#man there are so many old wrong celeb typings on my blog but i'm too lazy to delete them
istj-hedonist · 2 years
do you still subscribe to the eyelid space theory wrt instinctual variants? i'm confused bc tom cruise for ex seems so/sx but (when he was young) he had like no eyelid space? but maybe i'm just not seeing correctly.
i still subscribe to "eyelid space = soc-dom"
but i don't think anymore that tom cruise is so/sx and he is also not an istp like he get's typed usually.
instead he is an sp/sx isfj (638)
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just look at this baby faced nerd. actually a prime example of how the concept of “p6 vs cp6″ is a mess and eventually all p6s turn into cp6s with age and “hierarchy gains” over time. so all his insanity is not so/sx but instead 6 + cult brainwashing
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