#mara is still standing on a box
sailorgreenmoss · 2 years
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thestargayzingetherian · 11 months
The She-Ra and He-Man Rights Situation
So today I figured it'd be a nice moment to explain the whole legal rights issues regarding He-Man and She-Ra because I still see a bit of confusion about that from time to time so here’s the whole thing as simply as I can put it. Sooo back in the 80s, Mattel made He-Man in partnership with Filmation and it was a big success. Two years later, they introduced She-Ra, but She-Ra was more heavily co-developed with Filmation and for this reason, a lot of the She-Ra characters and concepts were owned by them Marvel had a similar deal with Hasbro when they made transformers, but the difference was, everything Marvel made was owned by Hasbro themselves. Filmation... seemingly didn't have that with Mattel.
And that's where the trouble started. See, because of various factors (the she-ra toys being sold separately from the He-Man toys and the box office failure of the live action he-man movie) the franchise kinda died and at the same time, Filmation went out of business. There was an attempt to bring back He-Man a few years later, in the form of the 90s new adventures of he-man show, but that failed. (This is where Mara came from btw). And He-Man was basically dead for pretty much the rest of the decade.1 Now we come to the 2002 He-Man cartoon, which was a big hit. As some of you may now, the 2002 he-man was supposed to introduce its own new version of Hordak and She-Ra, but it was unfortunately cancelled after its second season (still great show, def recommend to spop fans)
However, Mattel only directly owns the rights to Horak, most of his henchgoons from the 80s cartoon and She-Ra herself, because they were developed together. It was filmation who were responsible for Catra, Glimmer, Shadow Weaver etc. The Filmation back catalogue was bounced around from company to company for many years and no one really cared about it, because the other two attempts to revive He-Man had failed and no one would really care about the other stuff.
Yes, the spop we all know and love came of this and I think most of us know how that went. But that's where the problem stands right now. Dreamworks could use Adora and hordak no problem... but nothing He-Man related, which is why they had to be really vague about that stuff with SPOP. Mattel also might have sabotaged the Spop toys because they didn't wanna share money. All of this is a bit awkward, because the two main new versions of He-Man now were created directly because SPOP had been the first big hit this franchise had in years. Basically, if the version of Hordak who shows up in season 2 of He-Man revelations looks exactly like his SPOP self and has the same voice, that's allowed. Same goes for Adora.... but if Adora is said to have a gf named Catra, that's when the lawyers get involved.
Tl:dr this is all because someone in 1985 forgot to put the small print in.
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jess-moloney · 2 months
Analyzing The Jess Interview [Part One]
Note: I can't stand her voice so I used auto-generated captions to read what she was saying but even when the captions were clearly wrong and I listened to her I couldn't understand her much better because of how she speaks a lot of it's very slurred together so this was the best I could do.
The first thing she says is that she's in Antigua with a client named Mara:
...so I am here to you know manage the project and yeah -Jess
That's how she speaks as a project manager? Even if it's a secret project, fine, can't she explain more about what she does or how she's managing the project? This is like a lawyer saying "I work at this legal firm where I'm a lawyer". Which can cover an extensive range of things seeing as how lawyers do a broad range of things. In my experience, most people within an area of expertise will not hesitate to give you specifics of their job duties even if they can't tell you the rest because of "confidentiality".
Also, she's only following one person named Mara from her account (a celebrity hairstylist) and Mara does not follow her back. So....same Mara? Different Mara? Did she completely make this up? Who knows.
I danced um from when I was very small so I did ballet and contemporary and I never wanted to be a professional dancer but I wanted to be a dance teacher so that's what I thought I would do um I went to a performing arts college um because I did acting as well...so yes so I always wanted to to go into dance teaching um and it was kind of always it that like. -Jess
She does say "UM" a lot, which is very odd for someone who also held so many jobs in PR and marketing which would require her to speak to the press or the public considering this is an extremely unprofessional way to speak. Ignoring that, let's look at all she said here.
She did contemporary ballet, but she never wanted to be a professional dancer she wanted to teach it (for some reason she never explains) and she also says she went to a performing arts college because she also did acting. She never says what college or where this happened. Seems like she's just checking off random boxes. Also, it should be noted that ballet is pretty much widely known for being full of people with eating disorders. [source]
There was never anything else I kind of considered the police for a minute and then was like no um so yeah...and actually I applied to be a PCSO when I was like 18 didn't get in and I think that's for the best - Jess
So she also wanted to be a police officer, going as far as to allegedly apply but not get in (If this even happened who knows). How do you go from ballet when you are young, to wanting to be a dance instructor, to applying for the police academy? Does this woman have any clue who she is or what she wants to do or is it all a lie? I mean she's even brought up the fact that she did acting at this performing arts college as well. What happened to that?
I was academic but it was mainly like creative it was dance and drama and I did textiles and things like that um and it really was only when I was tilling out my Ucas form that kind of out of nowhere I was like maybe I wanna get into fashion -Jess
So far we have, ballet, acting, police officer, drama, textiles, and out of nowhere fashion. Of all things. Which she goes on to admit that she'd never done before. She says she'd done textiles before (but doesn't really elaborate on what she did or what that even means) but not fashion. Still she describes this as something she did completely at random for no reason just because she wanted to and had no experience in whatsoever.
I spoke to like my dance teachers and it was actually one particular dance teacher that was like "why don't you go into fashion university?and if you decide that isn't the right career for you like dance will always be there..." -Jess
As I am to understand per her explanation, she'd never been interested in fashion before, ever, then suddenly wanted to get into it, and then one of her dance teachers said she should do it. Even though according to her she'd danced her whole life. What exactly would make this instructor tell her that she should go into fashion when she even admits herself that she never had any real interest in it before or had done it? Why not encourage her to keep dancing since she was already so good at it or whatever? Does this make any sense to anyone? It's like she gets bored every 5 minutes and picks a new career.
Everyone of course wanted to go to London College Of Fashion but I had kind of only really discovered it so to speak -Jess
She didn't know of the London College Of Fashion but she also knew that everyone wanted to go there but knew nothing about fashion and decided to apply anyway because suddenly she wants to go into this line of work. The "business end" of things not design. Keep this in mind for later.
She says they only allowed 50 people into her course that she was applying to which was fashion management and this is out of thousands of applicants, she says, but somehow they chose her out of all those people (even though she openly admits she had no experience in this or connections or any actual reason they should have approved her into this program). She also says that her specialism was in marketing.
I only wanted to go and work for Levis in Brussels...so I was like that's it I don't wanna apply for anything else -Jess
She goes on from there to explain that her Uni says that she wasn't going to get the internship and that she had to apply for something else because she didn't have the experience to warrant Levis hiring her but she insisted that was the only place she wanted to work. Then magically somehow she got in.
A woman with no experience in fashion, marketing, any sort of anything, miraculously got this internship after also miraculously getting into a fashion uni when she never had any interest in fashion before applying to the uni. Hell, she says she didn't even know about LCF before that point (even though she clearly did because she said everyone wanted to go there).
I got an internship at Vivienne Westwood...I just emailed them...so I basically got an internship with Vivienne Westwood -Jess
Her entire explanation about how she got this internship was that she just emailed them one day and they gave her the internship. With little to no experience in anything other than I guess she had been an intern for Levis and she claims that at some point she wanted to be a stylist so she interned with some stylist but didn't like it. From all of that non-experience, she somehow got an email to contact Vivienne Westwood and then they gave her the internship....what? Then she says she did the internship, left Vivienne Westwood, and then she got a job somewhere before even graduating. At that first job, she got a phone call pretty much immediately from Westwood and their PR team had a job interview opening and wanted to interview her.
She says that she had stayed friends with her bosses from the internship and they remembered how great she was so they pushed her forward to getting the job. She also didn't want to live in the UK she wanted to move to America she tried to get a job with Westwood offices in L.A but that didn't work out. She says she didn't feel like she could "grow" at the company. She says at that job she made a bunch of contacts with people and celebrities and decided she wanted to get into PR and celebrity management, skipping over, you know that whole scandal she was involved in with Vivienne Westwood.
So basically I left them moved on to another role and that was I'd like to say PR and celebs working in that role and that naturally then stepped into looking at management -Jess
All of this is very vague and weird, that she loved working for the company but also felt that she couldn't grow there so she wanted to leave? She tried to get a job in America but they didn't give her the job and then she brushed shoulders with some celebrities. Except she was already in PR because she was doing PR for Vivienne Westwood but she talks about this like she wanted to get into PR when the entire reason she was hired in the first place was a PR job which she even said. Once again, I'm confused.
Then she goes on to tell her story about how she met Machine Gun Kelly which is even more bizarre.
Um so I me Machine Gun Kelly when I was at Vivienne Westwood, so it's like totally rogue how it all happened....I was like Oh my god this guy's sick and like he looked great and I've got to dress him... -Jess
I don't know why this was something she thought at all because as mentioned previously, she interned with a stylist but didn't like it and said styling wasn't for her so she quit that internship now suddenly she wants to be a stylist for Machine Gun Kelly even though her job at Vivienne Westwood had nothing to do with styling or celebrity management she was the senior press officer for their PR.
So I found this random email that I honestly couldn't even tell you who it was at the time I found this email and I was just like hey like I word at Westwood and I really like Machine Gun Kelly's Music um let me know if you're ever in London or if I can dress you for anything -Jess
What we are looking at here is complete and utter made-up nonsense. This is definitely not a truthful story. Clearly, she met MGK somehow because they follow each other on IG (though he's never publicly acknowledged her nor did he ever like or comment on one of the many posts about him on her account either). She only has one weird photobooth photo with him which looks to be at some party and she put the tag for MGK over herself because that makes sense, I guess?
What I don't understand here at all is how she was not a stylist, never wanted to do anything in fashion when it came to design, interned with a stylist and hated it, worked for PR for Westood but also apparently didn't work for PR even though that's what she was hired for and then found a "random email" and got in touch with MGK and he loved her so much that they became besties forever when he came into London and she met his team.
Whatever this story is, it's leaving out a bunch of details or was made up on the spot because really analyze what she's saying here and everything she's said so far and how none of it makes sense. These things just keep randomly happening to her by chance or coincidence because she's "so great" that everyone just "has to have her" and she's offering job services to people that she doesn't even do but they hire her for it anyway?
Anyway this interview is ridiculously long and I'm not going to cover it in one post but if you can't see all the red flags just from this first half of it...I don't know why. It's so odd and contradictory. The way she speaks is entirely unprofessional and nothing she says is even half way believable. I don't know why the woman interviewing her didn't call her out on any of it or ask her to elaborate more but if this is the story she's telling people about herself. how did she ever get hired to do anything for anyone in the first place?
