#like she'd be looking at him being The Worst TM and just going 'he did nothing wrong actually 🥰 he was right 🥰'
millenniummmbop · 2 years
I think kisara should see kaiba the exact same way villain enjoyers see their blorbos here on tumblr dot com
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torchickentacos · 7 months
You know what? Solidad rant time (again). GOD I WISH THEY DID MORE WITH HER. She has so much potential. Long post but I'm having a weird day and won't apologize for self indulgence /lh. Really trying to remember that this is my blog, my house, my rules, my free time, my hobbies, and you guys actually did follow me for this stuff. Anyways.
Let's take a look at what we know about Solidad. She's from Pewter city and is friends with Brock. She beat Drew in his first ever contest and accidentally made him cry about it. She does this to May, too. Canon: Solidad makes children cry /joking.
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But like, that's... kind of it? She's also old friends with Harley? So, her history is almost blank, and entirely tied to other characters (Brock, Drew, Harley).
So, let's look at what we get of her on-screen. All of her pokemon are from Kanto (Lapras, Slowbro, Butterfree, Pidgeot), so are we to assume she's never been to other regions until The Johto Arc (tm)? (ALSO Johto January will be happening. Work in progress.) Or is her bond with her first home-region pokemon all she wants? She seems to be an experienced coordinator. We know she beat Drew in his first contest, so that means either Drew did contests in Kanto OR more likely, Solidad did contests in Hoenn and interestingly just didn't catch any pokemon there. Maybe she's had this same team for years and likes to stick with what works and what she knows well? I wonder how she'd keep her appeals and strategies fresh and new.
We also see that she’s very calm and patient, and can get along with anyone (Drew and Harley are her two main friends that we see on-screen. And Brock, I guess. I like to think she's like my aunt, who knows everyone. She'll be in Trader Joe's and talking to the manager about his daughter's cousin's friend's wedding that she attended).
What else do we have? Not much. She exists almost purely to explain Drew to us a bit more and to win the Grand Festival. We can take from this, though- her explaining Drew. One of the main things she says is that Drew has, quote, 'feelings' for May and, ignoring that on its own (side tangent demons, go away), we can take her actions there and extrapolate. BUT LIKE, the thing about the side tangent demons is that they're unavoidable BECAUSE SOLIDAD DOESN'T REALLY EXIST OUTSIDE OF MAY AND DREW! And Harley, I guess? But back to extrapolation, I don’t imagine Drew gave her the green light to say that, so we can assume Solidad is someone who sees HER IDEA of the best thing to do and just goes for it regardless of other opinions, or regardless of if it's even her business at all. Extrapolation: If Solidad sees somewhere she can help, she WILL help regardless of if it’s even her place to do so.
This is actually supported by the Absol scene (of which I have... opinions on)- Drew's having an anxiety attack or whatever canon wanted us to think that was (him just being mean to his pokemon? something he chides other people for? Drew, who is shown to dote on his Pokémon? Sigh. There’s in-character ways to show flaws or move the episode forward, or whatever that scene even accomplished, that aren’t just making a character be mean to their Pokémon, but TANGENT DEMONS I will get stuck on this if I don’t move on). ANYWAYS Drew’s being difficult, so what does Solidad do? She explains how he feels like he failed in front of May (arguably the single worst person to have been present for this), Ash, Brock, Max, and (unknowingly) Harley.
Now. An ounce of forethought might get you to the conclusion that when someone is anxious/agitated/having a bad time, digging into them in front of their friends (or, uh, whatever Ash, Brock, and Max are to Drew) (or whatever MAY is to Drew at this point, for that matter, though Solidad did sort of outright tell us in the previous episode) might be a bad decision that makes it worse, actually, especially when that person pointedly and intentionally decided to go be alone, away from people. But Solidad saw an opening to attempt to help and she took it, regardless of if it actually helped or made things worse. I think she’s someone who is incredibly oriented towards helping and understanding people, but in an incredibly stubborn way.
This isn’t a bad thing, though. I showed a couple more or less negative examples, but it’s a strength to be so steadfast in your morals and beliefs. I truly believe that more times than not, she WOULD be correct in how she tries to help, but it's a strength and a flaw wrapped up into one.
The thing is... I half-made this characterization of her up. I extrapolated the hell out of a couple cherry-picked scenes that supported my conclusion (Which is not how proving hypotheses should really work by the way), because there's just not much there. She was in three episodes and was mentioned in a fourth. She showed up at the VERY end of AG and existed purely for other characters or the plot.
Which, one one hand, so does Drew. He exists only around May and, semi-adjacently, Harley and Solidad. We know so little about his backstory or, well, anything. The thing is that IMO separates him from Solidad is that he appeared often enough to give a strong personality, interesting actions, and just a good, solid presence. Solidad unfortunately wasn't given time to do this. Harley is similar to Drew. Very little backstory or individual focus but enough of a general focus to leave an impression.
