#lmaooo y'all are gonna take this johnny co n t e n t
jojoboisimagines · 4 years
Johnny Joestar x Reader //// Wait for It ////Chapter 2
The laughable attempt at using him of all people as a hostage almost made Johnny scoff.
Though another thought that came right after that one lightly pissed him off a bit.
Of course you would go after him as a hostage. He seemed weak, vulnerable in his current state. You probably thought he couldn't kick your butt worth a damn, but oh how wrong you'd be..
The ex-jockey could light you up with nail bullets right here and now. You'd be on your knees begging him for mercy.
But at this moment, you hadn't hurt him, just made him a bit uncomfortable. Perhaps you'll let him go and in the moments afterward he could forget this ever happened. Get back in his wheelchair, onto Slow Dancer, and head to the nearest inn, he thought.
The cold metal pressed against his skull nearly made him shiver. You at least had gotten that much of a reaction out of him. He'd predict you'd haul ass as soon as you let him go. The guys surrounding the two of you looked too chicken enough to even consider shooting at you.
He was jerked to your side again as you threatened them even further.
"P-please take whatever you want! Just please don't hurt us!" The waitress screamed, covering her head in fear.
That seemed to have pleased you.
At least enough to have slowly made your way to your bag, still with Johnny in tow. Your eyes bored into the two victims like bullets themselves. The arm you had wrapped around Johnny's neck came down to carefully pick up your bag and finally claim your prize. 
He thought that would be the end of it, but of course not.
Being taken up again with you, his eyes darted left to right, confused as to why you hadn't fully let him go. You had what you wanted, right?
Gun now trained on the waitress and chef, you had backed out of the door of the restaurant, it making an abrupt shutting noise behind you.
"On the horse, now."
You had already violently flung him into the cold hard ground, and now you were bossing him around? What nerve, he thought.
"The hell do you want from me?" He replied, quite fearless for a man who had just been held (and was still being held) at gunpoint by the same person.
You let out a breathy sigh. This wasn't your first robbery, but even this had slightly surprised you. However, it was unwelcomed. What a brat he was. But nothing less you would expect from someone so popular.
"You're taking me on that horse, and we're going to a hotel." You motioned to Slow Dancer with your revolver. The command flowed from you so carelessly, as if you owned him.
If this were old Johnny, the notion of a woman demanding him to take her to a hotel would've made him raise an eyebrow. It still did, but for a different reason. He was just annoyed this time around.
"Find your own hotel, asshole." The American spat. He wouldn't be some broad's chauffeur. Especially not for one that was so disrespectful.
He heard a 'nick' from the gun being cocked and readied. 
"You really wanna die today, Joestar?"
The threat coming from you didn't scare him in the least, yet the thought of dying in general at this point in time left a sour feeling in him for some reason.
'Shit, can't believe this is happening while Gyro is in the frickin' hospital. What'll I say to him if somethin' happens to me? This BS wouldn't even have happened if he were here.' The man hated how his anxiety skyrocketed with such a simple sentence. For all he knew, there weren't even bullets in the gun.
Silence lingers between the two parties for a good minute.
"Well?" You pester him. Your voice was soft, almost like a seductive whisper. As if you were confident you knew what you were doing.
"Hell, I'll make you a deal even," You started to bargain. "You come back to the hotel with me, I'll share some of my food. You get food and a warm bed to sleep in that'll cost ya nothin', and I get away scot-free. How's that sound?" 
More silence. There was that stare again, albeit more angry this time.
"...Fine. Just get on the fucking horse."
Johnny felt like he was sleeping on a cloud.
Compared to the previous nights he had slept on the bare ground, he might as well have been in Heaven right now.
You had gotten a room with two beds. Thank God, he thought.
Not that he hasn't slept in the same bed with strangers before. Sleeping with someone that just tried to kill him didn't exactly seem like much fun. He'd keep his distance, now and forever.
….Until you came over to his side of the room.
"Was the food to your liking, Mr. Joestar?" The tone you addressed him in seemed a bit like mockery, but he was far more focused on what you were currently wearing.
The shape of your body was clearly expressed to him as you stretched your arms. It shocked him you'd chill out so easily around him after the incident earlier, wearing casual pajamas complete with slippers. You looked far more... soft like this. Compared to your attire earlier anyway.
"It was... alright. Not anything to bust your ass over like you did." He remarked.
"Well, that's what happens when you have no money, but I doubt you'd know what that's like."
He opened his mouth to say something before you cut him off.
"You don't have anything specific you wear to bed? I won't bite you if you don't want me to."
...were you trying to seduce him?
You weren't doing too good of a job if so, but he still couldn't help but to wonder how much of a psychopath you had to be to threaten someone with death and then act like you're best buddies after the fact.
You were lucky to have even pulled off that robbery in his eyes.
"Sorry I don't get too comfortable around theives. Or after sleeping on pebbles for the last few weeks."
"Just because I'm a thief doesn't mean I'm a bad person. I'm just struggling, y'know?"
"Oh yeah, how'd you pay for this hotel room then?"
"There's such a thing as money management you know. I knew I wouldn't have enough for both. Unless by chance, you would be a gentleman and pay my expenses for me?"
A scoff from the American.
At least you were a little interesting.
"Maybe they would've let you eat free if you actually offered to work there, genius." You had him sitting upwards now. It didn't seem like you were going to kill him anymore, so maybe he could have a little bit of conversation  with you. Hell, at least you wanted to talk to him, which was surprising in itself.
"You've got some nerve telling me what to do, Joestar. Especially after the state you've left me in." You nonchalantly comment as if the man was supposed to know what the hell you were talking about. Letting open the window, you didn't even lock eyes with him while you spoke, instead taking in the nice cool breeze coming your way. He looked past you, noting that it was now nighttime.
"..Me?" He said, his tone coming off more incredulous than he intended.
"Of course, Joestar." You looked back at him, his baby blue eyes finally meeting your (e/c) orbs. The air chilling both of you.
"You're the one that ruined my life."
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