#meme answer ;
thereallucifer666 · 1 year
'you have no idea who i am ,  do you ?'
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"Not particularly, no. Should you be someone I know? Awful presumptuous of you, if I do say so myself," Lucifer said with a wide, sardonic smile, a glass of whiskey in one hand, a half-smoked cigarette pinched between his first and second fingers.
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triggerhappymilitant · 9 months
[ 📱 — sms ] i’m in trouble and need your help.
[ 📱 — sms ] Who have you pissed off now, Les?
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facelessxchurch · 7 months
Baronpine and/or Sorrowscorn for the ship bingo please
Imma do Sorrowscorn bc someone else already asked for Baronpine!
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Surprisingly enough this is my first Bingo! :D I already filled out the other bingo cards but I'm answering these in the order of what is fasted to draw/answer.
I can make it so fucked up/Colour me intrigued: Self-explanatory. Just, the tension in each interaction, and them being the very definition of kill me romantically. Just everything is personal with them. Eliza can't decide if she wants to kill China, be her or fuck her. Meanwhile, Eliza is a reminder of a past and her old self which she both really rather leave behind. Since they were both part of the Faceless Church, their idea of romance back then has the potential to be so messed up and I do love some (self)destructive love archetypes <3
They're exes: Landy did Eliza so dirty by writing her as the biter ex archetype and giving her like no other personality traits. Even her name is based on that! Scorn -> "Hell has no fury like a woman scorned"
Basically canon to me: And then he has the audacity to claim he never admitted China and Eliza were canonly a thing during the war. There is a reason Sorrowscorn was considered a canonship along with Ganith for the longest time. But he either deleted the tweet or it was an answer on the SP forums which have been shut down by now.
They're the same fucking guy: Landy also did her dirty by making her the colour-swapped, lesser version of China. She, like China, has the ability to make anyone she comes across fall instantly in love with her, though it is established that this power is not as strong as China's, she is a rival collector and information broker to China and she very likely also chose symbol magic as her adept discipline as the glowing daggers she threw seem very similar to what China was shown to be able to do with her sigils. Her personality is also pretty much just wartime China. Since she is the weaker of the two she was very likely the one copying China instead of developing her own strengths and weaknesses. This shows a weakness of character that puts her in a power imbalance with China and also prevents her to climb the ranks of the Faceless church beyond her current position.
Fated Enemies/There is no way this will end well: And that's why their relationship could never last. That's why she could never be more than China's plaything. Seeing so much of herself in Eliza fed her ego and narcissism. She loved herself so of course she would love someone so much like herself. But when she changed and Eliza didn't...
They Enable the worst in each other: Accurate for both wartimes, pushing each other into new extremes since they are rivals as much as lovers trying to impress each other. In the present day, as enemies, Elize definitely brought out China's old 'sharp' self while they were fighting each other.
In a relationship not sure what the relationship is but they are in one: Self-explanatory.
Oh, the devotion/inherit eroticism of attempted murder: 👀👀👀👀
Thematically delicious: Ngl I have a thing for relationships doomed from the start. During the war they were birds of a feather. She found kin in Eliza since she has the same curse ability to make people fall in love with her. Finally, she has someone who understands the hardships that effect brings, finally, someone is immune to it, and finally someone's feelings are real. Now, China is a fallen idol in Eliza's eyes. Someone who she looked up to and wanted to be like now no more than a traitor. Not only did she abandon the church, she had abandoned HER too. And she hates the fact that she knows she would forgive China in an instant would she return to her. To China Eliza is a reminder of a past and an old self she'd rather leave behind. Landy said in a tweet that Eliza would kill China eventually (that was before phase 2 was announced and I think he deleted that tweet) but I think it would be more fitting if China would kill Eliza and quite frankly, Eliza would have it no other way.
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Did you write Chengxian
I have a WIP story with a female!Jiang Cheng which I never finished, in which Yanli is the heir of Yunmeng Jiang because she's the elder daughter. Because she was the hair, Yanli wasn't betrothed to Zixuan, but Jiang Cheng was instead. Eventually both Jiang parents settled on betrothing Yanli to Wei Wuxian as the best way to protect her inheritance. So when Wei Wuxian punches Zixuan at Gusu, it's because he's been demeaning to Jiang Cheng. Anyway, when Lotus Pier gets destroyed, Yanli pushes Jiang Cheng to the position of heir instead of her, because she's a good cultivator who can lead people to combat unlike her so because of that, she also pushes Jiang Cheng to marry Wei Wuxian.
