#meth destroys lives btw
623-624: "Time for Tearful Goodbyes! Departure from Punk Hazard!" and "G5 Destroyed! Doflamingo's Raid!"
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Those veins will blow any second! 
You need to relax. Subscribe to Headspace. Take a yoga class. Kill some innocent Marines--- oh...
Oda has knocked it out of the park yet again. Now Doflamingo has entered the game, the implications of the wider criminal network of New World pirates has come to the fore. This, of course, means Law’s plan to take down Kaidou is not only super ambitious but also fraught with peril.
Considering I go on and on about peril like a broken record, this is a good thing.
And sorry about that last mini hiatus, by the way. Blame it on full rewrites and Resident Evil 2.
“Watcha thinkin’ bout, Luffy?”  “Chikkin.”
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“And thus the Strawhat crew spent some time intoxicated during their celebrations.”
Eloquently summed up by the Narrator, I feel. xD  Totally love how the Strawhats can switch from party mode to sober and ready to sail within minutes. Guess that’s part of the pirate job description. Things change on a whim out there in the New World. Sobering up fast is a vital survival skill.
There was a mini recap of the terms of Law’s alliance with Luffy. Smoker wanted to know what was going on. “There’s no way you believed I’d keep a promise to a pirate like you. If you really wanted to silence me, you had plenty of chances to kill me. What are you planning to use Strawhat for?”
At first I was like, what the hell, Smoker? Stop being arsey with all the Marines vs Pirates crap. You only escaped Punk Hazard alive because you teamed up with Law. Everyone’s on the same page right now. What happens on Punk Hazard stays on Punk Hazard. None of your men will rat on you for chatting to Law. Later, of course, I changed my opinion on this.
The recap of the Law/Luffy alliance chat revealed a bit more information about Kaidou. According to Law, Kaidou the Beast is known as the most powerful creature in the world. Creature, I think, being the operative word here because he might not actually be human?
One of those hype-building silhouette stills showed up, with Big Mom, Blackbeard, Kaidou, Shanks and Whitebeard. Couldn’t make out much of Kaidou, so I’m still none the wiser on the appearance front. Maybe he’ll be hairy, with that whole beast thing he’s got going on.
Back in the present, Law was characteristically cagey about the chat with Smoker. He told Smoker there was no real reason he let him live, but turned round and spilled that he was “planning on heading to Green Bit.”
I’m still confused about the Green Bit scene. Mainly because I have no clue where/what it is. Is is a code name for Dressrosa? Is it another island completely? Is it a town somewhere in the New World? Or is Law trying to throw Smoker off the scent because he doesn’t want his favourite smokey Marine to be endangered again?
Whatever the case, Law had some final business to attend to before waving goodbye to Punk Hazard. Caesar, Baby 5 and Buffalo were chained up in a corner and drew the filthiest looks when he walked over. (Well, Baby 5 and Buffalo did. Caesar was still unconscious.) They really are acting as if Law has betrayed them somehow.
Doflamingo also keeps calling Law a brat. Vergo was also riding the brat train hard. Can’t help but think Law was affiliated with Doflamingo when he was a kid. Maybe he resented it all these years and this is overdue payback.
We hate love hate love you JUST GO BEFORE WE CRY!
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At the harbour, the Strawhats continued to be absolute diamonds. Apparently, Nami and Chopper refused to sail until they knew the kids would be okay. The good news is that Vegapunk himself offered to help cure the kids of Caesar’s meth candy! Wonder what Vegapunk is thinking right now. He used to work with Caesar. Probably, “Always knew that guy was an asshole.”
As Luffy couldn’t be bothered waiting for another Marine ship to arrive, he told Smoker to just take the SAD tanker and send the kids home on it. Good decision, given a feathery menace was approaching at speed.
The scene with the G5 pretending to hate the Strawhats - erecting a protective banner so the kids wouldn’t be able to thank the dirty, cheating pirates - made me mad at first. I thought, damn, was that ungrateful or what? The Strawhats were the reason they escaped Caesar’s lab with their lives. If the Strawhats hadn’t been there, they would be locked up in cells and the last thing they’d ever hear would be a hiss of gas and a soft, “Shurorororororororo....”
But when the foghorn blasted and the ship set sail, Oda revealed some of the G5 guys’ inner thoughts. Sanji lead them out. Zoro and Tashigi teamed up. Law and Smoker fought together. Usopp guided the Minions to safety. Chopper and Nami helped the kids. Then I saw the sweat drops and the oddly tight jawlines.
