#mon-el can't compare to lena
lifeofanerdygirl · 3 years
Kara realizes just how much she loves Lena with the unexpected help from Mon-El.
Inspired from the series finale BTS photos and this quote: “Don’t you get it? I can say goodbye to everyone else, but not you. Not you.”  - @silvermoonwritings
“Kara, you were amazing back there,” Mon-El says grinning over at Kara as he leans over and rests his arms on the balcony railing of The Tower.
“Thanks, but I can’t take all of the credit. I don’t know what I would’ve done if I hadn’t had the help of everyone. It was truly a team effort.”
Only a few hours ago, National City was filled with the sounds of terrified screams, warnings and commands shouted at one another and superhero and alien rivals crashing into buildings and pavement after being flung into the air.
Now, the city had gone back to its usual hum of nightly traffic and the evening life of its citizens. A calm resembling the feeling of a hot bath at the end of a stressful day.
Mon-El grins, eyes locked on Kara’s. “Stronger together.”
"Stronger together,” she repeats, yet it doesn’t quite have the same effect for some reason.
They let the hum of the city wash over them, enjoying each other’s presence in a comfortable silence.
After a couple of minutes, Mon-El speaks up. “Kara, there is something I wanted to ask you.”
“What is it?” Kara questions, turning her gaze towards him and away from a young raven-haired woman walking her Golden Retriever.
“You know Winn and I are leaving tomorrow and well, we were talking and wondering if you wanted to come to the future with us? Well, I was mostly convincing Winn of the idea...”
“Yeah, we could do great work together. Plus, it’d be nice to spend time with you again,” he explains, scooting closer to Kara and placing his hand over hers.
“Mon-El, that is really sweet of you to offer, but I can’t. I’m sorry...” Kara apologizes, shifting her hand out from under his and increasing the distance between them.
He crosses his arms, face falling in disappointment. “Why not?”
“National City in this time period is my home. These people living here with me are my home. I can’t say goodbye to...them.”
Mon-El fully turns his body towards her, resting one hand on the railing. “Kara, don’t you think this is our second chance together? I’ve grown. I’ve learned. I’m a better person.”
Kara mirrors his position, but places one hand on his shoulder. “Mon-El, I’m happy that you have evolved, but that is what you want, not what I want.”
“Well, what do you want then?”
Kara signs, turning away from him and looking out at the city.
“Is there someone else that I don’t know about?”
“Um...” Kara stammers, trying to wrack her brain for a response, but comes up empty handed.
Mon-El sighs. “It’s Lena, isn’t it?”
Kara doesn’t respond, but turns her head back in his direction. It’s as if the answer is written on her face with a bold marker.
“I wasn’t one hundred percent sure what was going on between you two, but after seeing you guys together these past few days and talking with you now, it all makes sense. It’s been hard on me and I’ve had to face the facts; what you two have, it doesn’t compare to what we had or what we’ll ever have.”
Finally, after a couple minutes of silence, Kara speaks up.
“Saying goodbye to you a few years ago was hard on me. Yet, I was eventually able to move on and Lena helped me through that. She and I have been through a lot together, both good and bad. Recently, we had a bad falling out due to her discovering my secret via Lex. It left me absolutely heartbroken. I tried to win her back several times, but too much damage had already been done. I had to give her time. Yes, we weren’t together for a while, but I never said a final goodbye. I couldn’t let her go. Eventually, she came back after realizing what Lex’s true plan was and how she was just a pawn in his game. Ever since, we’ve been working on rebuilding our relationship and honestly, things are better than ever. Now, I can’t ever imagine saying goodbye to her. There’s just so much...”
“That you love about her?”
Kara’s voice is a whispered confession in the night. “Yes.”
“Well, Kara Zor-El, Lena Luthor is the luckiest woman in the world.” The statement is not overly convincing, but it’s the best he can do.
Kara’s face immediately goes from its usual sun kissed tone to a light shade of pink and she looks down towards her red boots.
“I should go. It sounds like you need to pay Lena a visit and let her know your feelings.”
Kara looks back up at him, the pink receding from her cheeks. “Save travels,” she says, giving him a quick hug.
Mon-El strolls across the main floor of The Tower to the elevator on the other side. Goodnight Mrs. Zor-El-Luthor, he whispers as the elevator doors close in front of him, I had a feeling I couldn’t change your future, but I had to give it one last shot.
However, Kara doesn’t hear his words. As soon as he makes his way to the other side of The Tower, she shoots up into the air like a bullet out of a gun, closing her eyes and listening for her favorite sound, Lena’s heartbeat. After a few seconds of concentrating on the steady rhythm, she locates Lena in her apartment and zooms off in that direction.
