#like its a period piece and modeled in the style of books in the period so theres some bad shit about how u know...
wellofdean · 2 months
Hello there! I've happened to read this post of yours and I just loved it! You've brilliantly articulated what I've been trying to explain about Supernatural, specifically about one of its most fascinating (at least to me) themes, that is the contrast between the nuclear and the queer family. In the post you've also mentioned "the backlash against the Joseph Campbell Monomyth-style mode of storytelling" and I got super curious since I've been trying to find some resources about alternatives to this type of storytelling. I was wondering if you could be so kind and share the names of some authors, or even some books/papers/articles about this "backlash". I just thought to take my chance and ask you but if it's not okay by you by no means ignore my request :)
thank you anyway for sharing your thoughts on that post, again it was brilliant! Have a nice day ^_^
Hello! Thank you so much for the compliment on my post!
When I say 'backlash against the monomyth', I am talking about conversations in the film school, and with other students, but some of them, as I mentioned, have gone on to make films that set out to subvert the Hero's Journey model of storytelling.
I personally love this piece:
Film Crit Hulk has a bit of a schtick that he's doing and yes, he writes in ALL CAPS, but he's kind of brilliant, actually, writes for some very serious publications, and this is a pretty brilliant summary of the kinds of conversations I heard and had in my University days and just after with members of the Lit and Crit fandom (which is what academics really are) and my then-aspiring filmmaker friends, and with people who were actively involved in shaping careers in Hollywood storytelling.
This is also good:
This is also really worth a read, and talks about the way the monomyth "displays ethnocentric, sexist, heteronormative, and cisnormative biases and it encourages people to ignore the ways in which stories are fundamentally shaped by the cultures and time periods in which they are produced."
As for alternatives, I will now tell you about a book I absolutely love, and cannot recommend highly enough, and that is Jane Alison's book Meander, Spiral, Explode.
EXTREMELY worth the read. Absolutely wonderful.
I also really like Relating Narratives by Adriana Cavarero, which you can read online, here, which is about selfhood and narrative, and actually is not fully relevant, probably, but it's awesome, so I include it.:
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arecomicsevengood · 11 months
If you ever come to visit me in Philadelphia, particularly if you are a visual artist of some stripe, odds are good I will invite you to visit the Barnes Foundation, home of some very beautiful paintings. A few months ago, I was with a cartoonist, looking at a piece by Pascin, maybe overhearing a docent providing commentary to a tour group, when the idiotic commentary of my own mind said to myself: Hey, didn’t a cartoonist do a cartoon biography of Pascin? Maybe there are copies in the gift shop. There were not, but once I was at home and googled I confirmed the cartoonist in question was Joann Sfar, and this book was published in the U.S. by Uncivilized Books. Months later, the publisher had a big sale on their website, and now that book is in my hands.
The comics biography is a much-maligned genre, for an number of reasons. One particularly egregious offense is telling the story of an artist via a style that gives no indication the storyteller cares about or understands the artist’s work. This, however, is a gorgeously drawn book. The affinity between Sfar feels for Pascin is clear, though pastiche is not attempted, there is still an understanding of the role of brushstroke, and characters struggle with the questions of art in a way that remains unsettled for the cartoonist. There’s a bit late in the book where two painters are discussing drawing from models, and how the goal is to capture the life and motion of a figure so it’s not like a photograph, and has a richness to it, but not to approach this goal the way the cubists go about it. It feels like this is a part of Sfar’s concerns as well, and he is choosing the looseness of a sketchbook approach, with varying materials, as his own way of achieving this aim. The page layouts are sketchbook-style, lacking the sense of forward momentum you get from a grid, but remaining well-timed in their progression across a sequence. To the best of my knowledge, it’s the only book of Sfar’s in English that’s in black and white, and we get to see his decisions unencumbered by color, as he focuses on textures, the body, nudity, eroticism.