Stay tuned for part two. Link to the interview is here if you want to confirm for yourself she said all these things.
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bubblyani · 2 years
(Kendall Roy x Reader)
A Kendall Roy (Succession) One Shot
Genre: Fluff
Word Count: 1.6k+
Author’s Note: I would like to thank this gif for inspiring me to write this One Shot. Simply kissing Kendall, a little moment worth indulging over. Talk about being whipped, eh? Enjoy y’all!
My previous Ken One Shot “Anything & Everything” can add a bit of depth and meaning to this fic even if these are both one shots. My Kendall Roy Masterlist
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It was what your heart rejoiced for, when you kissed him. The manner in which every second was savored, brushing one’s nose against his. Drinking in the atmosphere of eventuality, before lips finally unite. Tasting his kisses at the slowest of speed.
It was the lingering, that deemed it all so worthwhile.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
That was what you were. Processing your need, you waited outside the building after ringing the bell, shrugging one’s shoulders acknowledging the Spring chill.
You took a gander at your surroundings. The spring bloom of the trees nearby served to be the most apt morning greeting, amidst the concrete jungle that was New York city.Returning to your thirst. You thirsted for rejuvenation. The scent of a roasting brew crossed your. mind, causing your mouth to water all the sudden. However, given where you stood, looking up at the majestic building before you, it was a different kind of rejuvenation you longed for. A pair of lips that belonged to a man whose beating heart you’d protect with all your life. It had been too long. Yet, today you would not be so fortunate. You knew.
Yet, there you were anyways, standing up straight as you heard the door open at last.
“Where on earth…did you get that Eggs Benedict recipe, and can I… steal it?”
You made your playful query at Carla, one of the Roy House Staff. As expected, she was surprised:
“You came all this way to tell me that?” She said, to which you shook your head.
“Nope” you said, “I also wanted to give you …this” as you handed her a rather big box, wrapped with a ribbon. Gasp left Carla’s lips when she opened it:
"Max Mara?” She exclaimed, taking out a cream – colored Cashmere shawl. “Your favorite, I presume?” “No. No! You shouldn’t have-” “Carla!” you said, “Your birthday is coming up this weekend” “But-” “Besides…” you said, “I really wanted to Thank you” you said, smiling, “You were always really nice to me coming over here” you said, brushing off some strands of hair off your face, “So this is nothing”
“Says the woman who can’t stop making Mr. Roy smile” the middle aged woman replied. The mere mention of him, was responsible for your bright smile, “Speaking of…did Kendall leave already?”
Carla’s mischievous smile was the best inaudible answer you could look forward to.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
“Isn’t he in there-” You shushed Carla inaudibly, “He’s here” mouthing to her, you turned. To look back at him once more.
Kendall Roy, your boyfriend. Oh! The mere thought lead to involuntary smiles. Keeping your smile intact, you found him sitting on his bed leaning against the headboard, engrossed in his phone. The sight of him never failed to refresh your being, and warm your heart. Every single time. And it had been countless. What could you say? You were poetic.
Closing the white colored door behind, you could not help be amused as to how he still had not noticed your presence in the room. The phone was indeed a huge distraction, along with ATN News playing in the background in the TV. Not to mention the moaning, groaning of New York traffic outside, filtering through the glass windows.
You slipped off your shoes,  he did not bat an eyelid. Suppressing a chuckle, a playful urge grew within. You had never played a prank on him before. So why not today? Tip toeing towards the bed, you shifted your balance to crawl into bed. “Fuck!” Until the creak of the mattress made him look up. Still his shocked expression was all worth it. You chuckled. “Morning…” His shock morphed to relief and joy seeing you, “Hey…” he sighed, “When did you get here?” “Just now. Carla let me in” you said, getting into bed to sit cross legged. Kendall sat up: “I thought you have a busy day today with E-zee P-zee and the guys”
“Yep” You sighed, hunching before sitting up straight, “I was just on my way” you sighed again, “Oh gosh! It’s gonna be one long day of trying not pulling my hair whenever E-zee goes off key every…fuckin… line” shaking your head, you continued “You know-I tried so hard to make sure it was a melody he can actually sing in his fucking mundane range but-like! I can’t get myself to auto tune everything he sings. I have a reputation. My label has a reputation to maint-What?”
You intruded yourself by the sight of Kendall’s warm chuckles. Looking down, you chuckled back: “Sorry. I’m ranting”
“No! No… its okay. Fuck! It’s just that-” He paused, pointing at you “You’re so cool. You’re the fucking shiz, babe” “Really?”
“Fuck yeah!” You chuckled, “NOW you’re being a kiss-ass. Anyways…” you said, slapping your thighs “I’m really glad I could see you. Before I…” you sighed, “….head to the battlefield. This-” you paused. “What?” “This…” you said, pointing at his outift, “…oddly looks really nice” Donning one of his university t-shirt with his black work pants, the air he carried could also be another definition of “Smart-casual”. “Really? You think so?” He said, looking down at himself. You nodded, “Uh huh…very homely”
In all honesty, it was more than nice. Extremely attractive could be the phrase to cut it. Your eyes savored the manner in which his toned arms were positioned, how the soft material of the t-shirt rested on his torso. Why something so simple managing to intoxicate you in the morning?
“Uh…anyways…” snapping oneself out of the trance, you said, “What about you? Strategizing from home?” As you took a glance at the news. “Uh yeah…” “For the Shareholders Meeting?” “Uh huh” he said, looking back at his phone, “Trying to whip up something like a speech, so exchanging some pointers wi-” Kendall paused, “What… are …you doing?”
His query seemed justified, especially when you found yourself straddling him on the bed. Taking the phone from his now loose grip, you smiled:
“Oh…thought I’d enjoy the view from here-Ah! Much better” confidence mixed with a hint of playful, you settled yourself over his hips. Raising his eyebrow,  Kendall smiled, quite amused.
“Oh really? And why is that?” He asked. You swore his low, warm hum of a query resonated in you, to the point of awakening you, right between your thighs. “Cause I’m on a mission” “Pray tell…” Unable to contain oneself by the eye contact you maintained, you finally snickered:
“Nah man! I just really wanted to kiss you” “Oh? Really?” “No” “Wait what-” Laughing even louder, you cupped his face, “I’m kidding. But yes, I do wanna kiss you though” you said,  as mutual laughter drowned the sounds of the tv. 
“So uh…” Kendall’s low hum was back, “you’re gonna do the thing?” You raised your eyebrows in turn, “What thing?” “You know…the thing you do before…” he purred. In a flash, your eyes grew wide with surprise. “Wait, you noticed that?” “Of course” he said, his eyes growing soft leaning towards you, “It’s nice” he breathed. Lust induced, yet pure at heart, his words concealed a dire need he longed for.
Exhaling deep yet quiet, your finger tips grew light on his face as you pressed your forehead against his. Ever since you both revealed feelings to one another, the kisses exchanged between you two were too many to count. Who knew how observant he was, enough to notice your every move. When you lingered. Kendall Roy fell in love with you, but also with what made you, you. Your artistry,  your romanticism. The manner in which romanticizing the smallest act seemed involuntary for you. The manner in which you lingered.
And so you proceeded.
Thus you knew his attention had always remained unchanged, as you closed off the distance between you two. Inhaling the atmosphere and his musk, brushing your nose against his felt just as soft as landing one’s head on a soft pillow. Butterflies flying with frenzy inside caused the magnetic energy between you both to flourish. For a few seconds, you indulged as always, the fact that he was yours, and you were his, before hungry lips surrender to each other. First with dignity, only to lose it over time.
“I want you” his lazy drawls woke you from the intoxication that was his kiss. “I thought you were strategizing” you teased, wrapping your arms around his neck. “Later” he breathed, pressing his torso against your own, “What about your recording?” “Mmmm…For once, they can wait for a bit” you hummed, “Besides, why do I have to be the only one to show up on time?” “Oho! Bad girl…” evil chuckle left Kendall’s lips, which you responded with your own. “Only for you…” you whispered against his ear, “..and cause you noticed” Before snatching his lips with your own with heated passion and speed. And like a choreography, hands knew where to reach, what to touch. For instance,  you rejoiced when he grabbed you by the hair, only to pull it back and kiss you hard, kiss you deep. And how the rejoicing continued with much gusto as bodies began to collide in the form of rolls and thrusts.
Sunlight courtesy of the spring morning filtered through the windows, providing the room with great atmosphere and ambience when you found yourself be seduced by him. The manner in which he always did. Clothes slipping out with ease and speed, never took long for the lovers to feel the softness of the crisp white sheets. And more importantly. To reunite which was long-awaited.
And even today, you confirmed as always, making Love to Kendall Roy, it was an experience.
But so was kissing him. And the lingering beforehand.
Oh, the lingering, certainly made it all worthwhile.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
My Kendall Roy Masterlist
Tagged: @tammykelly​ @loveandthings11​ Lemme know if you wanna get tagged.
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tabswrites · 10 months
Writer Questions Tag
Tagged by @writernopal here. I love these questions, thanks for the tag!
Gently tagging: @clairelsonao3 @gummybugg @rachaellawrites @zmwrites
What is your absolute all-time favorite idea you’ve ever had?
I am equally proud of Silver Sentinels and Ascension. The magic system in S.S is really cool to me, and I’m having a lot of fun creating it. I also really love the magical creatures!! With Ascension, I have been creating my own mythology within the world as well as creating an entire species, and that’s something I’ve never done before and it is going to be incredible.
Is there a question you’ve been asked in the past that really stands out to you, and you still think about sometimes?
Not really, but I’ve only really begun sharing my writing and talking to other writers for a few months.
What is your favorite part of being a writer? What parts could you take or leave?
I love being able to navigate complex themes and emotions in a variety of different ways. Playing with different writing styles to mess with people’s heads is one of my favorite things to do, because I’m secretly evil. The one thing I wish I could get rid of is the guilt of not being able to dedicate myself to my writing all the time. I am so, so passionate about my two stories but with the little free time I have it’s hard to get in the right mindset, and I feel like I’m letting myself down.
What is your greatest motivation to write/create?
Initially, I just wanted to have a bit of fun. Recently, I fell in love with storytelling again when I watched this show called The Owl House. It was unfortunately struck down in its prime by D*sney and even though there was a series finale, a lot of its world building fell flat when the writers were unable to continue developing it. It broke my heart, and a week after I finished it I got the idea for S.S. It’s like my subconscious was trying to tell me that I could fill the void myself.
