#my au with vivi-theakuneko
nikikeya · 2 years
are you still doing the brother in spirit series?
Artist just finally got back to me on continuing and posted the next page.
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candyqueenblog · 3 years
First Lines Tag Game
I was tagged by @worse0mens and @supergeek21 for this game where you post the first line or so from 20 of your most recent writings and then tag 10 more of your favorite writers. To be tagged is an honor and a delight and I would be remiss if I DIDN’T play too because this sounds like oodles and kit and kaboodles of fun! 🤩 (Please note, some of the fics/writing on her is rated E, so if you’re a youngin’ - GIT! And anyone who knows me IRL, please don’t ever bring it up ;     ; ) Placed below cut because it got LONG lol (Self-reblogging because I am dummy and forgot to add tags 😅)
1. Bea L. Zebub (or just “Beelzebub” to her unfortunate employees) was dead. (A Christmas Omen)
2.  The bookshop doors slammed open hard enough to crack the spot where the knob met the wall.  Crowley stormed into the building, his amber eyes flashing dangerously behind his round, dark lenses. (Flames of Anger and Hellfire)
3. Crowley couldn’t help but wonder… ‘Why was it always apples?’ (The Taste of Apples)
(Note: #3 was a collab with @vivi-theakuneko for a zine. She handled the art, I handled the writing!)
4. Aziraphale had been looking for this book for centuries. (Ivdkuranavyja)
(Note: #4 was a collab with @crowleymowley for a zine. There’s some cool art in THIS one too! 👀)
5. Physicists, scientists, and philosophers have grappled with the theory of infinite, alternate universes ever since psychologist William James coined the term in 1895. Though the context of the word was different for James than it is now, current theory posits that there are an infinite number of alternate realities out there and, together, they make up the totality of existence in a great cosmic pile called the multiverse. (Universe A and B)
6.  Hi my name is Anthony Janthony Ashtoreth Fire Crowley and I have long fiery red hair (that’s how I got my name) with black streaks and purple tips that reaches my mid-back and snakey yellow eyes like limpid tears and a lot of people tell me I look like David Tenant (AN: if u don’t know who he is get da hell out of here!). (My Ineffable)
7. “To my sister!” Gabriel cheered, lifting a flute of champagne in a toast. The woman in question, Zira Fell, raised her own flute in answer with a face-splitting grin. (Saltwater on Skin - Wives Edition)
8. It was raining the day Azira reunited with Crowley. (Awaken Their Ashes Unto Pain)
(Note: The line from #8 is TECHNICALLY in the SECOND chapter, but this fic is a collab with @new-endings and she wrote the first chapter, while I wrote the second and we are alternating between the two)
9. “To my brother!” Gabriel cheered, lifting a flute of champagne in a toast. The man in question, Ezra Fell, raised his own flute in answer with a face-splitting grin. (Saltwater on Skin)
(Note: #9 is the exact same story as #7, just the genders changed)
10.  Ezra had awoken several times throughout the night, convinced that he was going to miss his family’s departure if he didn’t go to the beach right now! (Sharing Three Kisses)
(Note: #10 is a story divergence of #9)
11. Raphael closed the door of A.Z. Fell & Co behind him with a soft click as he stepped out onto the streets of Soho. He folded his hands in front of his stomach and rocked back and forth on his heels. “Well. That was awkward,” he said to himself. (To Build a Future on Earth)
12.  The early August heat hung heavy in the air, and the apple tree he sat beneath was laden with unripened fruits.  The tart, green apples wouldn’t be ready until early October, but their scent was still carried on every puff of warm breeze and every passing cloud that promised rain for the afternoon. (The Prince and the Serpent)
13. At 26 years old, Aziraphale Fell (if both his parents weren’t already dead, he’d have strangled them himself for giving him such a moniker) was one of the youngest self-made millionaires in history.  (Ruin and Rebuilding)
14. Prince Anthony Centary was many things: a lover of fast carriages, younger half-brother to Lord Beatrus, and purveyor of fine clothes. He was also a four-foot red-bellied serpent currently snagged under a rose bush. (Gardens, Snakes, and Kisses)
(Note: #14 was written as a contest entry some time ago for @berrytera’s Cursed Prince AU)
15.  Up until the moment he died, Captain Medina would never be able to tell what it was that had convinced him to visit the island early. (3 Hours Earlier)
16.  William straightened the lapels of his uniform as he climbed out of his car and marched up the long, winding walkway to the manor of Thaddeus Dowling, Ambassador. (A Case of Mistaken Identity)
(Note: #16 was a commission from @queerspacewhale, and its prequel is in the works. I promise, friend! It ended up being a bit more in-depth than originally planned lol)
17.  His siblings were all hobbits of good moral standing, as is expected of living in a place called “Hobbiton”. (Dragonfire)
(Note: #17 was a commission from @fanlan1! I’d never really written crossover fics before this point, so this was a fun experience!)
18. “5... 4... 3... 2... 1... HAPPY NEW YEAR!” “Wahoo...” (A Treatise on Pinnipeds)
19. Crowley was staring at him with a predatory look, but was curled up in the corner with his back to the wall. (Instincts)
20. Ezra stood back and admired his handiwork. (Surprise)
Patterns: I think mine tend to start out fairly mild, or they come out of NOWHERE like a slap to the face. No in between lol
Favorite: #5, simply because it sounds super-smart! :D
(Feel free to skip over if you want when I tag you ^^) @new-endings, @wyvernquill, @unproblematicme, @mordellestories, @caedmonfaith, @scrapheapchallenge, @summerofspock, @holycatsandrabbits, and @nohaijiachi 
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