#little guy that’s definitely sane and normal 👍
Aran Ryan fanbase headcanons -RESULTS-
Finally! These are the results! I hope you had fun doing that! Comment or repost with your opinion, memes, drawings about it! See ya next survey!
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What do you think about Aran Ryan?
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35%: The comic relief of Punch Out wii: he can be crazy and stuff but he makes you laugh hard
35%: Even if he can act tough, he is also a funny guy
Can Aran have romantic relationships?
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45%: Yes, and oddly he doesn't "cheat" in this filed!
Are Aran Ryan from the Wii and Aran Ryan from the SNES the same person?
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40%: Yes, Snes! Aran was him before snapping
Does Aran have a sister?
Yep! Baby sister named Daisy who plays Rugby
i'd like to think so! i imagine she's his little sister for some reason
He has multiple younger sisters
Yes, one younger sister
He must have one.
she has one to me, a younger one :3
Yes, and an older sister at it
Yes, and I like to think she's a lot younger than him for full big bro energy. She's just as crazy as him, though.
Yes. She hits harder than you, boy!
yes, and a brother. he’s the eldest of three children
Yes, I’m thinking she’d be about 9 to 12? I like Headcannoning that Arans sister would stay up at night until aran comes home from the pub to see if he’s okay 👍
Ermmm of course?
yes, a younger one
Yes, I think I gave her the name Aisling in my hcs
Why is Aran "obsessed" with cheeseburger? H3talia cannot be a "real" answer!!! (But you can write it if ya want lol)
Just finds it a fun insult for the Americans but also he had one cheeseburger and it was the shittest one so he uses to call someone shit
oh i just assumed it was a dig at little mac being american? because haha america and burgers and all that. is he obsessed with them? interesting...
Not obsessed, but definitely likes them
He came to America and first food was cheeseburgers.
i know what u did here (its me *** LMAO) he just likes to bully mac >:)
Simple, Little Mac is called Little Mac, and McDonald's has the Big Mac. He connected the dots and now it's his most iconic line.
He…likes cheeseburgers? Yum yum!
I wouldn’t say he’s obsessed per say, just ragging on American’s with the stereotype that we all just eat junk food. (I also headcanon that he actually likes cheeseburgers, but tries not to let anyone see him eat them.)
MACdonalds (funny)
that’s what he thinks of the us
I’d think that’s like his #1 insult of all time, either calling them a legitimate cheeseburger, or telling them they hit as hard as a cheeseburger being thrown as someone
Big Mac Little Mac haha get it
no, but why's that an answer???
He gets hungry a lot ):
Wait has someone actually thought Hetalia was a genuine answer or something this is extremely worrying
Teehee funny American joke
About you! What is your main fandom?
it is a mystery...
punch out
Punch out and Super Mario
tekken, sailor moon, tomb raider aside from po
Currently Pokemon, but feel free to ask me about Punch Out!!
Punch out at the present moment.
I have many but it’s def the Beatles. Currently it’s Ted Lasso
I started out in the FNAF fandom as a kid and it’s had a ton to do with me and my art since lol.
currently punch-out lol
Super pumch iut
punch-out!! and k-pop
Team Fortress 2 teehee
currently my main fandom is super mario!!
Either Puyo Puyo or Pokémon
Is Aran your fav one from PO and in general of all the fandoms you are in?
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66,7%: No, only in PO
Silly question: why does Aran draw with a paintbrush???? Why didn't he use a pen or something like a normal person? Or just destroy Little Mac like Don Flamenco did?
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30%: Because he has always weird stuff with him
Did Aran finish school?
No but he went back to school as a Mature Student and is doing some study
hmm... maybe. (cop-out answer lol)
Nope, only finished up to middle school
Pretty sure he did, but it was torture for him:
good question, maybe he did "ok"
Somehow yes
I think so. He used to be sane until he realized the potential for cheating there was in the WVBA
Assuming that him and SNES are the same person, I think he did but it was very rocky due to growing teen angst because of the bullying he faced.
he probably finished high school
He seems like the type of person to draw comically bad stick figure portraits so no
he did because of his mama
He’d probably drop out, or get expelled for beating up too many people, I guess his mum just didn’t look for anymore schools after that
prob not, maybe homeschooled?