HAF probably helps, too.
But Solidad DID leave an impression. I know people who are shocked when they hear she ONLY showed up for the Kanto Grand Festival and that she wasn't a recurring rival. People REMEMBER and LOVE Solidad despite her shockingly underwhelming presence. I think that the gaps in memory filled in with that potential I mentioned at the beginning.
Do I have a conclusion here? No, not really. This is by no means a well thought out character essay, it's just me talking in pure, unedited stream of consciousness. I'm always looking for ways I can expand on her when we weren't given much to expand upon. I love Solidad, I really do.
But even when writing her, I notice I fall into the same pitfalls I chide canon for- having her only exist tangentially around other characters or as a supporting factor. But she deserves more than that, truly. I don't have any ideas right now, but one of these days I want to really mess with SOLIDAD. As herself. Not as an older sister figure or as a friend or as a coordinator or as a rival, but as herself, whoever that is. Because canon never showed us.
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abbatoirablaze · 2 years
TM Tragedy, Season 2, Chapter 14
Word Count:  1.7k
Warnings: angst, mentions of a terminal illness, mentions of a stab wound/infection, hospital situation, mentions of encouraging a hit/murder.
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Jax’s POV
"You're as blind as you are crippled!" I yelled at Clay.
He was pissed.  But so was I.  I felt the guys pulling at me.  I could see some of the guys pushing their way between us.
"NO," Clay yelled, "the blind guy is in jail. His wife is dead because of you."
The guys were yelling at us to calm down. Pushing us further and further apart. Some of the crow eaters had grabbed their shit and bolted. They didn't want to be here if more cops had to show up. Everything felt like it was going in slow motion.
Then suddenly a huge crash.  The sound of glass shattering.  Clay and I broke our stare down.  Mom had broken her favorite serving tray on the table. Glass scattered across dishes and plates. The little kids stared at us all in horror.  Suddenly I felt like the worst person in the world.
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I was broken from my thoughts when Chibs hit me in the arm.
"I asked," he said a little louder, "how did Otto take it?"
"The same way any of us would," I sighed, “not well.”
"Do we know who?"
"Not yet," I said, "Georgie and his crew left for Thailand this morning."
"It's a buying trip," sack said, jumping in, "fleeing the scene."
I nodded and shrugged, "that's where my money lands."
"Luann," he grumbled, "that's not your fault. Yeah. Take a lap kid."
Sack muttered an okay and left.
"What's on your mind?"
"Fiona was here."
My eyes got wide, "when?"
"Yesterday," he admitted, "Alli cat called them. Apparently, my kid got wind of the accident. Fi came to make sure I was okay."
"Jimmy O with her?"
He pursed his lips, "I didn't see him, but he'd never let her travel on her own. He must be here."
"When we were on the inside Stahl had photos of Zobelle with Cameron," I admitted, "trying to get us to sell out the IRA."
"Cameron is selling to Zobelle?"
I nodded, "confirmed it yesterday. We lost the Irish pipeline."
"Shite," he growled, "Jimmy'll be going mad."
"Hey, it wasn't our choice."
He shook his head, "It doesn't matter. They'll find a way of blaming me...you need to talk to Fiona and Alicia."
Tara came in and Chibs immediately changed his tone, "hey Doc."
"Just checking up," Tara replied, "Unser is looking for you."
Okay," I nodded, "Look we'll handle it all. Okay Chibs. You just get better."
He nodded.
I went to leave, but stopped myself and looked at Tara, "you okay?"
She nodded and I smiled, kissing her. 
As I began to head downstairs, I saw mom in the chapel.  She was praying.  When I asked if she was okay, she looked like she'd seen a ghost.  I didn't have the nerve to question her further when she got up, pretending that she wasn't doing anything.  
I told her that I was going to head back to the club.  
Unfortunately, we had church.  Sack called to tell me apparently Ima and a few other CaraCara girls had been arrested in a low rent porn sting from Hale at one of the cheap motels on the edge of town.  
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Alicia's POV
"You sure you want to do this?" I asked.  
He nodded, "yeah." 
I smiled, tears coming to my face.  
"It's not going to be official or anything," I said with a sigh, “you know that, right?”
He shook his head, "Alli cat.  You're the love of my life...if I don't do this it'll be the only god damned thing in my life I'd regret." 
"You don't regret anything else in life?" 
"No," he said, shaking his head.  He leaned forward and kissed my forehead, "It all led me to being with you.  Why would I regret it?" 
One of the tears slid down my cheek and I felt his calloused hand rub it away. 
"Please don't cry," he sighed, “god, I hate seeing you cry, lass.”