She cautiously approaches, red boots landing quietly on concrete. It is late after all and the last thing she wants to do is scare Lena by slamming onto her balcony and bursting inside unannounced.
As Kara approaches closer, she notices Lena sitting on her couch, a blanket draped over her, glasses perched on her nose and is reading a book. Beautiful, is all Kara can think as she taps lightly on the glass window to announce her presence. Lena glances up, her face wide eyed and panicked at first, but it only takes a second before her lips curl into a smile and her eyes light up like a Christmas Tree.
Kara enters, obviously given the Lena Luthor sign of approval, switches from her supersuit into a pair of jeans and a blue v-neck and plops down on the couch next to Lena.
“So what brings you to my apartment at 11pm? I assume it couldn’t wait until morning?”
“I love you Lena Luthor,” Kara blurts out before she has the chance to register what Lena just asked her.
Lena can’t help the curl of her lips and the way her eyes start to fill with tears of happiness. She places her book down on the wooden side table behind her and slides closer to Kara. She grabs her hands, squeezing them tight and looks into the depths of Kara’s blue eyes that are currently glistening with love.
“And I love you Kara Zor-El,” Lena responds, leaning in and capturing Kara’s lips in a passionate kiss.
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shasta-reese · 2 years
Finale Part 2 (6x20)
Alright, continuing the 2-hour finale. I wanted to do one post for the whole finale but the 6x19 commentary was already too long so here we are if anyone actually reads my long rants in their entirety I applaud you and thank you. So for real this time, one last ride:
- Welp Lillian is officially dead. It's a sad death like she's obvs a bad guy cuz like she did attempt to commit alien genocide a few times but I also never wanted her to die. Maybe I'm just too attached to Brenda Strong but I also just didn't want Lena to lose another parent no matter how terrible they were. I would've liked her end to be like in season 3 (I think, or was it S4 idk), in jail for life but Lena still went to visit her and play chess.
- Lillian's death to me is marginally better than Shadow Weaver's death (if ya'll watched She-ra) cuz Shadow Weaver never loved anything/anyone and till her last breath she never apologized for the shit she did. But Lillian in the end just wanted the best for her children and recognises that Lena can hate her if she wants for all the shit that she put Lena through her entire life. So yeah I rather she not die but I'm not overly pressed over her arc ending in death.
- Kelly may not have many lines but the few times she speaks she reminds me that she's a licensed therapist yet somehow never asked any of them to go to therapy, especially Kara and Lena. I'm joking but not really
- The hope speech was good but I don't know why but some of the wording of it just sounds weird to me. But I can't put my finger on it.
- How can Lex and Nyxly literally be fighting each other to the death one second then just turn and fight together? To an extent I get it Superfriends are their common enemy but still
- The final battle is interesting how they paired who fought who. It is a little odd to me that Nyxly in 6A was Kara's villain in a way but when it came to the rest of the season she became more of Nia's villain instead. Which is fine but just something I find a bit peculiar, and somehow Lex has become Kara's villain when we all know his obsession is actually with Superman (kryptonians as a whole I guess). I just don't like that Lex has been used for so long as a Supergirl villain when he's Superman's. but that's just a personal preference
- Also liked that James assisted Kelly rather than "saving" her, compared to Mon-el saving Kara with Lex. I know I'm probably reading into too much of this but for a show that's supposed to empower women it just doesn't sit right that Supergirl (the title character) has a man (who's she had not the best relationship with) come in and "save" her in the series finale during what's supposed to be the big final fight.
- I am going to ignore the fact that Eliza came outta fucking nowhere and just appreciate that we got Mama Danvers being badass with a shotgun. And the reference to Helen Slater playing Supergirl in the past, ngl made me chuckle
- I appreciate the sentiment of Mitch switching sides but he literally also did nothing to help them
- Kinda weird that in the wide shot with all the heroes Lena and Andrea are not in frame, like you could even see Eliza at the back but Lena isn't? Odd choice but okay
- And here we have the most anticlimactic final battle I've ever seen, just such a cop out ending tbh. I hated that's how they ended Nyxly's arc especially. They spent all season building Nyxly's character, everything she's been through and that's the best they came up with? Nyxly was already in the Phantom Zone for forever and just got sent back like it was nothing? That's fucking terrible, the fear on her face (and Kara's) when the portal opened was heart breaking and she got sent back to the place where she suffered eternally. She's a fucking terrible person for sure but even she didn't deserve that. Lex, I don't give two shits about cuz we know if he got arrested again he would've still done shit like before so it was either death or Phantom Zone I guess. But I thought for sure after showing us Nyxly interacting with Esme last ep, she would've gotten the "villain but can be redeemed" treatment but apparently it seems like they ran out of time. It wouldn't have been the first time Supergirl has redeemed a villain, with Psi and Livewire. One of the things I don't understand is what was Nyxly's motive even to destroy the universe, it would've been more reasonable to have her goal to be collect the totems for the All Stone and finally take revenge on her father. Because we've seen that Nyxly doesn't particularly aim to harm innocents, just those that are in her way to get the totems so her wanting to destroy the world when she gets the All Stone just doesn't make sense.