Yup. They were fronting.
When Tashigi called them out on their rudeness, they even admitted it. “But Tashigi-chan, if we don’t stop insulting them, we’ll end up actually liking these outlaws.”
Ha. It is way too late for that, G5. You love the Strawhats. No one can escape the roaring event horizon of their charm.
Luffy was totally oblivious to it all. He just laughed and, “What weird Marines.” I mean, come on, G5. Don’t you realise by now that Luffy does not do subtlety?
As they walked to the ship, Zoro suddenly realised Law was tagging along. Usopp whispered in his ear, “Oh yeah, you don’t know. Luffy’s making trouble again.” Poor Zoro. Always the last one to know. xD
A brief flashback of all the major moments in the arc finished it up nicely. Luffy taking that DDM distress call, the fiery dragon, finding Kinemon, discovering Caesar had been drugging innocent kids, Smiley, Luffy declaring he would “kick Caesar’s ass and kidnap him” (best), saving Mocha, Caesar gloating about how well connected and protected he was before the final grizzly magnum smacked him out of the action.
A standard, uplifting ending with dramatic fanfare and Luffy shouting, “SET SAIL!”
But not quite.
For Doflamingo drew nigh...
Law Didn’t Spend Seven Years In Med School To Be Called Traff
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The scene when Law chatted to Doflamingo over DDM was probably my favourite across 623-624. It ramped up the stakes and reset the peril level to red alert. Only one might be tied with it.
Doflamingo bounded across the “sky path” (what is that?”) He bemoaned the fact it cut short. “You brats seem to have the devil’s luck.” He spied something floating on a raft below. He found Buffalo and Baby 5′s disembodied heads chained to it. He jumped down for a chat.
It was weird seeing Baby 5 and Buffalo so contrite. They kept declaring how ashamed they were. “I wanna apologise with my death. I was needed and couldn’t help,” etc. Doflamingo didn’t want to kill them. He needed answers.
What Doflamingo didn’t spy was a video DDM. Law’s voice spoke through it.
“What a surprise. I didn’t think the boss would come out himself.”
“Is that you, Law? Long time no see. Couldn’t you have stayed so I could talk to you in person?” At the point, Doflamingo was still supremely confident.
“If you’re looking for Caesar, he’s with me.”
To hammer home the point, Caesar’s wheedling voice cried, “JOKERRRRRR, PLEASE SAVE ME!” (Lol, oh Caesar.)
“Where are Baby 5 and Buffalo’s bodies?”
“That’s not what we’re talking about,” Law said, taking back control of the conversation. “Let’s make a deal.”
“Don’t try to be so tough,” Doflamingo laughed. “A brat shouldn’t try to act like an adult.” (There’s that calling Law a brat again. Plus, Doflamingo tried to take back control of the situation by ignoring Law and pressing his own agenda.) “Where are you right now? You shouldn’t anger me?”
“Anger? Your most important trading partner is Kaidou the Beast. You’re the one who shouldn’t anger him. What do you think would happen if he found out you couldn’t make SMILEs anymore? He’s not a man you can negotiate with. There would be a brutal battle. You would be killed.”
For the first time, the slasher smile was wiped off Doflamingo’s face. Forehead veins began to throb. That had obviously hit a nerve.
“You’re taking this joke too far, Law. What do I have to do for you to give back Caesar? What are your demands?”
And there it was. It definitely hit a nerve because Doflamingo has deigned to negotiate with the brat. Kaidou really must be something if he can intimidate Doflamingo. 
Law’s demand was kind of weird. It must mean something, but I have no idea what yet.
“Give up your Shichibukai post. Throw away everything you have gained these past ten years and return to being a normal pirate. Of course, if you do that, the Admirals will hunt you down. You have until tomorrow morning’s news. If I see you’ve retired from the Shichibukai, I’ll contact you again. If I see nothing, negotiations are over.”
I have no idea why Doflamingo *needs* the Shichibukai position so badly (other than being able to live on Dressrosa, I guess) but Law threatening to take it from him in exchange for Caesar made him M. A. D.
Multiple veins popped.
It was not pretty.
I guess Doflamingo is now on a deadline. Here’s hoping he does not catch up with the Strawhats before they reach Dressrosa. For that is their canon confirmed next destination! They are sailing to meet Doflamingo on his home turf. Foolhardy? Of course! It wouldn’t be the Strawhats otherwise, right?
