#nevermind I take it back even if it came from 999 or SP himself he'd probably just be like no I caused all your suffering in the first place
milkmynk · 1 year
Just thinking about how KDJ receives a ton of flak for sacrificing himself all the time but frankly, he did really well. Like just incredibly well. He took down the Constellations, dismantled the Star Stream, gave everyone a happy ending (besides himself).
Frankly, it's a paltry price. One man for entire worldlines? People have sacrificed themselves for far less. Sure, that one man means the world to a few, but the vast majority of people would say that he's a hero, that it was a sacrifice well-made.
I just... think that KDJ needs to be praised more for what he accomplished. He's always had this negative view of himself that he failed throughout life, that he's undeserving, that he's not good enough... And heck, I don't think Kimcom would praise him after he returns, cause he gave them all the worst trauma of their lives 😂
So... yeah. I think it'd mean a lot to KDJ if 999, the YJH he looked up to the most, could give him a pat on the head and praise him for a job well done. Especially since 999 would be the YJH most likely to understand KDJ's actions.
I mean... KDJ even says as much. That he hopes someone (HSY) could reassure him that he was doing good. But nobody ever did :/
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