Lel yeah
Yes but he didn't care much for it, and he hardly thinks back to it as well.
Yeah, had no interest in college though
Your Aran Ryan OTP is...
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40%: Aran Ryan x canon
Which are Aran's friends inside the WVBA? (OCs are good too)
Disco, Don, Hugger, Tiger, Mac, Bull and Soda
i honestly don't think he'd consider any of them his friends. he's very hard to get close to that way (not IMPOSSIBLE but... hard)
The entire world circuit and masked muscle at least
Soda (I ship him and Aran), Tiger, Bald the Bull and SMM.
SP is his good drinking buddy! But guess that's about it.
narcis is not only his bf in my canon but also his BFF, other than that disco and maybe heike, some fellas he met in ireland-
Mad clown and Masked Musle
Soda Popinski, Some of my OCs (Ikari (I haven't talked about her), Polar (mischief makers, haven't talked about her), Playmaker (would record pranks/prank each other))
Glass Joe, Piston Hondo, maybe Don Flamenco and Carmen, maybe Little Mac
Narcis (even more than), Don, Disco, Heike, Mr. Sandman, I’d even say he’s friendly with Mac too.
My mind flip flops between him either being good friends with some of the boxers or the other boxers warning everyone else that he’s a dangerous nutcase. (He can be, but it’s not his entire personality.)
don flamenco (rivals to lovers hehe), piston hondo, great tiger, soda popinski (drinking buddies lol)
I think aran and heilke could be friends
quite literally everyone in the wvba lmao
Hes definitely got lads outside of the WVBA but if we’re talking just inside the WVBA, I’ve got a feeling that hardly anymore wants to mess or talk with Aran but if I had to choose I’d probably say Don Flamenco, they fought eachother before so I guess they spoke more after that. Don wouldn’t really be the one to start a conversation with him at all but Aran can start up a conversation, by stealing his toupee and making him run room to room to get it making sure to let everyone see as Don chases after him, especially letting Carmen see👍
excluding ships, soda would be the closest, tho he's more of a "when things go wrong, call him" type guy. even if aran doesn't admit it, he's maybe the closest he's got to a friend. see below
Little Mac, Soda Popinski, somehow the ref
Everyone stays at least 5 feet away from him because he has rabies and he nearly bit a guy once. (I feel like he's alone by choice)
I imagine the world circuit is among his closest friends just because they’re around each other a lot, but I’m he has buddies he used to box with back in Ireland (I’d also say his sister but they grew up together so it’s bit of a given)
Can Aran Ryan have friends?
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35%: Yes, but his hot head can be problematic
Does Aran have hobbies outside boxing?
Art, Rugby and Horse Riding!
probably, but good luck getting him to share what they are lol
Yes! He enjoys sculpting and painting as well as dancing and making music among other things
Ice skating and art
Drawing. I'd imagine he adores biking too.
being a bitch, motorbiking and getting caught driving too fast, pub shenanigans, pulling pranks at people he doesnt like or likes
Drawing and playing the eletric guitar
Maybe, one I can think of is tinkering (Think of him making new things to help him win)
Art, harmless pranks, rubik's cube speed solving
I can see him being into art like painting and drawing.
I definitely thinks he likes small things like video games and movies.
yes, i hc that he’s sort of an artist
not sure?
I’d think he definitely does Hurling, and is absolutely amazing at it, he doesn’t usually brag about it but does bring it up whenever he can
bar hopping. & fighting. usually one after the other
Art, gardening, punching and biting random things to see what would happen, drinking
Yes, but I feel like he keeps most of them to himself.
Traditional Irish dancing (he just pulls that shit out during title defense), he also probably draws and maybe plays an instrument
Can being bullied during school (for his name and for his mother), the cause of Aran's angry behaviour?
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50% : yes
50%: sorta
Why did he started to cheat in your opinion?
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42,1%: He started to cheat as everyone was "doing that" in his opinion
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