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runespoor7 · 6 months
hey! how about zhanchengxian for the ship meme 👀
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* depending on the mood they can be either okay or unequal relationship unequal relationship unequal relationship no-one's happy that the arrangement had to be had even when the arrangement itself doesn't truly suck, except WWX
also WWX should get to convince LWJ while JC's consent is optional c: c: c:
** no, but WWX acts like it
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theangelicbanda · 1 year
I’d love to go on a date with you.”!
Meme: going out on a date prompts
"Wh-why me?" Makoto hadn't even had time to think before the words spilled out of his lips. He didn't know what was so special about him, that would make this amazing, gorgeous man want to go out with him.
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isagrimorie · 7 months
8 TV shows to get to know me
tagged by @terapsina
Buffy the Vampire Slayer (verse) - formative influence. first Vampire/Human ship with Buffy/Angel, and then first femslash ship: Buffy/Faith
The Adventures of Lois and Clark, 90s - Lois and Clark OTP to end all OTPs.
Magical Knights Rayearth - The twist from the season 1 finale lived in my head rent-free. It was the first time in my young life I encountered a twist like that and It Haunted me.
Life, NBC with Sarah Shahi and Damian Lewis - For a couple of years this tiny 2 season show was my identity.
Doctor Who - Ninth Doctor, Twelfth Doctor, Thirteenth Doctor era
Fringe - Olivia Dunham
Person of Interest - this show was my everything.
Star Trek/Star Wars -- Picard / Star Wars Ahsoks, Clone Wars/Rebels (8B. Farscape)
Honorable mentions: The Vampire Diaries-verse, especially The Originals and Legacies. And... Glee.
tag: anyone who wants to participate!
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sunliteve · 15 days
" its time to forget mistakes of past and time to start making mistakes for future! "
WOLFPUPY TWITTER ASK MEME! @kleinstar sent: ❝ its time to forget the mistakes of the past and start making the mistakes of the future! ❞
"You're right. You. Are. Right! Some would call this a mistake, but it's undoubtedly fate!"
Hiyori had his phone held to his ear and his eyes locked on the prize: two magnificent pastries, one covered in fruits and the other in different forms of chocolate. They were the only two left, and the high-end bakery was about to close for the day.
"I'll get both, and if I can't eat it all at once, I'll save one for breakfast. Thank you for your advice, and have a good night♪"
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Politely, before announcing his choices to the bored cashier, he hung up the call.
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spymeister · 20 days
Would he let me kiss him?
Hes so fragging cool. Like seriously- cool.
Like dude vibes to his own beats and it can't be broken. Slides from point to point effortlessly. How does he do it?
I really wanna kiss him.
I wonder what he tastes like?
Depends on who's asking. Some people say I taste like trouble, some say it's something sweet and cloying.
Better question: what do I taste like to you?
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tell me when"
( for all three , Eve, Abel, Seth )
"When I left Adam the first time, and I called on you for help. When he blamed me for Abel dying, and I just couldn't take it anymore and I had a breakdown. And feeling ashamed by it, because I'd always been made to feel like my being upset or hurt was deserved. I remember you hugged me and just let me scream and cry for hours, and that you made me feel safe and like a person. "
"When I got into a argument with you over something, I can't really remember what it was because it was thousands of years ago. But I remember feeling that even though I was really angry at you, I didn't want you to stop liking me. And it was because realized that you were really important to me and that I really cared about you. "
"When I saw how you're willing to change not only for your family but also yourself. I think that's when I began to really trust you."
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ducknotinarow · 3 months
Angel sighs heavily, taking the chance to plop himself right over Husk's lap. He doesn't care if he's working or just relaxing right now. & Angel looks far worse for wear, having been at the studio for the most part of the day until he was called elsewhere. "I need to rest." he mumbles, curling against him. ( :'3 )
| "I need to rest" for your muse to lay their head down in my muse's lap
The bar at the hotel didn't really follow the usual hours of a normal bar, and Husk? well he wasn't one that slept often late at night anyway. And it was at best the time he got to himself everyone turned in for the night. As he grabbed for a bottle of scotch and took up a spot on the couch. Finally feeling he had a moment to himself. Didn't seem like any late night visits were in store for the night at least. The princess would be drinking and crying, Vaggie wouldn't be drinking and complaining, Nifty seemed ready to sleep. Thank fuck for that one especially. And even the damn snake seemed good to turn in for the night with out exposing any more of his creep factor.
Cap of the glass bottle was pulled off and how wings spread out from behind his back so to rest his feathers as he pressed back against the nice comfortable plush like feeling of the couch cushion behind him. He let his ears lift and flicker a moment didn't hear anyone coming down the stairs before he finally allowed himself to just melt into the couch. When the front doors of the hotel opened and Husk opened his eyes to find Angel walking in.