- It would've been better if they played the "revenge won't bring you peace" shtick and empathising with Nyxly that yeah she's had a shit life and dealt a shitty hand but taking out her revenge on the world wouldn't just make her hurt and anger go away. She realises that they're right. Then send her to some magic proof jail and she gets rehabilitated and heal from her trauma.
- But we didn't get that and they just sent a woman who's been hurt her whole life back to the place where she suffered most. Nice
- I posted about this before but does William not have any living family? Why is he being buried in National City when he really only came here for a job? Rip William, we truly knew nothing about you and you deserved better than this.
- I really don't like that they decided to bring the DEO back. It had so many problems, they put aliens away without trail or jury for what seems like until they die, its part of the government which we all know means shady shit is bound to happen. Just so many problems. I would've preferred if they stayed independent and cooperate with the government rather than under the government. Did the entire Season 4 plot teach any of you anything!?!? Or even just start your own organisation without the government would've been better honestly.
- Alright for real tho does ANYONE know what the fuck the Lena Luthor Foundation even is? Like what does it do???? No one has ever explained it. Nice of Andrea to open a journalism school in William's name, its honestly the least she could do. Also just a sidenote, Lena just standing at the side with Andrea while Andrea is giving her speech, lowkey gives me "proud wife of the founder" vibes, kinda hilarious lmao
- Dreamer having an LGBTQ+ outreach centre is gonna make me cry again dammit
- I'm not gonna say much about the whole Mon-el never coming back thing cuz I know there are nice karamel shippers and I don't wanna be insensitive or disrespectful but I'm glad they made a solid statement that their relationship has run its course. I get why there are people who still ship them because when I watch back some S2 scenes they're good together but for me personally the bad things just outweighs the good and personally I see S2 Kara and Mon-el as more of a playful friendship but the writing just made Mon-el into a douche and turned their relationship sour
- I know Brainy isn't gonna leave but fuck this goodbye still make me tear up :'( (on a lighter note, I wonder if it felt weird for Nicole to kiss Jesse with the green make up on lol)
- Also how come Brainy didn't have a goodbye with the others? like they've know Brainy just as long they are family at this point and at the moment they think that Brainy is going to the future to merge with the Big Brain and fucking CEASE TO EXIST HOW IS NIA THE ONLY ONE UPSET HERE?! Where is his honorary sibling, Lena? Kara, Alex, they were basically his sisters. How was there only an emotional goodbye from everyone when Brainy is quite literally walking to what is essentially his DEATH??!! this literally just occurred to me, wtf?
- the moment has come...CAT GRANT BABEEE! Honestly her appearance single-handedly made me forget all the terrible writing in the first half of this episode. I love the fact that Cat called her to rant and almost didn't tell Kara the reason she called because she was too wrapped up in why she hates people, oh Cat its so nice to have you back even for just a moment. I wanna headcanon that this is a semi-regular occurrence that Cat just calls Kara regardless of what time it could be in National City just to rant/vent, that is now a headcanon you cannot change my mind.
- That mini panic that Kara has when Alex walks in to her apartment is adorable.
- Damn, that last Danvers sisters couch scene....
- I saw someone else also mentioning this but who are all these people attending this wedding? Alex's friend circle isn't exactly large so I will just assume that they could be DEO co-workers, Kelly's military friends and social co-workers. Cuz let's be real we haven't seen any of them actually talk to anyone outside the Superfriends
- I am always happy to see a parent who admits that they weren't perfect and owns it. So glad to see that Alex and Eliza relationships seems to be getting better. Also Esme is just the most adorable child
- Am I the only one wondering where is Kelly's mom? Apparently according to the Arrowverse wiki she's still alive so...? or they couldn't cast a person in time due to Covid or some other reason? They seem to have a good relationship with her from what they say. Guess we'll never know. But I digress it was a sweet sibling moment between the Olsen sibs
- I haven't seen the clip of Lena and Winn entering the wedding venue before.😂😂 Why do they both look so fucking miserable?😂😂
- Okay Brainy clearly watched way too many movies and decided that yes this is my movie moment and did the most rom-com entrance. 😂😂 I love him so much. Him and Nia deserve all the happiness in the world <3
- The vows were beautiful, the outfits impeccable, just amazing. (Alex's hair could've been better but I digress)
- Esme's lil moment with her uncle Jimmy was sweet :)
- Lmao they really had Lena be like "I just lost my second mother and became a two time orphan, would you two fine ladies like to adopt me pls🥺". Smart choice honestly for making Lena the godmother cuz as the last remaining Luthor I will assume she just inherited a shit ton of money on top of the shit ton of money she already had 😂
- Wish there was at least one slow dance but it was also nice seeing the cast having fun and then probably crying once they yelled cut.
