good-bye-myalmostlover · 11 months
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multiculturedsstuff · 2 years
Why is this the norm in our Latin culture
I remember when I was a little girl and My mother made me get up early to clean on the weekends while my brothers Got to stay in bed . The amount of times that I got scolded for voicing my disgust. The amount of times I heard “lava tu los Platos porque tu eres la mujer”
(clean the dishes you are the woman )
I always considered it unfair but because this is what I was used to I believed this was normal . I watched my mother serve my father as soon as he got home from a long day of work and it be expected not an ounce of gratitude ,not an ounce of respect from the person that supposedly loved her.
When I got in my first relationship I did what I thought was expected and by doing this I was conditioning the person I was with To expect this behavior from me , so on days that I did not fulfill my “wifely” duties
Then we would have fights and his Macho side would come to the surface ,the you will do as I say because I am the man side came out ,the why did you want a relationship if you where not ready BS came out ,it got so bad that I was afraid of fights and arguments I would make sure that I did what was expected . My duties included cooking ,cleaning,paying the bills and attending the kids .I was a maid without pay or at least that is what it felt like ,now I’m not bashing stay at home moms but this is not what it was for me I wanted to go out and work but I wasn’t allowed to , the man was the bread winner and my place was at home with the children ,it never crossed my mind , I am an adult I don’t need permission I can buy my own beer and smokes but I need permission to go work and socialize? The shit was ridiculous I was so ashamed for years that this happened to me I fell victim to this abuse and for a long time did not even realize it was abuse
Fast forward a few years now an adult and a very independent and successful woman , I don’t cook not because I don’t want to but because I have a very demanding Job ,who wants to come home from a long day of work to clean and cook ? As crazy as it seems , sometimes I feel like I am failing and I feel a sense of guilt , the funny thing is that because both my wife and I are working all the time neither of us expect anything from the other but coming from such a toxic environment its hard to break the chains and break the cycle .So I guess My question is are Latino women just as guilty of falling into the Machismo narrative ?
Are we part of this problem ?
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beati98 · 2 years
Elige bien quien merece que te hagas el daño que te haces con anticonceptivos
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abejitabb · 11 months
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Han sido muchas veces las que me he parado frente al espejo y no termina de gustarme lo que veo en él.
Me empiezo a cuestionar sobre mi objetivo en este mundo, en esta vida, y no lo encuentro, me pongo a pensar que quizás como yo varias chicas se sientan igual o incluso peor y es que en definitiva estamos en una batalla constante por aceptarnos, por amarnos y vivir de una forma correcta.
Hoy, esperando aparecer en tu inicio te digo "aquí estoy yo, no estás sola". Al igual que a ti a mí me ha costado bastante quererme y amarme así que acompañemos a crecer y confiar a nuestra chica interior y a todas a las que al igual que tú, que yo, se sienten con demasiadas inseguridades.
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manifest1ng · 1 year
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tutriplet · 2 years
Las mujeres debemos tener proyectos propios📚, trabajo🖊️ propio, dinero propio💲....en fin, vida propia📈.
Para caminar solas 🧍‍♀️ o al lado de🧑🏻‍🤝‍🧑🏻....
Pero jamás detrás de 🚶🚶‍♀️🧎‍♀️.....
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rabia1998 · 1 year
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My heart is strong willed and my love is fearless when it comes to protecting you…
-Woman Power 💜
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Palabra de Dios
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blog-de-pensamientos · 11 months
En la violencia psicológica es muy común que el agresor te trate como tonta o inútil
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leconisblog · 1 year
Poema:Mujer Valiente
Mujer valiente, flor de nuestro jardín,
eres la luz que ilumina nuestra existencia,
y mereces ser tratada con amor y respeto,
libre de la violencia y de la intolerancia.
No hay justificación para la violencia,
ni excusa para la agresión y la crueldad,
toda mujer merece vivir en paz y armonía,
y ser tratada con dignidad y equidad.
No más dolor, no más sufrimiento,
no más lágrimas ni angustia,
la no violencia es nuestro llamamiento,
y juntos construiremos una nueva justicia.
La fuerza de la mujer es inmensa,
y su capacidad de amar y perdonar,
nos enseña que la verdadera grandeza,
está en la humildad y en la capacidad de luchar.
Así que digamos no a la violencia contra la mujer,
y hagamos de la no violencia una nueva cultura,
porque sólo así podremos construir un futuro mejor,
en el que todas las mujeres puedan vivir con seguridad y amor
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elayazera · 1 year
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. . La verdad... Ella es inconstante, insegura y llena de miedos, no le busques si no vas a estar siempre amándole completamente. porque con todos sus defectos, si te eligió, su cariño sólo será para ti. . . #poeta #frases #poesía #mujervaliente #mujer #pensamientos #arte #vida #autoestima #sinautoestima #sueños #escritos #lectores #escritores #amor #sentimientos #sinautoestima (en Santiago de Cali) https://www.instagram.com/p/CmX1qZcuhLa/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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yibyyiby · 1 year
A veces no quiero procurar y solo quiero ser la esposa mantenida.
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christianhj · 1 year
Cabello, maquillaje, menstruación, embarazo, hombres, amigas hipócritas, ¡SER MUJER NO HA DE SER FÁCIL! FelizDiaDeLaMujer
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manifest1ng · 1 year
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emile94 · 1 year
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