What is the best piece of advice you’ve ever read or been given as a writer?
Give yourself permission to suck, especially in first drafts.
I struggle a lot with just getting the story out because I feel like everything I write is incoherent, but I also am getting really into my own plot so I want to keep going. I just have to remind myself that it’s okay if it’s not amazing right now.
What do you wish you knew when you were first starting out writing?
You can literally do whatever you want. If someone doesn’t like the direction you’re taking, they just won’t read it. You’ll find an audience some day. Just give in and be your weirdest self.
What is your favorite story you’ve written to completion? Link it if you’d like and can!
404. Page not found. (Haha, you guys finish stuff?)
What is your favorite out-of-the-box quote?
“The real violence, the violence I realized was unforgivable, is the violence that we do to ourselves, when we're too afraid to be who we really are.”
~Nomi Marks, Sense8 (my fave tv show)
Which of your characters would you say has the most controversial mindset? Why do you say so, and how do you personally feel about their ideals?
This is such a difficult question, but I’m going to go with Oliver, from S.S. His mindset is to basically do the bare minimum and expect everything to fall into place. Even from Ch. 2-4 he doesn’t even apologize or try to make amends, he just assumes Mara will forgive him because he got himself exiled too.
I think he’s a big dumb idiot, but I don’t think I try to hide that. He’s going to have very little development in book one for the sole purpose of me using him as a punching bag, so his idiocy is tolerated for now.
If you, when you first started writing, met you now, what would younger you think?
I think she would be super sad to know we became estranged from our longtime RP friends, but she would be absolutely floored that I’m attempting to write not one, but TWO multi-book series. At the SAME time. Yeah, little dude, we created characters in other people’s worlds, and now we create our own.
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kaminocasey · 2 years
Bonsoir Chapter Two: Head Over Heels
A/N: As most of you know, I took a little break from posting fics. But, here is chapter two! Sorry it took so long!
Here is the song that Bonsoir was based on.
Here is the playlist I made!
Bonsoir Masterlist
Summary: Gregor does as he promised and visits you again.
Pairing: Pre MIA ep!Gregor x F OC!Cassia Nu
Warnings: 18+ MINORS DNI; Smut, fluff, oral (F receiving), unprotected p in v (wrap it friends)
WC: 3.1K
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Cassia’s alarm goes off the next morning and she wakes up absolutely smiling to herself. This is a first for her. She feels like she’s floating as she gets up to get Wedge’s breakfast, along with hers. She pours out his food and then makes herself some toast and pours a cup of caf. 
She turns on the Coruscant Galactic News for background noise as she hops in the shower. She hears something about Chancellor Palpatine and just decides to tune it out. Cassia hated that guy. Something felt off about him. He looked like a creep.
She allows her mind to wonder to last night and how good Gregor’s hands had felt on her skin. How good his lips had tasted. How good he had felt inside of her. Even if last night remains a one night stand, she’s still glad she went. That park was beautiful and Gregor was actually good company. Better company than a drunk Ehren and Penn would have been, that's for sure. If she didn’t see him again, at least she’d have the sweet memory of last night.
After her shower, Cassia throws on her favorite yellow sundress, tying it at the neck. She throws her hair in a clip after blow drying it. At the last minute, she decides to put on a little bit of mascara and lip gloss before calling it “Good enough” and heads down to the store after kissing Wedge goodbye. 
“So, how was your night out?” Mara smirks knowingly, shelving the box of books that came in. “You look… tired… yet glowing?”
Cassia rolls her eyes with amusement. Nothing ever got past Mara. It was almost annoying sometimes. If Cassia tried to lie about something, Mara would call her on it immediately. 
“Spill. Who are they?” She grins, leaning an elbow on the shelf next to her.
Cassia wants to tell her all about Gregor and the most amazing night she’d had with anyone. She didn’t know what to tell her, though. Mara would more than likely ask if she was going to see him again and she just didn’t know. Gregor had promised he would see her again but she didn’t know if he was just saying that. 
“I met a guy.” Cassia tells her, trying to keep herself from grinning like a fool. 
“I knew it! Tell me all about him!” She pushes the books aside and comes and hops up on the counter as Cassia stops counting the new romance novels. 
With a sigh, Cassia hops onto the swivel stool at the register and prepares to tell Mara all about last night. From how she had debated on staying in to meeting Gregor outside. From the cab ride to making him a flower bracelet. From their first kiss to the incredible sex they had. And as Cassia tells Mara about the ride home, she finds that she can’t stop smiling. 
“Wow.” Mara sighs. “He sounds great. Are you going to see him again?” 
Cassia shrugs, returning to work. “Maybe. If he comes back by.” 
“Do you not think he will?” Mara asks her, also going back to shelving books. 
Cassia thinks about it for a moment. “Honestly, I’m not sure. I hope so, though.”
Gregor seemed different from other men. Kinder. More thoughtful. Definitely better at sex than any other man she’d ever been with.
Cassia already found herself missing that smile of his. 
The rest of the day drags by kind of slowly, which isn’t a big deal for Cassia and Mara. They usually enjoy sitting there reading their books when they aren’t busy. Cassia’s reading a mystery novel that she’d been putting off for a few weeks while Mara sits in the window seat, reading her book. 
The doorbells jingle, indicating someone has entered the store. Both Cassia and Mara look up, finding a clone in yellow accented armor. Cassia stands up immediately, recognizing Gregor. She’s unable to hold back her grin. Mara smirks at her, knowingly. 
Gregor walks over to Cassia, grinning right back, holding a small bouquet of the same flowery weeds she made his bracelet of.
“Hey.” Cassia tries to act nonchalant. 
“Hi. These are for you.” He hands her the bouquet. 
“Wow. They’re lovely. Thank you.” She looks up at him, starry eyed. 
“I saw them and thought immediately of you. Actually, you’ve not left my mind since the moment we parted last night.” He admits. 
She clutches the bouquet to her chest, unable to look away from him. She wants to be cool about it, but Cassia is a romantic at heart and she’s never been given flowers before. She was definitely counting these as flowers now, for sure.
“Hey, I’m Cash’s best friend and business partner, Mara.” Mara introduces herself, shaking his hand. 
“Ah. You must be the responsible, not drunk friend Cassia told me about last night.” He smiles politely at her. 
“That would be me. Did you meet the other two irresponsible ones last night?” She laughs.
“I did not have the pleasure. I think I swooped in and saved Cassia just in time to miss them.” Gregor chuckles, his shoulders relaxing. 
Cassia takes the little bouquet over to the counter and dumps out the pen cup and puts the bouquet in the cup. Gregor walks over to her, sitting his helmet on the counter and then resting his hands on her waist.
“We were just about to close up.” Mara tells Gregor.
“Were we?” Cassia chuckles.
“I’ll see you tomorrow.” Mara wiggles her eyebrows suggestively and heads out the door. 
Cassia and Gregor stand there looking at each other, both afraid to make the first move. She wants to reach out and touch his face but is afraid. He’s touching her, so that’s a good sign, right?
“Can I-” Gregor starts.
“Please.” Cassia nods, understanding what he was asking.
Gregor leans down and kisses Cassia gently, pulling her closer to him. She sighs into the kiss, relief filling her body that he came back. When they pull away, they rest their foreheads together, looking like a couple of lovestruck teens. 
“I’ve been thinking about you all day too.” She tells him. 
The relief on his face is unmistakable. She wants to tell him more but she knows she’ll turn into a babbling awkward mess if she tries. She was good at reading. She wasn’t good at putting her feelings into words.
“Can I give you something?” She asks him.
“I’d be honored.” He smiles.
She pulls away from Gregor, immediately missing his touch, but walks over to the shelf that has her favorite book on it. She grabs it and takes it to him.
“This is my favorite book. If you don’t like reading, that’s okay. I just… want you to have it. To remember me by when you’re gone.” She smiles up at him.
His eyes go soft and he crushes his lips to hers. He can’t believe how lucky he is to have found such an amazing woman. There has to be a catch, right? She’s perfect.
“Do you want to meet Wedge now?” She asks him when they pull away.
“Do I ever?” He laughs.
She grins and locks the shop door, flipping the sign to show they’re closed and then suddenly the sunlight catches the hanging crystal prisms and rainbows dance across Cassia’s face. It’s like all the air gets sucked right out of Gregor’s lungs. 
“You’re the most beautiful person I’ve ever laid eyes on.” He tells her.
She stops in her tracks, her heart melting at such sweet words.
“You’re just saying that to get in my pants again.” She laughs. 
He chuckles. “I’m not. We don’t have to sleep together tonight. I just want to look at you and talk to you forever.”
She walks over to him and takes his hand to lead him up the back steps that go up to her apartment. He grabs his helmet and the book she gave him and follows her. 
“Wedge, dinner time.” She calls out.
The chunky orange tooka jumps down from behind the cabinet and onto Cassia’s shoulders.
“Oof.” Cassia struggles to let the furball down as she grabs the food from the top shelf and puts it into his bowl.
Wedge sniffs Gregor’s boots then looks up at him curiously.
“What’s he doing?” Gregor looks uncomfortable and Cassia can’t help but laugh.
“He’s just checking you out. Pet him.” She encourages him.
Gregor leans down slightly to run his hand over the tooka’s soft fur. Wedge immediately purrs, leaning into the clone’s hand. 
“He likes you.” She grins. “Even though you want to change his name.”
“Eh… maybe you were right. He does kinda look like a wedge.” He shrugs and smiles softly as he stands up straighter so the tooka can eat his dinner. 
Cassia takes Gregor’s helmet and book and sits them on the kitchen island.
“Let me give you the official tour.” Cassia offers. 
“Is it okay if I take my armor off?” Gregor asks.
“Yeah, of course! Just sit it in that chair there.” She points to the chair across from the couch.
He kisses her on the head and starts to unclick all of his armor. She can’t help but watch in awe. She’s never seen a clone take off their armor before. He catches her watching and she blushes softly. 
“Come here.” He beckons her over with a warm smile.
She approaches him and he takes her hand, guiding it over the remaining plastoid arm pieces, showing her how to unclick and remove them. When they’re finally done, he’s standing there in just his bodysuit and she runs her fingers over his chest, feeling the smooth fabric. 
“Is this uncomfortable?” She asks him.
“The bodysuit or your touches?” He laughs.
“Your bodysuit.” She rolls her eyes, amused.
“I’m used to it.” He shrugs. “Why, you wanna try it on?” 
