#lol i def voted before i saw the second reply
survivorstarshollow · 6 years
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It is time for the Rites of Passage! 
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Luis: Who??? 
Colleen: WHOO?? 
Jacob: Whooooo? 
Julia: Bye girl 
Madison: The first of many fallen queens, who you gotta be so busy the fuck? 
Dom: The second fallen queen. I love you so much, I hope all is well. You really were gonna be my ride or die this game. I was so sad when you had to walk, but I respect it 10000000% 
Shoib: You made my gay ass so uncomfortable. Down with the king. 
Andie: I wanted to work with you so bad but you were so inactive! Sad! 
Chrissa: The third fallen queen. I know you would fall on your sword for me any day of the week. I am thankful for your years of friendship <3
Matt: Another fallen legend. You played so hard and I respect that so much. You just got caught in the crosshairs because of it. I wish we could have worked together for longer. 
Frances: Girl your elimination had me shook and kind of lit a fire under my ass! You were one of the kindest people I've met in games and I really hope we can chat after all this! I knew you were all up aligned with people, but you were always so good to me. I was so sad to see you go! 
Owen: Whew, another game where you were a threat to win? I believe it. I've known you for so long and you never cease to amaze me with your gameplay. I think it came to the point in the game where it was me or you, so sadly it had to be you. 
Jake: You're probably so mad at me for not using my idol on you and etc. but at the same time, we didn't talk that much. If you had come to me earlier in the day I feel like the chances were better that I used it. I would have loved to work with you in this game, but it kinda seemed like you had your group and I had mine :/ 
Autumn: Girl.... do I have some tea.... I hope I make it to the FTC to tell you how robbed you were. Love you <3
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LUIS: hi king i really wanted to try to work w u bc u seemed cool but u were just a round 1 victim since you didn’t know anyone in the game. Hope ur living ur best life!!
COLLEEN: idk u
JACOB: hi inactive king u probs wont read this but ty for going inactive and saving me butt
JULIA: LOL u probably are never gonna read this but i missed u in the game and our little scam to survive that one round was fun
MADISON: i lav u & ur a lil slut shaming snake!!
DOM: bye bye king im sad u quit and we didnt get 2 play 2gether again
SHOIB: ur a king i guess,,,
ANDIE: whew a king. We started off on the same page and tbh i think u just have too much of a life for orgs which honestly wig @ that. Hope ur living ur best life
CHRISSA: chrissa queen we literally messaged each other 0 times in this game so i guess we just weren’t meant to work together this time rip
MATT: LOL we deadass never talked but from what other people said you seemed pretty chill so im sure thats the case ~ idk i mean we never talked so there isn’t much to say rip a king
FRANCES: FRANCES!!!!!!! WHAT THE HECK I MISS U SO MUCH!!!! Idk like u were the one person i met in this game that i absolutely loved and i really liked working w u. Even though u said u wouldn’t use your idol on me ur still my fave person in this game & ur eviction vote off thing made me really really sad. Things probably would have gone v different if u were still here ;( u were super robbed but i hope that ur move to LA went well if it happened and that ur living ur best life
OWEN: > : ( ur a mean snake but u got done dirty and im sorry for that. You were playing a really good game but after seeing how quickly u turned on miss frances i was scared and what happened happened. Ur still a king tho and ik u think im a fat rat but i would be a fat dumb goat-rat if i just sat and let u continue to control the game
JAKE: UM http://i0.kym-cdn.com/entries/icons/facebook/000/022/686/download.jpg Idk i told u i had a trick up my sleeve and i definitely lied and did u dirty but it was honestly kind of fun NNNN ik u hate me in this game but u gotta admit its kinda funny LOL
AUTUMN: im sad that we never truly connected on a game level, but i was fortunate that we were able to have our moments where we saw eye to eye and had some real talks starting early on in the game. I think you’re a force to be reckoned with in every game that you play and i’m glad that i finally got the chance to play with you ~
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Luis- I’m really sorry that we didn’t talk, it would have been nice to get to know you. 
Colleen- We never got to play together I don’t think but I’m sorry you left so soon!
Jacob- I’m sorry that you left so soon! :( 
Julia- You were ROBBED I know we never really work together in games but I absolutely adore you and I wish you would have been around longer <3
Madison- GIRL, I absolutely adore you I’m sorry that you left so soon.  You are such a nice person and an ICON and you shouldn’t have left so soon, I love watching you play because you always play so differently and I wish you would have stuck around in this game! 
