#lovecraft horror
esqueletosgays · 5 months
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Director: Joe Lynch Cinematography: David Matthews
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interact-if · 1 year
Hi! I was wondering if you know of any Lovecraftian or cosmic horror IFs :)
Hi Anon!
Lovecraftian/cosmic horror IFs coming your way!
Highlands, Deep Waters by Fernando B Neves and Lucas Zaper
The Heart of the House by Nissa Campbell
The Passenger by @the-passenger-if
Lovecraft Academy (VN) by @parrotwatcher
The Trials and Tribulations of Edward Harcourt by @manonamora-if
When It Hungers by @roast-ifs
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unokins · 9 months
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A drawing of the King In Yellow c:
I drew his robe like a stage curtain and his crown is made from broken glass pens to lean into the "victims are primarily artists" thing. The folds were a bit of a pain, but I'm glad I took the time with them because I'm happy with how the robes ended up.
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macabrecabra · 2 years
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Helltober Day 1: Open the Gates A little late to post, but got it done!  The idea for this one was opening a gate and allowing some horror in c:  Yog Sothoth, coming in to see what’s the summon is all about! 
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Halloween 2022: A monster that considers himself God ( Supernatural x The Void (2016) AU ) 
After a long period of estrangement, Elizabeth decides to attempt to reconnect with Benny and ask for his help with some weird phenomena that occur around the hospital she’s been working at. Knowing that the supernatural exists, she can't rule out the possibility of something sinister lurking around. Benny takes Elizabeth's concerns into account and turns to the Winchesters for some extra help.  As Benny, the Winchesters and Ellie arrive at the hospital, Sheriff Deputy Daniel Carter, Elizabeth’s fiance, rushes there with an injured man he found at the side of the road. What started out as an uneventful night turns into a nightmare as cult-like cloaked figures surround the hospital preventing anyone inside from getting out. Moreover, those trapped inside are slowly slipping into insanity and hunted by otherworldly creatures. Daniel in particular, after getting injured by the cult like figures,  is haunted by visions of a dark world beyond earth. Trying to get to the bottom of the mystery and keep everyone safe, Daniel and the Winchesters are lead into the depths of the hospital where they discover a getaway to the very bowels of a dark dimension, that might be worse than Hell even.....
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bayraktarka-hanma · 1 year
Краще б я не йшов досліджувати той особняк де ла Порів. Краще б беріг здоровий глузд і психічне здоров'я, що похитнулися після тієї дивної події, яка сталася, коли я вирішив зазирнути в особняк.
Я любив старі місця, тому на той старовинний, місцями відреставрований будинок завжди позирав з цікавістю. Подейкували, під спорудою виявили систему печер і підземель, а коли кілька вчених разом з господарем дому вирушили дослідити підземелля, останній з де ла Порів збожеволів. Казали, ніби він почав їсти одного з групи. Після того, як його визнали божевільним і замкнули у психіатричній лікарні Аркхему, особняк стояв пусткою. Ні одна жива душа тут не мешкала.
Знаючи, що будівлю ніхто не охороняє, одного дня я туди зайшов. Перед моїми очима постали коридори з дубовими панелями на стінах, майстерно відремонтовані сходи, дорогі килими. В більшості кімнат лишилися старі меблі, покриті пилом, вітальня вражала розмірами, проте була затишною завдяки вдало підібраним кольорам. Всюди панувала тиша, яку порушували лиш мої кроки...
Ні, що це? Мені здалося, ніби я почув шарудіння. Наче чиїсь маленькі кігтики шкряботіли десь у стінах. Я читав "Аркхем Едвертайзер", де той божевільний де ла Пор згадував про пацюків. Але що вони їдять, коли тут давно ніхто не живе? Невже в тих печерах і справді відбуваються жахи, про які розповідав де ла Пор у миті просвітлення?
Шкряботіння ніби наближалося. Дерев'яні панелі, здалося, ворухнулися, наче під ними прибігав сонм великих жирних пацюків. З тріщини начебто показалася чорна лапка і за мить зникла. А коли пацюки стали віддалятися кудись на схід, я підійшов до панелі й прислухався до огидного писку, який лунав у пітьмі печер, де ховалися безіменні монстри, що їх боялися навіть кровожерливі пацюки.
І тут я почув, як з надр землі донісся розпачливий, сповнений болю людський крик. Крик цей лунав у моїх вухах, поки я тікав з особняка, забувши про мету свого приїзду. Я лиш міг уявити, що відбувається у забутих богом печерах, де бліді пастухи з драглистими тілами випасають полчища пацюків, а ночами ця огидна орда чорною рікою тече околицями, вишукуючи жертву для поживи.
