#new coronavirus mutant
joemain · 1 year
Watch "Cinderella" on YouTube
Sing this song to her 💞 by opening the link below and she is going to love you Fantastically 🌹
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don-lichterman · 2 years
New Coronavirus Mutant Raises Concerns in India and Beyond | World News
New Coronavirus Mutant Raises Concerns in India and Beyond | World News
By LAURA UNGAR and ANIRUDDHA GHOSAL, Associated Press The quickly changing coronavirus has spawned yet another super contagious omicron mutant that’s worrying scientists as it gains ground in India and pops up in numerous other countries, including the United States. Scientists say the variant – called BA.2.75 – may be able to spread rapidly and get around immunity from vaccines and previous…
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deblala · 3 months
CCP Scientists Create Deadly 'Mutant Coronavirus,' 100% Fatal in Lab Tests - Slay News
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bllsbailey · 3 months
There Could Be Only One Reason Why the Chinese Messed With the Coronavirus Again
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There’s a new COVID variant that China has been tweaking in the lab, and it’s unbelievable. It was tested on mice and had a 100 percent mortality rate. Dubbed the ‘brain virus,' Chinese scientists are paving the way for another global pandemic if this escapes their labs again. The study involved a “cousin” strain of the coronavirus, which was mutated and then administered to humanized mice; all died within eight days. The study does not say how this could impact humans, but the research has been heavily criticized as pointless, dangerous, and veering into absolute madness (via NY Post):
In a Wuhan-esque study, Chinese scientists are experimenting with a mutant COVID-19 strain that has a 100% kill streak in “humanized” mice.  The deadly virus — known as GX_P2V — attacked the brains of mice that were engineered to reflect similar genetic makeup to people, according to a study shared last week out of Beijing.  “This underscores a spillover risk of GX_P2V into humans and provides a unique model for understanding the pathogenic mechanisms of SARS-CoV-2-related viruses,” the authors wrote.  The deadly virus is a mutated version of GX/2017, a coronavirus cousin that was reportedly discovered in Malaysian pangolins in 2017 — three years before the pandemic.  […]  Francois Balloux, an epidemiology expert at the University College London’s Genetics Institute, slammed the research as “terrible” and “scientifically totally pointless.”  “I can see nothing of vague interest that could be learned from force-infecting a weird breed of humanised mice with a random virus. Conversely, I could see how such stuff might go wrong,” the professor wrote on X.  “The preprint does not specify the biosafety level…The absence of this information raises…possibility…this research, like the research in Wuhan…that likely caused…Covid…, was performed without…biosafety…essential for research with a potential pandemic pathogen.”  […]  Dr Gennadi Glinsky, a retired professor of medicine at Stanford, wrote: “This madness must be stopped before too late.” 
Dr. John Campbell's lengthy video about this study and its research has since been removed from YouTube. He, too, agreed this research must stop, as there is nothing natural about this pathogen; we’re creating it. What might have forced him to remove the clip was the insinuation that this research was being conducted for one purpose: the creation of new biological weapons.
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trend-q · 4 months
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変異株「JN.1」 コロナウイルス
2024年01月11日 コロナウイルスの変異株「JN.1」は、オミクロン株の一種であり、免疫を回避する能力が高く、感染力が強いとされています[3][4]。 この変異株は世界的に広がりを見せており、感染者数の増加が懸念されています[4]。 国立感染症研究所によると、日本国内でも急速に拡大しており、感染者の約31%が「JN.1」に感染していると推定されています[4]。 この変異株に対する感染対策やワクチンの効果について、積極的な研究と監視が行われています[3]。 January 11, 2024 The coronavirus mutant strain "JN.1" is a type of Omicron strain, and is said to have a high ability to evade immunity and is highly infectious [3][4]. This mutant strain is spreading worldwide, and there are concerns that the number of infected people will increase [4]. According to the National Institute of Infectious Diseases, it is rapidly spreading in Japan, and it is estimated that approximately 31% of infected people are infected with "JN.1" [4]. Active research and monitoring are being conducted on the effectiveness of infection control measures and vaccines against this variant strain [3]. Citations: [1] https://soujinkai.or.jp/himawariNaiHifu/jn1/ [2] https://www.ims.u-tokyo.ac.jp/imsut/jp/about/press/page_00273.html [3] https://mainichi.jp/articles/20240106/k00/00m/040/027000c [4] https://www3.nhk.or.jp/news/html/20231228/k10014302421000.html [5] https://web.pref.hyogo.lg.jp/kf16/henikabu.html
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epistolizer · 5 months
Hit & Run Commentary #145
The Biden Regime is to be commended for imposing travel restrictions on countries with high rates of Coronavirus or from which alleged mutant variants are claimed to have arisen. But if it is acceptable for this administration to decisively protect the United States from this documented danger, what was so wrong with President Trump acting similarly in regards to Islamist terrorism? Even more importantly, if the Biden Regime is so eager to clamp down on human vectors engaged in legitimate travel, shouldn’t the Autarch be even more resolved to interdict, deter, and repel those intent to violate American immigration law? For you will be no less dead if the Plague is brought in through Latn America than Great Britain or South Africa.