“Maybe later.” She winks and starts to lead him through the apartment, showing him her cozy apartment. 
Nothing in Cassia’s apartment matches. It consisted of a hodgepodge of things, creating a cozy snug apartment full of mixed types of furniture, plants, paintings, and bookshelves. It was her favorite place in the world, besides The Spine. If she opens the curtains, she has a nice view of the Coruscant skyline. 
Gregor immediately realizes he’s getting a glimpse into Cassia’s soul. This is who she is and he thinks she’s even more perfect. 
“You’re staring at me again.” She laughs. 
“I just can’t get over how easy it is…” He sighs.
“What?” She asks.
“Falling for you.” He smiles.
Her heart stops for only a second. He’s falling for her. She’s never felt this way about anyone ever. She should be scared, right? This man is off fighting in a war that he didn’t sign up for. He could very well not return to her. That should deter her… but somehow, it doesn’t. She wants to be with him as much as he wants to be with her. 
Life isn’t a romance novel, Cash. A voice in the back of her head tells her.
“Is that so?” She replies to Gregor, ignoring the voice.
“It is.” He nods matter-of-factly.
That's when Cassia notices it. The bracelet from the night before. He kept it. He notices her looking at it and he smiles proudly at her.
"I'm never taking it off." He tells her.
She takes his hand and kisses it. “There’s one room left.”
“Lead the way.” He grins, knowing which room she was referring to.
Cassia opens the bedroom door and walks into the room. It’s not very big. Her bed is big enough for two people and her dressers of course don’t match a single thing in her house. She thrifts most things. It’s not like she couldn’t afford nicer things, she could. She makes decent money at the bookstore. But she loves the unmatched look. It gives her apartment character, she thinks.
Cassia sits on her bed, patting the seat next to her. “This is my bedroom.”
“It seems like it’s very you.” He tells her, looking at the plants hanging in the window next to the bed before joining her on the bed. “I love it.”
Cassia goes warm in the face. “Thank you, Gregor. That means a lot.”
It’s quiet for only a moment before Gregor leans in to kiss Cassia again. Her stomach flutters and she cups his face gently. His skin is smooth and warm under her fingertips. She never wants to stop touching or kissing him.
“I’ve never felt this way before…” Gregor admits, whispering against Cassia’s lips.
“Me either.” Cassia whispers back.
He crushes his lips against hers again and pulls her into his lap. She sighs into the kiss, wanting to completely mold herself to him. 
Who says life can’t be like a romance novel? She asks the little voice in her head.
“I want you so bad.” Gregor moans. 
“You have me.” She assures him. 
He pulls away to look into her eyes, smiling. The action completely melts Cassia’s heart. She knows right then that she’s done for. There’s no going back. She should have known it the moment she introduced Gregor to Wedge. She’s never done that with any of her previous partners.
“I’m yours.” He cups her face, his thumbs brushing against her cheeks, looking deeply into her brown eyes. 
“You don’t think we’re moving too fast?” She asks him.
He shrugs. “Maybe… but who’s to say what’s too fast? Life is short.” 
She grins and attacks his lips again, forcing him to fall back on her bed. Gregor flips her over on her back so that he can untie her dress, letting the straps fall down so that he’s able to kiss down her neck to her breasts, pulling her dress all the way down over her breasts so he can suck a nipple into his mouth, grazing his teeth over it. Her whimpers fill the room and go straight to Gregor’s length. He lets one hand fall down to her clothed warmth and teases her softly.
She can feel how hard he is against her thigh, making her overcome with arousal as she remembers how big he is. She bucks slightly up against him, her wet panties brushing against his hand. He groans, dragging his clothed length against her thigh. 
“Take off your pants.” She tells him. “Please.”
“Yes, ma’am.” He pulls away to stand up, grinning wildly. 
She sits up and slips her dress off, letting it fall to the floor. Gregor momentarily freezes in place with parted lips, finally able to take in just how gorgeous Cassia is.
“Maker… look at you. An absolute angel.” He sighs. 
A soft blush creeps up into her cheeks and she smiles, shyly. “You’re too kind.”
“I could look at you forever.” He tells her, finally slipping his bodysuit off. 
Cassia slips her damp underwear off, throwing them to the floor with her dress. Normally, she’d be a little self conscious, but with Gregor, it just felt easy… like she could be herself.
Gregor climbs back onto the bed again, crawling up to settle in between Cassia’s thighs, placing kisses along them. She sighs, contently, leaning back. 
“So perfect.” He sighs before licking a stripe up her already slick folds. “You taste better than I remember too.” 
She brushes her fingers through his short hair. “You’re perfect.” 
He dives his tongue into her, humming against her, which makes her exhale as she throws her head back against her pillows. When he starts to suck on her clit, she lets out a whimper and starts to accidentally pull away. Knowing that she didn’t mean to, he pulls her back to his mouth and she lets out a sinful moan, wrapping her thighs around his head. He chuckles softly against her as he continues to grip her thighs. 
“You could suffocate me like this and I’d die a happy man.” He assures her.
She lets out a soft laugh that trails into a moan as he inserts his fingers into her. 
“You’re going to cum on my face and I’m not letting you go until you do.” He tells her. “Understand?” 
“Yes, captain.” She grins.
Gregor lets out a deep groan, gripping her thighs so tightly she’s sure to bruise. 
“You like when I call you that?” She looks down at him.
“I think I do.” He grins and then starts sucking on her clit again, expertly.
She’s a gasping and panting mess for the captain below her. Her skin feels like it’s on fire underneath his touch. 
“Where’s your vibrator?” He asks her, his fingers never ceasing.
“How could you be so sure that I have one?” She lets out a breathless laugh.
“Do you?” He quirks an eyebrow.
“I do.” She nods, amused.
“Grab it.” He tells her.
It isn’t a suggestion. She does as she’s told, grabbing her pink vibrator out of her bedside table drawer and handing it to him.
“Pretty.” He teases her, pulling away from her so that he can tower over her, on his knees. 
He turns the little vibrator on, holding it to her clit. She whimpers, jerking underneath him. He grins down at her. 
“Look at you…” He sighs, continuing to hold the vibrator over Cassia’s clit as he starts gently thrusting. “
She bites her lip, feeling the warm feeling already starting to pool into her stomach.
“Hold it here and don’t move it or I’ll stop. Understand?” He takes his other hand, forcing Cassia to look at him.
“Yes, captain.” She moans.
“Good girl.” He lets go of her face, letting his hand slide down her body until he holds both of her legs up so that he can start hitting inside of her deeply. 
Cassia has no coherent words for the man making her feel like she’s transcending. She’s never been treated this good in bed before. She looks up at Gregor, making eye contact with him as he starts slamming into her at a more unforgiving pace. 
“You wanna come on my cock, mesh’la?” He asks her.
“Fuck- P-please.” She whimpers, her soft moans turning into more desperate whines, knowing that she’s getting closer to her orgasm. 
He pulls her up so that she’s seated in his lap, still holding the vibrator to her clit like he told her to. He bucks up into her, unrelentingly so. She holds onto him with her free hand, pulling him into a kiss and he knows right then that he doesn’t ever want to be without this woman. 
As if something between them snaps, they both come simultaneously, gripping onto the other desperately, clenching for each other, moaning loud enough that Cassia is really glad she left the windows closed today.
Between deep panting and chests heaving, they rest their foreheads together. Cassia turns off the vibrator and lets it fall to the bed and pulls him into another kiss, wrapping both of her arms around him.
“Will you stay?” She pants, smiling up at him. 
“I’m not going anywhere.” He promises her with a kiss on the head.
They fall back to the pillows, holding each other, gently placing kisses along whatever skin they can find. They fall asleep like that, both sleeping beyond peacefully for the first time ever. 
TAGS: @livi-s @studioramekin @brynhildrmimi @madameminor @dumfanting @rain-on-kamino @wolveria @misogirl828 @rexandechosandwich @corona-one @tecker @ladykatakuri @the-sith-in-the-sky-with-diamond
If you'd like to be added or removed from my taglist, please DM me!
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theredandwhitequeen · 2 years
Episode 10 Roswell New Mexico thoughts  Bonnie  In new world Alone Roswell sign Canned meat Flares Dallas arrived Hugs Max and Liz  Motivated Hand shaking  Sinkhole headed and run tests I’m suspicious of this Liz a lot Bonnie and Dallas Pocket world that dad built Theo Nora and Louise built it Must be an exit Theo left message I need to travel to where time stands still….. Isobel, Kyle is back Max’s place Hugging Michael with coffee Max  Jones commissioned Theo to design a way home…hid plan in pocket dimension Coded bible Clyde burned down church I’m not one to probe and tell Seemed and came with note Mara’s handwriting with note Maria alien sitting Tezca Patient is missing Mist neuro effects Get on same page Liz and Shivani Weirdness Getting more mist  Tezca and Isobel Fear Michael and Kyle lair Box making noise Super magnet Alien console Flashing symbol is flashing  Looking up symbols Cheat sheet with symbols from Dallas Open or possibly death Glowing locusts I love them Maria and Rosa Similar abilities Land of the lost Feel where they are Ride the wave until, you find them Roswell sign Time capsule Time stands still Using alien powers Same kind of box as Michael and Kyle Light lead to sunrise Lighthouse  Church Isobel and Tezca Mind fighting Jones Zombie aliens Everyone she killed Fought Theo We were allies friends, then I turned on everyone  Liz and Max at pod Stealing from pod Weirdness  I don’t get what happened last week with the liz’s and what she’s doing now Science with Shivani Accidents happen, Darwin called it evolution…. Liz is dumb Science That’s why he needs your protection…. Brought a frog back Using Rosa Dallas and Bonnie Weapon Powers Pep talk I remembered something Found something Light A Record This little light of mine Map Symbols Maria and Rosa Roswell sign …Let brain look for it… Liz sent text to Rosa Michael and Kyle Console Very upset Our love is losing out to a hole in the ground… She didn’t reach back…. Awwww They’re so sweet, I love Kyle Rosa and Liz Blood sample Liz being nutty and and being a jerk 2 years sober Liz is a jerk here, suspicious  Isobel and Tezca I killed dozens Wants the false memories back Talking about Noah Bonnie and Dallas Turducken first thing she wants A portal Box is movin Part of the console Star map  Maria found the other part of the site Alone Saw Dallas and Bonnie Max and Rosa All Hyde no Jeckal She’s acting like an addict Tezca and Isobel Atone for sins, through children Confidant of Nora, Louise and Theo Passing information  Method of transportation establish a bridge Lock to prevent people from using it The pieces want to be together  Michael Kyle Dallas and Bonnie Your console is consoling Holy close encounters  Morse code Are you Alex? Bonnie and Dallas They aren’t sure I am giving dr strange a run for his money… Maria Bring your console Liz and Max I’m not interested in the lie The one who can make the hard choices … The man behind Liz ortecho…. That is unethical I am evolving Maybe you’re my limit…. Jesus Frog died again Shivani again I’m done with emotional ties… Isobel  Max and Rosa Talk about Liz Wants the powers back to help liz Just like I’ll find Alex Maria, Kyle and Michael Console Grew Just like a sunrise Michael going through I gotta stay this through  Bonnie going to stay Jumps in Now we find Alex Ok 
I miss Alex a lot, I hope we see him again.
