably very important even on a grey and gricht foggy summer day.
The Mecenatpolis Mall was a fairly new mall in a rapidly developing Hapjeong neighborhood in downtown Seoul when I visit. It was the closest major shopping area to my hotel, and close to a major metro station.
Public transport and market spot
Which was the reason I choose this hotel. Getting around major cities in Asia starts with finding accomodation near public transport hubs. Then easy access to basic staples like water and food.
Unless, of course, part of the sought after travelling experience is spending hours in a taxi queueing sloooooowly in carfilled, crowded city streets.
Worth a visit
I found the food and grocery stalls and shops on the outside of this complex most interesting. But a walk inside gave a view to a modern, colourful and visual very interesting design. Just as a lot of modern malls in a lot of Asians cities are these days.
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Making them interesting spot to visit. Even for not so heavy shoppers like me. See more photos from Mecenatpolis Mall.
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fstopsfitzgerald · 1 year
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Seen on a morning walk.
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ttamari · 2 months
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2月20日はいきなりの24℃! 既に、梅・メジロは遭遇出来たけど、河津桜・メジロには出会えて無かったので、久しぶりに林試の森公園に遠征しました。半袖Tシャツの上にジップアップパーカーを着込んで出発しましたが、暑さに途中で半袖Tシャツ・・今年初の半袖Tシャツ外出でした。 林試の森公園の河津桜にはメジロが10匹程群れていましたが、時々ヒヨドリやワカケホンセイインコが来襲するのでその度に散っていきますが、中々良い光景でした。 そして、河津桜に向かう途中の池では、翡翠に遭遇しました。お散歩カメラ(Nikon1 J5 +1 NIKKOR VR 30-110mm f/3.8-5.6)しか持参して無かったのがちょっと心残りです。
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357suzu · 4 months
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rolowopicap · 2 years
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hi-technique · 2 years
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chomo-dali · 1 year
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ベッコウトンボ(雌) ・絶滅危惧ⅠA類 (環境省第4次レッドリスト) ・観察日 :2023年4月30日(日) ・撮影時間:15時54分 ・観察地 :響灘ビオトープ
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スタッフのYさんに案内していただき、20分程観察できました。 当日の確認個体は11匹程だそう。
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dingo-california · 10 months
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Old Zoo at Griffith Park
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Cameroon roadtrip overview
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Most of the photos from Cameroon in my articles here were taken during a 2 week trip in the country in February 2015.
I was travel in a group including my aunt, who had worked as a nurse and missionary in the country for several years in the 1970s and 1980s, and two brothers and a cousin. The group was led by a couple who had served as missionaries in Ngaounderé in the 1980s.
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During the first ten days, we travelled these parts of Cameroon. From the capital Yaoundé via Ngaoundal to Ngaoundere we travelled by train. The travel north to Benoue National park and west to Gadjiwan and south to Tibati was by Toyota Landcruiser.
Honestly, I cannot think those roads or distances could be handled by any other vehicle than the Toyota and their vehicles of the Landcruiser or Hilux kind.
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From Tibati via Foumban and Bafoussam to Limbe we travelled by minibus, a Toyota Coaster, of course. The same bus brought us to Douala for our flight to Europe.
In general, Cameroon is Toyota country. The same quality in design and construction making Toyota popular in the rest of the world and in Top Gear, are extremely well suited for the demands of roads and climate in Cameroon. Including the ease of repair, even the more creative ones.
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On the road to Seme Beach, we caught up with this Toyota. Or, the winner of "how much to put into a Toyota Carina E"! Each bag can take 100 kilogram, and we counted at least nine. Cameroon is Toyota-country, those cars can take a sh*tload of beating and still work.
#ngaundere #Yaoundé #Mbe #Benoue #Gadjiwan #Tibati #Bankim #Foumban #Bafoussam #Limbe #seme #Douala
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orange-moka · 2 years
夜の浅草でスナップ撮影 昼間の浅草は徐々に賑わいを取り戻しつつありますが、 夜の時間帯は、比較的人も少なめ!? 人が少ない分、スナップ撮影もゆっくりできます(笑) 夜の浅草を散歩しいて、結果的にたどり着いたのは浅草寺 ^^ 夜の五重塔は格別です!! カメラ:Nikon1 V1 闇世に浮かぶ五重塔!! 浅草寺の宝蔵門と五重塔 夜になるとライトアップされる景色は、抜群の美しさ♪ 昼間の参拝客でにぎわう浅草寺とは全く違う景色。 暑い暑い昼間を避けて、夜の浅草寺に遊びにってみてはいかがでしょうか 😆 (more…)
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