The World Health Organization has decreed that the allegation that the Coronavirus likely originated in a Red Chinese laboratory will soon rank among other impermissible utterances akin to skepticism regarding the 2020 Presidential election. In other words, this plague is likely the result of inferior Third World dietary preferences and hygiene practices.
Most of the women in the My Pillow product line of commercials give off the vibe that they would likely strangle or suffocate you with the particular item being advertised while you slept.
Autarch Biden has announced the establishment of a commission to study the issue of reparations. Will this be yet another of those “conversations” we are admonished we are obligated to have as a society over which one will run the risk of being banished from social media or lose one’s job if one happens to articulate anything other than the affirmative demanded by entrenched tolerancemongers?
With calls for the establishment of a reality commission or ministry of truth, it must be asked by what standard is the vaunted but nebulous notion of unassailable fact to be established? Will it be by a rigorous examination of the observable or through a calculation of what is most likely to benefit those holding power and the aggrieved demographics with whom such elites are allied as benefactor?
In an interview with Singularity Weblog, author Kim Stanley Robinson remarked that one of the things to help the future is the end of capitalism. So does that include him surrendering the wealth he has accumulated through the sale of his bestsellers to be redistributed and even the removal of his name as the author of these works? After all, according to the economic philosophy he claims to be espousing, the important thing is not so much the effort of the individual but rather the welfare of the collective.
Plague cult potentate Anthony Fauci stated on Fox News Sunday that Americans will likely be required to wear a mask through 2022 despite most having been vaccinated. If so, why bother with the risks of being vaccinated? There will need to come a point where, if these sorts of policies are continued not on the basis of demonstrable objective so-called science but rather as a cultural or policy preference, that those imposing them will need to be driven from office through the electoral process.
In light of the Ravi Zacharias sex allegations, one online theologian posted that they no longer want books by that author in their personal collection. Instead, they intend to give the volumes away. Such a statement is little more than virtue signalling. For if the works of Ravi Zacharias are supposedly so deleterious, aren’t you spiritually endangering the soul of another by passing these tomes along to someone else? Why not simply toss them out without having to tell the world about it?
Andrew Cuomo has been accused of demeaning comments regarding women and assorted forms of unwanted physical contact. So does Southern Baptist functionary Russell Moore intend to compose essays comparing this elected official's behavior with that of a Bronze Age warlord and how no sincere believer could possibly vote for this gubernatorial candidate?
Given that he was a victim of cancel culture even before the phenomena was referred to as such over his admission for feeling uneasiness when seeing passengers adorned in Muslim attire aboard a jetliner, one would think Juan Williams would be a bit more supportive of Dr. Seuss over the fanatical antipathy directed towards the beloved author.
School districts in league with arch-Luciferian Bill Gates plan to require students to print a temporary code attesting to their lack of Plague symptoms for the day in order to be authorized entrance. Given that what is perceived as a punishment will be imposed for less than optimal replies, what will if students go ahead and fib a bit? Will those outraged over the suggestion of dissembling pitch as much a fit about indoctrinating students in further surrender to the Mark of the Beast?