Frogs dead and alive
Poor Kyle, he’s so in love with Isobel, the hug was sweet and sad
Maria, Rosa, Michael and Kyle working together to find Alex.
My weekly question, is Alex eating, getting enough sleep, taking care of himself? Is he in pain? Can he remove his leg? Protect himself? I need so many answers.
Liz is not fun, she’s turned on Shivani and Max and Rosa. Fun.
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ronqueesha · 2 years
WIP Wednesday
I actually have something to share this week! Tagged by @gaeadene
I’ve been planning this for a while, but I’m currently in the process of completely rewriting my first novel from the ground up. The same basic plot is still going to happen, but I’ve made a ton of changes since I first plotted this story 10 years ago.
This is a small part of the first chapter.
Nineteen hours ago, Erika watched her grandfather's corpse fall into the clouds. Eighteen minutes later, after saying goodbye to the assembly of friends and family who had come to witness the burial-in-the-sky, she put on her uniform. Although she had just watched a family member disappear beyond the veil that separated the living from the dead, she had a job to do. Mourning could wait until later. She had orders, and no one disobeyed orders in Shuran.
It had been seventeen days since the mission parameters changed. There had been countless briefings and mission updates, each one with increasing urgency as the timetable steamed forward at a relentless pace. She and her squad had been bombarded with long-range telephotos, reports of movement, and constant reminders of the critical nature of their task. If it were to be done at all, it had to be now.
Sixteen soldiers lined up outside of a boxy, rusted shuttle. Wings large enough to span a dozen people plus three laid end to end, weighed down with blackened engines that roared like a mythical beast when activated, purred on the landing pad in an idle state, waiting for Erika to arrive. The order had been given, and there was no going back.
Just beyond the rusted grey metal of the shuttle's hull, sharp blue sky greeted Erika's vision, and beneath the ridge of the landing platform, were the very same clouds that had swallowed her grandfather's body. She took in a deep lungful of cold air, suppressing a surge of tension in her chest. The image of the old man, draped in the black cloth of his profession, dropped into the white expanse until it swallowed him whole, threatened to consume her.
With a shake of her head, and the disapproving gaze of her commanding officer, Erika banished the image. The mission came first, feelings came second. All she needed to do right now was get into the line of assembled soldiers and find her assigned seat. She and the others did it like clockwork, endless drills and countless inspections had made it more of an instinct than a deliberate act. She knew exactly where to stand, how to turn, and where to stow her gear. And then she sat down in chair fourteen, so designated by an ancient numeral that had almost faded into the heavy dark fabric of the seat cover. The straps that would hold her in place during the shuttle's descent were likewise placed over her body with the precision and lifeless efficiency of an automaton.
As she waited for the rest of her squad to finish their embarkation, she overheard mumbles and whispers from each one. Prayers for this day to pass without incident. Hopes that this mission would be their last, and that their lives could go back to the way they were before. Still others hummed childhood songs and ancient melodies to distract themselves from the thrumming of the engines.
“Ramp up!” Mara, the mission commander and Erika's direct superior, barked as she made her way up the shuttle's ramp. The last aboard, and the only one still on her feet as the last of the squad strapped themselves into their seats. The moment her boots touched the shuttle's deck, the ramp behind her began its ascent, ancient mechanisms squealed to life as the old metal rose to seal the soldiers into their metal box. Erika counted each second it took for the massive slab to rise, and turn the ramp into the shuttle's rear wall. Thirteen seconds.
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jupitermelichios · 3 years
So I’ve been playing a lot of skyrim lately, because it’s video game comfort food, and I decided it was time for my Redguard Dovahkiin to settle down. (Actually I specifically just wanted to be able to adopt some of the random orphans you meet because I felt guilty about them, but you need to be married before you can do that so that there’s someone at home to take care of the kids while you’re off galivanting).
So I travelled around a bit, chatting up likely looking npcs until I found one I both liked and didn’t feel guilty about marrying (I feel bad if I marry one of the warrior adventurer types, making them be a stay at home mum) and settled on an obnoxiously cheerful argonian called Shavee because her life was frankly shit, and I thought she’d probably be good with kids.
So off I go to Riften to the Temple of Mara to arrange the wedding. I book it in for the next day, realise I didn’t bring anything nice to wear, and spend the night before the wedding robbing every house in the city in the search for something to wear. Eventually decide everyone in Riften has terrible fashion sense and break down everything I stole into raw materials and use them to craft myself an outfit and some jewellery that i’m pretty happy with. I even carefully pick out my fanciest looking sword to wear.
(don’t know why I bothered, frankly, shavee turned up wearing a shirt covered in suspicious stains and weilding a pickaxe, it’s like she doesn’t even care about this marriage)
(also for comedy purposes, bear in mind I play with survival mods that mean my character needs to eat and sleep to live, and I literally spent the entire ingame night on this and forgot to eat and drink anything either and then just downed four bowls of wolf stew right before entering the temple so I didn’t starve during the ceremony. also I discovered during the wedding that I am dying of rockjoint, which I contracted from sleeping in a pile of hay on the floor of a skeever infested cave, so even being six foot tall and jacked can’t make up for the fact that I am exhausted, running a fever, and probably covered in wolf which I spilled because my joints are slowly atrophying, and even the fanciest clothes in the world aren’t going to cover that up)
so I enter the temple, and my finance is there, and Lydia my housecarl, and some random NPCs the game thinks are my friends because I did fetch quests for them
One of the random NPCs is Lisbet. Atfter I did her fetch quest, I then did another quest in which I discovered Lisbet is secretly a cannibal and part of a demonic cult that worships the daedric prince of decay by kidnapping priests, sacrificing them, and then eating their corpses. Raw. I think the raw meat is the sticking point for me here honestly.
I ultimately decided not to sacrifice the random priest to a daedric prince in exchange for one magic ring and all the raw human I could eat, because frankly, that doesn’t sound like much of a deal to me. I was expecting there to be some kind of dialogue choice where I could nope out at the last minute, but it turns out there isn’t one, so after they drugged the priest and tied him to the altar, I just got out my sword and started swinging.
I killed most of the cult (including the town butcher, because I had brought meat from him before and was extremely pissed off that he might have been secretly feeding me humans) but a couple of them got away, which I figured was fine because they weren’t trying to kill me.
Except it turns out, if any of them escape, then every time you see them in the future there’s a random chance that they’ll fly into a violent rage and try and murder you.
Lisbet is at my wedding. Lisbet decides that clearly me marrying this random argonian woman with two lines of dialogue is the happiest day of my life, and she cannot allow me that happiness, when I’ve taken so much from her.
So she tries to kill me. Only she can’t, because I’m stuck in a pre-rendered wedding animation, and also she’s sitting next to Lydia, my faithful retainer and owner of a really big axe.
It also turns out that Lisbet is essential, meaning she can be knocked unconcious but not actually killed because she’s needed for some quest or other. And the minute she wakes up from unconciousness, she tries to kill me again, so Lydia knocks her unconcious again, and I’m stuck, I can’t move, because I’m supposed to be in the wedding animation.
Except Shavee has, not unreasonably, see all this and decided that she doesn’t like me enough to risk getting murdered, and has done a runner, leaving me at the altar, but more importantly, leaving me trapped in a broken pre-rendered animation, so all I can do is stand there at the altar, staring at the space where my fiance was supposed to be, listening to the sounds of Lydia trying and failing to beat a cannibal to death behind me.
Okay, I think, clearly this wedding isn’t going to happen, I’m going to go for the registry office option and complete the wedding using the dev commands. I do this. The priest gives me a wedding ring, and I can finally move again. I chase after Shavee, who has an impressive turn of speed on her, and eventually catch up right by the city gates. I try to talk to her.
Apparently using the console has completed the wedding for me, but not for her, because she still only has the same 2 lines of dialogue she usually has.
Clearly this is working, I can’t leave my kids with someone who can only say 2 things and doesn’t even know she’s their mum, that’s irresponsible.
I try loading from inside the temple. I get the same problem.
Eventually I figure out that I need to use the dev controls to disable Lisbet’s entire existence in the universe.
Shavee and me get married. As the priest reads the vows, I stare at Shavee and wonder why she couldn’t even be bothered to put on a clean shirt. I wonder what kind of mother she’ll be.
Once the ceremony is over, and I’m happily married to the dirty green lizard of my dreams, and we’ve agreed that until I can make her recognise my extremely nice modded house exists I will share her single bed in the unheated flophouse in Windhelm she calls home, I re-enable Lisbet, because I’m worried I’ll forget if I leave it too long.
Fun fact about skyrim, it loads in quite a lot of npcs and objects by dropping them from the sky. I have no idea why this is the case, but it’s objectively the funniest way to load in objects.
I re-enable Lisbet. She falls from the sky, clips through the roof of the temple, and lands in the pew beside Lydia, stands up, draws a knife, and is immedately beaten unconcious.
I no longer care, because Shavee now has all the exciting new spouse-only romantic dialogue options like “Could you cook something for me” and “have you made any money lately”, and I know she’ll be a great mother.
I limp to the door of the temple, while around me the guests not involved in the Lydia-Lisbet murder cycle scream and duck for cover.
I open the door to the temple, immediately collapse and ragdoll down the steps, which is how I discover I am dying of rockjoint.
I limp to the orphanage down the street, adopt two kids, and then finally remember that I’m carrying garlic bread, which as we all know, cures all known illnesses.
When I emerge back into the street, full of the joys of motherhood and garlic bread, I find the town in disaray. Lydia is chasing Lisbet through the streets with an axe and a dragon is circling overhead, burning npcs to death. People are running for shelter, screaming, while the guards try to take down an entire dragon using only the worst bows and arrows in the game.
I decide that as a parent, I have to think of my own safety first and leave them to it.
