#lydia is just like: fake it till u make it
dingochef · 10 months
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Pairing: Jake "Hangman" Seresin x You (OFC)
Warnings: Swearing, Smut (MDNI 18+ Only), Stalking, P in V, oral (female and male receiving), Semi-public sex, light spanking, light bondage, blindfolds, shitty parents
Summary: Christmas day! It's a roller coaster of emotions and boundaries drawn.
Series Masterlist
Chapter 14
Word Count: 4.9k
Chapter 15: Hold onto with Love
December 25, Christmas Day
Jake wakes you up somewhat early on Christmas morning even though you aren't due to the rental house till noon.
"Good morning, El. Merry Christmas," he practically purrs in your ear.
You roll over to face him,
"Merry Christmas, Jake."
"Time to open presents, see what Santa brought you."
"We could just stay in bed, and open other presents,"
you suggest. He considers it for a brief second and then says,
"Come on Grinch, let's get up.
"Make me some Grinch coffee and it's a deal."
"Will do," he hops out of bed radiating Christmas little kid energy and it makes you smile.
You pull on some comfy clothes and pad out to the kitchen for the promised coffee. Jake mocks your gingerbread flavored creamer and you defend yourself by saying,
"It's festive."
"And tastes terrible." Jake laughs.
After you've had a few swallows of coffee he grabs your hand and pulls you over to the tiny fake Christmas tree he bought for the house. It's sitting on the knee high brick hearth in front of the fireplace that never gets used. He came home with the tree not too long after Thanksgiving.
"You have to have a tree for Christmas, where else is Santa going to put your presents?" he joked. This is the first time the house has actually been decorated for Christmas as long as you've lived here. You keep calling Jake your personal Christmas elf.
You sit on the floor and Jake pulls his two gifts for you from the stack. You find your gift for him, the others are for Lanie and my parents. You and Jake had agreed to keep the gifts simple this year. You're glad you made some ground rules having witnessed Jake's enthusiasm for Christmas.
He hands you a small box wrapped with amazing skill in shiny red paper. You laugh,
"You're the first guy I've ever seen that can wrap a gift and not have it look like you got into a fist fight with the paper."
"I'm very talented with my hands," he replies, smirk in full force.
"That you are."
You slide your finger under the seam and soon uncover a black box. You open it and there is a silver cuff bracelet. One end of the cuff is the San Diego skyline, you'd recognize it anywhere seeing it all the time from the island, the other end is the detailed outline of an F-18. The bracelet is slightly twisted so the F-18 is flying over the skyline.
"Is this a F-18 flying over San Diego?"
"Yes, I knew you'd recognize it. There's also an inscription on the inside of the cuff."
You turn the bracelet and read the inscription aloud, "Together we soar. Love, Jake."
You're hit with one of those waves of the realization of just how much Jake loves you,
"This is the most thoughtful gift anyone has ever gotten me, it's beautiful."
You lean over to kiss Jake. He is beaming, his panty dropper smile on full display.
"And wait, there's more," he says like an old infomercial as he hands you an envelope. It's a card with a picture of a P-51 Mustang on it. Inside it says, "Good for one flight in Maverick's Mustang with Hangman as your pilot."
"How did you swing this? Mav's going to let you fly his plane?"
"It took a lot of favors but Rooster came through and when Mav found out it was for you he caved. Rooster's going to take Lydia up at the same time."
"Favors for Rooster?"
You cock one of your eyebrows up.
"Nothing that salacious, although one blow job would be easier than the two months of grading exams I'm going to do for him."
You laugh at the thought,
"Thank you, so much. These are by far the best gifts I've ever gotten. They're so thoughtful. Your turn."
You hand him a box wrapped in the same red shiny paper. He opens it up and there is a digital photo frame.
"Turn it on," you urge him. He turns it on and the first photo to pop up is him from middle school on top of a horse. The picture changes to him getting pinned as an ensign.
"El, where did you get these?"
"I might have coopted your mom for my efforts."
There's pictures of you and Jake interspersed in the family photos. He laughs at the one of you smooshed together in an awkward selfie.
"This is great, El. Thank you." He leans over to kiss you.
"I thought you could put it in your office or keep it around here, your choice."
You put the bracelet on right away and Jake thoughtfully puts the frame up on the mantle. You cook up a light breakfast and lounge around till you have to get ready and go to the rental house.
You've just walked in the door at the rental house when your mom comes almost running towards you in the foyer.
"Oh, shoot. I was hoping to catch you guys before you left, we don't have any wine to go with dinner. Do you have any at the house? I think everything is closed today."
You turn to Jake and ask,
"Jake, we're having prime rib, do you want to run back to the house and grab a couple bottles of red?"
Lanie pops her head into the foyer, "Did you bring the Vette?"
Jake nods.
"Ooh, can I go with you? I've always wanted to ride in one."
"Sure, let's roll." Jake and Lanie are out the door on the wine run in a flash.
You walk into the kitchen and your dad has already poured you a drink. After you thank your dad and you head out to the living room where your mom is sitting. You choose an armchair opposite her and sit.
She notices the bracelet from Jake right away.
"Is that a gift from Jake?" she asks, pointing at your wrist.
"Yes, it's a F-18, his jet, flying over San Diego."
You stand up and show her in more detail and then sit back down. She frowns slightly as you sit.
"So, just how serious are you and Jake?" she asks, trying to sound casual.
"Pretty serious, we live together, been together 10 months, and I plan on marrying him."
You lean forward in the armchair, wary of where this conversation is going.
"Are you engaged yet?"
"No, we're working towards that."
She looks oddly relieved.
"I don't really know how to say this, Elsa, but I don't think he's a good fit for you."
"Mom, how would you know? You haven't been the most friendly person since you arrived. And what do you mean not a good fit?"
"I just always thought you'd end up with someone more on your intellectual level, like Liam."
"Jake is on my level, Liam was a fucking pyschopath who stole my work and betrayed me."
"Honey, he didn't really go to college." You slam your drink down on the wood side table, harder than you intended, causing her to startle. Luckily the glass doesn't break, you know if you keep it in my hand I will break it with the rage that is starting to bubble up inside you. You take a deep breath to attempt to calm yourself.
"He has a goddamn degree like mine."
"Just a bachelors."
You scoff and start to say something before she interrupts.
"It's just the military thing seems beneath you," she sighs, "It just seems like you'd be happier with someone more like you, as smart as you."
You are pinching the bridge of your nose trying to tame the anger that is bubbling up from a deep pit from your past.
"Have you noticed I do a lot of work for the military? Who else buys god damn experimental aircraft?"
Her face is stuck in that neutral look you always associate with her, the frustrating one that you could never figure out if she was happy, sad, angry, or feeling anything when you were a kid and even now. You wonder briefly where your dad is, whether he's making the world's loudest cranberry and vodka and can't hear you or he is purposely staying out of this argument like he alway does.
You continue,
"It shouldn't matter what Jake does for a living, he is a very good man who loves me very much and I love him. He could be a fucking janitor and it wouldn't matter to me."
My mom lets out a derisive snort.
"Someday it'll matter to him that you're smarter and more successful and he'll resent you and leave. I just want to save you from that heartbreak."
