#need to be careful.’’ And Jason was like ‘’He’s an insane little freak (affectionate) actually so write that down.’’
sweetpea-cc · 6 years
Pieces of Me (Part 3)
Summary: You are Y/N McCormick, the Northside Queen with a knack for defending yourself. Ultimately, too many warnings lead to being expelled from Riverdale High School and you transfer to Southside High where you’re immersed in a completely different life. Slowly, you become closer to Sweet Pea, along with the rest of the Southside Serpents while discovering the missing pieces of yourself.
Paring: Sweet Pea x Reader (ft. Riverdale Core Four, Toni) Warning: Language Word Count: 1.9k+
A/N: Your last name is McCormick for reasons which will be explained later. Also, this is a slow burn miniseries. :))
(Part 1) (Part 2)
After about fifteen more minutes of extended and 'I've heard all of this before" speech, Principal Wright finally allowed you to go back to class, which you grudgingly did so, this wasn't exactly how you imagined your first day going here at Southside but at the same time, you guessed things could have been worse. One thing you knew for sure, was that if the ghoulies had a reputation for anything, it was holding grudges, so you were definitely going to have to watch your back for the next few days, if not weeks.
When you walk out of the front office, you almost immediately feel a shadow loom over you and ball your hands up into fists, ready to fight what you assumed was another ghoulie.
Spinning around you nearly collide with someone who was at least half a foot taller than you. Stepping back, you try to play off your jump scare by focusing your attention on your books. It was the same guy who you had spotted in the hall with Toni earlier that morning. The cute Serpent.
"Jesus Christ, hasn't anyone ever told you not to sneak up on someone? Which one are you? Freaking pine tree or something?" You ask due to his incredible height and the way he towered over you reasonably well.
"That was an impressive feat you pulled back there, Barbie." His face was even more handsome up close to you, and you made a note of the way he seemed to always have a straight line or a smirk on his lips.
"I have a name, you know." You retort, rolling your eyes at the nickname that seemed to be running around Southside High.
"Where'd you learn to do that?" He inquired, completely ignoring your useless attempt of banishing that stupid nickname you were given.
"I train. Six days a week." Your reply was simple, and it was true, you did train nearly every day of the week, four hours a day. Your father had started teaching you self-defense, and how to turn multiple everyday items into a deadly weapon at the mere age of thirteen and to most people, that's cruel but you never saw it that way, if anything, you loved the feeling of adrenaline rushing through your veins after a sparring match or intense workout.
Your father had believed it was the best way for you to be protected whenever he was away for months at a time, and he was right about that, however, knowing how to adequately defend yourself tended to land you in the hot seat with school officials.
You decide to check the time, and you have a free period, and it was a strange concept here because what exactly were you supposed to do? You figured sitting outside reading a book, or something would suffice, but you just hoped that no one would bother you like they did at lunch.
From a short distance, you spotted Toni walking towards you with a smile on her face. So far, Toni was the kindest person you had met here, and it was reassuring knowing that you at least had one friend here, sort of, anyway.
"Hey! Is Sweet Pea bothering you?" She questioned, giving him a gentle shove. The height difference between the two was massive, while Sweet Pea looked like some gigantic pine tree, Toni, on the other hand, resembled a woodland creature compared to him. The very thought of that made you laugh out loud, and you were sure they knew the height difference was funny to most people.
"Nah, but someone should probably talk to him about sneaking up behind people. He's terrifyingly tall." This time it was Sweet Pea's turn to roll his eyes, cross his arms over his chest and commence a brooding look.
"We try, but it never sticks. Anyway, you should teach me the kick-ass move you pulled on the ghoulie!"
"Sure, why don't you come over sometime and I will."
"Yeah, why not? What's your number? I'll text you my address." Toni was more than happy to exchange numbers, and maybe it wasn't super smart to invite someone that you had only just met over, but you liked Toni, and after only knowing her for a few hours, she reminded you of Jughead, if anything, she was the female version of him. With a final smile in Toni's direction, you walk away from her, secretly hoping that maybe, just maybe, the two of you would be friends.
The rest of the day went by surprisingly slow, and at four in the afternoon, you were headed off to Pop's to meet up with Betty, Veronica, Jughead, and Archie to talk about how your first day of 'Southside Hell' went. You knew they were just waiting for the scoop on the infamous school, but apart from the creepy ghoulie, you actually had an excellent first day, which pleased you greatly.
Pop's was always your favorite place in Riverdale, then again it was to nearly everyone in the town, but that was expected. The site had been here since Riverdale was established and withstood decades peace and uprisings but no matter how old it was, it remained the same; same delicious food, same decorations, same music, and strangely enough, the same customers. In a way, it was Switzerland between the Northside and Southside.
You spotted your friends through the window, and they already looked deep into an intense conversation which caused you to roll your eyes for the umpteenth time today. You made your way to the diner and took a resident to the booth behind Betty and Jughead.