I head out of the city, intent on returning home and figuring out why Shavee refuses to move in with me. A man hanging around the stables challenges me to a boxing match. For want of anything better to do, I agree.
Halfway through the fight he dodges at the wrong moment and I punch one of his horses in the head.
Two guards attack me while I desperately try to surrender. My kids will miss me, but I’m prepared to go to jail for my horse crimes, I’m an honest citizen. Also my horse crimes seem somewhat less important than the dragon.
The guards refuse to accept my surrender. I am stabbed to death. As I collapse in front of the indifferent horse, Lisbet exits the city, followed by Lydia. The last thing I see before I die is Lydia swinging her axe at Lisbet’s face.
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haldenlith · 2 years
Warframe x Destiny 2
Okay, since I’ve kind of, on and off, compared the two, my brain got thinking on a “What If xyz Destiny 2 Character was an Operator in Warframe? What frame would they use/main?”
So here we go!
This will be excluding a lot of the new frames because I’m just not familiar enough with them. So that means we’re excluding everyone added after (and including, because I only know him vaguely as Gotta Go Fast frame) Gauss.
I also might have gone in and done custom appearances too... (Fashion frame, the true endgame.)
I’ll start with my D2 OC, Hal.
Hal: Inaros
At first, I was going to say Rhino or something, given Hal’s beefy build and tendency to just charge in and not often die (mm, yes, delicious almost 100 Resilience). But then, I realized, wait, he’s not just a Warlock, he’s a DEVOUR Warlock, and there’s one frame that ticks both the “eat your enemies and regain health” and “never die” boxes. That’s the Sand King himself, Inaros.
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 Gotta love the Ramses helmet looking a bit like Nezarec’s Sin.
   Crow: Harrow
You know, you’d think, with his bird theme, I’d immediately say, oh, Zephyr. I’ll grant you, it’s not a bad choice. However, think about Crow’s whole character arc: it’s ultimately been about redemption and penance for past sins. There is a perfect frame for that, though the religiousy theme doesn’t fit, the idea of penance fits. Harrow. It also works in that Harrow tends to be something of a support and protection frame, while also being able to do damage. Another good suggestion would be Ivara, for her mechanics (they’re very Hunter-y). Maybe Crow would main Harrow, but would have Zephyr and Ivara back in his Orbiter for if he needs them?
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   Ikora: Nova
So, initially I was going to say “Saryn”, but then I remembered that sheeeee got kinda nerfed, so she doesn’t deal out damage like she used to, and she doesn’t have very good survivability. Then I realized there’s another frame that works for our Warlock Vanguard: Nova. Ikora is supposed to low-key be the most powerful warlock in at least the entire system of Sol (yes, stronger than Osiris), so a frame with incredibly high DPS would be appropriate for her. There’s also Mesa, but I feel like her theme doesn’t fit as well, being a Gunslinger frame. Also, come on, the name. Nova. It’s perfect.
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   Zavala: Hildryn
Big Shield Woman for “GET BEHIND MY SHIELD” Titan. Memes aside, I do think Hildryn is good for Zavala. She can take a lot of damage and still stay standing, while also protecting her allies. Very appropriate for our Titan Vanguard Dad. There’s not much else to say, honestly.
I don’t have Hildryn so I can’t do customizations to suit Zavala.
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  Cayde-6: Mesa
Also why Ikora didn’t get Mesa, because I was going to give it to Mr. (Dead) Gunslinger, Cayde. At first, I considered Mirage, given her trickster theme, and Cayde was certainly a trickster, or Ivara because of her kit, but ah, the theme of Mesa just fits too perfectly, along with her general kit and damage. Also, just look at that fabulous hat with her Prime version. Cayde would wear that fancy ass cowboy hat if he wasn’t doing a cloak.
I also don’t have Mesa because I hate grinding Alad V, and I have terrible RNG with farming Prime parts.
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  Saint-14: Rhino
Big chonk frame that offers some small amount of support to his allies (increases their damage), but is ultimately about charging in, head first, and wrecking face. This is very much the sort of frame you run in and headbutt things to death with. Also I feel like Rhino’s big Stomp ability is very Saint-ish. Angrily stomp the ground so hard you send your enemies flying into the air.
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And an honorable mention:
Uldren Sov: Excalibur Umbra
Okay, so, I almost went with Equinox, because of the dual thing. Why? Well, when I think of Uldren, I think of co-dependent, unfortunately. As much of a badass as he was, he... required having another half, which was Mara. He fell to pieces when that other half wasn’t there. So, it’d have to be a frame that works in some dual-dependent sense. Equinox’s kit doesn’t really fit, though. Or, rather, only the Day form fits. Sure, one could go “Oh, but the Night Form is Mara,” buuuut this is a singular frame used by a singular operator. Also, I... don’t think Mara would play pacifist support. SO! I went with Excalibur Umbra.
Excalibur because he’s just an all around good frame to run into a fray on his own and be a badass, plus his Exalted Blade ability performs essentially the exact same as the sword that was dedicated to Uldren, Black Talon. However, it has to be the Umbra version, not just because the whole “edgy tortured existence” thing (although that too), but because Umbra is unique in that, when the Operator steps out of it, it can act on its own, unlike other frames which are basically just... weapon suits, at the end of the day. Umbra is, in essence, dependent on the Operator, in spite of being able to move on his own.
As an addendum, I’d really pick Stalker, but Stalker is unique and not a Warframe, technically. That said, Stalker is 100% an irritating bully to every Operator and Warframe out there. (No, Stalker, I don’t feel like fighting you today, please get out of my mission, ugh...)
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(I used the Zato helmet because it’s so damn extra and I don’t have any of the other fancy helms. Also, careful not to get cut on that red/black EDGE.)
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unreluctantone · 3 years
Encountober - Foo Guardians
As part of @catbatart's Encountober, I present:
Holy Guardians (a Dungeons and Dragons Encounter for 4 characters of levels 2-4).
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The village church of Sodden Hope has been ransacked and the party have drawn in to investigate, possibly because the village reeve is convinced that the party is somehow responsible. Dedicated to an ancient river goddess, the church has stood on this stop for centuries and holds many secrets. The priest is unavailable at the moment, as they are still recovering from wounds suffered when they attacked the ransacker, but an elderly caretaker (half-elf commoner) named Young Eled is standing guard outside. If the party have official approval for their search, he'll gladly stand aside, otherwise he will need to persuaded with a DC 11 Deception, Intimidate, or Persuasion check.
Investigating the church, the party will find that everything disturbed: religious objects strewn on the floor, pages torn from tomes and scattered about, and every piece of furniture that is bolted down has been knocked over. A successful DC 13 Investigation check will reveal that much of this is just random chaos intended to conceal that the search was more focused and planned than a random attack. The ransacker targeted the church's collection box, a specific tome concerning famous warriors who are buried in the church, and the locked cabinet that held the church's religious paraphernalia. If he is present, Young Eled can tell the party that an antique but seldom-used holy symbol is missing.
Regardless of whether or not they gleaned this information, the party's search leads them to a door in the church's basement that has obviously been disturbed recently, and then closed again. Young Eled can only tell the party that he can not recall the door ever being unlocked. It is now, and when opened, reveals a surprisingly large chamber (an expansive 40 feet by 50 feet!). Rusty, antique weapons hanging on along the walls, and opposite the door stands an ancient shrine, flanked by two half-pillars on which set a matched pair of ornate stone lion-dogs.
The shrine consists of a cabinet on an stone altar, and is recognizably not dedicated to the same faith as the rest of the church. The party will need to get closer to identify it, which is when things get tricky. As soon as anyone moves within 30 feet of the shrine, a magic mouth triggers and speaks the command phrase "For the High Throne" in Tabaxi, activating the two stone foo guardian wondrous statuettes. These swell to large size and leap to attack anyone in the room.
The party can fight them, or if their nature as a magical item is identified (DC 15 Arcana check) retreat out of the door and wait an hour for them to revert to mere statuary. In a fight, the foo guardians begin by trying to pounce on the nearest target, and then roar to weaken their opponents. They will fight to their own destruction, but cannot pursue beyond the room.
Once the foo guardians have been dealt with, the party can investigate the shrine more closely. The cabinet contains a small statuette (not magical!) of a woman with six arms, each of which hold a different weapon, and a five old golden signet rings (each is worth 10 gp, or 25gp if sold to an antiquarian in a large city). The same symbols found on the rings are carved into the wall behind the shrine, along with a sixth symbol. A successful DC 11 Investigate check will tell the party that there is a void in the dust inside the cabinet, indicating that until recently, a sixth signet ring sat there, presumably matching to the sixth symbol on the wall. A successful DC 13 History check, or consulting Young Eled, will identify the symbols and signets as belong to noble families that dwell in the surrounding area in the days when it was part of the now-fallen Kingdom of Calamar, with the sixth symbol and the missing signet ring belonging to the Lords of Amriel, whose ruined villa is only a half-day's travel north of Sodden Hope. A successful DC 13 Religion check will identify the woman as a war goddess named Lady Mara, while a successful DC 15 Arcana check will noted the similarity to a type of powerful demonic summons known as a marilith.
And yes, if the party has successfully identified the foo guardians, they now potentially have a useful new magical item.
Below: Young Eled.
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Argh, so many words to set up the actual meat of the encounter! My simple combat encounter swelled to a full investigation. Also, the cultural specificity of foo guardians made this one tricky.
(Art 1 source, Vlad Kuzmin on ArtStation)
(Art 2 source, DaywynsDnd on DeviantArt)
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voiceless-terror · 3 years
In which Martin and Gerry help Jon acquire a cat, among other things. 
“Martin, look!”
A phone is shoved in his face; on the screen is a tiny black kitten sprawled on a carpet with the headline “Free to a Good Home!!” Martin knows where this is going.
“Finally time to bite the bullet, eh?”
“We could surprise him!” Gerry’s voice is animated as he waves his phone in the air. Martin loves when he gets like this, unguarded and sweet. “You know how stressed he’s been. Honestly, I’m shocked we haven’t gotten one already.”
“Well, he’s certainly been hinting at it.” Martin gestures broadly at the walls of the bookstore, decorated with various cozy knick knacks and art they’ve picked up at charity shops. There’s no less than three oddly majestic cat paintings along with a shelf of tiny porcelain felines, not to mention the gaudy clock that has cat breeds instead of numbers. Jon has...particular taste. “Not very subtle, is he?”