Meanwhile... Back On Sunny
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This was so funny. Chopper fixing up Caesar so he can beat him all over again. Even Sanji said, “What kind of doctor are you?” But Caesar, though. Imagine bitching and moaning, “Oweeee, it hurts!” when you gleefully killed tons of people without a flicker of remorse. You deserve it, Caesar. Suck it up and take the L.
Franky also told the story of how he retrieved Mini Merry Mark II eight times (Franky’s long, luscious hair in bunches was excellent, btw).
While Sunny descended a Sea Slope (dat Oda creativity again), the team gathered round to discuss The Plan.  Zoro, now aware the plan was to take down a Yonkou, was suddenly and enthusiastically on board. Luffy asked if anyone objected and Brook replied, “Does objecting do anything?” (Lol, Brook.)
Sanji reminded Law again with a whisper in his ear that Luffy’s idea of an alliance is different from his. I think this might mean something later, so I am recording every instance of this warning as it’s come up twice now.
Then Sanji called Caesar a weird sheep and smacked him when Caesar said, “You’re all fools. You think you’ll get away with this? You’ve landed yourselves on some major big shots’ wanted lists. I hope you realise your foolishness before you die.”
And Chopper was like, “Oi. No kicking until after I’m done treating him.” xD
Law updated the Strawhats on the situation. Most of the Big Name Pirates of the New World have turf on this sea. This has created a massive criminal syndicate. Everyone is linked with everyone else. The scale of operations is on a completely different scale than the Strawhats have been used to. Deals and trades are done in secret so the don’t attract Marine attention. Law also updated them on Doflamingo’s trading relationship with Kaidou.
I’m not sure but I get the feeling Law is enjoying the prospect of taking down Doflamingo even more than Kaidou. There is history between these two and I cannot wait to find out what it is.
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And the scene that is tied with Law threatening Doflamingo over DDM?
Why it’s the scene when Aokiji Showed Up Out Of Nowhere To Kick Doflamingo’s Ass, of course!
While Smoker and his G5 guys stayed behind to rescue any petrified survivors (still a bit salty about that, but I’ll get over it), Doflamingo landed on Punk Hazard like a bomb going off. A single, loose pink feather falling to earth was all the warning they had. Then he hit them with Conqueror’s Haki.
The veins. Oh, the veins. Veins galore criss-crossed that forehead. I counted approximately twenty.
I thought, this guy is out for blood. But he had questions that needed answered first. Doflamingo is not a reckless guy.
“Are they all gone? The tanker’s not here, either. I believe a group of pirates were just here until a minute ago. Where did they go?”
Maybe if he hadn’t opened with Conqueror’s Haki, he would have got some answers. G5 resented the fact he’d attacked them. There was an attempt to fight Doflamingo. An attempt.
With a few twitches of his fingers, Doflamingo took control of their bodies.
“Law could be a problem but Strawhat is just a pirate. Where did you let them run off to?” He turned the G5 against each other, forced friendly-fire massacre style. His pointy shoe stomped a random G5′s chest. “ANSWER ME. What direction did those brats go?”
When the G5 couldn’t answer, they had outlived their usefulness. “Then die.”
Luckily, Smoker smoked into the fray and saved their asses. There was a brief stare off. Doflamingo had a Scary Shiny Glasses moment.
“Smoker, tell me where those brats are.”
This is when Smoker really came through for me. He knew Doflamingo was a corrupt betrayer of the Marines. He played dumb, but could not resist getting a jab in at Doflamingo.
“Who knows? I sure don’t, Joker. They must’ve slipped through our fingers. How can I explain this to our Base Commander, Vergo?”
Smoker made two mistakes. He revealed to Doflamingo that he knows his underworld nickname and hinted he was aware of Vergo’s true allegiance.
Doflamingo’s voice went eerily quiet (I like his VA). “He’s dead, right? It sounds like you know too much.” His hands twitched and he leapt at Smoker.
Does Doflamingo have telekinesis, or something like that? A power that lets him control the movement of others? I’m still not sure what it is. It looked great in the fight, though. Smoker kept getting cut by slashes out of nowhere.
Then, just as Doflamingo sat on Smoker, about to end his existence, a Presence drew up behind him.
“Oh, my. Sorry, little boy. Could you move, please? He’s my friend.”
Holy hype machine, Batman.
You could have knocked me down with a feather. Aokiji, fresh from quitting the Marines, is back in business!
Doflamingo is not having a good day. 
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Usopp has become oddly genre-savvy.