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"Damn it." He huffed under his breath, should have known better it was far to quite to not put together that Angel wasn't here yet. Always was the last to sleep and last to hit the bar most times. Bottle to his mouth Husk tried to go back to his small window of time to relax. Hoping he just not be seen but it was too late. Angel saw them and made his way over. Husk was ready to tell them to back off but words caught in his mouth once having a good look at them.
They looked awful.
As Angel made himself at home and laid out on the couch even turning the cat demon into their own personal pillow. "What do you think you're doing?" Husk was quick to complain as he stared down at Angel.
"I need to rest."
Was all the answer he was given Husk was ready to kick Angel off himself even as they curled up on his lap. Despite the playfulness outside to his actions Husk took a moment and could just see how worn out Angel was right now. Quirking his lips a moment as he rolled his eyes and downed more from his bottle of scotch. "Yeah fine what ever" Taking the defeat because even Husk didn't have it in him to push Angel away knowing all to well why they looked as they did now. But Husk did see some victory here, least they weren't hiding behind that bullshit act. Least around him. Maybe that's why his hand lowered down and gently stroked over the top of Angel's head. As he turned to look at anything that wasn't the demon on his lap right now. Even if it wasn't much? If he could offer Angel even a moment of comfort? Hell maybe it was worth the reaction he would get from them. "Ya got till I'm done with this bottle at least." Husk states "And I just opened it so ya got a good amount of time."
"Side ya look like shit right now." He smirks a bit as he adds in a playful tone towards them. "Wouldn't want anyone else seeing the Angel Dust like uh? so I don't mind hiding you for now." He offers with a shrug of his shoulders now.
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Hi NiNi❤️❤️❤️❤️
Send in pictures of your muse!
The new hair suits you, Naru.
As does this top.
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facelessxchurch · 6 months
Baronpine for the ask meme?
Short version: They are perfect counterparts. They are the same where it matters, but opposites in a way where they can complete each other and mellow out each other's worst traits. They also bicker like an old married couple and I love it-
The most interesting thing is their journey from rivals to soulmates tbh <3
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[Yeah I changed the Baron design a bit to fit those lovely HeroForge pics of Baron better that an anon sent me. Nef is wearing a red cravat to show off that he belongs Baron now, it's the little things how he shows affection- Also grabbed myself a new CSP brush ([AA] Ink BrushContent ID:1736762) and it's hella nice for more chunky line art .]
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Long Version: Them calling each other their "insufferable counterpart" is still from old roleplays I did ages ago (I was roleplaying as Nef) and it still makes my shipper heart weak. It's so perfect for them as it doesn't only show off their constant affectionate bickering but also pretty much spells out the appeal of the ship: they are counterparts that perfectly complete each other from personality to fighting style.
They are the same where it matters: fighting for the same goal, serving the same gods, both highly intelligent and capable, equals in rank and competence.
But opposites where they can complete each other and mellow out each other's worst traits. Baron is usually a stick in the mud, but Nef makes him loosen up and be more sociable. He's able to relax and laugh with him. Meanwhile, Baron makes Nef chill out on the being-an-evil-little-shit aspect of his personality. He isn't as needlessly cruel and does show mercy (usually in form of a quick kill) when Baron is around. While he revels in the cruelty of war he knows the things they have to do burden Baron more than he lets on. So he'd rather take over the dirty work and let Barontake the role of the honourable, brave general he was always meant to be. He does love that about Baron after all, his honour. It's such a rare thing in the upper echelons of the church filled with socialites that neither Nefarian nor Mevolent truly trust. But Baron? You can trust him, you can rely on him and Nefarian appreciates such a rare quality that of course must be fully indulge in, that lovely man is his now-
Baron is a little too trusting of his fellow zealots *coughdiableriecough*, but Nef makes up for it by being twice as distrusting. No one dares backstab Baron while Nef is there, and if they try anyway, Nef will teach them a lesson before they get anywhere close to Baron. Meanwhile, Nef is getting emotional support from Baron he can't get anywhere else. He's probably the only one around who cares about him and his well-being. Enough so to try and softly guide him away from his bad habits: alcohol, sex, cigarettes and overworking. Baron is Nef's rock in the storm and the healthiest relationship he can have even if it's not the healthiest Baron can have. He knows Baron deserves better than him, but Nef has always been a selfish man...
On the battlefield, Baron is one of the strongest fighter, a skilled and incredible fast swordsman. Since Nef is a glass canon and relies heavily on magic, I headcanon he prefers ranged attacks. Fighting them together must be an impossible task (think Ornstein and Smough from Dark Souls).
But since I love the drama™ how they went from rivals to soulmates it the most interesting part to me.