"Jesus fucking Christ, mom. Now you have an interest in protecting me. Hil-fucking-larious. Feels about 30 years too late. Where you when I was being told I was worthless by an angry Russian coach when I was six or being told to lose weight at age eight, age fucking eight!"
"That was all part of making you a better gymnast, all a part of the sacrifice and the hard work to make it to the Olympics, your dream. We all worked hard for that."
"God damn it, Mom. It was your dream. Yours, not mine."
You are quieter than before when you say it, your energy surge from the rage starts to ebb.
"I did it because I thought you'd be proud of me, hell, love me like a mother should."
For once she shows an emotion and it looks like betrayal, you know you are hurting her with the truth of how you feel.
"I love you, Elsa, don't ever doubt that," she is starting to cry.
"It's not unconditional. I've always had to be something, earn something, or achieve something to feel like you loved me. I didn't feel like I was worthy of your love unless I did something to earn it. No kid should feel that."
There is a brief moment when you look in her eyes and there is a flicker or recognition or regret and then it's gone, the neutral mask back.
"I still don't think you should marry Jake. It won't work out, he's just not good enough for you."
You let out a long sigh, you want to scream and rage at her for even thinking that Jake wasn't a worthy partner in life.
"Mom, I'm just tired of you judging my life like it's a scorecard, if it's good enough for whatever level you've set. I'm tired of trying to earn your approval and love. I should have stopped trying when I broke my ankle."
She winces at the mention of your injury, probably because it was the moment her dream evaporated. She is softly crying.
You stand up ready to leave, feeling some catharsis from this argument.
"Mom, my future is with Jake, you'll have to decide you want to be a part of that future."
You walk out of the living room to find Lanie and Jake in the foyer, shell shocked at what they've just heard. Jake is still holding two bottles of wine that he quickly hands to Lanie and so he can pull you into a fierce hug. It's then that you start crying, the adrenaline surge retreating quickly
Lanie completes the hug around your back.
"Jake, take her home. I'll deal with these shit heads. Elsa, I'll call you in a little bit."
Lanie hands the wine back to Jake, "You might need it."
She tries to joke as she also picks up your purse and hands it to Jake. Jake takes your hand and leads you out to the car helping you in the passenger seat. The car is silent as Jake processes the shit show.
"How much of that did you hear?" you ask, watching the ocean roll by the car window.
"Came in at the point where you said it didn't matter if I was a janitor."
"How did you get back so quick?"
"There was a shop open just down the road, so Lanie's probably right if you need cheap red wine to drown your sorrows, we got that."
"Okay, you got most of the discussion then. What are you thinking?"
Jake takes your hand briefly.
"El, a few things. One, I'm here for you. Two, I again emphasize how amazing it is you grew up into the beautiful loving person you are with that shit show of a parental situation. Three, you chose me and that means a lot."
Jake's voice cracks on the word "chose", and the watery beginnings of tears form in the corners of his eyes.
"I'll always choose you, Jake. Always."
You get home and immediately change into comfy clothes and put on Jake's old Navy hoodie. It's hilariously long, but it's the level of comfort you need right now. Jake follows suit and is changed into lounge clothes and of course a Navy shirt. You stop in the bathroom to scrub your face and wash the tears away. Jake is in the kitchen doing something that you can't place by the sound alone. When you come out to the living room Jake is sitting on the couch, wine glass in hand and another waiting on the table for you and ice pack for my head. You're overwhelmed that he's anticipated the headache that is forming as the adrenaline rushes out of your system. You sit down and take a drink of the wine.
"This is really good, for 'cheap red wine,'" you hum and use air quotes.
Jake laughs,
"It's not a bottle we got today, figured you could use a little pampering and good wine after that whole event."
"Thank you, Merry Fucking Christmas, by the way. I hope my family hasn't killed your Christmas spirit."
"Hardly, Christmas is about spending time with the people you love, so I think we've got that checked off the list."
You put your glass on the table, lay your head in Jake's lap, and put the ice pack on your forehead.
Jake has put some music on, Fleetwood Mac it sounds like. You and Jake sit there in your mutual bubble for a while, listening to the music and being close to each other. After about 20 minutes you discard the ice pack and then stay cuddled up for the better part of an hour. Not talking, but understanding each other.
A knock at the door makes you jump, almost bumping Jake's wine glass.
"Who's that?" you wonder. Jake is already at the door prepared to tell whoever it is to fuck off, particularly if it's your parents. You're standing behind Jake when he opens the door.
Lanie is standing on the doorstep with grocery bags full of food.
You're sure you and Jake are standing there with your mouths open.
Lanie looks at Jake,
"Here, take these," she says, shoving the bags at Jake. He grabs them all before they can drop to the floor. She steps in and hugs you,
"I thought I'd rather spend Christmas with people who actually know what love is, plus I stole most of the good food and all of Mom's vodka. Oh, do you know how to cook prime rib?"
"That's what Google is for," you reply back with a sniffly laugh, "Thank you, Lanie, thank you. I love you so much, sis."
"I love you too, Elsa."
Jake is in the kitchen unpacking the groceries when he pulls out the prime rib.
"Damn, that's a lot of meat. What are we going to do with 12 pounds of prime rib?"
You remember that Lydia and Rooster are having Beth over for dinner, they decided not to head back east to see Lydia's family after a disastrous Thanksgiving where Lydia's parents got into a crystal goblet throwing fight after her Dad's mistress showed up.
"I've got an idea, give me a sec," you say to Jake and Lanie.
You call Lydia and she answers on the first ring.
"Merry Christmas, what's up?" she chirps, sounding like her usual self.
"Merry Christmas to you too. So, long story short, got into a giant argument with my mom today over Jake being good enough for me, left and came back here, my sister stole a 12 pound prime rib from my parents and showed up here, and now I'm trying to put together an impromptu dinner party to eat it all. Interested?"
Lydia laughs,
"There's a whole lot more to that story, wait one sec," her muffled voice can be heard as she asks Rooster, "Want to go to Elsa and Hangman's for Christmas dinner? They have prime rib."
She's back on the phone,
"Rooster said you had me at prime rib. Need us to bring anything? What time? Oh, and I'll call Beth and let her know about the change in plans."
"Great, a side dish or something close if you've got it. Let me see, I'm literally googling how long it's going to take to cook this thing, 3ish hours, it's a little after 2 now, let's plan on 5ish."
"Sounds great, see you then. And oh yeah, we've got a little surprise for everyone."
"Ooh, intrigue. See you at 5."
You get off the phone.
"Well, Lydia, Rooster, and Beth are going to be coming to dinner at 5. Let's get that prime rib in the oven and see what else we can make with all the stuff Lanie stole."
Jake and Lanie are surprised for about 30 seconds and then fall into line as you strategize. With the random stuff in your kitchen and the various items Lanie brought over you come up with a decent menu.
You put on your best french accent and announce,
"Let's see here, tonight's menu will be:
Crudites and Chickpea Mash
Main Course:
Herb Crusted Prime Rib
Roasted Root Vegetables with Thyme Butter
House Made Savory Bread Pudding
Chocolate torte with seasonal biscuit."
Jake is looking at the pile of stuff and considering the menu.
"El, some of that stuff isn't in here."