I wiped another of my own tears out of the way, "I'm crying because I feel bad...we don't have much longer." 
"Don't look at it like that," he pleaded, "we've known one another for fifteen years.  I wouldn't trade any one of those days." 
He looked into my eyes and now it was him that was crying.  He pulled out a simple band and put it on my finger.  I could feel that it was loose, but I didn't dare say anything.  The look on his face let me know that he was aware.  I'd lost even more weight since my admission into the hospital, but now all my hair was gone too.  
The chemo had taken it.  I'd taken to wearing colorful scarves to cover up my naked scalp.  
"I love you," he whispered to me, “I love you so much, sweet’eart.”
"I love you too, Filip." 
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Tara’s POV
"I married her." he said in a whisper. I looked at him sympathetically.
"Chibs," I said, trying to be delicate, "you didn't marry Alicia."
"Well, it's not official or anything," he growled, "jesus Christ. There wasn't no priest, but Fiona stopped by, and she did an Irish ceremony for us."
"Your actual wife approved of this?"
I couldn't hold the judgement from my voice on that. His eyes became slits, and she turned to look at the prospect, "is it time to leave, or not?"
"It is, I ju-"
"I want to see Alicia before I go."
I bit my lip. I didn't know how to tell him that Alicia wasn't allowed to see anyone, "Chibs..."
He looked at me, "what?"
"She isn't allowed on this floor," I admitted, "they've got her quarantined in her room. She has a lot of fluid in her lungs. The oncologist thinks that she caught pneumonia when she visited you the other night."
"Jesus Christ, doc," he said, sitting up, "Why didn't you say anything sooner? It's been three days since I've seen her."
"She told me not to," I admitted, "I visited her this morning. They are doing tests on her right now."
"Well, that's a crock of shite," he growled. He went to sit up and sack pushed him back down, "leave me alone prospect."
"Chibs," I said slowly, "you can't be acting rash. I need you to calm down so we can discharge you. If that bitch of an administrator sees you acting out even more, she really will have my head."
He started muttering in Gaelic, and I left the room to find Jax.  What I found instead was another biker, sitting in the waiting room.  
"Juice, what are you doing here?" 
"Mandy made me come," he groaned, "she went out to find you.  Told me to wait in the waiting area."  
"What's wrong?" 
"Don't believe him Tara," Mandy said rounding the corner.  She pulled me into a hug.  I chuckled.  She was in a pair of fuzzy pajama pants and a Samcro shirt, "he's bleeding again.  I think it's bad." 
"You're bleeding?" 
He nodded, "it's nothing though." 
"Babe, you woke up this morning in a small puddle of blood." 
"Juice?" I asked completely in shock, "is that true?" 
"I'm fine," he said, getting up.  I'd caught the fact that he winced when he stood straight up.  I looked at Mandy.  
She shrugged, "he's being so stubborn.  He won't listen to me.  I think his stab wound is infected.  While it's mostly closed up there is still a small puncture.  I'm worried that something might have broken off in him." 
"Don't say it like that," he groaned, “it sounds worse when you say that.”
She gave him a smile, kissing his cheek, "I love you, but you are way too stubborn, JC.  Tara, please can you just look at him for a second?" 
"Alright," I said with a shrug, "come on." 
Mandy smiled and I led Juice and her to an exam room.  I had him take off his shirt and turn around.  
"See," Mandy sighed, "it looks bad, right?" 
"Babe it's not that bad." 
"Juice this is bad," I replied.  I put on my gloves and examined his back.  While one of the stab wounds had healed, the other one was still partially open, swollen, inflamed, and definitely infected, "have you been cleaning this? " 
"He won't let me," Mandy said, jumping in, "he says the shower should be enough." 
"Juice," I groaned, "You should have just let Mandy take care of you.  You know she's training to be a doctor...right?" 
"I thought she was just being dramatic," Juice admitted, "ever since she found out she's pregnant everything I do is major.  Like when she found out i got stabbe-" 
"JC, YOU WERE STABBED," she yelled, "how am I supposed to react to that?  That is major." 
"It's not." he laughed, rolling his eyes. 
"Juice I am going to admit you to the hospital," I said matter of fact, "if the infection gets worse it may enter your bloodstream.  You need to be monitored until you recover." 
"Thank you." Mandy said, sighing in relief.  
Juice tried to argue it, but when Mandy told him to be quiet, he rolled his eyes again and accepted his fate.  When he got his shirt back on, I led them down a hall and spoke to one of the nurses about admitting him.  The nurse had Juice follow and I was standing there with Mandy.  
"Thank you." 
I nodded, "no problem." 
I went to walk off, but she grabbed my arm.  I turned around, "hey...I uh...I'm sorry about the other night.  When mom had us all over for dinner." 
I looked at her.  She looked concerned.  