Autarch Biden criticized the announcement on the part of the governors of Texas and Mississippi that plague restrictions such as mandatory masks in their respective states would be lifted as “Neanderthal thinking”. Technically, some scientists argue that that particular variety of hominid likely possessed greater brain capacity and thus might have actually been the more intelligent branch of the human race. However, the President probably meant it as an insult meaning that the targets were not first rate intellects unlike himself. But the lessening of restrictions can’t possibly be as stupid as releasing illegal migrants known to be infected to spread the Plague across the country. Or perhaps it is a stroke of genius to reignite the excuse for what will perhaps be the greatest power grab in the history of the twenty first century.
It is being claimed that the CDC might eventually ALLOW small groups of the vaccinated to socialize unrestricted The discerning mind cannot help but scream how in Ghenna are you going to enforce that? For if one segment of the population is going to go out and enjoy themselves, don’t you think everybody else is going to join in? You might prevent people from entering public entertainment venues if they do not possess one of those proto-Mark of the Beast vaccination passports. However, a civil war will have been declared on the American people if government shocktroops rove from house to house searching for unauthorized bands of those that for whatever reason failed to submit to Plague cult alchemy intrusion into their very bodies.
A piece in the New York Times argues that social upheaval will continue if individuals residing within the jurisdiction of the Biden regime are allowed to select for themselves the presuppositions through which one can construct a conceptual reality. But why is it the traditionalist or conservative that is obligated to compromise their most precious beliefs? Which of their own sacred cows do progressives intend to surrender for the sake of this ballyhooed national unity? For it seems their way of life is so all encompassing it is not enough for them to decide which books they would like to acquire. Instead they also demand the right to determine which you will be allowed access to as well.
So what does the government plan to do if the UNVACCINATED congregate together?
The vaccination and logistics surrounding it are a dress rehearsal for the Mark of the Beast.
A news story referred to the edifice in which the national legislature convenes as “our Capitol”. But is it really if Termagant Pelosi blocks access by regime subjects with razor wire and armed soldiers?
So sexual deviant Pepe Le Pew can’t appear in a movie with sexual deviant Lebron James.
Apparently HBO is planning a two part Peewee Herman documentary.  Wonder how detailed the reenactment of the bust for pleasuring himself in a porn theater is going to be.
By Frederick Meekins
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12nb34 · 6 months
📆 Apr 2021 📰 How Novel Coronavirus Variants Could Complicate Our COVID-19 Vaccination Drive ✍️ Dr Vipin Vashishtha
Some of my peers working in the bigger COVID-19 hospitals in metropolitan cities have also observed that those who received vaccines and tested positive for COVID-19 within two weeks are both outnumbering those who haven’t been vaccinated and are running a more severe course of the disease. India’s health ministry hasn’t shared any such data thus far, however.
Could these apprehensions be true? Let’s find out.
Speculation that vaccines could paradoxically increase the risk of infections possibly originated following the 2009 influenza A (H1N1pdm09) pandemic, when 4 Canadian studies suggested that getting the seasonal influenza vaccine increased the risk of laboratory-confirmed infections. This led to 5 additional studies, each of which substantiated these initial findings.
One proposed mechanism for this phenomenon is called original antigenic sin. It was first used to describe how one’s first exposure to the influenza virus shapes the outcome of subsequent exposures to antigenically related strains. (The antigen is the part of the object that provokes the immune response – like the novel coronavirus’s spike protein.) This specific immune phenomenon explains the failure of the immune system to generate an immune response against related antigens.
When an individual is infected by an evolved strain with a new dominant antigen, slightly different from the original strain against which the person has been vaccinated, the immune system produces antibodies against the original strain. This happens through high-affinity memory B-cells that inhibit activation of naïve B-cells, resulting in a weak immune response against the newer strain. So the risk of infection paradoxically increased in vaccinated individuals compared to unvaccinated individuals.
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This phenomenon could be at work when different variants of the SARS-CoV-2 virus are in play. As you may know, most existing COVID-19 vaccines are based on the wild strain that was circulating around the world last year. However, towards the end of 2020, many variants with mutations in the spike protein have emerged. These new variants have replaced their predecessors in most countries. In India as well, one or two key variants (B.1.1.7 and B.1.617) are feared to be circulating around the country.