"Oh yes it is, crudites and chickpea mash is just veggies and hummus. Roasted root vegetables are sweet potatoes and carrots. We'll throw some fresh thyme in the butter. House made savory bread pudding is that stuffing made with the loaf of fancy bread from the bakery and the dessert is literally this brownie mix and these store bought Christmas cookies. It's all in how you sell it. So, easy peasy."
Jake is just laughing now,
"Seasonal biscuit, nice. I'm impressed, that menu sounds very fancy and delicious. What do you need us to do?"
"Put some Christmas music on first of all and then I'll have some stuff you can do."
Jake hops on getting the music going and Lanie is in the kitchen pouring more wine for everyone. You spend the rest of the afternoon chopping vegetables, baking brownies, and getting the various parts of the stuffing made and ready to pop in the oven when it's closer to dinner time. By about 4 pm you have it all in hand and can focus on getting the table ready. Jake scrounges up two more chairs to go around the dining table, sets out some place mats and fabric napkins, and gets some candles for the table. Lanie draws some cute place cards with everyone's name.
You go for a quick change into something slightly nicer than sweats and then plop on the couch with Lanie and more wine, and Jake excuses himself for a minute and you get a chance to talk to Lanie.
"What happened after we left?" you ask, the wine putting you fully into don't give a fuck mode.
"The expected shit show, Mom raged about you being an ungrateful daughter who was throwing away her life, Dad said nothing. I told Mom, 'That at least she isn't a lesbian tattoo artist like me. 'That put her over the edge and she went to their room. Dad went into the other bedroom and nobody talked after that. So, that's when I hatched the plot for my heist and got an Uber over here."
"Good to know our family patterns don't change much. Sorry to fuck up Christmas."
"Hah, that's all Mom's doing. Frankly, it's been a long time coming, the reckoning between you and her. I held Jake back from running in to save you, because I think you needed to let that shit out. Probably could have been done better in a family therapy session, but hey, we work with what's available,"
she says shrugging.
You laugh darkly and hold your wine glass up to Lanie's,
"Yeah, here's to the Matthews family. Hey at least a lesbian tattoo artist is interesting and cool. An aerospace engineer is decidedly not as cool."
"If you're fishing for compliments I'm going to save them all for Jake, because he is the best thing, person, rather, you've ever done."
Lanie earns a deep laugh from you.
Jake takes that moment to jump over the couch and land next to you,
"You were singing my praises?" he asks, head tilted.
"Yes, we were. Lanie said she had to hold you back so I could as Lanie put it 'let some of that shit out.'"
His face softens,
"My first instinct was to bust in there and start swinging, but Lanie helpfully reminded me, by practically clothes lining me, that this was your battle to wage and I would be needed at the end for support. Your sister is stronger than she looks."
He rubs a sore spot on his chest.
"Did my little sister hurt you, Jakey-poo?" you tease.
"No, I'm fine."
He's still rubbing his chest when there's a knock at the door and soon Lydia and Rooster are spilling into the room.
Lydia announces,
"Merry Christmas! We brought mashed potatoes!"
"Excellent, let's get those in the kitchen," you let Lydia know.
Rooster is holding up beer, wine, and tequila.
"Merry Christmas, Rooster. So which of the wise men brought tequila to Bethlehem?" Jake asks as he takes some of the items.
"The cool one, it probably goes well with mmyrh, whatever the fuck that is. Merry Christmas, Bagman," Rooster quips back.
You give the small hostess spiel,
"Check the fridge for beer or anything else you might want to drink. There's wine on the counter and the liquor is in the cabinet above the stove. Help yourselves."
Beth has appeared at about the time that Lydia and Rooster clear the door. You shout over the hubbub,
"Merry Christmas, Beth!"
"Merry Christmas, Elsa and everyone else."
Beth is holding up two bottles of wine to add to the mix. People get settled in with drinks and you bring out the appetizers and check the prime rib. Rooster is looking over the counter like a hungry dog.
"That smells amazing, Elsa," he almost sighs.
"I hope it tastes as good, we are literally in unexplored territory. Thank chef google if this works out."
Beth cuts in,
"So, how exactly did you come into possession of a giant prime rib today? I only heard the garbled version from Lydia when she called with the new plans."
Lanie decides to jump in and be the storyteller,
"Lanie, Elsa's super cool younger sister for you folks new to the room," you do some super quick introductions, Lydia has met Lanie before.
"So our emotionally stunted mother decided Christmas Day was a great time to dunk on Jake supposedly not being good enough for Elsa,"
Rooster mumbles,
"She might be onto something," before he's slapped in the chest by Lydia.
"Which brought up some other emotionally lurking shit from childhood that came out a giant hot mess. Elsa and Jake split, rightfully so, and I pissed our mom off even more by reminding her what a failure I am by her standards. Everyone stormed to a different room, I called an Uber and stole a 12 pound prime rib and other goodies, including all of Mom's vodka, because Christmas is supposed to be spent with people you love. And I love my big sister and this guy is growing on me too," she wraps a big hug around you as she points to Jake,
"Any questions?"
Rooster raises his hand, "What kind of vodka?"
Lydia looks at him confused. He continues,
"If I have to spite drink some fancy shit I'm game."
"No such luck," you laugh. "Smirnoff."
He looks disappointed. The reminder on your phone goes off to put the stuffing in and check the prime rib. You look back from closing the stove and take in the scene of your ragtag group of friends laughing and enjoying the day, the food and drink, and most of all each other's company. You think of the strained dinner that you would normally be having right now and your heart feels like it's about to burst. Jake catches your eye from where he's talking with Beth and gives you a wink. Lanie and Rooster are comparing tattoos. Lydia stops him before he pulls down his pants to show what is presumably a tattoo on his ass. You almost snort wine through your nose at the sight. The stove timer goes off and the food is done. The kitchen counter is quickly turned into a gorgeous landscape of food worthy of Instagram.
Everyone fills their plates and sits down at the table. You stand and propose a toast,
"To family," Lanie and Jake look confused, "Not necessarily the ones you were born with, although some of those turn out good,"
you give Lanie a finger gun and a wink, "But to the ones we find and hold on to with love in this crazy world."
Everyone leans in and clinks their glasses doing the best we can to avoid the candles. Rooster decides to stand,
"Since Elsa set this up so nicely, Lydia and I have a few announcements," Lydia stands up and fishes something out of her pocket and puts it on her finger.
"I have asked Lydia, the love of my life, to marry me and she said yes." Lydia holds up her hand with a ring on it absolutely beaming. Rooster puts his arm around and looks over at her with an absolutely adoring look,
"And speaking of family, we're going to have a baby!"
It is pandemonium for a few seconds with the breathless "Oh my gods" and hardy Congratulations. Beth and you rush around the table to hug Lydia. She is crying but absolutely incandescent with happiness. Jake pats Rooster on the back,
"You sly dog, Congrats, man."
Everyone calms down enough to eat and the meal is filled with lively conversation and so much laughter. Halfway through the meal, Jake takes your hand and gives it a squeeze as he leans over to say in your ear,
"I promised holidays would be better."
You return respond to his words with a soft smile and a squeeze of his hand.
After everyone has eaten themselves silly, people stand up and help with some of the cleanup. You are at the sink rinsing dishes before handing them to Beth to load in the dishwasher. You had opened the little window over the sink earlier because it was getting warm in the kitchen. Lydia is telling you a few details about the quickly upcoming wedding in three weeks time. Jake and Rooster out on the deck talking and you can just overhear them over the activity in the kitchen.
