#maybe I want to be a part of mama bacon and heaven's family. maybe I want to be her kid and maybe I want to be his sibling
qilinkisser · 1 year
maybe. I'm considering new f/os
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staticscreenwriting · 4 years
Casual moths - chapter nine
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Chapter nine - mothers and bears
The sun falls in thick golden rays through the white curtains of Callie’s bedroom, casting it in a warm glow. There’s a wave of serenity washing over them as Angel pulls her closer to his body, trying to savour the peace and quiet of a Saturday morning.
“ We should get up, Daisy is gonna come knocking any moment now. She needs her cereal.”
Angel buries his head further into her hair, getting lost in the scent of her hair. The scent of flowers. The scent of her.
“ You gotta teach your kid how to properly make some cereal. Who puts the milk first. “
“ This is something that won’t leave your head, huh?”
“ Nah. It’s wrong.”
Callie’s body shakes with silent laughter. “ You know what? You just let her watch you do it your way a few times and she’ll copy it soon enough. She adores you. “
“ Does she? “ Angel says and tries to keep his voice as nonchalant as possible.
“ Uh-huh. It’s always Angel this and Angel that. You’d think you’re her boyfriend. “
“ Aw, you jealous mamí? “
“ Nah “ Callie responds before turning around and cradling his face in between her hands “ I’m happy you guys have such a strong connection. She’s my life. The most important person for me. There would be no you and I if she didn’t get along with you.”
“ Yeah, I’m glad she likes me too. “
“ Mama! “ a little voice calls out from the room across the hall. It’s not something Angel ever thought he would appreciate, having a kid around but something about this little routine him and the girls have established in the last few weeks feels — right.
Travis hasn’t shown his face since the run-in at the carnicería but somehow the situation still weighs heavy on both of them. Angel hopes and prays that this is it. That Travis has learned his lesson and has pissed off. But this is Angel Reyes and his life is never that easy. Things don’t just go right for him. If they do they don’t stay that way for very long. He’s constantly waiting for the other shoe to drop and things to nosedive.
“ Mamaaa! “ Daisy’s little voice calls out again making Callie let out a sigh before slipping on her pyjama pants and Angel’s shirt left discarded on the floor.
“ I’m gonna go feed the little monster, you go take a shower then join us. “
Her lips are smiling and so are her eyes and Angel can’t help but notice the flutter it sends through his heart. He hasn’t felt this way since fucking high school. It’s silly but it’s so so nice to feel this way again.
“ Alright. “
“ Alright. “
Callie throws him a wink before walking out into the hallway leaving him alone tangled in the sheets that still smell like her, that still hold the warmth of her skin. If heaven really is a place, he thinks, this must be it.
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The kitchen smells like bacon and eggs and toast and a burst of laughter carries through the air coming from the open dining room.
Daisy is devouring a bowl of cereal, watching some cartoon playing on the tv in the living room as Callie puts some bacon on a plate.
“ Man, you girls are already throwing a party without me huh? “ Angel exclaims as he steps into the room, making the girls look at him with smiles playing on their faces.
“ Good morning, Angel “ Daisy says as she waves at him then focuses her attention back on the show and her cereal.
“ Morning princess. “ he replies then walks up beside Callie, placing soft kisses up and down her neck. “ and good morning to you too. “
Something about being with her is different than being with any other woman, Angel realises. Even the most mundane things feel remarkable, special.
“ Sit down, you goof. I made you breakfast. “
“ So you get really strong. “ Daisy chimes in, clearly having caught a small part of their conversation.
“ You don’t think I’m strong enough? “ Angel asks as he walks up beside Daisy and starts tickling her and ruffling her hair. “ You think I’m weak, huh? Huh, little monster? “
Laughter fills the air, fills the entire house. Joy lives here, in every corner and every room. It’s something Angel isn’t used to. It’s something he knew back when he was a kid but something that seemed to have gotten lost along the way. For a long time, he thought that’s what growing up is, losing a bit of happiness as you experience the world for what it is. Being here now though, he realises he was wrong. Joy and love can live everywhere, at all times. Life doesn’t have to make you bitter and angry and sad. Sometimes it just makes you stronger. Love harder. Hold on tighter to the people you love. The people that love you back. Maybe, if he tries hard enough and believes in himself, in the man he can be, maybe then he can let go of some of his demons and let love in.
