#like what was up with that lmfao. I rented deadpool 2 on a whim cause I didn't see it in theatres and then... well you know
futurewife ยท 1 month
u know that post that's like having a f/o that's like a place? i defs feel that about x.men media especially animated iterations (and maybe the idea of the x.mansion itself). I actually got into x.men (without a lot of prior knowledge) via wolverine and the xmen in 2009 when it was airing ๐Ÿ˜ณ๐Ÿ˜ณ I loved x.men e.volution too (you could watch it for free on youtube back in the day lol) but yeah... maybe it was my impressionable young mind but I still feel like me and the characters mutually know each other hahaha. x.men 97 defs gives me the same feeling of familarity like everyone's hereee!!! I need to try and expand my cable/me lore to be more exploratory of the source material and interactions with other chatacters I think. I had this printed out and stuck on the back of my door when I was 10 or so like. those are my friends.
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