#minthara fuckers aren't the only ones poisoning themselves
If Nettie poisons you and you convince her to give you the antidote, you get this line of Gale dialogue, which is one of my absolute favorites in the game. Gale being a consent king really does just make him so much hotter. Minthara fuckers aren't the only ones intentionally poisoning themselves.
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I have a full video of this on youtube if you're interested [vid w/ all options is called Consent King Gale], but the way I got Nettie to poison me (bc I never failed, I had to test how to lol) The string of dialogue once in the next room was: thank you > nothing strange > well, an intellect devourer spoke to me > idk, just woke up with it > offer arm out Basically you're dismissing her, but if you dismiss her too much she could break out into fight, so I sprinkle in a few more receptive options. Being fully honest will convince her to not poison you at all.
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