#maybe i'll talk about that actually bc i think!! the dude is scared and guilty and not handling it well!!
tvrningout-a · 10 months
i think i've written??? 16 ask replies and i just cannot believe that
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ornithia · 3 years
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again? ohboy let's take a look:
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still a racist, i see
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so ... you admit to trolling? in other words, you knowingly and willfully instigated drama in the fandom tags, fully aware that your "cohorts" in this entire mess were likely fabricating the true extent of their "reactions"? wow - and the craziest thing is i can't tell if this is actual honesty coming from you for once or if you're just attempting to downplay the role of your own antics by throwing your own 'friends' under the bus now, i mean - really? color me surprised_pikachu.jpg
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i mean, you keep using our names and talking about us, so yeah, anons are gonna let us know bc you're basically shit-talking behind our backs instead of actually confronting us directly by unblocking and having an actual conversation. and SPEAKING of assumptions and viv, i can't believe you're actually making an ass out of yourself over this:
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look at all these ASSUMPTIONS you've made! what a shame i'll have to tear them down one by one:
i have 0 interest in FNAF. like, i legitimately think it's a bad game specifically for the reasons you described about it just now (i don't scare easily at ALL, jump scares are stupid and cheap, and the character designs are hideous and aesthetically displeasing to ME (though i wont shit on people who did like the game bc separation of art and artist is a thing that exists). idk who your anons are/were, that's how internet anonymity works but fuck them if they sent death threats, they should take their own advice if they're going to sink to that level
whatever gave you the notion that i might support the republican agenda in ANY capacity? it's laughable, seriously - i won't condone doxxing but also fuck the FNAF dude for actively funding the oppression of marginalised groups. i literally don't care enough about him to even recall his name from all of the whole doxxing drama or to even google his name right now, but viv was right
and viv was so right, in fact, that i spent days literally reporting doxxing posts and blogs targeting her - here's proof:
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(there's more btw but i'm not going to screenshot every single instance bc this post has a 10 image limit, lol. but there you go, i actually did something about the situation and helped remedy it to some extent (and i'm still going, btw - i've also done this for the times the tags were spammed with kpop stans' fancam gore and drug peddling posts, too, but no you just think i'm just a "bully" for calling out your bullshit boohoo ;;uwu;; )
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actually, i don't regret stepping in to call out an older fan for using their age/disability as "leverage to blow up at a younger fan unnecessarily for the crime of not knowing the full situation, that's completely on you - what goes around comes around (ALSO i'd like to add that throughout this whole situation, i merely pointed out all of the inconsistencies in everyone's arguments, and there were many. if you personally felt i was defending her, then maybe it wasn't me defending her so much as your own guilty conscious realising you weren't 100% in the right of the situation and that's not my problem, that's yours to recognise and reflect on)
oh "honey, sweetie" - i know how the @ function works. but the reason i or others use it is for our own legibility, regardless of whether it actually notifies you or not due to your little blockade (and this isn't the first time i've explained it to you either - who knows if it'll stick this time). like so, @heartshapedcreaturefromcriptoon - did that work? not a fucking chance, but it looks nicer imo so i think i'll go ahead and keep using that format to my heart's content my own blog, tyvm
again, the only person vague-blogging throughout this entire ordeal has been you. i've directly addressed all matters pertaining to me directly, or referenced people who have gone more in-depth on the topic bc why regurgitate what's already been accurately said? also, this may come as a shock to you, but 6c6 actually reached out to me directly and thanked me for one of my call out posts. this was after my bigger post regarding his and trickster's whole drama with petit, which they undoubtedly saw (trickster, for sure, considering he reblogged me, and you KNOW he did bc you commented on it). and STILL they reached out to me, civilly, without having to resort to blocking me bc nothing i did was actually a threat to them or to anyone else involved (unflattering, for sure, but without ill-intent). proof below (post-deactivation obviously, bc i don't take screenshots unless i have a reason to):
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anyway, so where were we? oh yes - that whole thing you went off on about guillermo del toro? added absolutely nothing to this convo. using your disability (or any other irrelevant token about yourself) as a shield against valid criticisms is not just inherently abelist ("i'm disabled so i can't be held accountable for my hot takes!" - do you not see the problem here?) it's also dismissive as fuck about the greater discussion at hand that affects everyone in the conversation, not just you. pulling oppression olympics will get you absolutely nowhere, not even in your own community. now let's see if you'll actually read this post or just pretend you did so that you can type out another long-ass rant highlighting your reading incomprehension.
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