#movie details
valerie-leona · 11 months
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spotted: Across the Spider-Verse references Everything Everywhere All At Once through a parody billboard ad
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shittymoviedetails · 2 years
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In Jurassic World: Dominion (2022) the fictitious character of ‘Chris Pratt’ was actually improvised by a tennis ball
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jeena-says-hi · 11 months
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You can see his fangs shrink back into teeth👀
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unhookedwings · 2 years
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During an interview about her incredible costumes for the film Crimson Peak (2015), Kate Hawley mentioned two paintings that particularly inspired her design of the leading female cast’s iconic attire. Proserpine by Dante Gabriel Rossetti (1874, top left) was taken into consideration for the character Lucille Sharpe, otherwise known as The Moth (top right). For Edith Cushing (bottom right), thought of as The Butterfly in contrast, The Bridesmaid by John Everett Millais (1851, bottom left) was said to have greatly influenced the character’s hauntingly beautiful look of cascading hair and the bridal-esque nightgown attire.
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elizabugz · 8 months
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Rewatched glass onion, here's some more things I liked that I picked up on the second time around
- Helen's face as she destroys the box- it's not the calm coolness we see from 'andi' it's grief
- peg's already putting put fires in the box opening scene
- the invitation has an evil eye on it, symbolizing jealousy, ill wishing (which killed andi)
- birdie claims she says what everyone's thinking but doesn't want to say. On the boat, she tells 'andi' (helen) "nobody wants you here," but miles greets andi with a "I'm so glad you came."
- andi could've just taken a picture of the napkin itself as evidence. But she deliberately sent the proof to only the Shitheads, instead of just to the courts. In that scene, a picture of an ourobouros is behind her, symbolizing the cycle of manipulation, blackmail, and games between the rich bitches
- we all get to see what the Shitheads look like while they lie in the court scene (Claire stutters, avoids eye contact, Birdie is too casual, Lionel is too quiet, etc.) And they're all terrible at it. The lot of them really didn't straight up lie at all- the most they did was lie by omission, until it came to flat put deny visual evidence for miles.
- miles gets all squirrely when Benoit asks why his car is 'here,' because he'd just been driving it around on another continent to kill andi and such- so it's not one of a kind, either
- miles makes a dumbass comment to whiskey about the necklace he gave her
- while there certainly is a chekhov's smoking napkin, the random guy, Derol, was actually just a random guy
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spencerdaze · 6 months
Fun fact about Barbie's Rapunzel
I'm a very big fan of the Rapunzel version Barbie made. Aside from the beautiful soundtrack and overal aesthetic, there's something i noticed maybe a few years ago??
While i don't know if this was intentional, when Rapunzel is painting different dresses on herself, the dresses represent different artistic movements!!
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The first one she makes with the paintbrush is the top centre purple dress, which is heavily inspired by renaissance styled dresses from times of Michelangelo and stuff. It's obviously very fantastical but if i remember correctly the reaction of her peers to this dress is that it looks too old or maybe a little outdated, which makes sense because Renaissance art is very old and has that antique feel, not very modern, not very groundbreaking (although it was in a way)
After that she makes the one in the top right, the big, ruffly dress that is clearly repressenting the Baroque period in art, where the main feature of paintings was pastels, the main feature of clothes was excess and the main feature in architecture was, you guessed it! Horror vacui. This dress is considered by her animal peers to be too much, similar to how baroque architecture can be a little too much for the eye.
Finally, the final dress she makes before making her official ballgown is the one at the bottom left, very obviously inspired by avant garde art. Cubism comes to mind, although i would say the dress has a very post impresionism feel to it similar to Gaughin's style of painting. Of course her friends say the dress is a little too modern.
The critiques mixed with the dresses themselves really makes me think these small references weren't a coincidence but thought through, making a little reference to classical art because, well, she paints! She's literally PAINTING THE DRESSES HERSELF!!!
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bridoesotherjunk · 8 months
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i really like this shot we get when Hobie first shows up in ATSV -- the text in the background looks like it says ""This guy is Hobie""
I can see a bunch of "this guy is" on the left, and on the right I can see "Hob" so I'm guessing it literally is saying "This is Hobie, here he is"
it's a cute detail and I like it
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spawksstuff · 2 months
Lady of the Plains Death Valley Days
Funny thing I noticed watching this episode. Watch on our left of De (his right), after he cocks the gun, the shell comes flying out and it lands on top of the brim of his hat. You can see it rolling around there.
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Still shots:
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Even though there is a short scene between the above and below gifs, it was likely one continuous shot. The shell is still on his brim.
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Somewhere in the fight he loses the shell, but I can't see where. If not during the first gun butt to the head, it most likely rolled off on the second one and was blocked by his body.
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Then there's a cut and no shell at all.
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123-and-aubergines · 11 months
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In the background of the final brooklyn scene, a book can be seen that reads "The Odyssey." Fun nod to Mario Odyssey and a cute character moment that implies Mario reads greek epics like bedtime stories.
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cerayanay · 2 years
Loved the Annihilation book, just saw the 2018 movie, and thoughts on the ending. Heavily spoilers, partial ending explanation.