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scila · 6 years
Altered Carbon Ending and Future
Just finished Netflix’s Altered Carbon and had to vent a little. Just a tiny bit. 
Every single thing about the show can be summed up to: “I liked it but...”
I liked the visuals but... it was little too derivative.
I liked Ortega but... they made her annoying by hiding her motivations at the beginning. (Btw, I liked her by the end, especially after the Halloween episode. They allowed her to be more like a human being in that episode which helped me buy her anger later)
I liked the flashbacks but... it was too little too late for me to care about Quell and the revolution (by the way... how about you don’t destroy immortality and instead make the system fairer and spread the wealth a little huh? The problem isn’t living forever, the problem is money. As always. Also, f you for deciding humanity’s fate on your own. How about I punch you in the face instead? Abuelita came back thanks to the technology, that’s awesome. And you want to take that away? F you, lady. No technology is black and white/good and evil, it’s how you use it. Make the system fair, but don’t destroy the possibility of choice for others.)
I liked the final villain reveal, but... well, not get into spoiler territory, but things became wayyy too cartoonish wayyy too fast.
But the real reason I want to vent is (SPOILER ALERT FOR POSSIBLE SEASON 2):
I hate it when I get invested in characters only to know that it doesn’t matter because this is a gritty story about a soldier-macho-guy-lone-wolf so NO ATTACHMENTS ALLOWED. Bleh. I guess it’s the fault of the source material, but had I known that I wouldn’t have bothered watching it.
What about the Elliots? The Raven and Ortega? Ryker? The Bancrofts? The Meths? Earth’s corruption? We are leaving them behind to find boring Quell (which I doubt we will find because, again, GRITTY NOIR!!!).
I don’t know. This isn’t like Doctor Who where the actors change but the character feels the same. This is moving to another planet because... reasons. 
I was really looking forward to actually seeing the emotional and societal consequences of season 1, but nope. Lazy, I say, dear sir, LAZY.
And fine, I don’t mind exploring new things I guess, but... Here’s the thing, Takeshi’s actors (two of them at least), were great and made me care about him, but his backstory? So, so dull. Without Rei, it’s even duller. So combine that with the actors being gone + characters I liked being gone = I don’t care about season 2 that much :( So the ending was a big let down when I learned that.
PS. I feel like the source material was gritter, but the show most characters softer and more likable to appeal to well, people like me, and then... it decided to stick with the “GRITTY NOIR ending”, even with Tak being more emotionally open and probably less of an ass. (this what I gathered from comments about the books).
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prehistoricalcats · 4 years
Rexy's Cats OCs Part 6: Deuteronomy's Family
Deut has a huge effing family, and I'll only be discussing the most story significant members in any sort of detail here. Even so this will probably be my longest OC bio post yet. Skip to the end for a list of Deut's siblings and a list of Deut's children
Beware: Long Post
(sand-al-FEE-a) Tugger's mother, and Mac and Munk's stepmother. I can't tell you much about her without spoiling an entire story arc, but I'll try to lay out what I can
Very sweet, loving, attentive mother to both Tugger and and her stepson Munk (who is 3 when Tugger is born btw)
Doesn't get on with Mac (13 when Tugger is born) for some reason
Possibly just isn't good with teenagers??
Joined the tribe as a young adult and promptly fell for Deut
Didn't end up getting together with him until over a year after Griz left (when Munk was 3 months old)
Isn't still around, but I'm not telling why
Ummm okay yeah I think that's all I can really say atm. On to the stats!