- Look we all knew that Cat Grant knew, its no surprise but it's nice that they made it canon. Cat Grant pep talks are top notch man. Bi......furcated, are you fukcing kidding me, so close, we were so close
- I just love that Cat Grant is always the one to push Kara and encourage her to dive but for some reason they've made it so that Lena's words to Kara is the final thing that pushes Kara to finally make the decision. It happened when Kara became a reporter and its happening again with Kara becoming her true self void of dual identities.
- Katie saying "hey, you" causes me to react in a way it shouldn't 😳
- I love how well Lena can read Kara. She approaches first playfully but once she sees Kara is actually troubled she immediately switches gears and comforts her
- The entire Kara/Lena conversation honestly says more than what is actually being discussed. Because out of everyone Lena is the person that Kara has this talk with, and empathises with her. And at the very end of their conversation its clear that these two are each others person, they better each other and push each other to grow in the way that parallels Alex and Kelly's relationship. They are there for each other and never try to fix one another but just be there for them and help them figure things out. The amount of faith and trust that these two have for each other is unmatched. And it is an absolute shame that these two will go down as one of the biggest queerbaits in history rather than the one of the most solid wlw slow burns. Truly shame on the CW and WB to have let this once in a lifetime ship slip through their fingers and tarnish their reputation even more to many members of the LGBTQ+ community.
- Random note, Katie's eyes are absolutely piercing during that scene, idk if that was due to lighting or the dark eye make up but it felt like she was looking into my soul.
- One final game night, I'm just glad that everyone was there looking so carefree and happy with nothing bad hanging over their heads
- One very small nitpick I have is that I would've loved it even more if Cat Grant at the very end introduced Kara as Kara Zor-el/Kara Danvers rather than Supergirl but I get what they were going for
- But I digress the first time I saw that very last shot with Kara smiling at the camera I sobbed because she looked so light and truly happy and that's all that any of us can ask for a character's ending is that they are happy.
And that is the official end of Supergirl. I know it wasn't the finale that many of us hoped for but I am satisfied that all the main characters got happy endings. It still doesn't feel quite real but I know that next week when I open tumblr or twitter and see no new updates on Supergirl it will hit me full force and I will sob again because yes in many ways this was a shit show but it was ours and we cared for it. And so did the actors and the crew, its such a shame that it didn't reach its full potential but it was still good in ways that I don't think any of us will ever forget. In a strange way I don't think I'll miss the show in its entirety but I will miss the characters, I will miss this cast being together, I will miss how I feel when I watch this show (obviously the good moments only). I can't wait to see the other projects that this cast will be involved in because they are truly a very very talented cast and this show didn't give them nearly enough opportunities to showcase their talents. And I think that's it, if you've read this entire thing, thank you for being my first true fandom experience. For the very last episode commentary of Supergirl.
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4alarmfirecracker · 7 years
I have this feeling the episode is not really gonna be Sanvers centric as they said before.. with the Mon El and Kara thing that I don't wanna see (I'm sorry but I just don't like it) I don't want the episode ruined. I like Mr Ihavenoideahowtowritethat but I can't stand what they are doing with Mon El and I feel so bad cause I don't wanna hate anyone-- help?! (Remember to vote for Shoot and Sanvers kids)
Yep I have the same feeling but I will take what they give us ^^ I’m trying not to get my hopes up. But the Mr. Mxy guy seems funny :P We will get some Maggie backstory, some Maggie/Kara bonding, and of course Sanvers !
Mon-el doesn’t really bother me really much. He is cute and funny. Okay not the best but he is a lot better than other love interests *cough Hook* *cough Hood*. As long as it doesn’t turn into a Mon-el show I’m okay with him. But the thing is he has too much screentime compared to Maggie or Lena. Supergirl used to be centered around its female relationships Cat/Kara Lucy/Kara Alex/Astra Kara/Astra and of course Alex/Kara. Now, I get the impression that it’s only about The guardian and Mon el. And I gotta say, I always disliked Jimmy but this guardian story I truly hate it. But I’ll always love my sweet Winn ♥
Anyway try not to hate on him you will feel better :D Try to think about the great Sanvers scenes we will have ♥
Yep of course I’m voting ^^
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