Nef took an interest in Baron first. He knew him through his friendship with China, Baron's boss, and thought him to be quite physically attractive, but grew intrigued about him when China told him about his personality and found out that he and Eliza had been dating. Nef gathers intel about everyone who rises to the upper ranks but it's rare for him to be fascinated by a specimen.
Meanwhile, Baron absolutely despised Nef. He didn't like that a convert was Mev's right-hand man, especially one that didn't seem particularly pious. Someone of old blood, someone of Baron's own heritage would be a much better fit for that position. Add to that that he's in the beginning still in denial about being gay yet out of all people he ends up being attracted to Nefarian. As if it wasn't bad enough that Nef is quite an attractive man, he also thought it was absolutely hilarious to flirt and tease Baron every chance he got. And that was driving Baron mad in more ways than one.
Essentially the dynamic from the tweet below 👇 Nef loves being a lil shit and Baron is making it too easy lmao
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Here is my fic about their first kiss .3.
Essentially their relationship went from rivals to Nef teasing Baron until it ends in hatefucking, Baron slowly realising that Nef actually has feelings for him and isn't just using him to get off and finally (when Baron becomes the second general) learning to appreciate each other when Baron realizes Nef is just as devoted as him and him 'slacking off' is the result of Mev completely over working Nef.
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demoiselledefortune · 4 months
Character meme: Magneto 2, 7, 8, 22, 25
Oh Magneto! It's been so long since I got to ramble about him, thank you for asking :)
2. Favorite canon thing about this character?
The time he spent as a hospital orderly in Haifa. There's something so humble about it and it stands out in his job resume.
7. What's something the fandom does when it comes to this character that you like?
Most of the fandom loves exploring his relationship with his family and with jewishness in a way the canon doesn't do enough of (last time i checked, i haven't read comics in a while). I love that they do both those things because they're two of my favourite aspects of his character.
8. What's something the fandom does when it comes to this character that you despise?
I hate when fandom draws exclusively from X Men First Class and the following films. I liked that movie at the time (less so the following ones) but it's also very flawed and it's a very specific version of the character that doesn't fall into line with my favorite bits from the comics character. For details about his experiences during the Shoah for exemple, I much prefer Greg Pak's Magneto : Testament as a source. Also I have some issues with Fassbender.
22. If you're a fic reader, what's something you like in fics when it comes to ths character? Something you don't like?
I feel this converges with the previous questions. Another thing I like in fics is how often he's drawn as a queer character. I feel canon is very close to doing that with Xavier and Erik's relationship but definitly not quite, and in this case, I think it really adds a great dimension to him! Especially in old fanfics which envision Ian McKellen as Magneto, there's a quality to exploring the history of queer identity through him (and Xavier too) which is often fascinating in fanfics.
Something I don't like is when fanfics forget he's Jewish! You'd think it wouldn't happen, but people want to write fluffy Christmas fics about Jewish characters all the time.
25. What was your first impression of this character? How about now?
It's kind of hard to remember because my first meeting with the character was from the old '90s cartoon. I remember about him and Xavier hanging out in the savage land during what seems forever. I was very intrigued by him because he was a villain (or at least introduced and drawn as one) yet he always seemed to end up on the side of the good guys by chance. That really drew me to him!!
Now I think very similar things. I think he really manages to be one of the most iconic anti villain of modern culture in a way that isn't always flawless but is striking and fascinating. If modern comics didn't betray that either, he's also singularly a character who used to be a villain who now stands as a more complex and shadowed role without usually being drawn as fully "redeemed" but definitly hasn't been a proper antagonist either for a very long time. And that's awesome. Also I just really love him as a character, his voice, his gruffness, his tendency towards grandiose statement and his sarcasm. He's just one of my favorite character of all time!
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entangledmuses · 3 months
What drew me to your blog initial was the overall vibe. You had a billion characters, lots of ocs you clearly loved with how much care you put into crafting them and having them show up in threads and as I've gotten to know you I see how true that suspicion was. You're such a radiant light on my dashboard and I get genuinely excited when you show up on my dash. I know you can't write all the time but whenever you're around it's enough. You make me happy. You make being here fun and that's ultimately why i stuck around. For you
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I adore you. I hope you know that!!! This is so lovely, thank you so much <3 I do wish I was around more, so that we could write more, but I love and adore all our ships that we write. And everytime I see you on my dash I squeal.
I love you, and I am so glad of our first interaction that has lead to this <3
Thank you xxx
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plasma-veracity · 9 months
💬 - A private correspondence
[ Data breached from PlasmaXTransceiver ]
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[ Data breach interrupted. ]
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