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The traditional structure of the biography is dispensed with, in favor of telling little stories that work as comics. There isn’t a narrative of cause and effect, of rising and falling fortunes. Rather, a man is who he is, throughout his entire life, and different scenarios illuminate what that means. Sfar really focuses on Pascin as a dude who is either having sex or is drawing women as a way of gratifying himself as an alternative to fucking. In doing so, he turns Pascin into a character, rather than a node in historical time. I am unsure if I favor this approach because I’m a fatalist about human nature and don’t think people change that much over a lifetime, or if I just think that’s what works for comedy and I prefer comedy to drama. Most likely these things are interconnected.
This seems to me the right approach for Pascin, both because a comic works well with cartoon characters as its subject, and because of what it is to be a painter. It has occurred to me, walking through the Barnes, or other museums, that if you are seeing actual paintings, you are seeing them absent a grand historical narrative. An art book, filled with reproductions, can break an oeuvre down into periods, showing examples of each. But in a museum, you take what’s on offer, whether it be sketches or a handful of finished works. It is the rare museum that features enough of an artist’s work a viewer can take in the grand sweep of a career. This offers its own correspondence to what it is to be a person: how a lover has a different perspective on their partner than a close friend would, and parents, coworkers, and casual acquaintances have their own individual takes. While a biographer might seek a full compendium of everyone’s shifting opinions, over a period of years, all this will lead a reader to is the inconclusive conclusion that such-and-such was “a complicated guy.” A portrait of the artist as someone primarily interested in women and their work might not satisfy a biographer, but it is not necessarily inaccurate.
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Other artists (Soutine, Hemingway) get walk-on roles and they’re all presented as coherent characters - possessing a degree of psychological depth, but defined by their actions, and usually driven by base desires. Juxtaposing them against each other allows for themes to emerge without the book needing to lapse into narrative captions offering didactic explanations. There’s an episodic structure, and I enjoyed it from the beginning, but with each new chapter I felt like the book was getting better, cutting closer to its subject. It’s a very satisfying reading experience, and made me interested in reading more of Sfar’s work.
Another book I purchased from Uncivilized during this recent sale was Jesse McManus’ The Whistling Factory. Jesse recently gave a talk for the New York Comics Symposium I appreciated for a number of reasons. He is about the same age as I am, and he touched on having read as a kid some of the same black and white kids comics I wrote about in my article for issue 2 of But Is It… Comic Aht. (I still have copies available, if anyone’s interested.) While writing that piece, I had noted that there were similarities between how Jesse approached the cartooned shape and the shadows it cast and Scott Roberts did in his comic Patty Cake. My whole reason for writing that piece was that I feel like these comics were really under-discussed, because despite the nostalgic tendency in comics criticism, that primarily benefits superhero comics, and the comics I was talking about were never that widely-read. Jesse was totally disinterested in superhero comics that get discussed ad nauseam, and his perspective both feels unique to him and familiar to me.
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Jesse McManus diverges from me by being very good at drawing, and he goes beyond a lot of people by making a system out of following the logic of squash-and-stretch, taking the Fort Thunder tendency to focus on characters moving in space and applying it to this Kricfalusi-derived shifting of forms. The interest in images-for-their-own-sake abuts an interest in language-for-its-own-sake, and they work in concert to create something just a few feet beyond the fathomable. So many comics are interesting because you can see the artist thinking on paper, but in McManus you see someone who’s been drawing so long that the brain is on paper so fully it feels like the unconscious mind is behind what we’re seeing. Objects seem to flow in and out of being symbols, with new meanings dependent on the context. If Uncivilized feels like a weird publisher because it’s not clear what exactly they publish, besides feeling like the farm league for D+Q, these books seem to take the name of the company literally, in very different ways, to put to paper things that feel half-feral, untamed.