“Should I message them, then?” Gerry squints at the screen. “We met them at trivia a few months ago - Mara, the one with the-”
“Green hair, yeah.” Martin remembers the night rather fondly. Gerry usually spent most trivia nights scowling in the corner and making snarky commentary with Jon, but on that particular occasion he had a few drinks and was considerably more relaxed. He managed to charm half of the bar with his stories and wit while Jon stared on, adoration clear on his face.  “But you know Jon would kill us if we didn’t let him have a say. You know how he gets, he needs to prepare-”
“-buy ninety toys-”
“-think up a ridiculous name.” They both laugh at that- Jon’s got a penchant for renaming their friend’s pets when he doesn’t think their moniker “suits them.” He’s gotten into more than one fight about it. “Text him so he doesn’t stay late, though. I’m not staying up until midnight again.”
“On it.”
They hear Jon before they see him. 
The door creaks open, alerting them to his presence as Jon lets out his usual long-suffering sigh (Gerry fondly calls this mood ‘The Bouchard Blues.’) His clothes are wrinkled and his eyes are barely open; from the slight indent on his face, Martin reckons he fell asleep at his desk again. Gerry meets him at the door, grabbing his bag and giving him a kiss on the cheek. “Rough day, love?”
Another sigh, this one a bit more huffy. “Elias came in at half past four with a box of ninety random documents and wanted them all organized by tomorrow. Impossible, of course, unless I stay the night-”
“But you came home!” Gerry says it with a sort of wonder in his voice; Jon very rarely stands up to his boss, no matter how ridiculous the ask. 
“W-Well, you said it was important,” Jon looks between them with large, worried eyes. Always assuming the worst. “It’s nothing bad, is it?”
“Jon, I thought the twelve reassuring texts and afternoon phone call put that to rest,” Gerry replies as he steers them towards the couch. “Suppose I should’ve just told you. I wanted it to be a surprise.” He unlocks his phone and scrolls until he finds the ad, handing it over to Jon.
His eyes immediately light up, alert and awake. “Cat!”
“Cat,” Martin agrees, settling down beside them. “We were thinking of getting one for the bookstore-”
“Of course,” Jon’s smiling that rare, bright grin and Martin melts just a little. “It’s only logical. And I do like black cats-”
“Damn it!” Gerry groans, startling them both. He throws his phone down on the couch, crossing his arms in a sulk. “Someone just claimed her. I knew I should’ve said something-”
But Jon’s already fishing his phone out, his smile not dimming in the slightest. “There’s a shelter not too far from here- I’ll see if we have to make an appointment. Martin, can you call Georgie? She’s got an excellent carrier for the Admiral, and she can probably recommend other necessities-”
They end up going to bed at midnight anyway.
“I still don’t see why we had to order so much,” Martin complains after another confirmation email lights up his phone. The credit card bill’s going to be astronomical this month. “Surely we’re overpreparing. We don’t have room for the deluxe cat tower in the shop, and we certainly don’t need one for the flat as well.”
“I assure you these are all necessities, Martin.” Gerry and Martin are both fairly tall, but even they have trouble keeping up with Jon’s brisk pace, sharing a fond look over his head. Jon managed to find them a Saturday appointment with a rather impressive combination of wheedling and charm. When it came to cats, Jon didn’t pull his punches. They made it to the shelter in record time and Jon burst through the doors, his next words full of self-importance. “We’re expected. Jonathan Sims.”
They’re led back to a large room by an amused assistant, Jon at the front of their little line. Martin watches as his eyes light up upon seeing the many cages that lined the wall; even Gerry seems a bit excited, though he tries to hide it by hanging back. Gerry’s never been much of an animal person; he shares Jon’s distaste of loud and jumpy dogs too unpredictable in their behavior. He only just started getting used to the Admiral, and that was through much prodding on Jon’s part. Jon’s love is surprisingly infectious. 
Jon peers into each cage intently, answering every inquisitive noise with a prim “Pleased to meet you.” One of the first cages contains a fluffy brown cat with curious eyes and Martin stops to poke a finger through the door. “Walnut” (as provided by a helpful nameplate) does not respond, though she seems interested. 
Jon’s already halfway down the row before he stops in his tracks, eyes trained on a large, grumpy ball of gray fur sitting right at the bars of the cage. He’s missing an eye, and he begins to growl as soon as Jon nears him.
“This one.” He declares, staring as if entranced. He hasn’t even touched it or attempted to pet it- they’re locked in some sort of silent standoff. Martin’s reminded of those romantic comedies Jon and Gerry hate, where couples lock eyes across the room and it's love at first sight. He surreptitiously takes a picture. Adorable. 
“Jimmy?” The assistant inquires. Jon scoffs at the plainness of the name. “He’s been here awhile. Not very friendly, I’m afraid.”
“No, not Jimmy.” Jon offers up a hand, and the cat comes closer, sniffing at it with suspicion. After a few moments, he butts his head against Jon’s hand, earning a smile. “Lance Corporal.”
Jon swivels around, eyes narrowing at Gerry’s words. It’s the first time he’s spoken and he’s got one eyebrow quirked up in amusement. It’s a good look on him. Jon, however, is having none of it and he puts a hand to his hip. “And why not?”
“It’s such a mouthful.” Martin has to agree; it doesn’t exactly roll off the tongue. “I’m not going to call him that. What about Lance?”
Jon wrinkles his nose. “Ew.”
Martin sighs; Gerry and Jon get along like a house on fire but when they bicker, they bicker. He eyes the cat that’s now rubbing against Jon’s hand and purring; he hopes the its sudden geniality will extend to Martin and Gerry. Jon would pick a cat that’s just as prickly as he can be.
Martin gives it a good look, coming up beside Jon at ‘Jimmy’s’ cage. The cat immediately stops its gravely purr, it’s eye now trained on Martin. It’s unnerving, Martin never thought a cat could radiate authority but this one surely managed to. If any animal deserves a title, it’s this one.  “What about the Captain?” he asks in a fit of inspiration.
They both turn to look at him; Gerry amused, Jon thoughtful. “Go on.”
“It’s a title, you always liked the naval ones.” Jon nods in agreement, the beginnings of a smile on his face. “He looks like an old sailor, very distinguished. I dunno, I think it’s cute.”
“The Captain,” Jon whispers in awe as the cat resumes rubbing against his hand. “Martin, that’s perfect. Inspired, even.”
He can’t help preening a bit. “Thank you.” Gerry rolls his eyes.
And then there’s the moment of truth- the assistant opens the cage door and Jon steps forward with all the solemnity of a man about to be knighted. He reaches out his arms and the cat lets itself be picked up, going limp as Jon brings it to his chest. He sighs in contentment, giving himself one more moment of bliss before he perks up and opens his eyes.
“Now pick yours.”
Three. They’ve got three fucking cats.
Martin and Gerry immediately began to refuse, but Jon was insistent. “The Captain is obviously very partial to me, and I think you should have some say in who we adopt. If we each get one it eliminates any favoritism. It’s only logical.”
There was nothing logical about it. Three cats and three people in their tiny flat, or worse, destroying their bookstore. They didn’t have the space, the cats might not get along, it would be too expensive. But Jon wouldn’t hear of it, countering every point in a calmness that was borderline unnerving. Martin shot Gerry a pleading look; he’d gone silent after the initial refusal, content to let Martin do most of the arguing, but he just shook his head in amusement- he knew how this would end, and Martin did too. As the final nail in the coffin, Jon deployed the eyes and that’s how he found himself in the front of a taxi with a lapful of Walnut. She’s a friendly thing, instantly purring on contact and meowing whenever he turned away. Martin hadn’t the heart to turn it away.
Gerry took more time. He slunk around the cages and the cats seemed to sense his reluctance. But soon he came upon a small, sleek black cat, not unlike the one from the Facebook post. It was a tentative thing, barely coming to the edge of its cage to sniff at his fingers, but Gerry was determined, patiently waiting the fifteen minutes it took to get him to warm up. Martin didn’t point out the similarities between it and a certain goth, though he shared a knowing look with Jon.
“I’ve got it - the Unfathomable Void.”
“Dear God,” Martin muttered, rolling his eyes. So dramatic, the both of them.
Jon snorted. “That’s a bit much.”
“Okay, Lance Corporal.”
“Excuse me-!”
“Settle down, boys,” Martin put a hand on Jon’s shoulder, he looked liable to pounce. “If that’s what you want, go for it. But we’ll call him Void for short.” Gerry nodded, seemingly satisfied. Jon continued to scowl, though without any heat.
The cabbie was definitely not pleased at having to cart around three men and three cats. He muttered the entire drive while Jon bounced in the backseat, cooing at his companion. Gerry sat much more stoically, though Martin didn’t miss the tiny smile as the cat nipped at his fingers. Jon’s insistence on multiple supplies was starting to make sense now. He definitely planned this from the beginning, sneaky thing.
“Oh no,” Jon suddenly said upon entering their flat, struggling with the carrier in his hand.  Martin’s starting to think he shouldn’t have picked such a massive cat. “I forgot this was for the bookstore!” 
“Well, yeah.” Gerry sat his cage on the ground, kneeling down beside it. “I figured mine or Martin’s would do. The Captain’s not very friendly, Jon.”
“But what if they get lonely? We can’t split them up.” Jon’s eyes dart around the room, growing more conflicted by the second. “Perhaps we should keep them all at home.”
“There’s no room, Jon! And no one’s here during the day.” Martin surveys the room- the three carriers already seem to take up an enormous amount of space, not to mention the living creatures inside of them.  And all of those packages, that damn tower…
“You can take them back and forth. Commute.”
“Christ, we did not think this through.” Gerry’s smiling even as he says it, watching as the Unfathomable Void slowly makes his way out, sniffing tentatively at the air. Walnut’s content to stay in her cage, and Martin tucks her in a corner away from the other two. Jon’s already got the Captain out, holding him in his arms and refusing to let him go.
“You’re right, we didn’t.” Jon agrees, tucking his face in the Captain’s fur. “We should’ve gotten four-”
“Fuck’s sake, Jon!”
“Let’s talk about this later, alright?” Gerry takes Martin’s place as the voice of reason, a rare occurrence. “We’ll keep them at home, let them get used to us, and then we’ll figure out the bookstore situation. No sense getting worked up about it now.” Jon sighs, cradling the mass of fur to his chest and plopping down on the couch. Martin’s sure they’ll be at it again tomorrow; Jon sniping as Martin tries and fails to put together a massive cat tower, Gerry groaning about whatever surprises the cats left for them in the morning. The next few weeks were going to be stressful, to say the least.