That morning they sit at the dining table and have breakfast together and laugh and talk and just exist together in a world where bad things don’t happen and the sun filters through the curtains and the world has a golden tint to it.
Angel remembers then, what it felt like to have a family. One that loves unconditionally. One where secrets don’t exist and you don’t have to wonder if they’re keeping stuff from you, for your sake or theirs.
“ So, there’s a party later tonight. Do you wanna come? “ Angel asks Callie as he stuffs the last piece of bacon into his mouth. He hopes his words come of nonchalantly and casual though they are anything but. The club, that’s his family, his brothers. Up until he’s met her, it’s been the biggest part of his life, the most important thing. Recently though the priorities kinda shifted. It’s scary and confusing and he knows that the club should come first, always. But though his head knows it, his heart seems to not give a fuck. His heart is with his flower girls.
“ At the clubhouse? “
“ Mmh.”
“ Do you want me to come? “
“ Wouldn’t have asked if I didn’t. “
“ Then yes. I’d love to. “
“ Can I come? “ Daisy asks, eyes sparkling with hope and adventure.
 “ Aw babes, “ Callie replies, “ It’s a party for adults. “
The defeated “oh” that leaves Daisy’s lips almost breaks Angel’s heart. For a moment, Angel lets his mind wander to a future where there’s another little girl sitting at the table with them. One that looks a little like him. He’s honestly not sure his heart could deal with all that love. Having his own kid was never an idea he liked to entertain. It never felt like something he wanted or needed. Now that thought doesn’t seem all that delusional.
“ You can stay with grandma though, and play with the dog. And maybe go in the pool while it’s still light out. “ Callie tries to reason though all she gets  in return is a sad shrug.” But Angel isn’t there. “
Yup. That’s it. He’s officially wrapped around this little girl’s finger. Completely smitten with her and the way she breaks his heart with her words.
“ Princess, how about this. Tonight mommy and I are going to a party and you stay with your grandma and then next week I’ll take you out somewhere. You can choose. “
“ Disneyland? “
He honestly should’ve expected that one.
“ Ah that’s a bit far but how about the carnival? “
“ Yeess !! “ Daisy cheers and enthusiastically claps her little hands in excitement. “ I wanna go on all the fast rides.”
“ A little daredevil huh? “
“ I don’t know what that means. “
“It means you’re brave and you like fun. “
“ It means I’m prone to suffer a heart attack at an early age, “ Callie murmurs around the rim of her coffee mug making Angel crack a grin.
A warmth settles around his heart as he lets himself take in this moment. Bad things exist, they are very real and very scary and they wait around every corner and Angel is still waiting for the other shoe to drop but right here and right now with his girls, life is sweet. And bad things don’t exist here. Not on a perfect golden Saturday morning.
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“ There’s no reason for you to be this nervous. We’re only dropping the little one off. We’ll only be there for a few minutes“
“ I’m not nervous. What are you talking about? “
Callie doesn’t answer instead, she raises her eyebrow in mock disbelieve.
Okay, maybe he is nervous. So what? This whole meet the parents thing, it’s not something he’s done a lot before. There have only been two girlfriends that brought him home to meet their parents and both of those were high school girlfriends. Those relationships didn’t hold nearly as much importance to him as this one does. What if her mom realises the kind of person he is? What if she doesn’t think he’s good enough. Which he isn’t but — it’s one thing to be aware of it, it’s a whole nother thing to have her mother know it too.
The red door to the little one story home swings open, revealing the smiling face of a woman that looks just like Callie but older. She has the same warm eyes, the same kind smile. Something about the Cordell women makes you feel — home.
“ Hello. “ she says then glances towards Daisy who wraps her arms around the older woman’s waist. “ hello my princess. I’m so excited for our girls night. “
“ Grandmaaaa. Grandma look this is Angel. “
He tries to swallow the knot that’s building in his throat at the mention of his name. Being included feels incredible but being put in the metaphorical spotlight in front of Callie’s mom feels — terrifying.
“ It’s so nice to meet you, Angel. This little one won’t shut up about you. And this one “ she says and nods towards Callie “ hasn’t stopped talking about you either. “
Angel is well aware of how crazy he is about Callie. Of the fact that she never fully leaves his mind. That whatever he does he wonders what she’s doing at that moment. To hear that she thinks about him in return, it gives him a sense of pride, of validation.