"Rooster, I have to say I'm genuinely happy for you. I know you've wanted a wife and family for a long time. I'm glad it's all coming together for you," Jake says his hand on Rooster's shoulder.
"Thanks, I know how much it pains you to say that, but I don't have words for how happy Lydia has made me. I can't believe all this is happening because she thought I was hot at a bar."
"She might make you unbelievably happy, but I will question her taste in men and facial hair till the end of time."
"Like you can talk, Bagman. The only reason you managed to find love is that Elsa likes baseball enough to say yes to a date. You're a lucky son of a bitch, if there ever was one."
"Oh, I know it, don't worry about that, Rooster."
"Jake, I have a question for you."
Jake's head cock to the side at Rooster's use of his real name. Rooster goes on,
"Speaking of luck and circumstances, since you saved my life and none of this ever would have happened without you, would you be my best man?"
For once Jake is speechless, no quick reply, no retort on his lips, he just engulfs Rooster in a crushing hug and says,
"It would be an honor," and then his wit comes back online, "It also gives me one more chance to convince Lydia to come to her senses."
Rooster laughs and hits Jake's shoulder with his own, knocking him a little off balance. You turn back to the conversation with Lydia and Beth.
Soon everyone is saying their goodbyes to people and you are sending them out the door with leftovers. The house is calm once everyone is out the door save the slight hum of the dishwasher.
You wrap your arms around Jake's waist and sigh contently as he kisses your forehead.
"Thank you for being amazing, this blow up with my mom has been a long time coming. Her dunking on our relationship was just a catalyst."
"I'll always be here for you, El. Always," he answers, leading you towards your bedroom and some much needed rest.
Chapter 16
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book recs based off of taylor swift songs!
so, we all want taylor to share her reading recs with us but she still hasn’t! so instead, here are book recommendations based on taylor swift songs! these recommendations are based on both the content of the songs, the vibe of the songs, and the themes present!
goodreads pages for each book are linked for more about them!
A Place in this World - coming of age novels
The Poet X by Elizabeth Acevedo (YA novel told in verse)
Little Women by Louisa May Alcott (classic)
A Very Large Expanse of Sea by Tahereh Mafi (YA realistic fiction)
The Miseducation of Cameron Post by Emily M. Danforth  (YA realistic fiction / tw: conversion therapy, religious abuse, homophobia)
Brown Girl Dreaming by Jacqueline Woodson (children’s/middle grade poetry)
The Girl in the Tangerine Scarf by Mohja Kahf (adult realistic fiction / tw: islamophobia, racist hate crime)
Their Eyes Were Watching God by Zora Neale Hurston (classic)
there are a lot here, so the rest are under a read more!
ME! - memoirs and autobiographies that are one of a kind
Long Live the Tribe of Fatherless Girls by T Kira Madden (tw: substance abuse)
The Glass Castle by Jeannette Walls (tw: abuse)
Little Weirds by Jenny Slate
Like Me: Confessions of a Heartland Country Singer by Chely Wright
Know My Name by Chanel Miller (tw: sexual assault)
Accidental Saints by Nadia Bolz-Weber
My Soul Looks Back by Jessica B. Harris
The Lucky One - novels about the perils of fame 
The Seven Husbands of Evelyn Hugo by Tara Jenkins Reid (adult historical fiction)
Daisy Jones and the Six by Tara Jenkins Reid (adult historical fiction / tw: substance abuse)
City of Girls by Elizabeth Gilbert (adult historical fiction)
Fame Adjacent by Sarah Skilton (adult contemporary)
Girl in a Band by Kim Gordon (nonfiction/memoir)
Famous in a Small Town by Emma Mills (YA romance)
Fake Plastic Girl by Zara Lisbon (YA mystery)
It’s Nice to Have a Friend - novels about perceived friends with who turn out to be lovers OR who spend the novel with homoerotic tension
Code Name Verity by Elizabeth Wein (YA historical fiction)
Emma by Jane Austen (classic)
Dare Me by Megan Abbott (YA/adult thriller)
Aristotle and Dante Discover the Secrets of the Universe by Benjamin Alire Sáenz (YA realistic fiction)
Annie on My Mind by Nancy Garden (YA romance)
Only The Young - novels about young people making major change/experiencing societal upheaval
The Hate U Give by Angie Thomas (YA realistic fiction / tw: police brutality, murder, racism)
Revolution Is Not a Dinner Party by Ying Chang Compestine (middle grade/YA historical fiction)
Ghost Boys by Jewell Parker Rhodes (middle grade historical fiction/fantasy / tw: police brutality against a black child, depiction of emmett till)
Orleans by Sherri L. Smith (YA dystopian)
The Marrow Thieves by Cherie Dimaline (YA dystopian / tw: depiction of genocide against native americans)
The Chaos Walking Trilogy by Patrick Ness (YA science fiction)
The Best Day - songs about mother/daughter relationships (both meaningful and difficult)
Are You My Mother? by Alison Bechdel (adult graphic novel)
Restless by William Boyd (adult spy novel)
Little Fires Everywhere by Celeste Ng (adult realistic fiction)
The Mother-Daughter Book Club by Heather Vogel Frederick (middle grade contemporary)
Love Story - a reimagining of a classic story
Pride by Ibi Zoboi (YA contemporary / reimagining of Pride and Prejudice)
The Lunar Chronicles by Marissa Meyer (YA science fiction / reimagining of Cinderella, Little Red Riding Hood, Rapunzel, and Snow White)
Ayesha At Last by Uzma Jalauddin (adult contemporary / reimagining of Pride and Prejudice)
Home Fire by Kamila Shamsie (adult contemporary / reimagining of Antigone, tw: islamophobia, depiction of torture)
You Need to Calm Down - these are just a variety of books strictly abt LGBT characters not just a gay side character <3
Her Royal Highness by Rachel Hawkins (YA romance)
Red, White, and Royal Blue by Casey McQuiston (YA romance)
Charity & Sylvia by Rachel Hope Cleves (nonfiction)
The 57 Bus by Dashka Slater (YA nonfiction / tw: transphobia, transphobic hate crime, misgendering)
Autoboyography by Christina Lauren (YA contemporary)
Treacherous - a love that teeters between labels for too long as neither can resist the pull of the other
Passenger by Alexandra Bracken (YA science fiction)
Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen (classic)
Jane Eyre by Charlotte Brontë (classic)
Tell Me How You Really Feel by Aminah Mae Safi (YA romance)
Don’t Blame Me - an all-encompassing, maddening love
Rebecca by Daphne du Maurier (classic)
Wuthering Heights by Emily Brontë (classic)
The Way I Loved You - love stories about people who are always attracted to the more dangerous option, even when they’re safe where they are
Anna K: A Love Story by Jenny Lee (YA romance)
Playing With Matches by Hannah Orenstein (adult romance)
My Life Next Door by Huntley Fitzpatrick (YA romance)
Heartless by Marissa Meyer (YA fantasy / retelling of Alice in Wonderland from the Queen of Heart’s perspective)
The Awakening by Kate Chopin (classic)
Speak Now - weddings/wedding related activities gone wrong!
