#minvera’s den
number1yisuchongfan · 2 years
A long list of Yi Suchong Headcanons
Suchong has scars on his back that he got when he was a child. They cause him some back pain that flares up when he picks up a heavy object or Jack up
Suchong chews on his nails and sometimes on his wrist when he’s stressed out
Suchong wears 2 jade rings around his neck that his father used to own, it’s to remember him by
Suchong cooks in his free time to help himself calm down whenever he’s stressed (Jack does this too), he usually makes mandu with multiple types of Banchans on the side and some soft boiled eggs
Suchong is Autistic and has ADHD
Suchong was very close with his father and has a Jesa or 제사 in his late father’s honor
Suchong needs a structured schedule for his day, or he gets extremely stressed out
Suchong heavily despises romance novels but buys them for Jack (along with some chocolate)
Suchong has moles over his body and they’re ticklish
Suchong sleeps in sleeping position 16 when alone but does big spoon with Gilbert and holds a young Jack whenever he has nightmares
Suchong enjoys board games
Suchong deals with extreme Survivor’s Guilt and has horrible nightmares, this is further pushed with his use of plasmids and the Ghosts that follow with Plasmid use
Suchong and Lamb hate each other to the point they can’t be in the same room without sending petty and rude comments at each other
Suchong hates and thinks astrology is idiotic
Suchong uses Telekinesis, Incinerate!, and Geyser Trap in everyday life and for unlikely purposes (i.e. using telekinesis to hold books and coffee, using Incinerate to boil water for coffee instead of using a stovetop, and using geyser trap to clean pots, pans, and Jack)
Suchong has an extremely dark sense of humor he uses to cope with the trauma he faced in Korea and what he’s seen in Rapture
Suchong’s favorite flower is the Papaver Rhoeas or Red Poppy and he keeps vases of them in his home, office, the Free Clinic, and his labs
Suchong is allergic to cats
Suchong doesn’t realize that staring at people isn’t seen as being nice so he ends up just looking at people, right in the eye, for an awkward amount of time
Suchong would’ve liked Wham!’s “Everything She Wants” if he had lived to hear it
Suchong puts “I’m A Fool To Want You” by Frank Sinatra on whenever he and Alexander are having a date at his apartment
Suchong is Bisexual and Grey-Romantic
Suchong hates long sleeved button ups and only wears short sleeved shirts for that reason
Suchong enjoys making encoded languages
Suchong’s well versed in how to properly take care of, load, and use a shotgun but with any other weapon; he’s dumb of how to use it without hurting himself and others
Suchong and Jack McClendon, the guy who created the security cameras, turrets, and robots of Rapture, both share a burning hatred for Stanley Poole but only know each other through Alexander
Suchong has names for the people in his life, Fontaine is “Bald Egg”, Tenenbaum is “Mozart”, Jack is “Ace”, “Little Seedling”, and (when Jack gets on his bad side or otherwise is being annoying) “Little Shit”, the Rapture Council is “Sons of Bitches”, Ryan is “Cheap Son of a Bitch”, and Alexander is “Beanstalk” and “Poppy Flower” + he calls Lamb a “Psycho Bitch”
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cardboard-aliens · 3 years
Someone: Yeah I love the BioShock Trilogy, BS1, BS2, and Minerva’s Den
Me: 👌 👀 👌👌👀💦💯 💯 💯 👀 👀 💦 💦 💯 💦 💦 👌 💦  💯  👌 👌 👀 👀 👌 💯 💯 👀 💦 👀 👀 💯 💯 👀 👌 👌 💯 💦 👌 👀 👀 👀 👀 👀 👀
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gruvu · 7 years
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I drew a lancer. I like lancers. They are so unique. You can see the statue of one in bioshock 2 and you can battle these fellas in Minerva's den.
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206tage · 5 years
Gründe deinen eigenen Staat!
Es ist Gründe-deinen-eigenen-Staat-Tag. Wie würde dein Traumstaat aussehen? Dies fragte sich wohl auch Michael Oliver, Millionär aus Las Vegas. Also schüttete er im Pazifik etwas Sand auf ein Atoll und gründete 1972 die Republik Minvera. Große Pläne hatte er, eine Stadt mit 30 000 Einwohnern sollte unter anderem entstehen. Seine Pläne wurden durch das Königreich Tonga, Nachbarstaat, durchkreuzt. Seine Majestät  Taufaʻahau Tupou IV. beanspruchte das Gebiet für sich und seine Streitkräfte vertrieben die spärlichen Bewohner des Atolls. Zehn Jahre später versuchten ein paar Amerikaner erneut, das Riff zu besetzen. Auch sie wurden von den Truppen Tongas nach nur drei Wochen wieder vertrieben.
Seit 2005 erheben drei Parteien den territorialen Anspruch bei der internationalen Meeresbodenbehörde: das Königreich Tonga, die Fidschi-Inseln, und ein gewisser Prinz Calvin aus Charleston (USA). Ausgang ungewiss.
