#muse: moira o'deorain * ic
chiwit-a · 1 year
muses i could've sworn i had from the jump ?? but destin reminded me so they're officially being added :
ana amari, overwatch (primary)
moira o'deorain, overwatch (primary)
genji shimada, overwatch (secondary)
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chiwitss · 1 year
moira + nero tags.
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unfogged-arc · 10 months
open: moira o'deorain. based off this post. would prefer overwatch muses, or decent prior interaction ic or ooc.
The pain has been unbearable as of late. She is getting nowhere fast with her serum to stave off that pain, and she wonders if this is how Reyes feels. Today, the pain has been the worst. Shooting pains are traveling through her arm at a consistent pace, a numbness that seems to hurt radiating throughout, and the dull ache that is typically there feeling as if she has her limb in a vice. It is truly unbearable, Moira unable to get any work done.
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She bites her lip, a bit too hard, and can taste blood. It doesn't soothe the pain. Tears prick her eyes, and she swipes a pile of papers off a table as she tries to keep any tears from falling, the papers floating to the floor instead. Her small outburst does not help, which does not surprise her. Through her pain, through her anger, the tears begin to fall, long fingers of her left hand coming to grip her right wrist, silently begging the pain to stop, to give her reprieve.
She isn't sure how long she is standing there, tears falling down her cheeks, gripping her own arm, but she starts when she hears the door open and someone enter her space. She tries to turn away quickly, hoping they didn't see, but she wasn't quick enough –– they see her tears, see the pain on her face, the vice grip on her wrist. "Leave me be," she says, voice tight, back to the intruder.
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