Save the Date by Morgan Matson (YA romance)
The Unhoneymooners by Christina Lauren (adult romance)
In a Dark, Dark Wood by Ruth Ware (adult thriller)
Look What You Made Me Do - women getting their revenge, whether it’s justified or not
Sadie by Courtney Summers (YA thriller / tw: physical and sexual abuse, pedophilia, murder, substance abuse)
Gone Girl by Gillian Flynn (adult thriller / tw: sexual/physical abuse, murder, suicide mentions)
Find Her by Lisa Gardner (adult thriller / tw: physical abuse, kidnapping, rape, murder, graphic depictions of violence)
I’m Only Me When I’m With You - books with a strong focus on platonic relationships, how they grow and change
Sense and Sensibility by Jane Austen (classic)
Big Little Lies by Liane Moriarty (adult thriller / tw: physical abuse)
This One Summer by Mariko and Jillian Tamaki (YA graphic novel)
Monday’s Not Coming by Tiffany D. Jackson (YA mystery)
Sula by Toni Morrison (classic / tw: racism, rape mention, physical abuse, sexism)
A Separate Peace by John Knowles (classic)
Such a Fun Age by Kiley Reid (adult contemporary / tw: racism)
Haunted - novels about feelings of loss combined with supernatural elements
Beloved by Toni Morrison (classic / tw: depictions of slavery, rape, sexual abuse, physical assault, racism, racist language)
Leaving Time by Jodi Picoult (adult mystery)
Sawkill Girls by Claire Legrand (YA fantasy/horror)
A Monster Calls by Patrick Ness (middle grade fantasy illustrated novel)
You Belong With Me - young adult novels with a LOT of pining
When Dimple Met Rishi by Sandhya Menon (YA romance)
Since You’ve Been Gone by Morgan Matson (YA romance)
First & Then by Emma Mills (YA romance)
Tweet Cute by Emma Lord (YA romance)
Begin Again - novels about people getting another chance at love
Beach Read by Emily Henry (adult romance)
Evvie Drake Starts Over by Linda Holmes (adult romance)
Second Chance Summer by Morgan Matson (YA romance)
Persuasion by Jane Austen (classic)
The Two Lives of Lydia Bird by Josie Silver (adult romance)
Enchanted -  love at first sight OR meet cutes!
Meet Cute by Various Authors (collection of YA short stories)
The Statistical Probability of Love at First Sight by Jennifer E. Smith (YA romance)
The Unexpected Everything by Morgan Matson (YA romance)
What If It’s Us by Becky Albertalli & Adam Silvera (YA romance)
They Both Die at the End by Adam Silvera (YA romance)
Lovely War by Julie Berry (YA historical fiction / tw: racism)
Long Live - fighting monsters, both literal and figurative 
Pet by Akwaeke Emezi (YA fantasy / tw: sexual abuse)
A Blade So Black by L.L. McKinney (YA fantasy / reimagining of Alice in Wonderland)
When You See Me by Lisa Gardner (adult thriller / tw: sexual abuse, physical abuse, rape, murder, kidnapping)
231 notes · View notes
tylerhoech · 6 years
pls... ik u ship sterek but is there any chance u have sciles recs??
I don’t read a lot of sciles, but i do have a couple of pining/mutual pining recs for you! :D
You’re So Oblivious (to words I’ve never said)
Scott and Stiles are in love. If only they would just tell each other.
Fake It (Till You Make It)
It wouldn’t be the first time they’d pretended to be more than best friends – there were a lot of times in college when they’d faked it for food discounts – but Stiles had feelings for Scott, heart-pounding, stomach-fluttering, goofy-grin, soft feelings, and pretending to be his boyfriend…inevitably, it was going to hurt, he knew that. He should say no.
He smiled. “Sure, no problem.”
Only You
Scott and Stiles have been best friends for ages and the benefits just seemed like the next natural step. It was supposed to be something easy without any strings attached, but Scott couldn’t keep his heart in line. It’s time to stop pining for something that would never happen now that Scott’s finally met the perfect guy to help him move on.
Unfortunately for Stiles, you never know what you really want until it’s gone.
Quiet, Heart
Scott thinks, for the first time in a long time, that he’s getting to the point where he can be himself again.
Stiles rethinks his rating systems and stumbles upon discoveries he wish he’d left unknown. Being in love with your best friend is never easy.
“Who’s a twenty?” Lydia asks, with half a smile.
“Scott.” Stiles answers, unthinkingly.
Lydia swerves so sharply they almost go off the road.
The Problem Isn’t You
There’s a lot wrong, but the problem isn’t Scott McCall, and the problem isn’t Stiles Stilinski.
Love Isn’t Always (But Sometimes It Is)
Scott and Stiles arrive at college for Freshmen Week. It’s a big step and a big change from life in Beacon Hills. Scott knows they’re ready for that, but he wonders if their friendship is ready for even more.
Tying The Knot
After Scott’s fiance breaks his heart a few weeks before the wedding, Stiles takes his best friend out drinking to dull the pain. A drunk Stiles proposes as a joke, a drunk Scott posts about it on social media, and now they have to figure a way out this mess as everyone they know celebrates their engagement when they hadn’t even been dating in the first place.
Or, that really long Sciles fake engagement fic.
And Then I Go And Spoil It All
He knows this isn’t how it’s supposed to work. They’re meant to be bros and everything being a bro entails. Which is not this. Joking about this, sometimes, when ‘absolutely secure in one’s cushy heteronormative lifestyle.’ But not this.
If anyone has any other fics, please feel free to add them to this list!
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dingochef · 10 months
Tumblr media
Pairing: Jake "Hangman" Seresin x You (OFC)
Warnings: Swearing, Smut (MDNI 18+ Only), Stalking, P in V, oral (female and male receiving), Semi-public sex, light spanking, light bondage, blindfolds, shitty parents
Summary: Christmas day! It's a roller coaster of emotions and boundaries drawn.
Series Masterlist
Chapter 14
Word Count: 4.9k
Chapter 15: Hold onto with Love
December 25, Christmas Day
Jake wakes you up somewhat early on Christmas morning even though you aren't due to the rental house till noon.
"Good morning, El. Merry Christmas," he practically purrs in your ear.
You roll over to face him,
"Merry Christmas, Jake."
"Time to open presents, see what Santa brought you."
"We could just stay in bed, and open other presents,"
you suggest. He considers it for a brief second and then says,
"Come on Grinch, let's get up.
"Make me some Grinch coffee and it's a deal."
"Will do," he hops out of bed radiating Christmas little kid energy and it makes you smile.
You pull on some comfy clothes and pad out to the kitchen for the promised coffee. Jake mocks your gingerbread flavored creamer and you defend yourself by saying,
"It's festive."
"And tastes terrible." Jake laughs.
After you've had a few swallows of coffee he grabs your hand and pulls you over to the tiny fake Christmas tree he bought for the house. It's sitting on the knee high brick hearth in front of the fireplace that never gets used. He came home with the tree not too long after Thanksgiving.
"You have to have a tree for Christmas, where else is Santa going to put your presents?" he joked. This is the first time the house has actually been decorated for Christmas as long as you've lived here. You keep calling Jake your personal Christmas elf.