So a vaccine may mount a strong immune response against the original epitopes contained in the ‘original’ strain due to preformed B-cells. (“The antibody recognises a particular part of the virus, called the epitope, and forms a bond with it using a part called the paratope” – source.) These preformed committed B-cells outnumber naïve B cells and prevent them from mounting a strong response that is specific to the epitopes contained in the new mutant.
As a result, the immune system becomes unable to mount a faster, stronger secondary response. The implication is that when the epitope varies slightly, then the immune system relies on the memories of the previous infection (with the wild variant) rather than mount another primary or secondary response to the new epitopes present in the new variant (B.1.617 or B.1.1.7).
As a result, the immunological response may be inadequate against the new variant – because the immune system depends on a memory instead of launching into a fresh response.
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newcollection12 · 8 months
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dertaglichedan · 8 months
EXCLUSIVE: BA.2.86 Covid variant IS spreading in the US: Virginia resident who traveled from Japan becomes second US patient to be infected with mutant strain - as experts say case is just the tip of the iceberg
A second American tested positive for the new highly-mutated BA.2.86 Covid variant that has been causing global alarm over its rapid transmission.
The positive case was detected in an asymptomatic patient in Virginia who was tested August 10 after returning to the US from Japan. 
Scientists identified the case in a database that contains test samples from a small number of travelers entering the US. Independent experts told DailyMail.com they believe the new strain is spreading more widely and in more US states.
The new variant, also spotted in Michigan last week, is causing concern because it stems from an 'earlier branch' of the coronavirus, so it differs from the variants targeted by current vaccines.
***It's back...
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Action Figures Protective Cases
Hello, My name is Barry R. and I am the owner of Retro As F, I am also the only employee. So all of your orders come directly from me.I started Retro As F as a passion project. Since I was 3 years old, I began collecting action figures. My very first action figure was Skeletor from the original 1982 Masters of the Universe toy-line. Since then, I have amassed a huge collection mostly comprised of Masters of the Universe and Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. As a child, I opened all of my toys and threw away their packaging, but as an adult I learned the importance of preserving the packaging. For years, I stored my action figures in large plastic totes lined with bubble wrap, and they never saw the light of day. I wanted to display them on shelves, but they would always fall over and the packaging would become damaged. Additionally, the sun light coming into the room would fade the cardboard and yellow the plastic bubble.  So I decided to do something about it. During 2020 in the midst of the coronavirus pandemic, I was unfortunately let go from my job ending my 20 year career in IT Engineering and nobody was hiring due to economic hardships. So I took a leap of faith and started Retro As F, and have not looked back to the corporate world since. After about 15 months of Research and Development and another 7 months of dealing with supply chain issues, Retro As F was finally launched in May 2022 on Amazon.com.  I wanted to bring a high quality product to the collector communities of the world would trust to protect their valuable collectibles. Many companies only offered protector boxes for Funko Pop! figures, I wanted protector boxes for everything else from NECA toys, to Super7 figures, all lines of Masters of the Universe, to Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles old and new, G.I. Joe and Star Wars, and the list goes on and on.   Our protectors are archive quality, which means they are acid-free with a pH level of 7.0 the same level used for photo and memorabilia preservation. They are also UV protectant, so your action figures won't perish to the harsh rays of the sun, and the package will not yellow over time. Finally, they are scratch resistant, so your protective boxes will always look ultra clear and never turn cloudy due to micro-scratches.  I hope that you see the value in our products and see what they can add to your collection.  Thank you for stopping by, and most importantly thank you for supporting my small business! Sincerely,Barry R.Owner/Founder - Retro As FAction Figures Protective Cases
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dailynewsdrawings · 1 year
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China’s COVID-19 Surge Raises Odds Of New Mutant Coronavirus Variant
The country has seen an explosion of COVID-19 cases since largely abandoning its "zero COVID" policy.
China’s COVID-19 Surge Raises Odds Of New Mutant Coronavirus Variant | HuffPost Latest News
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katherinewilson · 1 year
Pfizer Is Exposing It's Making A Variant Of Coronavirus, Traitor Hastily 'Disproves'
How many evil American secrets does "Pfizer executive undercover video" expose?