About Jenny's age or so
Average build and just a little bit short
Smooth, very short fur
Honey-colored with black/brown rosettes and marble patterns
Hazel eyes
Nickname: Sandy
(MAT-e-thahn) Sandy's brother. Other than basic appearance I can't tell you much more than that he exists and he comes to live with her and the family for a while
Tallish and heavy
Short fur
Cream with light brown rosettes and stripes
Blue eyes
Nickname: Mat
(meg-an-TARE-ree-a) Macavity's mother. Again can't tell you much without spoilers
Kind of a rebel in her own way
Not really like anti-authority just does her own thing and doesn't give a damn
Has some mental health issues, including depression, that she has difficulty dealing with
Got kicked out by her parents as a teen and was taken in by Griz's family (Griz was a young girl at the time)
The relationship with Deut didn't work out but they stayed amicable
Didn't stay with the tribe after Mac was born, but visited for the Jellicle Ball, and Deut visited them at their new home often
Eventually Mac was brought back to be raised by Deut in the tribe when he was five, but I'm not telling why
At least a decade or more older than than the older queens of the current tribe (Jenny, Jelly)
Tall and thin
Short, wiry fur
White with blotches of red and gold tabby patterns
Dark green eyes
Nickname: Meg
(BAL-tha-zar) One of Deut's younger brothers, his best friend, and his right hand tom once he became leader of the tribe. Died in the same event that killed Arbutus and Cety's family (see Part 2)
Kind, friendly, and jovial
Was Chief Protector until his age started effecting his performance, at which point he handed the position down to Panphagia (Taro's grandmother) who eventually handed it down to Taro (see Part 3)
Takes his job very seriously, and continued to participate in Protector business after stepping down as chief
For everything else though he's a big sweetheart
Will laugh just because
He, Deut, and Diddy (see below) used to get up to all kinds of mischief as kits and young adults
Something happened (not telling what) in their young adulthood that woke them up to the harsh realities of the world, prompting Deut to start taking his position as heir, shaman, and caretaker of the tribe more seriously, and Balth started taking his own role as a deputy Protector (at the time) more seriously
But they still had fun together whenever they could ^^
A little younger than Deut
Tall and burly
Mid-length shaggy fur
Brown with grey spots
Warm brown eyes
Nickname: Balth or Bal
(meth-OO-za-lah) Deut's father. A young shaman that fell in love with the heir of the tribe (Deut's mother) when she returned home from traveling the world. He and Deut's mother had four sons together, Deuteronomy, Didymus, Balthazar, and Nimravod, and he also had an older son named Nebuchadnezzar.
Stoic and aloof
At first glance...
Actually a silly billy when you get to know him
He's just shy
Total sweetheart
Will pose dramatically and make funny noises just to make you laugh
Bonus points if he's doing his serious business important shaman face and the silliness just comes out of nowhere
Loves both Deut's mum and Siri (see below) with all his heart
Loves all of his children dearly
That includes his stepson, who he considers his own son he does not except constructive criticism.
Ganzo (the stepson) has always called Thuzah his father and was a little disturbed to find out he was actually his stepfather. Thuzah explained to him that it didn't matter to him what tom helped make him, Ganzo is his son no matter what
"I'm your father. I'll always be your father. We may not share the same blood, but you are my son, and I am your father. Don't let anyone tell you different"
This silly shy dork was also quite wise
Deut got it from somewhere ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Really freaking old
Like mid twenties when Deut was born, so more than two decades older than Deut, who is already really freaking old
Big and tall
Like... large
Short, scruffy fur
Silver tabby
Basically he looked rather like Munk, except he was a very big boi
Big scruffy silly shy silvery boi
Dark golden brown eyes
Nickname: Thuzah (THOO-zah)
(sih-rin-DHOR-nuh) Deut's mother's lover whom she met while traveling. When Deut's mum returned to the tribe, Siri came with her, where they both ended up falling for Thuzah as well. She had two kits with Thuzah, Sasithorn and Artaxerxes.
Strong, fierce, and determined
Was a mercenary for most of her youth
Joined the tribe's Protectors after she came home with Deut's mum
Eventually became Chief Protector
Major mama bear vibes
Will utterly destroy anyone that threatens her children or her mates
And she'll make it as unpleasant as she can get away with
Loves her stepkits every bit as much as her bio kits
And Deut and the other stepkits love her like a second mother
Trained (and was particularly close to) her stepson Balth and eventually passed the position of Chief Protector to him
Actually really chill and sweet with her family
But still feisty
Has a mischievous streak
Used to love getting into trouble with Deut's mum
Also really freaking old in the current timeline (if she's even still alive)
Slightly older than Thuzah (who may also not still be alive)
Tall and lean
Soft, short fur
Colorpoint, as in creamy white with chocolate brown face, ears, tail, feet, and hands
Yeah I know she's a dessert leave me alone I was hungry when I wrote this
Deep, ocean blue eyes
Oh btw she's not just a Siamese patterned Cat, she's from actual Thailand (formerly known as Siam)
Nickname: Siri
Deuteronomy had one older sister named Sasithorn (SASS-ih-thorn or sehs-ee-TAWN, she'll respond to either) aka "Sassy"
He also had six brothers including:
Two older brothers named Nebuchadnezzar (neb-uh-kuh-NEH-zer) aka "Neb" and Ganzorig (GAN-zor-ig) aka "Ganzo"
A twin brother named Didymus (DIH-dih-mus) aka "Diddy"
And three younger brothers named Balthazar, Artaxerxes (ahr-tak-ZERK-zees) aka "Artax" and Nimravod (NIM-rav-odd) aka "Nimra"
Neb is Thuzah's oldest son from another queen. Ganzo is oldest son of Deut's mother from another tom. Sassy is the daughter of Siri and Thuzah, and Artax is their son. Nimra is the youngest of the eight siblings, younger than Artax by several years. Neb is the oldest, followed closely by Ganzo, then Sassy. Deut and Diddy are in the middle, and then Balth came right after them.