Dom- I WAS SO SAD WHEN YOU LEFT.  You’re such a nice person and have such a good heart, I’ve known you longer than most people in this community and I absolutely love you and this was going to be our game that we didn’t turn on one another!!  We weren’t together for long but you were the one person I could tell anything game related to and outside of the game you are one of the few people I can vent about things to (HAHAHAH LSDJFLDJSF) without having to worry and I LOVE YOU SO MUCH, one day we will play together again and work together as closely as we did in this game! <3 
Shoib- king snake, i don’t know if I’m happy or sad that we were never on the same tribe HAHA.  You are awesome and I’m sorry you left so fast! 
Andie- I LOVED working with you this season!  You are such a nice person and you have such an amazing heart and I’m glad that we got to catch up with one another, I hope you are doing well Andie! <3  I wish you wouldn’t have gone so soon! 
Chrissa- You are such a sweetheart and you were so robbed this season!  I had a lot of fun playing with you and I wish we would have worked together while you were still in! 
Matt- We never talked much but you seemed nice!  It was nice playing with you!
Frances- SLDJFLDSJF I’m sorry that we didn’t talk until right before you left, you are an icon and I think that it is awesome that you are following your dreams and I hope that I hear how things go with the show you wrote!  <3 
Owen- This was the HARDEST vote by far but it was the smartest for my own personal game if I wanted to make it as far as I am now!  I’m sorry in advance for the one really mean confessional I made about you when I WAS LAST PICK WHEN THE TRIBES WERE PICKED when I thought you would pick me first sljflsdjf!!  I had so much fun playing with you and I felt like I could tell you anything without it going anywhere.  I’m SO sorry for turning on you, I do wonder still if it was the right decision but we all know that you would win if you made it this far!  I love you and I’m sorry and aren’t you proud of me for not breaking our snap streak? I’ve done pretty good for 30 ish days!!  It’s been a fun ride and I love you so much you have such a sweet soul <3 <3
Jake- I’m really sorry!  The alliance that you, Owen, Autumn and I were in meant a lot to me but it was better for my game to change it up and work with other people because the three of you were forces to be reckoned with!!  It was nice getting to know you! 
Autumn- GIRL, voting you out was so hard.  We haven’t been as connected in this game as we have been in others but I love you and you are so nice and so easy to talk to!  I can’t wait to hear about NYC when you get there! <3
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Luis - rip we never got the chance to talk i don’t think so i don’t really know you
Colleen - I remember messaging you and I don’t think you ever replied so I’m not sure what was up but glad we got to play! 
Jacob - You were on the other tribe so we didn’t get to really talk:(
Julia - julia, again on another tribe but i remember you not even being invested in the game because you said it on a house call for another game lolllll
Madison - ily and I’m so sad we didn’t get to play together too much. I remember you were kinda out of the loop hehe 
Dom - Dom uggg rip I enjoyed playing this game with you a lot and I was so sad to see you go. I hope everything is going better now and hope to see you in other games:) 
Shoib - shoib lollll i remember like the first day you went idol searching and it got put in the tribe. You started off like all out but you were super inactive in the game i feel like. I was looking forward to working together in this game but in that aspect we both kinda flopped haha 
Andie - We also didn’t really play together at all rip i just remember you not being around too much. Idk if you were busy but hope to see you in other games! 
Chrissa - poor Chrissa robbed, ily and wish we had been able to work together more in this game. You are always fun to play with and have such a sweet soul!
Matt - Matt you were such a great player tbh and one of the most invested people in the game. You were strategic and even pretty good at the challenges. We clicked really well and I know I kinda lost your trust at one point in the game but I still am glad we met and worked together for a bit.
Frances - Frances okay woo so I had played a mini with you once before and saw how great of a player you were. You were very social with others in the game! I know the night you left it was very chaotic and honestly i didn’t even know what was happening...but i know you kinda had like some deals with different people? Idkk lolll but it was super nice playing another game with you and you were def one of the people i was closest with 
Owen - comp legend, lolll i know we didn’t really work together either but you were always so kind even if we were going after each other
Jake - rip so i did you dirty too I’m sorry but again super awesome to see you in a separate game because we always have a blast together. Same thing as I said to autumn: we talked as if we weren’t targeting each other, which was still fun lolll. Anyway I really hope to see you in a separate game and go crazy
Autumn- okay so we chose to kinda go out separate ways in this game lolll but I was super happy to see you on the cast reveal! We would be going after each other but we still talked as if none of that was happening hahahah. Love you so much sorry for doing you dirty
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