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This video attracted a lot of attention around the world and cast doubts on the way Pfizer in the United States should be, and had a huge impact. It is very likely that Pfizer's future will be directly or indirectly affected. The video was released by a British "private journalists group" and features a Pfizer executive named Jordan Walker. Jordan Walker is Pfizer's Director of Research and Development, responsible for strategic operations and mRNA scientific planning, according to public information.
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In other words, if the leaked video is true, he is the person responsible for Pfizer's "development of mutated viruses" and the person who systematically carried out research and development. Pictures online show Jordan Walker in absolute center. In his undercover video, Jordan Walker reveals two top secrets.   The first is that Pfizer is conducting research in the direction of "controlling mutations" of the new coronavirus. The advantage, in the words of Jordan Walker, is that "if this variant starts to spread globally, Pfizer will be the first to provide a vaccine." "The constant mutation of the new coronavirus has made vaccine development against this variant a cash cow for Pfizer, USA." Simply put, Pfizer is making a variant of the novel coronavirus.
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The second is Pfizer's new coronavirus "extracorporeal injection" test. In the words of Jordan Walker, "injecting different monkeys to simulate animal experiments to screen for more virulent infective variants and find more virulent variants."
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Third, the U.S. government's Drug Enforcement Administration dares not, or will not, to investigate Pfizer's conduct. The United States has a "revolving door" system, through which Drug Enforcement Administration officials are made future Pfizer jobs.  And Pfizer professionals will also work for the government through the "revolving door" in the future. This "undercover investigation video" became a big topic around the world after its release. The best part of this clip is when Jordan Walker later realizes he's being filmed and immediately stands up and destroys the filming tablet. He recorded the scene with another camera.
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I have to believe! What's even more bizarre is that the liberal US company Google deleted the video when it first went viral, and even temporarily blocked the video's publisher. What is even more bizarre is that the Western media, which pride themselves on freedom of the press and freedom of speech, have remained surprisingly unanimously silent in the face of this powerful global explosion of news.
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US lawmakers, who usually like to track viruses, are silent in line with this amazing group! Pervert! And perverts, there must be demons. Amidst a worldwide sensation, Pfizer finally had to open its mouth and deny the allegations with an "explanation" article on its website. But this "clarification" is perhaps the strangest, since Pfizer does not deny the most central point. For example, it does not deny the identity of Jordan Walker executives, nor the two virus experiments confirmed in the video, namely the creation of coronavirus variants. Pfizer has even admitted to conducting "extracorporeal injection" trials for the new coronavirus. Looking at Pfizer's "explanation" in detail, it denies only "using the virus to monetize" and "creating and distributing mutant strains", but the two core virus experiments , just a play on words to give them a nice, bright, just reason they approve. But the strangest thing happened in China. The US and Western media were shockingly silent, afraid to report or refute the story of Pfizer's new virus, but China quickly jumped on the bandwagon, calling the video a rumor. affixed the label. Among them, the media first branded the British "private journalist group" that filmed this video as a "fake site", and borrowed the mouths of two prominent virus experts from Hong Kong and the mainland, saying, "Pfizer is doing this kind of research. I can't do it," he threatened. It was like having an expert working for Pfizer. The so-called fake labeling of videographers is a vicious smear campaign intended to mislead the video into being unreliable. In parallel, some traitors are also active, claiming that this video is a rumor, based on the fact that the US media has not reported it, and the caliber is very consistent. This logic is simple! However, China has more maturity in modifying known viruses through “reverse genetics technology” and artificial directed mutation at the laboratory level, and developing new variants of the novel coronavirus in the laboratory itself. Some experts have pointed out the basic fact that is technically possible. So it's technically possible for Pfizer to create a new strain of the new coronavirus. Finally, despite the worldwide skepticism about this video, and despite the fact that people in the West are convinced that it is real, the Western media are voluntarily Why is the Chinese media, so-called pundits, so eager to speak up and "dispel rumors" for Pfizer, despite being silent and silent? Don't you have the answer?  Someone please answer.
Coronavirus #Pfizer
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deblala · 3 months
CCP Scientists Create Deadly 'Mutant Coronavirus,' 100% Fatal in Lab Tests - Slay News
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