"Why are you baby trolls frowning so much?" You tease, momentarily distracting them from whatever was causing them to develop pre-mature wrinkles. While you loved your sleuthing and solving mysteries, sometimes you swore your friends went looking for some that weren't even there and often, that resulted in them being a very brooding bunch.
"We hit a dead end with the whole Jason Blossom mess," Jughead admits, yanking off his iconic hat in frustration, you knew that currently, the stakes were high and there were secrets that many people preferred to stay buried.
"As much as I totally support your fetish for trying to take down murderers, however, I must continue to ask that you don't involve me. Lord knows I'd never get my beauty sleep." It was spoken in a joking manner, but you were entirely serious because you were the type of person who, once you got started on something, you needed to finish it. That and you already had plenty on your plate with your sort of secret investigation of the Southside life which your dad had barred you from.
"Enough about us, how was your first day?" Veronica asked, tucking her black hair behind her ears. Pop then showed up at the table carrying four milkshakes of various flavors, and when his attention landed on you, his face broke out into a smile.
"You want your usual, Y/N?" He asked sweetly, and you couldn't help but mirror the same infectious smile on his face.
"Of course, Pop. Always." He nodded his head at you and disappeared behind into the kitchen, and you turn back to your friends, ready to tell them all about your 'adventurous' day at Southside. From the crazy energy surrounding the place to the mean little ghoulie, and over to your little conversation with the Principal.
"I met this girl, she's a serpent, but like honestly, she was one of the coolest people I've ever met, not to mention, she insanely gorgeous. And then there was this like freaking tall kid, he might as well be a pine tree or a beanstalk. But he was really adorable, and he seemed charming. Like really." You wink at Veronica and Betty who both smile and shake their heads at you as they busy themselves with their drinks. Archie, on the other hand, seemed to be slightly annoyed that you were talking affectionately or whatever about a few Southside Serpents.
"Oh lighten up, Archie. I was merely stating that they're pleasing to look at, that's not a crime, is it? Because if you want to talk about crime, you got another thing coming." His mouth forms a completely straight line, and it was evident that you were referring to his illegal, not to mention extremely gross relationship he shared with Ms. Grundy, the used-to-be music teacher at Riverdale High.
"I just want you to be careful around them Y/N, you have no idea what they're capable of." You weren't sure if he was referring to the Southside Serpents or if he was talking about Southside kids in general. It was funny to you considering his best friend was born and raised on the Southside. Pop Tate then came back carrying your favorite; vanilla milkshake with a side order of French fries to dip. You thank him sweetly and focus once again on your collection of strange friends.
"I'm always careful. I mean, have you met me?" Jughead twisted in his seat to face you, and you could tell he was probably annoyed. At you or over his little investigation, you weren't sure, but whatever it was, it was written all over his face.
"We're well aware of your ability to defend yourself, Y/N. I agree with Archie, I grew up on the Southside, and the Ghoulies are dangerous and unpredictable. From what you told us, you probably made yourself a target." His tone was snarky and bitter, but you knew he was saying this because he cared and you appreciated his concern. He paused for a few seconds before eyeing you suspiciously. "Besides, if I know you at all, I'd say you're quite happy being at Southside. Gives you a chance to work on the little project you've been slaving over for the past two summers."
"It's not a crime to want to know more about your history. You know very well that every time I try to bring it up, my dad shoots me down. So, I'm taking matters into my own hands. Do ya think your dad will let me into the Whyte Wrym?" Jughead, along with the rest of your friends look at you as if you had lost your damn mind and he wasn't afraid to the point that out.
"Are you insane? No. Jesus, Y/N, can't you just be happy with your life? You live in a freaking private mansion, and your dad is probably the richest man in Riverdale, if not the whole state. On top of that, you're envied by almost the entire study body. Stop trying to stick your nose where it doesn't belong." His sudden snap caused you to blink a few times and let out a low whistle. Betty, Veronica, and Archie just sat there silently, not wanting to mess with the tension that was starting to build up.
"That's really funny coming from someone who writes mystery novels and solves murders in his free time. And when did the amount of money my dad has become such a problem for you? I'm at Southside for one day, and you're suddenly acting like I've done a full 360 twist on my personality or something."
"Who knows, maybe that's exactly what's going to happen, why wouldn't it? It'll be a thematic experience; poor little rich girl finally gets a taste of the Southside of town but how long before you toss them out too? You tend to get bored easily."
"Oh, fuck you Jughead. Call me when my best friend decides to stop being a judgemental prick face." The tone of your voice was icy and filled with annoyance as you abruptly stood up from the booth, putting down enough bills to cover your meal before walking out of Pop's ignoring Betty and Veronica's calls. 
(Tag List:) @fafulous / @captainstilinskis / @yourwonderbelle / @the-greatt-perhaps / @alexparrsih / @imweirdhowareyou / @wolfpackcreative
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