“ Nice to meet you too. Yeah, I don’t know why they want to keep me around but I ain’t complaining. They’re — the best. “
“ They are. “ Mrs. Cordell agrees and grants him another warm smile. There’s no fakeness there. It’s sincere and comforting and motherly and he realises then, how much he’s missed a presence like this in his life.
“ oookay, we gotta go. “ Callie chimes in and Angel can’t help but smile at the red tint sweeping across her cheek.
“ You kids have fun alright? Me and the little miss here are gonna make pizza and watch frozen. “
Angel can’t help but admire the love these women have for their little girl, for their family. It really puts things into perspective.
Callie leans down to place a big smooch on her daughter’s cheek and tells her to be good and behave which Daisy only replies to with a charming smile and an “I’m always good”.
Angel doesn’t doubt it. This kid can do no wrong in his eyes.
Just as they bid Mrs Cordell goodbye and are about to turn away from the door, a pair of small arms wrap around Angel’s leg. “Byeeeee” Daisy mumbles against his jeans as she presses her face against him “I’ll miss you.”
Yup, definitely wrapped around her finger. “I’ll miss you too, kid.” And it’s the god honest truth.
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As the scenery of Santo Padre moves past the window, Callie notices that wherever they’re going, it’s not the direction of the clubhouse.
“ Are you kidnapping me? “
“ What? “ Angel chuckles. “ Why would I do that?”
“ I don’t know. We’re not going in the direction of the scrapyard though. I know that much.”
“ Yeah … maybe I wanna take you on a little detour. “
“ Do you now? “
“ Mmmh. “
For a moment they let a comfortable silence wash over them, to relish in the knowledge that they’re existing together in this very moment. Hearts beating in sync.
“ Hey, Angel? “
“ Yeah?”
“ Are you happy?”
And for the first time in a really really long time he doesn’t have to think about it, doesn’t even hesitate as he answers.
“ Yeah, I am.”
She rests her hand on top of his and locks their fingers together. It’s tiny signs of affection like this one that he never thought he wanted but no never wants to miss ever again.
A few minutes later Angel pulls the car into a parking spot in front of a very familiar facade.
“ The shop! Oh, it looks almost finished, you guys did a great job! You told me the windows aren’t done yet. “ Callie gasps as she gets out of the car and walks towards the front door of the flower shop.
The windows are new, no cracks anywhere. There’s a decal on one window saying “Daisy’s flowers” in a swirly font surrounded by little daisies stencils.
“ Yeaaah I might’ve lied about that. Shop’s finished, babe.”
“ No way?!”
The look on her face makes all the work so worth it. He’s used to women looking at him as if they adore him but this is different. It’s usually either because they wanna fuck him or because they like the privileges that come with hanging around a patched member of the Mayans. Callie looks at him and she really sees him. All that he is and all that he can be. Callie adores him for his personality, for his actions. Callie likes Angel Reyes. Not the Mayan. Just Angel.
“ Let’s go inside. “ he says and unlocks the door, leading her inside by placing a hand on her lower back.
“ Wow, Angel! This looks even better than before, I — “ Callie stops in her tracks as her eyes fall onto the wall that, the last time she’d been here, had been smeared with a threatening message that still makes her skin crawl.
“ Do you like it? “ there a nervous edge to his words. He’s pretty sure she likes what he did to the place though he needs to hear the words. He needs the confirmation.
“ Did — did you do this? “ she points at her wall.
Where the treat had been scribbled, there’s now a beautiful mural of a bear and cub on a field of daisies underneath a starry sky. It’s incredibly detailed and colourful and — it’s perfect.
“ I did.”
“ This is incredible.”
“ It’s nothing, Callie. Honestly. I’m not much of a painter, honestly but I didn’t trust anyone else to do it. Trust me I tried finding someone but ... “
Before he even realises what’s happening, she’s got her lips locked on his, her fingers combing through his hair, her body pressed up against his. Angel Reyes has shared a lot of kisses in his life and yet not a single one can compare to her kisses. They always mean something deeper. Something real.
“ Angel Reyes?” she whispers as she pulls way.
“ huh? “
“ I’m in love with you.”
He’s heard those words so many times from so many different girls. Those words were always empty, hollow and fake. They never mattered.
They matter now though. More than anything else ever did. And for the first time in his life, he says it back.