The first moment in the movie I stopped and said “Wait, that makes no sense” is the ending when Lena walks on the beach with the glass trees. Up until this moment I followed with a ‘eldritch cosmic horror being unreality” mindset, but this moment stopped me.
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Because it made no sense to me that there could be any sort of mutation that results in clear, crystalline forms. This movie hammers in that biology is being disfigured, but not non organic forms; we see the old buildings, the boats are practically untouched, old weaponry is usable. So why now with these trees? Minerals don’t have dna to mutate.
But THEN the movies goes on, and Lena is replicated with a green being. And we see the inside of the lighthouse, the underneath with that shimmer black moving WHATEVER, and the creature itself, which is an iridescent green. Then it all makes sense.
Sand is the largest source of silicon in the world, and silicon is the second most abundant element on earth. Sand is also a primary ingredient in glass. Silicon -> Sand -> Glass -> Glass trees.
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This is the best photo I could get of the being underneath the lighthouse, if you’ve seen the movie you know it’s more shimmery, almost liquid, looking identical to the material on the right, which is solid silicon.
Silicon is also used in making computer chips and wafers.
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Silicon wafers have a holding, greenish iridescent shimmer as well, much like the being that tries to relocate Lena at the climax.
Here’s the thing about Silicons atomic properties. Silicon has 4 valence electrons, and if you remember grade school chemistry, an unreactive, stable atom has 8. So silicon is semi stable, but would really like to bond with other atoms to achieve 8 valence electrons. This basic concept is what makes it a good semiconductor, or a material that easily allows electrons to move through it. There’s a lot more technical science that has to do with it I’ll cut out, but some elements are ‘injected’ into silicon to manipulate these properties, creating a system that allows electrons/electricity/energy to very very easily run through it. A very popular choice is phosphorous.
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I couldn’t get photos of the scene, but Oscar Isaac’s human character self immolates with a PHOSPHORUS grenade. When he destroys himself, it’s a contained, rapid fire that does not spread to his surrounding and dies out fairly quickly. But when the creature is then trapped in a phosphorous blast, it doesn’t dissolve, but continuously burns. The burn doesn’t spread to the regular stone of the lighthouse, but absolutely rips through the underground area and being growing on the side of the lighthouse that the movie has us believe is a living creature, apart of the clone, or obviously at least the same substance that one (aka me) might say is silicon.
Here’s one last thing about silicone properties. The material most related to silicon on the periodic table is carbon.
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All known organic life is made of carbon. Period. If it’s alive it’s carbon. Many traits responsible for why carbon makes life possible is shared with other Group 16 elements. Silicon is the closest Group 16 element to carbon. Therefore, it is hypothesized that any non-carbon based life would have to be made of silicon. Many theories and sci-fi stories play with the idea of an alien life being made of silicon is more environments that can accommodate that.
So back to my initial confusion. I was confused as to why the creature, or the shimmer, or whatever force that is responsible for the movie could make clear, crystalline, glass like trees. It’s ability was clearly stated to genetically mutate living things. But I’m arguing that somehow through sci-fi movie reasons, the creature is silicon based life, or become silicon based upon hitting the sand at the beach, then perhaps adapted into carbon based life.
After this scene, when Lena is being interrogated, she is asked ‘Was it carbon based?’ Imma say that is a very, very relevant question, and maybe the entire point of this line of questions. So cool thing the movie did, it all still makes sense.
End credits: the reason we don’t see silicon based life is it would theoretically require an insane amount of energy to sustain. Doesn’t react with this theory but yo it’s a movie they gotta make it work somehow.
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stuckasmain · 12 days
Ok so does this summary drive anyone else insane?
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As it was there when I first watched the movie and gave me a completely different impression on what the movie would be about.
Because it’s a very significant plot point that Frank and Dave don’t know the true meaning of the mission. Even then, yes it’s partly about ancient aliens but absolutely no one is aware of the connection it has to the origins of humanity.
Like when I first read this I thought it’d almost be like a ? I don’t want to say time travel thing but a spaceman touches the monolith-> sees the monkeys. Like I saw the HUMAN SKELETON in the desert scene and thought someone was going to get trapped in the ancient past or something.
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shittymoviedetails · 2 years
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Actors In Black And White Movies Were Often Putting Their Lives In Danger During Driving Scenes, As They Weren't Able To Tell If The Traffic Light Was Red Or Green.
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fights4users · 8 months
Rewatched legacy and here’s a few neat things I noticed
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Sam has either a poster or book related to another early 80s Disney sci fi film! (Technically 1979) it’s a nice nod. He also has the movie poster for Tron. (His dad made a movie about his own corporate espionage lmao)
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The Tron cabinet is at the center of the room, we know this but I’ve never noticed the discs of Tron game machine right behind it!! It makes sense they’d have both but it’s still neat
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Same goes for the paranoids machine. ( I don’t think it was ever a real game). Also anyone else notice that the arcade shrunk significantly or do they just consistently show it at a bad angle?
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mjlfilms · 2 years
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Audrey Tautou in Le fabuleux destin d'Amélie Poulain (2001)
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elizabugz · 2 years
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