washymylifeaway · 3 years
Hey hey!! I wanted to ask if you read Matsuhana fics (MattsunXMakki) and if you have any recs? I’m starving for Matsuhana content
Okay ngl the shame I felt reading this ask LMFAO. I have a matsuhana fic rec list in the works but I keep putting it off cause I’m lazy AKJSDKJ SORRY. It’s one of my favorite ships too,,,, like I literally don’t have an excuse (BRB CRYING) but I’ll link it to this ask once it’s up ahahaha (hopefully soon AHHH)....
But also, I too, am always starving for matsuhana content :D
Cause I feel bad, I’ll leave a short rec here LOL..... But also if you want to see all the other matsuhana recs I’ve made in the past, just click on the tag when you’re in my blog (or press the search thingy at the top and type matsuhana) and it’ll filter all the posts with that tag in it!!!! :)
on the anatomy of crushes by carafin (T) 2.3k // it’s very short and cute and I love it a lot LOL.
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sickfic-with-kiko · 5 years
Hey, i love Haikyuu and I love your sickfics. I wonder if you have done anything about yamaguchi. He is my fave and i would love to read a emeto about him. Maybe with Tsukishima as the caretaker or the team. If you do this, you can make whatever plot you want. Thank you (no stres if you dont have time)
Hello, I recently came over your blog and i really like your writing (especially about MattsunXMakki) but i was wondering if you could do something about Yamaguchi, since he is also one of my faves. I keep thinking about that scene in S2 with Yams gettign nausous because Hinata threw up on the busride over. but what if he did get sick and Tsukki had to help him to the bathroom and he rubs his back when he is sick. I just want to see my precious boys helping each other.  Thank you
Hey, do you have some sicfics of yamauchi. i really like your writing ( just came over this blog a couple of months ago) I really like your fic with masukawa and hanamaki. But my absolute fave is yamaguchi, i would love to read something about him. It’s har do have a fave that arent so popular among the fandom. Anyway, hope you have a nice day, and cant wait until next sickfic.
“Hinata, you okay? You didn’t look too good back there…” Yachi asked out of concern, handing Hinata a rehydration drink.
Hinata took the drink with gratitude, sipping it carefully so as not to irritate his stomach further. He’d vomited on the bus again, and it wasn’t a great experience for any of the team. He was feeling better now that he was off the bus, which would have wrapped up the entire unfortunate event.
However, fate wasn’t as kind as that.
There was one first year in particular, that had been watching the exchange take place with unease in his stomach. It was Yamaguchi, who had the tendency to sympathy vomit more often than not.
The team didn’t need to know that, though. He was fine. He was fine last time, when Hinata vomited on Tanaka’s lap. So really, there was no reason for him to feel queasy. He had a stronger stomach than that.
Yamaguchi noticed Tsukishima glancing at him quizzically. He averted his eyes, but Tsukishima was already grumbling about how Hinata was a single-celled organism. He didn’t notice Yamaguchi trembling.
“Dumbass! Hinata, dumbass!”
Kageyama smacked Hinata with the side of his hand, while Daichi let out a low chuckle at Kageyama’s lack of vocabulary when he was raging.
Yamaguchi couldn’t shake the image of Hinata throwing up from inside his head. His stomach twisted with anxiety every time he took a breath. He couldn’t breathe properly, he couldn’t calm himself down, he-
“Why are you shaking?”
Apparently he wasn’t hiding it too well. Tsukishima stared at him with a mixture of curiosity and a hint of concern, eyebrows raised and mouth pulled into a neutral frown.
Yamaguchi opened his mouth, but couldn’t say anything for fear of throwing up. His gaze was fixed to the ground, face unnaturally pale. How was he meant to explain how weak he was to Tsukishima?
“I feel sick from remembering Hinata throwing up.” Yamaguchi admitted, eyes sunken and devoid of energy.