Mac, Munk, and Tugger are actually the youngest of Deut's children (that he's aware of). He's had eight children (again, that he knows of), who are in order of birth:
Jublepurria (Joo-bul-purr-ee-ah) "Juble" a daughter that left the tribe as an adult to join a tribe her lover belonged to (Deut was sorry to see her go but was thrilled to see her so happy)
A set of twins, one girl, Scansoroura (skan-sor-ROAR-ah) "Sora" or "Aurora",
and one boy, Oryctonyx (or-rick-TAW-nicks) "Rycto" whose mother raised them away from the tribe because she didn't want them to bear the burden of being the leader's heirs
Silvacola (sil-vah-KOH-lah) "Silva" a daughter who also is no longer with the tribe
Lestobrady (les-toh-bray-dee) "Lesto" a son who was one of the victims of the same event that killed Arbutus, Cety's family, and Balth
Rum Tum Tugger.
Except for the twins, they all have different mothers. After all, it is canon that Deut got around...
Hnm? What's that?
…Why aren't I talking about Deut's mother? Hmm, well…
I'm not telling (:
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5
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corinnei · 5 years
BUCKLE UP.. It gets good...
what had happened was
Our neighbors crazy ass ex girlfriend tried to slit her own wrists in the name of jealousy, our neighbor called the police because she was in fear for both of their lives...
crazy ass ex tries to start Shit with Bruce and I in the parking lot...
cops come, crazy ass ex says the neighbor did it so neighbor gets arrested...
we lose our Shit and yell at the cops and tell them they are arresting the wrong person.
And when I say we I mean the entire apartment complex is vouching for our neighbor and insisting crazy ass ex is fucking insane...
neighbor is being taken away and crazy ass ex starts chasing the cop car screaming bloody murder down the street and cops just watch her running away in disbelief...
one of the cops was on his first shift in the valley and was shocked at this Shit..
crazy ass ex is brought back by other officers coming from around the corner..,
And then neighbors mom and sister show up..
All hell breaks loose..
Crazy ass ex lunges at mom and sister and I swear to god I thought we were about to watch a UFC fight.. I was waiting for
Joe Rogan to pop out of one of the cop cars to start calling out some stats...
we grab hold of mom and fill her in, cops separate crazy ass ex and sister by the way crazy ass ex is drunk and high on meth...
soooooo, cops let crazy ass ex up into the apt to get her things..
mom is ready to leave and asks me to walk her back to the parking lot to grab her daughters things.. i happily oblige because I live for this... as I help her walk down the stairs and walk to the car... we see crazy ass bitch in the fucking car starting it..
She aims to hit me and mom, I grab mom and fling her with my good arm and dodge crazy ass trying to hit us, but instead hit the corner of the building... and then this happened..
In the video...
Soon after the crash you hear on the video,
She tries to flee from the scene...
btw, if you’re asking yourself how she got in the car.. she jumped out of a second story window!!!! 😳🤯😱
Anywho, crazy ass is cornered by 10-15 cops and they are yelling at her to open the window and stop the car...
Crazy ass didn’t realize she destroyed the axel on the car by ramming the gate our poor landlord just fixed two weeks ago.
The car isn’t moving and she’s revving the car as if she’s in a high speed chase.. maybe living out a dream of hers.... I’m not sure but, I am fucking here for it like a motherfucker!!!
You can’t make this shit up!!!!
This really fucking happened!!!
Ok, so crazy ass is yelling at the cops,
Fuck you, I’ll kill all of you!
Officers, how they are able to handle themselves with all the fucking chaos around them! Dogs barking, people screaming....
Man, my hats 🎩 off to all of you in law enforcement...
so, they finally have enough of her Shit and break the windows.. and with no female officers around it seems like their options are limited... they try to open the door and she hits them back... they open the door and tase her ass! It took at least three of them to take her crazy ass down..
all the mean while she is looking at all of us and starts talking shit which prompts mom to talk shit right back.. which is where I went live.