“ I’m in love with you too. “
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frischkasekuchen · 3 years
Carrie Au(Death of Margaret White)
Part 1
Part 2
Verse provided by the Good News Bible
Hetalia- Hidekaz Himaruya
Dreamtalia, its characters that were used and Nevo- Kyokyo866
Vanya(Mentioned)- thriftlita
Carrie- Stephen King
Religious abuse/themes/trauma
Child abuse
Minor swearing
World(Nicholas) and Reve as Carrie White
Nevo’ nik(Nathan) as Margaret White
The girl hurried back at once to the king and demanded, “I want you to give me here and now the head of John the Baptist on a plate!”  
This made the king very sad, but he could not refuse her because of the vows he had made in front of all his guests. So he sent off a guard at once with the orders to bring John’s head. The guard left, went to the prison, and cut off John’s head; then he brought it on a plate and gave it to the girl, who gave it to her mother. When John’s disciples heard about this, they came and got his body, and buried it.
(Mark 6, 25:29)
Reve and Nicholas finally arrived in his quaint neighborhood, the only place free of the stink of smoke. The two trekked down the sidewalk together in silence once more. The blood covering them had begun to go cold, making them shiver.
From what Nicholas could see his father was still awake. Flickering light was pouring out of the house, and everything got warmer the closer they got.
When they entered the house, it was almost covered head to toe in lit candles. Nicholas had Reve hoist his skirt up as not to light it afire. 
Nicholas led Reve into the bathroom and began to run some hot water. He then turned to Reve, who was quietly sniffling while clenching balls of the dress’ bloodied fabric. Nicholas patted Reve’s shoulder to get his attention. Reve’s head perked up, it was hard to see, but he was crying.
“Hey, could you sit down for me?” Nicholas asked.
Reve obediently slumped to the floor, twiddling his thumbs. Nicholas joined him on the floor and an arm around him. He began to sing:
 My soul longs after you
As the deer panteth for the water
You alone are my hearts desire
And I long to worship thee, 
Reve gradually began to sing along, albeit softly.
You alone are my strength
My shield,
For you alone does my spirit-
Nicholas stopped singing abruptly as Reve sang along.
Reve asked, “Is something wrong?”
“I should be asking you that!” Nicholas replied.
“Whaddya mean?”
“You’ve been quiet since- you know! I know this might be a stupid question; but are you okay?” Nicholas asked hesitantly.
Reve twitched, “I’ve turned us into monsters! I killed Ludwig and-and you killed a lotta people! If I hadn’t brought you up onstage- maybe I could’ve saved lives.” 
Nicholas cringed and stared at the reflective wall, he wasn’t wrong. He looked at his reflection, dyed in blood to the point it looked like red skin, like a demon.
“I can’t go back home! The police will come after us- we’re gonna go to prison!” Reve nails began to grow out once more as his breathing quickened. 
Nicholas had to remedy this situation and swiftly, lest his father make a fuss. Nicholas cradled  Reve’s head in his hands and pushed him to his chest, letting him listen to the sound of his heartbeat. Nicholas gently ran his fingers through Reve’s bloody and tangled hair. 
Reve’s breathing seemed to slow down gradually by the sound of Nicholas’ heartbeat. Even now, at eighteen years old, something as simple as a heartbeat soothed him. Reve being childlike and carefree was something Nicholas always liked about him. Yes, the boy was well aware of vulgar subjects but was surprisingly innocent. 
When they first met, Nicholas swore he was an angel. The unwarranted kindness, porcelain skin and white hair- Nicholas thought Luciano had finally killed him that day. From that point on both the boy and his father called Reve a heaven-spawn.
“The bath’s overflowing.”
Nicholas sent Reve upstairs to get a nightgown after they’d cleaned up. Unlike Reve, Nicholas always had a change of clothes in the bathroom. Nicholas let out a sigh of relief as Reve seemed to be finally calming down. All he had to do now was replenish himself. 
When Reve dressed himself, he gave himself a good look in the mirror. Clean, but still a murderer.
‘I’m not a monster.’
‘You didn’t have to kill him- y’know. He asked you out, offered you dinner, gave you a kiss- and this is how you repay him?’
‘I’m not a monster.’
‘You have no self-control.’
‘I’m not a monster.’
‘He had a family, people who’ll miss him and you killed him.’
Reve began crying again, holding himself up on the dresser and watched as his tears fell onto the dresser. 
‘You absolute turd, Luciano was right and you know it.’
Reve gasped as he felt a hand on his shoulder. He turned around to see it was Nicholas’ father.