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rosadiy-blog · 7 years
Lust auf ein neues Stoffdesign im Aquarelllook? Heute erzähle ich euch etwas über das noch junge Label “Stoffduo” und wie ihr das Oberteil nähen könnt!
Libellenliebe von Stoffduo
Vor ein paar Tagen ist dieser zauberhafte Jersey im Aquarell-Look von Stoffduo in die Shops von Mandy & Nadine (Dawanda, Miss Mia oder 3fachfrein) gewandert. Sichert euch ein Stückchen von dem limitierten Jersey! Das Aquarell-Design ist richtig schön erfrischend und mit dem richtigen Schnitt auch wunderbar geeignet für den Herbst!
Stoffduo ist ein noch kleines Label mit ausgewählten Designs! Mandy und Nadine betreiben Stoffduo mit absoluter Leidenschaft & Hingabe. Die beiden Mädels sind gerade dabei, im hart umkämpften Markt, Fuß zu fassen! Schaut unbedingt mal vorbei und unterstützt das noch junge Label.
Qualitativ bin ich mit dem Jersey “Libellenliebe” absolut zufrieden. Trotz einiger Wäschen und Aufenthalt im Trockner zeigt das Material keine Abnutzung. Stoffe anderer Designer haben bei dieser doch eher rüpelhaften Behandlung schon nach der ersten Wäsche eine deutlich schlechtere Figur gemacht.
#gallery-0-9 { margin: auto; } #gallery-0-9 .gallery-item { float: left; margin-top: 10px; text-align: center; width: 33%; } #gallery-0-9 img { border: 2px solid #cfcfcf; } #gallery-0-9 .gallery-caption { margin-left: 0; } /* see gallery_shortcode() in wp-includes/media.php */
Minvera – Oberteil nähen
Meine Herbstgarderobe verträgt noch ein bißchen frischen Wind. So habe ich kurzerhand eine Minerva von Schnittgeflüster genäht. Der Volantschnitt ist genau meins und auch aus Jersey wunderbar zu nähen. Allerdings habe ich hier eine Nummer kleiner genäht. Damit der Volant etwas mehr Stand hat, habe ich zwei Lagen Jersey vernäht. Oben die Libellenliebe und unten drunter als Kontrast einen pinken Jersey (den ihr übrigens auch bei Stoffduo bekommt). Auf der Rückseite habe ich als Hingucker noch einen pinken metallisierten Reißverschluss vernäht, die geteilte Naht war wie gemacht dafür!
Viel Spaß beim Stöbern und Oberteil nähen,
Eure Daniela von rosaDIY.de
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verlinkt bei RUMS
Libellenliebe – Oberteil nähen Lust auf ein neues Stoffdesign im Aquarelllook? Heute erzähle ich euch etwas über das noch junge Label "Stoffduo" und wie ihr das Oberteil nähen könnt!
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number1yisuchongfan · 2 years
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(Okay so I’ll start with RippleShock because it’s the least complicated and mostly stays to game lore.)
So RippleShock is basically where Suchong never died and actually left with Tenenbaum after she sent that letter to him (the only part of BaS I personally like and that I see as canon). When the war broke out and everything, they basically went did what Tenenbaum did alone in the 2 og games and Minvera’s Den
Suchong’s much more quiet and closed off and way he treats Jack, at first, when they meet him in the Medical Pavilion, with a lot of hostility and anger, even after he frees the Little Sister. But by the time Jack has learned about himself and his creation and Suchong and Tenenbaum’s role in such, he opens up about his regret, sadness, and guilt for Jack’s creation. He even talks about his past life in Rapture’s spotlight and why he left everyone he cared about when Jack get to his old free clinic
He makes kind of cruel and dark jokes when Jack looks through his and Tenenbaum’s apartments, the free clinic and Point Prometheus. Tenenbaum shushes him for his dark humor during these moments lol
After they leave Rapture, Suchong ends up in San Francisco and lives there quite peacefully though he still has to deal with the guilt, even when Jack had forgiven him. Tenenbaums comes to him, tells him about the missing girls and at first he panics then he clams himself for when Tenenbaum asks him to join her once more in Rapture, agreeing to go with her even though they are both old now
BioShock 2 is mostly the same but Tenenbaum and Suchong are both there and Suchong isn’t as hostile as he was with Jack, he has constant fear of getting killed by Delta in the short time they meet up. He also expresses guilt for his distinctness from Alexander when he first meets Delta as well, though it’s just a brief mention.
Minvera’s Den is quite different, being that Suchong understands Porter’s emotional state much better and uses the fact his father was killed during the War to connect Porter losing Pearl during the War. He also expresses a sort of kinship with Wahl’s current state of being in the DLC
RippleShock Yi Suchong is man who has dealt with so much and is just now a tired, sad, lonely and old man who believes he can’t do enough good to wash the blood from his hands..
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number1yisuchongfan · 2 years
So me and my friends have an inside joke that Reed Wahl uses the Thinker to only Doordash pizza to himself
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I unironically believe that Reed Wahl is Polish-Russian, I just believe that and it’s now my job to spread it
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number1yisuchongfan · 2 years
God, one of the voices in my head sound like Reed Wahl…
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