"Is that how you feel about me?" 
"I just...I know that it's got to be hard for some people...and I understand that you were mad about everything going on here, but you took it out on Lyla." 
"This is still about the porn star?" 
"Whether you like it or not, she's just as much a part of being someone's old lady as you are," she sighed, "Opie hasn't been the same since Donna...but Lyla is helping him get back to true north...just like you do for Jax." 
"Me and her are not the same..." 
"No," she said with a sigh, "Lyla has compassion for someone regardless of their social status.  I know you don't like her, but could you be nice for the sake of the club?  He needs her.  Just like Jax needs you." 
Chapter 15
Tag List:  @lohnes16 @evyiione
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Cat duo hcs perhaps? (i am so normal about them)
I am also So Normal about them
New canon flavor! This somehow became a whole rant and I did not intend that so uh buckle up for me explaining a little bit about Marinette and why I'm not exactly her biggest fan
-I just, constantly think about the fact the girls tm all have like scheme time to set up adrien and marinette and like in concept very funny but canon takes it, mayhapd a little too far? More stalkery than cute at this point besties
-anyway Adrien being kinda? Not happy with people in his personal space (being used to something doesn't make it better is something he's still trying to learn himself) is something I subscribe to and him and juleka being buds would mean she has to be somewhat aware of that
-so she kinda fucks up some of the schemes subtly when they're a little too extreme because she hates conflict but also doesn't want Adrien to be uncomfortable
-I honestly think Marinette and Juleka would kinda be on slightly not good terms on the basis of Juleka (as shown in crocoduel, she's working on it) is kind of a pushover and Marinette is uhhhh kind of, oblivious isn't exactly the right word I'm thinking of and people definitely aren't gonna like me saying this, selfish? When it comes to her like, whole romance plots
She wanted luka uninvited to his own birthday because it would make Marinette uncomfortable, when she could have just, like been honest that things were still awkward and she didn't want to talk to him yet (which is valid!)
Instead she went to his twin sister who Marinette knows has anxiety, asks her to tell her own twin brother not to go to his birthday party (I haven't watched the episode in a while so correct me if I'm wrong about anything) and honestly that's one of Marinettes top 3 worst moments because she was fucking there for reflekta, she was directly involved in reflekdoll, and she witnessed all of Guiltrip, she knows by now that Juleka had issues that Marinette herself also has and honestly the level of not thinking Marinette does constantly is starting to lead me to believe she's being malicious almost on purpose
But even ignoring that, Marinette could have just not gone to the party, she wasn't? Needed there? Truly like if she wanted to avoid luka that bad (wasn't the whole point of the birthday plans changing was to cheer him up? I don't remember exactly) she could have just said pass I honestly don't think Juleka would hold that against her
I would just like any character in this show to think for five seconds please
But even ignoring all that? Do you honestly think Marinette wouldn't immediately assume Juleka was trying to woo Adrien if she was friends with him? Do you think she'd take that information calmly and rationally? It's Marinette.
So yeah Juleka who hates conflict vs Marinette who is a jealous mess anytime Adrien so much as talks to another girl? Kinda fucked up dynamic
Plus the Ladybug and Tigress dynamic is already fucked up in cat duo so there's that, there's probably also something to be said about ladybug being jealous of chat and tigress but honestly ladybug and chat together make me very tired
I feel like this would blow up when Marinette actually figures out that someone is actually messing with the plans and she would Absolutely immediately assume it's juleka (it is) but for very wrong reasons and honestly I don't know if a "he has to deal with people less extreme than this and it makes him uncomfortable, imagine how this feels" would make her madder or snap her into reality because honestly? People will go back and forth about how chat makes ladybug uncomfortable (valid) so he deserves to get thrown in the trash or whatever she does but dude, you can't say that and turn around and say the way Marinette acts with adrien is at all cute and not creepy
I think he deserves to be a little creeped out, because you honestly look at anything Marinette has done even taking away the veil of extremes for comedy? It's so fucked up
She stole his phone, memorized his apparent schedule, followed him to shanghai I think, just to stalk him, I'm told she apparently at one point sniffed his bed which is so fucking disturbing no amount of "it's a kids show" makes that funny, has pictures of him all over her walls, it's giving serial killer not teenage girl crush
Adrien does some of the same things but flip flopped with ladybug, but honestly I think it needs to be pointed out that Marinette knows Adrien personally as a friend, Chat knows ladybug as his partner, closer than Marinette is to Adrien arguably, and damn the identies thing is annoying, and is still less creepy
Adrien and Ladybug reads more as like, a hero crush almost? So i think it makes me less uncomfortable that way
Anyway this is long and rambly and deeply didnt mean it to end up like this but bottom line? I don't think Marinette and Juleka would honestly get along very well in this au
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