I get to see some Shit living out here but, man, last night was unreal...
moral of the story kids.. don’t do drugs.
Or at the very least.. don’t do the really bad ones...
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skyquack-blog · 7 years
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I am in such a bad mood you guy's A survivor story WiLL FolloW Legit this is a story of triumph and survival... Please read this. If i ever post anything important THIS is it so please for me read this!! This is my story and its pretty amazing. :'( Here i want all ya'll judging me right now to read this and think about it for a moment okay... This is what i wish would happen to you ass holes who cant keep you fucking opnions and scruteny to yourself... Okay!! Go back in time and be essentially a "shut in" with no actual friends to hang out with or talk to mostly because your suffering from certin aspects of schizophrenia that you as well as your family arent aware of... so here we are living under a rock way more quiet than the average human being dealing with weird ass issues like hearing voices and feeling like people can hear your thoughts and feel your emptional states so as a result you shut up and keep to yourself all the time... Then for the first time ever since ever you move to town and get yourself a friend who is mind you border line psychotic but she likes you and shes fun... now 6 months of this and suddenly BOOM your pregnant at 17... your baby daddy dont wanna hang around dont seem to give a fuck bout you even tho he does ect... Spend the next 2 years of your life fighting hard core yelling matches breaking things in a desperate ploy to get your baby daddy to fucking come home... Fight like this hard every day damn near for 2 fucking years b4 you finally give up... Then at 20 i want you to be the single mom of 2 children work every day pay all your own bills take care of and try to raise 2 kids all the while looking back on your bad relationship trying to find a new better more loving and equal partner ship (as a parent so young mind you your only 20)... and now here is for the fun part... Your 22 years old now and you found your self a psychopath... yup full on crazy ass mother fucking manipulative beyond your wildest understanding of manipulation im talking weird mk ultra shit going on and you fall head over heels in love... Great things are stupid as fuck by now but hey your in love who care right??? Well they get even dumber for some unknown reason to you still to this day your kids dad and his family decide to rip your 3 year olkd son away from you and your in a state of total SHOCK and cant seem to even think............ Cant even think........... Your still in shock....... Your son is gone. SEVERAL MONTHS PASS B4 your even allowed to talk to him........ your 3 year old son.... its just you the baby and the psychopath and daily texts from your BFF..... You finally push loosing physical custody and not being abel to have ANY contact with your son of which YOU HAVE COMPLETLY TAKEN CARE OF AND RAISED BY YOUR FUCKING SLEF so deep down insode of you it hurts even to simply think about him but now you get to visit CAUTIOUSLY btw.... Are we done yet??? NOPE!!! Alrigh well now your 23 god damn years old you survived a horrible relationship screaming and fighting, having your 3 year old son ripped away from you DATING A PSYCHOPATH (which has its own uneik set of fucking issues btw like rejection on a constant basis as well as being manipulated into self destruction yourself as well as your life without knowing your doing it) Dating a psychopath.... LOOK IT UP and suddenly out of no fucking ware you go through one of THE MOST INTENSE ONSETS OF SCHIZOPHRENIA most people and doctors could imagine happening to somebody... I mean normally people notice little symptoms like hearing voices and shit... Its already a rare brain disorder but its even less frequent for somebody to go through a full blown psychosis... Thats you... That 1 in 1million out of a billion going through a psychosis RAISING 2 CHILDREN IN LOVE WITH A PSYCHOPATH MENDING A BROKEN RELATIONSHIP WITH THERE CONTROLLING ANGRY FATHER ECT... EVERYONE THINKS YOUR HIGH ON DRUGS AND YOUR NOT.... Also not only are you experiencing this intense onset but your BFF ditches you cuz shes a huge attention whore bitch and suddenly you actually need her to be there ONLY for you and she just cant have that in her life so now your alone in the world... AGAIN!! For several years actually... You spend years recovering yourself your personality your ability to properly communicat eand associate or identify with yourself and the world around you because yeah the onset was that bad... Your relearnign and TEACHING YOURSELF how to human agin (nobody knows nobody gives a fuck) it was bad people... really really bad!!! Okay cool you think you have been through enough so quickly right i mean like within a 3 or 4 year time span you've encountered the worst of the worst for the most part loosing your son giving up week days with you daughter DATING A PSYCHOPATH that stupid relationship that was hugely stressful Did i mention that you were working full time paying all yo bills on yo own taking care of yo kiddow by yourself living essentially completly isolated at least 20 minutes to half an