For now, though, he sits with his partners once again until midnight, watching their new additions roam about the flat and ignore each other. Jon frets, Gerry sighs, and Martin unsuccessfully attempts to steer the conversation towards anything but cats. By the end of the night, only Void manages to feel at home, curling up in Martin’s favorite armchair (much to his chagrin). Could’ve gone worse, Martin cheers himself with. They’ll get used to the flat. And the bookstore. Probably.
Later that night, once their partner’s asleep and snoring softly between the two of them, Martin turns to Gerry, borrowing Jon’s patented sigh. 
“We’re gonna get a fourth cat, aren’t we?”
Gerry’s voice is just as resigned. “Yeah, reckon so.”
Others in the JGM series:
What We’re Given and What We Make
At the End of the Day
ao3: https://archiveofourown.org/works/28945809
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waitimcomingtoo · 4 years
fine line - p.p
chapter 3
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pairing: Peter Parker x Stark!Reader
Synopsis: there’s a fine line between love and hate and you and Peter dance it on a regular basis
Series Masterlist and Regular Masterlist
Not wanting to go to bed and leave thing the way you had, Peter waited for you to get home before he went to bed. His cheek slowly slid down his hand as he struggled to keep his eyes open. He knew your curfew was midnight, so he just had to wait until then. Finally at 12:08, you walked in the room. Peter felt the chill right away as you dropped your purse on the table and put your hands in your hips, glaring at Peter.
“How was your date?” He asked kindly. “Did he ask you to be his-“
“No. I wouldn’t know what he asked me because I couldn’t stop thinking about our stupid fight.” You yelled. Peter was relieved you were talking to him, even if you were yelling. He feared you’d never speak to him again after what he said to you, so he saw this as a good sign.
“I didn’t know I meant that much to you.” Peter laughed weakly, trying to joke to lighten the mood.
“You don’t. God, I can’t stand you.” You ran your fingers through your hair and gave them a stressful tug. “Do you ever go home?”
“This is my home.” Peter said quietly, deciding to let you get your anger out.
“No it’s not!” You screamed. “Nobody wants you here!”
“Hey!” Tony bellowed as he entered the room, making you and Peter jump. “I want him here.”
“Daddy-“ You began to explain yourself but Tony cut you off.
“What has gotten into you, Y/n?” Tony asked with disappointment. “I asked you to do one thing, just give Peter a chance. Is it so hard to be nice to him?”
“But he said-“
“I don’t care what he said.” He interrupted. “You need to apologize.”
“Apologize? You’re not even gonna hear my side?” You felt tears of frustration come to your eyes again as your dad chose Peter over you.
“I don’t need to.” Tony shrugged, making your heart sink. Peter saw how sad that comment made you and felt all his guilt rush back in.
“You don’t need to?” You repeated sadly before your eyes hardened in realization. “Because you’re on Peters side. You’re always on Peters side.”
“Mr. Stark, she really doesn’t need to apologize. It’s okay.” Peter cut in, not wanting to make you hate him more than you already did.
“It’s not okay. We’re a family and she needs to start acting like it.” Tony said sternly.
“He is not my family.” You said through gritted teeth.
“Yes he is. I even bought him luggage to match ours.” Tony, never one to be serious for too long, smiled at the two of you as he clasped his hands together. He scurried to the hall closet and took out two matching suitcases, one for him and one for Peter.
“You what?” You whispered as a tear fell down your cheek, one only Peter could see.
“What, you don’t like it?” Tony saw your sadness as disdain for the suitcase. “It’s gucci.”
“You already have a suitcase.” You said weakly. Something about the suitcases was really getting to you, but Peter didn’t understand why. He studied your slumped shoulders and solemn expression, looking like you accepted defeat.
“That old thing? I threw that out. The zippers fell off three years ago and the side was completely ripped. And look, this one has a tiger on it.” Tony smirked proudly as he showed you the tiger decal on the side.
“You threw it out?” You whispered like you couldn’t believe it.
“That company went out of business and I wanted Peter-“
“Right.” You cut him off and nodded glumly. “You wanted Peter.”
“Don’t try to change the subject.” Tony pointed a finger at you. “I want you to apologize to Peter for yelling at him.
“Mr. Stark.” Peter tried to cut in, but Tony didn’t allow it.
“No. I want to hear it.” Tony persisted. “I spent too much of my life acting like an assface and yelling at people who didn’t deserve it. I don’t want my daughter to be the same way. Apologize. Come on, let’s hear it.”
You blinked a few times as tears rolled down your face, ruining the makeup Peter had admired earlier in the night. Your sad eyes met his sympathetic ones as you swallowed thickly.
“I’m sorry, Parker.” You croaked. “I’m so, so sorry.”
“Thank you.” Tony smiled, pleased now with what he heard. “Now how was your date?”
“It was fine.” You lied as you wiped your face. “I’m really tired, I’m gonna go to bed.”
“Alright.” Tony nodded. “Goodnight, Princess.”
“Night dad.” You muttered before leaving the room. Tony looked at Peter curiously, both noticing the indifference in your tone.
“Did she just call me ‘dad’”? Tony laughed shortly but his eyes remained questionable. “She’s hasn’t called me ‘dad’ a day in her life.”
“I think you should take her on the next mission, Mr. Stark. I think she’d really appreciate that.” Peter spoke softly, not wanting to overstep.
“What do you mean? She comes with us all the time.” Tony cocked his head.
“Actually, sir, it’s been a while. Over a month I think.” Peter pretended not to know exactly how long it had been since you’d gone on a mission.
“Hm.” Tony thought about it and realized Peter was right. “Thanks for the info, Pete. I’ll take her next time.”
“Alright. Night, Mr. Stark.” Peter gathered his laptop as made his way towards the door.
“Night, kid.” Tony nodded, still deep in thought as he put the pieces together as to why exactly you had a problem with Peter.
You took a long, hot shower, letting the night wash away and down the drain. A residual frown remained on your face as you towel dried your hair, feeling the tears come back when you caught sight of the framed photo of you and the Avengers from your first mission. You collapsed on your bed and let your emotions pour out, crying silently into your hand so you wouldn’t wake anyone. Unbeknownst to you, Peter heard every sharp breath and muffled sob. He listened to it for a few minutes, feeling his guilt chew away at his insides before he got off his bed and went to his room. He knocked on your door and walked in before you could respond, making you jump to wipe your face. You sat up and sniffled a few times, deciding there was no use in trying to hide the fact that you were crying.
Without saying anything, Peter took a box of tissues out from behind his back and dropped them on your bed. You stared at the box, your eyes slowly traveling up to Peter in disbelief of his kind act. You reached for the box and clutched it to your chest, giving him a slight nod to thank him. He turned to leave as quickly as he came, but you spoke up.
“Peter?” You spoke quietly, making him smile before he turned around to face you.
“Yes?” He asked in a gentle tone. You blinked a few times and clutched the box tighter, hesitant to ask anything from him after your fight. The way his eyes held no hostility towards you made you feel like you could ask him anything in that moment. 
“Would you stay with me?”
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veirtyel · 4 years
Okay so I saw a post about how little kids would like Joe and like pull on his beard with their hands and now I can’t stop thinking....
Imagine they have a mission of sorts where they’re supposed to rescue kids from traffickers, or there is a “important package” that’s in danger and the squad has been tasked by Copley to get it back. Nile, Andy, Joe and Nicky get into the abandoned building (I know how original) relatively easy. The men guarding weren’t particularly difficult to get past. They’re in and searching when they enter a room that at first glance looks completely empty, but in the corner is a box and a bundle of blankets. Joe gets closer, and looking past the barrel of his gun he sees a goddamn baby.
They all share glances, unsure of what to do because here are 4 heavily armed, deadly immortals faced with a small, tiny baby who when looking at Joe, starts laughing. Without really thinking Joe hands his gun to Andy and picks up the baby, cradling it in his arms because he’s not about to leave a baby in an abandoned building, and this must be the package given that the rest of the building is empty. Andy, although not completely opposed to kids, is still yelling at Copely over the burner phone about how he could a specified that the package was a real, human baby when they reach the closest safe house. She’s still yelling while Joe’s sitting cross legged on the sofa bouncing the baby up and down while Nile coos at it sitting next to Joe. The whole time Nicky is sitting across them both on the armchair, melting as he watches his love smile and laugh as the baby pulls at the curls on his beard. Usually beard touching is reserved for Nicky and Nicky alone, but he figures he could make an exception this once.
The baby isn’t there for long, but while they do have her they learn the baby girl is quite infatuated with Joe. Nile loves holding her and playing peek-a-boo, and Nicky will bounce her on his hip when he’s cooking their dinner or going through the mission files set out on their table. Even Andy, who out of all of them had the least severe case of baby fever, would smile and grin as she fed her the baby food Joe had immediately bought. Joe though. The baby loved Joe. Whenever she would cry, Joe would be the one the baby was handed off too immediately because somehow he managed to calm her down. At night it was his soft voice singing songs in Arabic that got her to sleep the fastest. Is was his funny faces that made her laugh the hardest and his beard that she loved twirling and grabbing at with her tiny hands. Once Nile walked past Nicky and Joe’s room and saw both men sitting across each other on their bed crossed legged as Joe’s large hands held her so she was standing up, facing Nicky who in turn was tickling her stomach as she giggled. Both men were smiling in a way Nile noticed they usually reserved for the other. Nile left after that, knowing a private moment when she saw one.
The Baby slept with Nicky and Joe too. They didn’t have a crib, and Joe and Nicky always had the largest bed so the baby would sleep right between the two during the night. The few weeks they had the baby was the first weeks in centuries where Nicky did not sleep with Joe’s arms wrapped around him. Instead, they slept facing each other, with something else in between them that they would protect. And Joe’s not going to lie. He loved waking up in the morning and having the first thing he sees is his love’s face peacefully sleeping.
It was almost three weeks later when the baby, who they learned was named Mara, was finally returned to her parents. She had been kidnapped as ransom as her parents were powerful people in a small country. She had been kept with the immortals because according to Copley, “There is no group of people who will protect the life of an innocent better than they can.” It was true, and they were happy to reunite Mara with her parents, but Joe couldn’t help but feel a twinge of pain in his chest when she was gone. Later at home, Joe and Nicky would go to their room and Nicky would immediately wrap Joe in a hug.  “Do you ever wish we could raise kids?” Nicky asks softly, almost afraid of the answer. 
Joe huffs a small sigh and pulls back, bringing his hand up so its cupping Nicky’s neck, his thumb stroking his jaw. “Sometimes, but you’re enough. You are all I’ll ever need, Nicolò”
And it’s true. 
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