You sit on the floor and Jake pulls his two gifts for you from the stack. You find your gift for him, the others are for Lanie and my parents. You and Jake had agreed to keep the gifts simple this year. You're glad you made some ground rules having witnessed Jake's enthusiasm for Christmas.
He hands you a small box wrapped with amazing skill in shiny red paper. You laugh,
"You're the first guy I've ever seen that can wrap a gift and not have it look like you got into a fist fight with the paper."
"I'm very talented with my hands," he replies, smirk in full force.
"That you are."
You slide your finger under the seam and soon uncover a black box. You open it and there is a silver cuff bracelet. One end of the cuff is the San Diego skyline, you'd recognize it anywhere seeing it all the time from the island, the other end is the detailed outline of an F-18. The bracelet is slightly twisted so the F-18 is flying over the skyline.
"Is this a F-18 flying over San Diego?"
"Yes, I knew you'd recognize it. There's also an inscription on the inside of the cuff."
You turn the bracelet and read the inscription aloud, "Together we soar. Love, Jake."
You're hit with one of those waves of the realization of just how much Jake loves you,
"This is the most thoughtful gift anyone has ever gotten me, it's beautiful."
You lean over to kiss Jake. He is beaming, his panty dropper smile on full display.
"And wait, there's more," he says like an old infomercial as he hands you an envelope. It's a card with a picture of a P-51 Mustang on it. Inside it says, "Good for one flight in Maverick's Mustang with Hangman as your pilot."
"How did you swing this? Mav's going to let you fly his plane?"
"It took a lot of favors but Rooster came through and when Mav found out it was for you he caved. Rooster's going to take Lydia up at the same time."
"Favors for Rooster?"
You cock one of your eyebrows up.
"Nothing that salacious, although one blow job would be easier than the two months of grading exams I'm going to do for him."
You laugh at the thought,
"Thank you, so much. These are by far the best gifts I've ever gotten. They're so thoughtful. Your turn."
You hand him a box wrapped in the same red shiny paper. He opens it up and there is a digital photo frame.
"Turn it on," you urge him. He turns it on and the first photo to pop up is him from middle school on top of a horse. The picture changes to him getting pinned as an ensign.
"El, where did you get these?"
"I might have coopted your mom for my efforts."
There's pictures of you and Jake interspersed in the family photos. He laughs at the one of you smooshed together in an awkward selfie.
"This is great, El. Thank you." He leans over to kiss you.
"I thought you could put it in your office or keep it around here, your choice."
You put the bracelet on right away and Jake thoughtfully puts the frame up on the mantle. You cook up a light breakfast and lounge around till you have to get ready and go to the rental house.
You've just walked in the door at the rental house when your mom comes almost running towards you in the foyer.
"Oh, shoot. I was hoping to catch you guys before you left, we don't have any wine to go with dinner. Do you have any at the house? I think everything is closed today."
You turn to Jake and ask,
"Jake, we're having prime rib, do you want to run back to the house and grab a couple bottles of red?"
Lanie pops her head into the foyer, "Did you bring the Vette?"
Jake nods.
"Ooh, can I go with you? I've always wanted to ride in one."
"Sure, let's roll." Jake and Lanie are out the door on the wine run in a flash.
You walk into the kitchen and your dad has already poured you a drink. After you thank your dad and you head out to the living room where your mom is sitting. You choose an armchair opposite her and sit.
She notices the bracelet from Jake right away.
"Is that a gift from Jake?" she asks, pointing at your wrist.
"Yes, it's a F-18, his jet, flying over San Diego."
You stand up and show her in more detail and then sit back down. She frowns slightly as you sit.
"So, just how serious are you and Jake?" she asks, trying to sound casual.
"Pretty serious, we live together, been together 10 months, and I plan on marrying him."
You lean forward in the armchair, wary of where this conversation is going.
"Are you engaged yet?"
"No, we're working towards that."
She looks oddly relieved.
"I don't really know how to say this, Elsa, but I don't think he's a good fit for you."
"Mom, how would you know? You haven't been the most friendly person since you arrived. And what do you mean not a good fit?"
"I just always thought you'd end up with someone more on your intellectual level, like Liam."
"Jake is on my level, Liam was a fucking pyschopath who stole my work and betrayed me."
"Honey, he didn't really go to college." You slam your drink down on the wood side table, harder than you intended, causing her to startle. Luckily the glass doesn't break, you know if you keep it in my hand I will break it with the rage that is starting to bubble up inside you. You take a deep breath to attempt to calm yourself.
"He has a goddamn degree like mine."
"Just a bachelors."
You scoff and start to say something before she interrupts.
"It's just the military thing seems beneath you," she sighs, "It just seems like you'd be happier with someone more like you, as smart as you."
You are pinching the bridge of your nose trying to tame the anger that is bubbling up from a deep pit from your past.
"Have you noticed I do a lot of work for the military? Who else buys god damn experimental aircraft?"
Her face is stuck in that neutral look you always associate with her, the frustrating one that you could never figure out if she was happy, sad, angry, or feeling anything when you were a kid and even now. You wonder briefly where your dad is, whether he's making the world's loudest cranberry and vodka and can't hear you or he is purposely staying out of this argument like he alway does.
You continue,
"It shouldn't matter what Jake does for a living, he is a very good man who loves me very much and I love him. He could be a fucking janitor and it wouldn't matter to me."
My mom lets out a derisive snort.
"Someday it'll matter to him that you're smarter and more successful and he'll resent you and leave. I just want to save you from that heartbreak."
"Jesus fucking Christ, mom. Now you have an interest in protecting me. Hil-fucking-larious. Feels about 30 years too late. Where you when I was being told I was worthless by an angry Russian coach when I was six or being told to lose weight at age eight, age fucking eight!"
"That was all part of making you a better gymnast, all a part of the sacrifice and the hard work to make it to the Olympics, your dream. We all worked hard for that."
"God damn it, Mom. It was your dream. Yours, not mine."
You are quieter than before when you say it, your energy surge from the rage starts to ebb.
"I did it because I thought you'd be proud of me, hell, love me like a mother should."
For once she shows an emotion and it looks like betrayal, you know you are hurting her with the truth of how you feel.
"I love you, Elsa, don't ever doubt that," she is starting to cry.
"It's not unconditional. I've always had to be something, earn something, or achieve something to feel like you loved me. I didn't feel like I was worthy of your love unless I did something to earn it. No kid should feel that."
There is a brief moment when you look in her eyes and there is a flicker or recognition or regret and then it's gone, the neutral mask back.
"I still don't think you should marry Jake. It won't work out, he's just not good enough for you."
You let out a long sigh, you want to scream and rage at her for even thinking that Jake wasn't a worthy partner in life.
"Mom, I'm just tired of you judging my life like it's a scorecard, if it's good enough for whatever level you've set. I'm tired of trying to earn your approval and love. I should have stopped trying when I broke my ankle."
She winces at the mention of your injury, probably because it was the moment her dream evaporated. She is softly crying.
You stand up ready to leave, feeling some catharsis from this argument.
"Mom, my future is with Jake, you'll have to decide you want to be a part of that future."
You walk out of the living room to find Lanie and Jake in the foyer, shell shocked at what they've just heard. Jake is still holding two bottles of wine that he quickly hands to Lanie and so he can pull you into a fierce hug. It's then that you start crying, the adrenaline surge retreating quickly
Lanie completes the hug around your back.