hour away from EVERYBODY you know you indapendent as fuck b4 this onset... SOBER dont even drink!! Your good to go... like good to fucking go... But no during this onset you loose your JOB ($10 an hour mind you that you were bad ass at and loved and ready to retire from) you loose your car you loose your house (for the better part of owning a home you cant live in it anymore) you LOOSE YOUR GOD DAMN MIND LITERALLY its gone schizo psychosis took it from you and held you captive no joke... your insane... considering your an adult now and not a child and your less susceptable to things you should be done by now right... NOPE so your by this point LONELY as fuck and kind of clueless cuz why has life been so hard for me man like i didnt intentionally fuck shit up for myself you know... i really honestly didnt... and you have a new outlook on things which is kind of really uneik considering how things have gone for you, your boundaries thanks to the schizo are all fucked up and off but you have managed to like regain certin aspects of your personality enough to feel strong and confident and your head on going itno life full force with hope and determination you got a year and a half of university under your belt ect... your not done... Your addicted to meth right now... yup whole heartedly consuming the shit out of one of the worst drugs IN THE WORLD right now... You know your addicted (your 26 btw) and your doing your absoulte best to quit (have i mentioned thanks to the schizo you pretty much went a year without physical custody of your other kiddo just so you could actually manage that year and a half in college which killed you every singel day to be away from her so that was hard) well even though your really trying to stop like really trying so hard you call 911 one night and ask an officer for help... okay cool your like a fucking METH ADDICT HERO by all tweeker standards lolz Well you go to some friends for help and instead of keeping it in the family they call DFS and even though you have done EVERYTIHG in your power INCLUDING giving you kiddow to friends of the family to look after while you go to rehab ect... yeah now you actually legally lost custody of your kid... The light of your life is gone... YOU ARE ALONE IN THE WORLD NOW... (both your fucking kids have been taken from you OMFG your entire life has been built arounf being a fuckin parent and now your nothing but a drug addict... they say time dont matter but dang a year on meth and my ENTIRE LIFE DISSAPEARED BEFORE MY EYES) you have nobody and nothing to look forward to on a dily baisis now... what do you do though?? By now youd think with all you been through how lonely you are how much of yourself and your life and the people you love that you have lost youd sink into a full blown life destroying meth addction... NOPE you actually get clean... YOU GOT SOBER OFF METH OF ALL DRUGS against all the odds set before you YOU GOT CLEAN (does anybody care nope) god i mean your not a success story at all by now. Not only have you survived being a single mom at such a young age as well as survived an tramatizing schizophreina onset loosing both of your kids and got away from a PSYCHOPATH but now you have survived a fucking meth addiction... JESUS CHRIST YOUR AN INSPIRATION do people think this about you??? NO not at all... your a looser fuck up crazy weirdo... damn and you thought you were doing good... nope... not yet... All you had through all of this was your mom. figures the strongest person you know is your fucking mom. Like nobody has survived as much shit as your mom accept you by this point. Sooo thanks mom for always being there when i needed you the most.. okay cool so here we are 7 fucking years later things have chilled out FINALLY for sure you got this after all that bull shit your pretty much back to normal and you got shit under control... K well i want you to look around and realize that nobody gives a shit... Your a LEGIT survivor and not one fucking person (welp accept oyur mom cuz shes the only one who really knows) gives a shit and people are constantly judging you thinkning you should have a job and be trying harder at life ect... You not doing the mom thing well enough your not doing the stay at home wife thing well enough your not being a productive member of society ect... Go through all that stereotypical DIFFICULT and CHALLENGING as well as RARE INSANITY and loss and then well and then place yourself under as much scrutiny as you can possibly imagin... Look around and realize that all the people in your life (beside maybe your mom) think your a puriah of the system cuz your living off a dissability check (a whopping $500 a month) a crazy weirdo your nothing but an insane weirdo looser lazy person... The only way anyobody will ever have any respect for you is if you get a pathetic $8 an hour job and pull yourself away from life as you know it now and work like the rest of humanity... GET A FUCKING JOB AND BE A BETTER PARENT BECAUSE YOUR A POS int he eyes of a lot of people close to you... CLEAN YOUR FUCKING KITCHEN AND COOK 9 course meals every single day... Your a looser I feel like dying right now... No joke :/ Im having a really bad fucking day~!!!!! Somebody mail me a fucking gold star okay!!
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