Tsukishima drew back, startled. “You should hurry to the bathroom.” His eyes widened, and Yamaguchi nodded quietly. He scuttled away unnoticed, mainly because the team was laughing with Hinata or trying to calm Asahi.
Yamaguchi locked himself in a stall, his own heartbeat ringing too loud in his ears. He hated throwing up, especially when it was someone he knew well or it was happening to himself. He was an inconvenience, and it was something he couldn’t shake off no matter how hard he tried.
“Hey, Yamaguchi. Are you in there?”
Yamaguchi’s heart leapt to his throat. The shock faded into nausea, inadvertently worsening his agitated state. “I’m here, Tsukki,” he replied shakily, rocking back and forth softly in a futile attempt to quell his nerves.
Tsukishima knocked on the door, and Yamaguchi’s hands reached up to open the lock. As soon as he opened the door, Tsukishima’s eyes fell onto him. His expression seemed somewhat… worried. He’d expected disgust, so it wasn’t a bad result.
“There’s still time before our match. You’ll feel better if you let everything out.”
Yamaguchi swallowed thickly. “I don’t want to. It’s gross, and I don’t like it.” He hated how he sounded like a toddler, but he couldn’t help his phobias that were very real and debilitatng.
“It’s only you and me. We’ve both seen worse and you know it.”
Tsukishima was right, he knew it in his head. But no matter how hard he tried to rationalize his fears, they were called that for a reason. He was scared, the same wimo from elementary. He couldn’t do anything on his own.
When he didn’t answer, Tsukishima sank down beside him with a huff. Great, Yamaguchi thought to himself. You’ve pissed off the one person who actually cared enough. Good job.
To his surprise, he felt a warm hand on his back, rubbing up and down in small circles.
“Um, Tsukki, what are you doing?” Yamaguchi murmured. He was breathing too quickly, and his heartbeat was ringing inside his ears. He could barely hear himself think.
“If you think it’s going to happen, let it happen. You’ll feel better.”
Yamaguchi shook his head, but couldn’t bring himself to push Tsukishima away. He was comforting him as best as he could, although it was clear that he wasn’t used to it.
A shudder ran through him, and his stomach lurched in a sickening manner. Tsukishima didn’t stop rubbing his back, despite the fact that he was almost certainly about to throw up.
Something gurgled against the back of Yamaguchi’s throat, that he struggled briefly to keep down. He coughed out a rush of vomit, followed by a gasp. His stomach was clenching painfully, causing him to shudder.
Tsukishima didn’t say anything, but the comforting hand on his back reminded Yamaguchi that he was still there. He threw up again, squeezing his eyes shut so that he wouldn’t have to look.
“Are you… okay?”
Tsukishima pulled Yamaguchi back gently, his usual frown melting into something softer. Yamaguchi nodded before he could even process what he was being asked.
Tsukishima murmured a “Good,” before helping him out of the stall. “I’ll get some water.”
Yamaguchi nodded again, not able for words. He felt gross. It was humiliating too, as the aftereffects of the anxiety attack began to fade. Tsukishima probably thought less of him too. He couldn’t even help himself.
“Here.” Tsukishima pressed a water bottle to his hands. Yamaguchi uncapped it, sipping the cold water. It felt good down his throat, the coolness straight from the vending machine soothing him.
“I’m sorry.” Yamaguchi murmured, before he could stop himself.
Tsukishima stared at him in disbelief. “You don’t have to apologise. It’s not like you can control what makes you scared.”
“I guess.” Yamaguchi’s chest warmed, but it seemed as if he had too many things he was uncontrollably scared of. On the other hand, he wondered if Tsukishima had something that he feared so intensely. He couldn’t imagine it.
“Come on. Let’s go back to the team.” Tsukishima grabbed Yamaguchi’s hand. “And don’t beat yourself up over this. You’re strong.”
Yamaguchi’s cheeks reddened. He blamed it on his nerves, casting the quick beat of his heart aside. “Thanks,” he cracked a small smile, “Tsukki.”
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