#my rollator is good for everyday i guess
lenabloo · 1 year
I’m in the process of cleaning out a lot of my spaces - I’ve made a lot of progress already! basically I’ve been in this process over the last uhhhhhh year and a half ish, I guess? I started seeing a professional organizer/adhd coach and it’s been very helpful, very good for working through and restructuring my thought processes. Its uhhhh I want to write about it a bit more in depth but of course now that I’ve sat down to do it my head is empty of all of that ^_^;;;
I’ve made so many improvements in the area of like... executive function stuff, but I think I’m still struggling with balancing it with enjoyable stuff? Actually it might be more a struggle with balancing “physical” tasks with “mental” tasks. So things like, loading and unloading the dishwasher, laundry, maintaining a space once I’ve organized it, those are “physical” executive function tasks. Working on sewing or sculpting projects, that’s physical too. Then there’s stuff like making phone calls, or keeping track of my schedule, or checking emails and texts - those all fall into the “mental” side of executive tasks. Writing, getting on tumblr (not just scrolling but actually posting and reblogging and interacting), ... I guess drawing, too, those are more “mental” ...hobbies?
It’s just harder for me to make space for tasks that involve sitting down and... focusing, I guess. I sit down to sew and to sculpt (actually I sit down for a lot of things, now that I have a rollator), but those are more “flow” activities? there’s not as much of a need to have my brain involved.
I think maybe I also spend so much time thinking about my more mental tasks that it... maybe kind of feels like I’ve already done them??? or my brain has already exhausted the energy for those tasks by the time I sit down to do them? Maybe also the physical tasks feel more urgent because they’re more visible...
All growth is a process, and I’m sure I’ll work through this, but in the meantime 9_9 it’s just annoying lol
(I am already doing better, though, I have to say. I’d like to get to a point where I’m writing everyday and I’m definitely not there yet, but I am writing more! Like, more than once a week!)
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