"Jake, take her home. I'll deal with these shit heads. Elsa, I'll call you in a little bit."
Lanie hands the wine back to Jake, "You might need it."
She tries to joke as she also picks up your purse and hands it to Jake. Jake takes your hand and leads you out to the car helping you in the passenger seat. The car is silent as Jake processes the shit show.
"How much of that did you hear?" you ask, watching the ocean roll by the car window.
"Came in at the point where you said it didn't matter if I was a janitor."
"How did you get back so quick?"
"There was a shop open just down the road, so Lanie's probably right if you need cheap red wine to drown your sorrows, we got that."
"Okay, you got most of the discussion then. What are you thinking?"
Jake takes your hand briefly.
"El, a few things. One, I'm here for you. Two, I again emphasize how amazing it is you grew up into the beautiful loving person you are with that shit show of a parental situation. Three, you chose me and that means a lot."
Jake's voice cracks on the word "chose", and the watery beginnings of tears form in the corners of his eyes.
"I'll always choose you, Jake. Always."
You get home and immediately change into comfy clothes and put on Jake's old Navy hoodie. It's hilariously long, but it's the level of comfort you need right now. Jake follows suit and is changed into lounge clothes and of course a Navy shirt. You stop in the bathroom to scrub your face and wash the tears away. Jake is in the kitchen doing something that you can't place by the sound alone. When you come out to the living room Jake is sitting on the couch, wine glass in hand and another waiting on the table for you and ice pack for my head. You're overwhelmed that he's anticipated the headache that is forming as the adrenaline rushes out of your system. You sit down and take a drink of the wine.
"This is really good, for 'cheap red wine,'" you hum and use air quotes.
Jake laughs,
"It's not a bottle we got today, figured you could use a little pampering and good wine after that whole event."
"Thank you, Merry Fucking Christmas, by the way. I hope my family hasn't killed your Christmas spirit."
"Hardly, Christmas is about spending time with the people you love, so I think we've got that checked off the list."
You put your glass on the table, lay your head in Jake's lap, and put the ice pack on your forehead.
Jake has put some music on, Fleetwood Mac it sounds like. You and Jake sit there in your mutual bubble for a while, listening to the music and being close to each other. After about 20 minutes you discard the ice pack and then stay cuddled up for the better part of an hour. Not talking, but understanding each other.
A knock at the door makes you jump, almost bumping Jake's wine glass.
"Who's that?" you wonder. Jake is already at the door prepared to tell whoever it is to fuck off, particularly if it's your parents. You're standing behind Jake when he opens the door.
Lanie is standing on the doorstep with grocery bags full of food.
You're sure you and Jake are standing there with your mouths open.
Lanie looks at Jake,
"Here, take these," she says, shoving the bags at Jake. He grabs them all before they can drop to the floor. She steps in and hugs you,
"I thought I'd rather spend Christmas with people who actually know what love is, plus I stole most of the good food and all of Mom's vodka. Oh, do you know how to cook prime rib?"
"That's what Google is for," you reply back with a sniffly laugh, "Thank you, Lanie, thank you. I love you so much, sis."
"I love you too, Elsa."
Jake is in the kitchen unpacking the groceries when he pulls out the prime rib.
"Damn, that's a lot of meat. What are we going to do with 12 pounds of prime rib?"
You remember that Lydia and Rooster are having Beth over for dinner, they decided not to head back east to see Lydia's family after a disastrous Thanksgiving where Lydia's parents got into a crystal goblet throwing fight after her Dad's mistress showed up.
"I've got an idea, give me a sec," you say to Jake and Lanie.
You call Lydia and she answers on the first ring.
"Merry Christmas, what's up?" she chirps, sounding like her usual self.
"Merry Christmas to you too. So, long story short, got into a giant argument with my mom today over Jake being good enough for me, left and came back here, my sister stole a 12 pound prime rib from my parents and showed up here, and now I'm trying to put together an impromptu dinner party to eat it all. Interested?"
Lydia laughs,
"There's a whole lot more to that story, wait one sec," her muffled voice can be heard as she asks Rooster, "Want to go to Elsa and Hangman's for Christmas dinner? They have prime rib."
She's back on the phone,
"Rooster said you had me at prime rib. Need us to bring anything? What time? Oh, and I'll call Beth and let her know about the change in plans."
"Great, a side dish or something close if you've got it. Let me see, I'm literally googling how long it's going to take to cook this thing, 3ish hours, it's a little after 2 now, let's plan on 5ish."
"Sounds great, see you then. And oh yeah, we've got a little surprise for everyone."
"Ooh, intrigue. See you at 5."
You get off the phone.
"Well, Lydia, Rooster, and Beth are going to be coming to dinner at 5. Let's get that prime rib in the oven and see what else we can make with all the stuff Lanie stole."
Jake and Lanie are surprised for about 30 seconds and then fall into line as you strategize. With the random stuff in your kitchen and the various items Lanie brought over you come up with a decent menu.
You put on your best french accent and announce,
"Let's see here, tonight's menu will be:
Crudites and Chickpea Mash
Main Course:
Herb Crusted Prime Rib
Roasted Root Vegetables with Thyme Butter
House Made Savory Bread Pudding
Chocolate torte with seasonal biscuit."
Jake is looking at the pile of stuff and considering the menu.
"El, some of that stuff isn't in here."
"Oh yes it is, crudites and chickpea mash is just veggies and hummus. Roasted root vegetables are sweet potatoes and carrots. We'll throw some fresh thyme in the butter. House made savory bread pudding is that stuffing made with the loaf of fancy bread from the bakery and the dessert is literally this brownie mix and these store bought Christmas cookies. It's all in how you sell it. So, easy peasy."
Jake is just laughing now,
"Seasonal biscuit, nice. I'm impressed, that menu sounds very fancy and delicious. What do you need us to do?"
"Put some Christmas music on first of all and then I'll have some stuff you can do."
Jake hops on getting the music going and Lanie is in the kitchen pouring more wine for everyone. You spend the rest of the afternoon chopping vegetables, baking brownies, and getting the various parts of the stuffing made and ready to pop in the oven when it's closer to dinner time. By about 4 pm you have it all in hand and can focus on getting the table ready. Jake scrounges up two more chairs to go around the dining table, sets out some place mats and fabric napkins, and gets some candles for the table. Lanie draws some cute place cards with everyone's name.
You go for a quick change into something slightly nicer than sweats and then plop on the couch with Lanie and more wine, and Jake excuses himself for a minute and you get a chance to talk to Lanie.
"What happened after we left?" you ask, the wine putting you fully into don't give a fuck mode.
"The expected shit show, Mom raged about you being an ungrateful daughter who was throwing away her life, Dad said nothing. I told Mom, 'That at least she isn't a lesbian tattoo artist like me. 'That put her over the edge and she went to their room. Dad went into the other bedroom and nobody talked after that. So, that's when I hatched the plot for my heist and got an Uber over here."
"Good to know our family patterns don't change much. Sorry to fuck up Christmas."
"Hah, that's all Mom's doing. Frankly, it's been a long time coming, the reckoning between you and her. I held Jake back from running in to save you, because I think you needed to let that shit out. Probably could have been done better in a family therapy session, but hey, we work with what's available,"
she says shrugging.