“Why are you crying dear boy? Had your heart broken?” Nathan asked, rubbing Reve’s shoulder.
‘No you didn’t. You fucking killed him you shit stain-’
Reve nodded wordlessly.
Without even offering, Nathan embraced Reve. “Don’t worry about it, happens to the best of us.”
Reve didn’t like Nathan, not one bit, but he needed someone- anyone to hold him. Reve hugged him back and muffled his sobs into his chest. 
He sat down Reve on the bed and said, “I have to go downstairs for something all right? Then you can tell me what happened.”
Nathan left Reve alone in Nicholas’ bedroom, he knew what he had to do.
Nicholas was helping himself to some strips of bacon in the kitchen. He heard footsteps coming down the stairs. 
Nicholas peeked outside the doorway to see Nathan, with an arm up his sleeve.
Nicholas shot him daggers, “What do you want?”
“My sweet boy, my own flesh and blood. I should’ve killed you earlier.” Nathan purred, approaching Nicholas.
Nicholas backed away in both paranoia and confusion, “What the hell are you talking about?”
“I was weak, and let the raven loose on the world. I let you loose on the world.” Nathan pulled out a dry and crumpled wash cloth from under his sleeve.
“I thought my teachings would fix you. But you let the blood in that demon’s eyes lure you away from the light with its scent, you dog.” he growled.
“We’ve been over this! Vanya isn’t a demon, he’s an angel if anything!” Nicholas barked back. 
Nathan cackled, unwrapping the cloth to reveal a knife.
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‘Mama’s butcher knife-’ Nicholas thought to himself, before pinning Nathan to a wall from afar.
“Let me go Nicholas, this is the only way He can save you!” he cooed.
Nicholas dropped Nathan as he lost focus in fear, his knees unfortunately gave in as well. The exhaustion had finally caught up to him. No matter the situation, even with these powers, his father always struck fear into him- he always had control.
“REVE- REVE HELP!” Nicholas screamed as Nathan was getting much closer to him by the second.
Nathan soon had Nicholas backed up against the stove, trapping him in a corner. Luckily the cavalry had arrived, and knocked Nathan over. Nathan dropped the cleaver in the scuffle.
“BOY! WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!” Nathan said he squirmed under Reve’s weight.
Reve pulled Nathan up to his feet, only to grab him by his hair and slam him against a nearby cupboard. 
They both pulled and clawed at each other’s hair, slamming each other into walls. Reve took the initiative not to kill Nathan, just to lock him away. Reve let out a inhuman screech once more when Nathan nearly tore his hair from his scalp. Nathan had to cover his ears, forcing himself to let go of Reve. 
Reve grabbed a nearby broom and tripped Nathan over causing him to fall on his stomach. As Nathan tried to stand up, Reve picked him up by his ankles and began dragging him. 
“LET ME GO!” he screeched hoarsely.
Reve surveyed the house for a place to isolate Nathan, and a certain room caught his eye.
‘The prayer closet!’ Reve thought to himself as he struggled with Nathan’s legs trying to kick him. Reve reluctantly released one of Nathan’s ankles to open the door. As Reve opened it, Nathan tackled Reve and accidentally closed the door behind them.
Nicholas picked up the cleaver before going to investigate. He held out the knife, so if Nathan jumped out at him he’d be injured. 
Nicholas stood in front of the confessional’s door as he heard something fall and thud against the door. The boy cautiously opened the door and felt something warm at his feet. 
He peered to see it was a head, Nathan’s bleeding head. 
Nicholas looked back up to see his father’s headless carcass, slouched on top of Reve’s body.
Reve was sobbing, wheezing:
“I’m sorry. I’m so sorry.”  
(Author’s Note: The thing Nevo is talking about-the blood eye thing? I decided keeping Vanya’s eyes red and having Nevo deem him a demon to further demonstrate Margaret’s worldview. While keeping Reve’s white hair and have World and Nevo assume he’s an angel. A lot of Nevo’s dialogue is based on Margaret’s strange and twisted version of Christianity/the Bible; with calling men dogs lured in by the scent of blood(period), saying Eve was weak and let the raven(sin) loose on the world. But in this case, Adam(Nevo) was weak and let the raven(World) loose on the world(The Prom). Also the reason why I made both Nevo and World the White household is due to their God-complexes. The use of growling and barking is based on Margaret's belief that men are dogs.)
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