Моя втеча могла б стати завершенням історії, якби після приїзду додому в Іпсвіч я не став чути, як у стінах мого будинку стали шкряботіти пацюки.
І це шкряботіння чув лише я.
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ex0skeletal-undead · 1 month
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Sea monster illustrations by William 巴特尔  Bao
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lifesahoot · 11 months
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The prompt:
Lovecraft horror, tentacles, globes, floating eyes, green roses, lost shoes and socks, symmetric, directed by Wes Anderson, cheese yellow, and bronze.
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nier-gaming · 1 year
Darkwood | THE STRANGER [Epilogue] [Walkthrough]
The final episode of Darkwood is HERE!!!!!! What a ride it's been!
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thestuffedalligator · 5 months
I read Fat Face by Michael Shea last month and it was. Fine? It was a Cthulhu Mythos story written in the 80s, it was very edgy and it had a lot of tropes I’m not a fan of, I don’t really recommend it, but I have to talk about one detail I have not stopped thinking about since I read it.
So. I knew Fat Face through reputation because it was the story that inspired Shoggoth Lords from the Call of Cthulhu TTRPG, shoggoths that can control their cellular makeup to look like humans. And the twist in Fat Face is that shoggoths have been hiding amongst humans in Los Angeles, and at the end of the story one of them eats the protagonist.
The tone of the story is grit. It’s grime. It’s sleaze and sexual violence and drug abuse on top of cosmic horror. It wants to be taken seriously so bad.
But here’s the thing about the shoggoths: they have a business.
They have two businesses they run out of an office building in downtown Los Angeles. A shoggoth is a primordial blob of eyes and mouths and flesh and hunger, and the idea of one of them at the LA Office of Finance registering an LLC is already. Great. Perfect. No notes.
The business is a front — and again, that’s great, a shoggoth went, “I want to do some nefarious deeds and not get caught by humans; I know, I’ll register a fake business that’ll be a front, and no human will ever suspect” — because the actual interior of this office is a room of pools of water made from black and ancient Antarctic rocks so that shoggoths can relax in their original blobby forms and eat stray animals that they’ve caught.
So it’s basically just. A place for shoggoths to unwind after a long day of pretending to be human. It’s portrayed as cosmic horror, but it’s shoggoth Cheers. Sometimes you wanna go where nobody knows your shape.
Here’s the kicker. The front of the business is a hydrotherapy clinic and stray pet rescue.
When they decided to make a front for their secret lair in an LA office building where they hang out in pools of water and eat stray animals — the front they prominently display and advertise — they decided to go with a hydrotherapy clinic and stray pet rescue.
That is Goosebumps shit. The rest of the story reads like a tone poem about the sleaze and violence of Los Angeles, and the main twist of the story reads like R.L. Stine.
But that’s not even the detail I can’t stop thinking about. Because the story reveals that this business — which again, is a front made by alien blobs to eat stray animals like an ALF-themed buffet and hang out in jacuzzi tubs of Antarctic rocks in an LA office — has a flyer.
Which means there’s a shoggoth with a passion for graphic design
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goryhorroor · 7 days
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horror sub-genres: lovecraftian/cosmic
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sajanrai · 8 months
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My daybill interpretation of RE-ANIMATOR (1985) as part of a group exhibit for BORLFF (Brisbane Only Repulsive Liquid Film Festival) by Feature Presentation. Mine and the others' wonderful prints are open for pre-orders here until the end of September!!
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probablybadrpgideas · 29 days
Ok, just thinking out loud, but maybe we should let the Great Old Ones out.
I'm just saying. Lovecraft wasn't exactly an unbiased source. Maybe they're perfectly nice. Maybe they just want to stop people saying slurs. Maybe they're just Welsh.
I'm not saying I want the world to end, but I think that it would be a decent compromise to maybe unseal one or two of the smaller ones, just to see what happens. I bet we could put them back if there's a problem. And maybe they'll give us candy!
If it's just one of them, and maybe just for the weekend, it'll be fine. Come on, guys. What's life without a little risk?
Ritual! Ritual! Ritual!
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thesesixseeds · 8 months
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“Freak Deer. A piece i just did. Conjoined parts from 2 mummified deer heads.” -Richard Difeo
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rancidooze · 6 months
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by Oliver Wetter
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