#ml prpr
Considering canon has given us:
The True Love’s Kiss spell break during Dark Cupid 
AND Sleeping Beauty-mode frozen Adrien Agreste in Style Queen
What are the odds that as things go dark...and maybe once they know who Hawkmoth is (or perhaps because of it), we see both of these two concepts finally meet in the middle.
Given all the craziness they’ve already gone through and how being close in Ephemeral, even fleetingly was all Gabriel needed to turn the tides in his favor in the darkest way possible, I kind of doubt even if the Love Square reveal to each other happens before Hawkmoth is unmasked.  If anything their love and their doubts might make them both only pine that much harder.
Until Adrien tries to break free of Gabriel’s control.
Gabriel already has the alliance rings to pretend his son is there and real.  
And with no Nathalie to keep Adrien in line...and the Gorilla’s competence already in question, it wouldn’t be a leap to see Gabriel take a drastic move.
Especially since he conveniently has had at least two glass coffins for his wife since he seems to be pretty prone to smash the glass in a fit of rage.
At least to anyone who might not be watching him close enough.
Of course, Marinette would know.  She would absolutely worry...and with maybe only Alya else to lean back on, her Gabriel Agreste theory might come back up... (especially since Alya’s early theory was far more spot on than either of them ever realized.)
It just would make Adrien’s suddenly compliant behavior all the more suspect.
She wouldn’t let him suffer.  Not when she could do something about it.
We know from Style Queen that Plagg could be free when Adrien was in stasis, so long as he escaped.
We also know Adrien still has the spy tools he picked up from when Felix dropped them.
Getting down into the basement would be easy.  And with Plagg unseen by cameras, he could easily mess with the cameras to hide Ladybug’s presence in the Agreste basement.
Surely it would be shocking for Ladybug to see Adrien’s mother lying prone in the middle of the basement, after she was supposed to have been dead for more than a year.  But it would be seeing Adrien lifeless and unmoving that would be the most chilling.  Especially after knowing how free and animated as Chat Noir that Adrien had proven himself to be.
It all felt wrong.
She tried jostling him.  She tried pleading.
She even tried crying.
Her mind raced and must have tried a dozen more things -- to include her Lucky Charm to bring her Prince back to her.
Until, finally, a mad, truly reckless thought occurred.
True love’s kiss had worked once before.
She just hadn’t realized why.  She never would have imagined Chat Noir and her Adrien were one in the same.
So, Ladybug’s powers weren’t the only ones she had.
Which meant there was hope. 
With her earrings beeping furiously, Ladybug leapt forward, hastily pressing her lips to Adrien’s chilled one before she could second guess herself again.
Not daring to breathe.  At least not until he finally did.
Adrien’s green eyes fluttered open.
The soft pink glow of her de-transformation haloing around her head as Adrien slowly smiled back up at Marinette, his hand lifting up to dry the tears from her eyes.  “Hello, my Lady.”
She dove back against Adrien as he sat up, hugging him for all he was worth.
“Not that I’m complaining,” Adrien smirked, fingertips hovering just over his lips.  “But this isn’t exactly the way I expected to be woken up.  Your plans never fail to amaze me.”
Bracing her hands on either cheek, she covered her lips over his once again.  “It was a last resort,” she assured, exhaling as she backed away from him a little more.  “However, unless you want that kiss to be our last, we both need to suit up quick, to deal with your father.”
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The Baby
As Hawkmoth loomed every closer to their identities, Ladybug and Chat Noir have finally, finally seen past the magic to see the girl and boy hiding behind it all.
That knowledge only makes them both double down more.  Ladybug gets ever more creative, working with Rena and Polymouse to give them both plausible deniability even with their civilian sides.  
Chat Noir, of course, is more direct...even ruthlessly pragmatic:  He lies.
Worse, he always turns it up to eleven, especially when the news media draws near.  No one else really know just how young they were behind the masks, so it was worth the little white lie here and there to give them every bit of extra cover they could buy.
The media theories were flying courtesy of the details Chat Noir not-so-subtly dropped while checking on the newly de-Akumatized.  Some were sure they were University age.  Some thought they were new to the working world.
Employers were carefully combing through their employee’s sick leave for overlap...just in case they actually had hired the heroes.
In fact, more employers had grown a little more lax on their attendance policies just in case.
As they had effectively fended off the suspicions, the whole team was now united in tracing the butterflies back to the source.  For Chat Noir, there was no denying now they seemed to be coming from a little too close to home.
All was okay, until a battle where Ladybug actually got injured.
“I’m alright, Chaton.”  She smiled, even while she limped forward to meet the rest of the assembled team. “I’ll be fine.”
A sizeable crowd of the public had been just as worried and assembled in the streets below, seeking reassurance as well.  
“You might be, my Lady.” Chat Noir frowned, tugging her up into his arms.  Acting lessons be darned, he wasn’t about to even bother with the pretense of a stage whisper.  “But what about the baby?”
A chorus of gasps rang out in the streets below, echoed among the superhero team as Chat Noir scrambled away princess-carrying a brightly blushing Ladybug.   
No one was really sure why Viperion suddenly fainted, although Ryuuko and Purple Tigress caught him before he hit his head on the ground.
Rena’s jaw dropped, only for her to clap her hands fiercely over her mouth as she blurred to a mirage to sneak across the rooftops after Chat Noir.
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Of course it hit the evening news.  Nadja Chamack was quick to bring in the Ladyblogger herself to try to confirm the details.  
Alya smiled during the interview.  “No one has seen either since Chat Noir carried Ladybug off.”
“Is it his?”  Nadja pressed.
Alya chuckled.  “That is the question, isn’t it?  But I think it is safe to say it will take a good deal more investigation before we get answers on that question.”
Nadja sighed.  “That is unfortunate.”
“What’s more unfortunate is that Ladybug is having to protect Paris in spite of her condition.”  Alya deftly pivoted.  “Which is why, tonight the Ladyblog will now be accepting tips to help Ladybug and Chat Noir finally take down Hawkmoth once and for all.”
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Marinette was still blushing furiously the next day at school.  Her eyes kept pointedly shooting daggers at Adrien at every opportunity.
Adrien kept fending off her daggers with contrite Kitty eyes that kept half making her lose her resolve.
At least until Alya pulled her aside.  “Marinette, do you know how many tips and photos we got in the last few hours?  We should have done this months ago.”
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In less than two weeks, Gabriel Agreste was ushered to the Courthouse in handcuffs... all of his jewelry not anywhere to be seen.  He was accompanied by his secretary, although the Bodyguard remained in the house along with his son, Adrien.
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A few weeks later, Chat Noir knocked on her window.  
“I really am sorry, Marinette.”  He pouted down at her, hands behind his back.
She was still frowning.  “I can’t argue with how effective it has been.”  
“Yeah...” he trailed off.  “Anyways, I brought you a little something to make it up to you.”
“Adrien,” Marinette gasped, a slow smile tugging her lips.  “Is that a hamster?”
Chat grinned, holding the carrier forward.  “I’ve got a cage set up over in my room, since I know your parents wouldn’t let her stay here.”
“Aww...  She’s adorable!”  Marinette gushed, taking the carrier from his hands and setting it on her desk, so she could see if she could coax the little ball of fur out. “Does she have a name?”
Chat Noir blushed, hand scrubbing behind the back of his neck.  “I figured it would be good to let you pick.  I’ve just been calling her the baby.”
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