#like the Plague Rats they are because 'muh freedoms'
winglesshopeful · 9 months
Not to diminish anyone's actual 9/11 related trauma, but the way this fucking hell country treats this event compared to other, comparitively more deadly and ongoing crises really really pisses me the fuck off.
Every news outlet and wannabe fasc- i mean, patriot bleats out the "never forget" line, but like, people are still actively dying from COVID and its related complications, but when it comes to that little chesnut, everyone wants to pretend the pandemic is over.
I was like, freshly five years old and more concerned with a video game crocodile at the time of 9/11, but here we are in the middle of a pandemic that's still killing people, still making more variants, and yet me and my partner often feel like the only ones in this entire fucking world still concerned about it sometimes. We wade through crowds of unmasked mouth-breathers, flinching at every cough or sneeze, get verbally abused or condescended to about wearing masks as the entire world attempts to gaslight us about the nature of COVID and try to convince us that WE'RE the crazy ones.
Though i guess it's a bit more difficult to cultivate an us-vs-them fascist/imperial/nationalist ideology by caring about your fellow man, vaccinating, masking and avoiding crowds than it is by shoving an attack by foreign (read: brown) extremists down the throats of a populace increasingly too young to even remember it lol
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