You laugh darkly and hold your wine glass up to Lanie's,
"Yeah, here's to the Matthews family. Hey at least a lesbian tattoo artist is interesting and cool. An aerospace engineer is decidedly not as cool."
"If you're fishing for compliments I'm going to save them all for Jake, because he is the best thing, person, rather, you've ever done."
Lanie earns a deep laugh from you.
Jake takes that moment to jump over the couch and land next to you,
"You were singing my praises?" he asks, head tilted.
"Yes, we were. Lanie said she had to hold you back so I could as Lanie put it 'let some of that shit out.'"
His face softens,
"My first instinct was to bust in there and start swinging, but Lanie helpfully reminded me, by practically clothes lining me, that this was your battle to wage and I would be needed at the end for support. Your sister is stronger than she looks."
He rubs a sore spot on his chest.
"Did my little sister hurt you, Jakey-poo?" you tease.
"No, I'm fine."
He's still rubbing his chest when there's a knock at the door and soon Lydia and Rooster are spilling into the room.
Lydia announces,
"Merry Christmas! We brought mashed potatoes!"
"Excellent, let's get those in the kitchen," you let Lydia know.
Rooster is holding up beer, wine, and tequila.
"Merry Christmas, Rooster. So which of the wise men brought tequila to Bethlehem?" Jake asks as he takes some of the items.
"The cool one, it probably goes well with mmyrh, whatever the fuck that is. Merry Christmas, Bagman," Rooster quips back.
You give the small hostess spiel,
"Check the fridge for beer or anything else you might want to drink. There's wine on the counter and the liquor is in the cabinet above the stove. Help yourselves."
Beth has appeared at about the time that Lydia and Rooster clear the door. You shout over the hubbub,
"Merry Christmas, Beth!"
"Merry Christmas, Elsa and everyone else."
Beth is holding up two bottles of wine to add to the mix. People get settled in with drinks and you bring out the appetizers and check the prime rib. Rooster is looking over the counter like a hungry dog.
"That smells amazing, Elsa," he almost sighs.
"I hope it tastes as good, we are literally in unexplored territory. Thank chef google if this works out."
Beth cuts in,
"So, how exactly did you come into possession of a giant prime rib today? I only heard the garbled version from Lydia when she called with the new plans."
Lanie decides to jump in and be the storyteller,
"Lanie, Elsa's super cool younger sister for you folks new to the room," you do some super quick introductions, Lydia has met Lanie before.
"So our emotionally stunted mother decided Christmas Day was a great time to dunk on Jake supposedly not being good enough for Elsa,"
Rooster mumbles,
"She might be onto something," before he's slapped in the chest by Lydia.
"Which brought up some other emotionally lurking shit from childhood that came out a giant hot mess. Elsa and Jake split, rightfully so, and I pissed our mom off even more by reminding her what a failure I am by her standards. Everyone stormed to a different room, I called an Uber and stole a 12 pound prime rib and other goodies, including all of Mom's vodka, because Christmas is supposed to be spent with people you love. And I love my big sister and this guy is growing on me too," she wraps a big hug around you as she points to Jake,
"Any questions?"
Rooster raises his hand, "What kind of vodka?"
Lydia looks at him confused. He continues,
"If I have to spite drink some fancy shit I'm game."
"No such luck," you laugh. "Smirnoff."
He looks disappointed. The reminder on your phone goes off to put the stuffing in and check the prime rib. You look back from closing the stove and take in the scene of your ragtag group of friends laughing and enjoying the day, the food and drink, and most of all each other's company. You think of the strained dinner that you would normally be having right now and your heart feels like it's about to burst. Jake catches your eye from where he's talking with Beth and gives you a wink. Lanie and Rooster are comparing tattoos. Lydia stops him before he pulls down his pants to show what is presumably a tattoo on his ass. You almost snort wine through your nose at the sight. The stove timer goes off and the food is done. The kitchen counter is quickly turned into a gorgeous landscape of food worthy of Instagram.
Everyone fills their plates and sits down at the table. You stand and propose a toast,
"To family," Lanie and Jake look confused, "Not necessarily the ones you were born with, although some of those turn out good,"
you give Lanie a finger gun and a wink, "But to the ones we find and hold on to with love in this crazy world."
Everyone leans in and clinks their glasses doing the best we can to avoid the candles. Rooster decides to stand,
"Since Elsa set this up so nicely, Lydia and I have a few announcements," Lydia stands up and fishes something out of her pocket and puts it on her finger.
"I have asked Lydia, the love of my life, to marry me and she said yes." Lydia holds up her hand with a ring on it absolutely beaming. Rooster puts his arm around and looks over at her with an absolutely adoring look,
"And speaking of family, we're going to have a baby!"
It is pandemonium for a few seconds with the breathless "Oh my gods" and hardy Congratulations. Beth and you rush around the table to hug Lydia. She is crying but absolutely incandescent with happiness. Jake pats Rooster on the back,
"You sly dog, Congrats, man."
Everyone calms down enough to eat and the meal is filled with lively conversation and so much laughter. Halfway through the meal, Jake takes your hand and gives it a squeeze as he leans over to say in your ear,
"I promised holidays would be better."
You return respond to his words with a soft smile and a squeeze of his hand.
After everyone has eaten themselves silly, people stand up and help with some of the cleanup. You are at the sink rinsing dishes before handing them to Beth to load in the dishwasher. You had opened the little window over the sink earlier because it was getting warm in the kitchen. Lydia is telling you a few details about the quickly upcoming wedding in three weeks time. Jake and Rooster out on the deck talking and you can just overhear them over the activity in the kitchen.
"Rooster, I have to say I'm genuinely happy for you. I know you've wanted a wife and family for a long time. I'm glad it's all coming together for you," Jake says his hand on Rooster's shoulder.
"Thanks, I know how much it pains you to say that, but I don't have words for how happy Lydia has made me. I can't believe all this is happening because she thought I was hot at a bar."
"She might make you unbelievably happy, but I will question her taste in men and facial hair till the end of time."
"Like you can talk, Bagman. The only reason you managed to find love is that Elsa likes baseball enough to say yes to a date. You're a lucky son of a bitch, if there ever was one."
"Oh, I know it, don't worry about that, Rooster."
"Jake, I have a question for you."
Jake's head cock to the side at Rooster's use of his real name. Rooster goes on,
"Speaking of luck and circumstances, since you saved my life and none of this ever would have happened without you, would you be my best man?"
For once Jake is speechless, no quick reply, no retort on his lips, he just engulfs Rooster in a crushing hug and says,
"It would be an honor," and then his wit comes back online, "It also gives me one more chance to convince Lydia to come to her senses."
Rooster laughs and hits Jake's shoulder with his own, knocking him a little off balance. You turn back to the conversation with Lydia and Beth.
Soon everyone is saying their goodbyes to people and you are sending them out the door with leftovers. The house is calm once everyone is out the door save the slight hum of the dishwasher.
You wrap your arms around Jake's waist and sigh contently as he kisses your forehead.
"Thank you for being amazing, this blow up with my mom has been a long time coming. Her dunking on our relationship was just a catalyst."
"I'll always be here for you, El. Always," he answers, leading you towards your bedroom and some much needed rest.
Chapter 16
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