#meanwhile I've got A Quiet Place II out from the library and just put in a request for The Forever Purge
televinita · 3 years
I have somehow seen seven?? movies this month -- all of them good, even! -- but I went through the Roku Channel to compile some options earlier today and honestly, what if I just spent 80% of my free time in November continuing to watch movies, because I found SO MANY that appeal to me one way or another.
(in whatever order I came across them)
Where The Heart Is (I was semi-interested in this back when it was new just because Natalie Portman, but now that I've read the book I'm fully interested)
Grace of Monaco (forgot about this one, but truly Kidman, channels everything this portrayal needs and I want to gaze upon her in admiration)
Up Close and Personal (I've never really gotten to enjoy Robert Redford in a movie a the romantic lead and I wanna, because he truly is like if Brad Pitt were as handsome as all the adults around me kept saying when I was a kid)
Picture Perfect (ft. 1997 Jennifer Aniston, from the era before all her movie choices were terrible)
Happily ("a dark romantic comedy" with Joel McHale and Kerry Bishe, a pairing that is really activating my "but you're so OLD" radar, but which I'm game to try anyway)
Sahara (Treasure hunt movie?? and also apparently a bunch of other topics so...I'm very confused but it looks fun and ridiculous; also 2000s Matthew McConaughey has good screen charisma even though I don't really find him attractive or like him as a person)
Standing Ovation (listen I just watched Bring It On: All or Nothing and I am very much in the mood for more brightly colored, ridiculously OTT teen competition stories, especially if they're rated PG or lower)
+ Did You Hear About The Morgans? (rewatch -- like, at least my 5th)
True Heart (oh hey 90s family film I somehow failed to run across in childhood! “ When their plane crashes in the Canadian wilderness, twin siblings are thrust into a quest for survival and must rely on a native man and his bear” yeah that sounds like 11-year-old Me’s kind of film and sometimes I’m in the mood for that. also, baby Kirsten Dunst and one of the Home Improvement kids that isn’t JTT)
Vacancy (oh hey hotel-horror movie terrorizing Luke Wilson!)
Not Without My Daughter (maybe...could be slow, but also, I trust Sally Field)
Undiscovered (aspiring model meets struggling musician, the latter’s star begins rising soon after? feels like a movie I’ll enjoy more imagining with a recast, but also, can’t mentally recast til I’ve got the base material)
Jack & Jill vs. The World (looks like a serviceable romcom)
Still Breathing (oh hey! Brendan Fraser was so good back in the day, and when I went on a bender about 10 years ago to watch as much of his filmography as I could, this was one the library didn’t have)
Brightest Star (romcom with Chris Lowell, that’s all I need to see)
The Road Less Traveled (love me a movie that’s based on a song, especially if it’s one I already own/love and the movie stars the singer)
Disclaimer: All of the above are based entirely off initial impressions, with no more than 45 seconds of a trailer if any, and I refuse to do a lick of research to see what critical/audience reception has to say about them. I’m comfortable with my risk-taking; nothing can be worse than Titanic II.
Although you’re welcome to chime in on any that you also watched...or have opinions on anyway.
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