The subject matter of the half-feral arises in Sam Alden’s New Construction, but in order to talk about what makes Alden’s comics interesting to me, I’ve gotta briefly digress: Recently I reread the first two issues of Adrian Tomine’s Optic Nerve, which Drawn And Quarterly published in 1995. In high school, I borrowed a friend’s copy of Sleepwalk, which collected the first four issues of the series, and enjoyed it, vaguely intending to buy my own copy of the collection eventually, and buying all the issues that would later be collected as Summer Blonde. Now I’ve got the first two issues, and I might as well try to find issues 3 and 4 so I can have a complete set of the series in single issue format.
By and large, when I read comics from the 1990s for the first time decades later, there are two reactions I have: “Wow, they don’t make comics like that any more. That was so good, and so strong, in a way I can’t imagine anyone attempting that now” - these are, generally speaking, works that are “edgy” or transgressive in some way: Seven Miles A Second, for instance, or Nurture The Devil (still trying to track down issue 2 of this) or Villa Of The Mysteries. Julie Doucet’s Dirty Plotte fits this bill. Paul Pope was likely not trying to be transgressive, but his P-City Parade is still impressive for how much of a game-changer its approach to visual storytelling would’ve been at the time, and has stuff in it any editorial or self-censoring impulse would blanch at today. In comparison, work that feels inoffensive  often feels sort of boring in a way it likely didn’t at the time: The comics of Michael Dougan, say, which I tracked down after he died, are well-told, but also seem like they benefitted from there not being as much competition at the time. Interestingly, this perspective feels like the opposite of what most people mean when they say work “didn’t age well.” I am not sure if my tastes reflect a hunger for the transgressive for its own sake as much as I am interested in how work reflects the time of its creation, and I remember the nineties well enough to know people were not so well-manicured in their self-presentation as they are in the time of social media. (Again, these things are likely interconnected.)
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When I read Optic Nerve, it strikes me as work I liked when I was younger, that was made by someone who was themselves quite young at the time of its creation. One thing that makes the single issues interesting is the letter columns. Tomine was known for having good ones, as his work attracted a special type of weirdo that was comfortable offering their unprompted criticism to strangers. This is another aspect of the nineties which has fallen out of favor: All the criticism seems offered in earnest good faith, as opposed to today, where if someone tags a creator on social media when they’re offering criticism they will be called out for being a dick, people largely thinking of audience feedback within terms of a praise or trolling binary. James Kochalka has a letter in issue two, offering a take on Tomine’s work which has aged like wine, and I will reproduce it in in full:
…I’ve been enjoying your comics, but I’m beginning to find the critics tiresome. To me, it seems like you’re not particularly wise beyond your years. Your comics seem very much like they were written by a young person. You don’t seem particularly extra knowledgeable about what makes human beings tick… To me it seems like you’re as good you are simply because you work very hard at it. Sometimes it almost seems like you’re trying too hard, especially in Optic Nerve #1. It’s drawn with such rigidity. The pictures seem like they’re made almost entirely of vertical lines, with minor horizonals and very inconsequential diagonals and curves. To  me it seems like the stories don’t automatically call to be treated in this manner. Rather, it seems like your desire to appear “professional” is having a restricting effect on your drawing hand. Please, flow freely into your work.
Tom Kaczynski, the future publisher of Uncivilized Books, also writes in, saying “…I did find this issue to be bit awkward in execution. Some panels, it seemed, you were unsure of. I don’t know what is causing it. In the past, you seemed to have certain confidence in the line of the brush (especially on the “Smoke” story) which seems to be repressed under the tightened inks.”
I bring up these things to note that Sam Alden, similarly, was perceived as a young cartoonist for a minute there, and his stories in New Construction seem very well-observed in capturing young adults and subculture. He would’ve been a bit older than Tomine was. (These letters were written in 1995, when Tomine would’ve been 21, the stories in New Construction would’ve been made, I think, when Alden was in his late twenties.) Tomine’s work is about young people as somewhat repressed, lonely, aching to find their place in the world. Alden’s characters, a little bit older, have found comfort in subculture but are not necessarily great at navigating the world they’ve chosen for themselves, which might be harmful to them. Contained in the contrast between the two is a Generation X-er’s ability to enter into the world of professionalism, albeit with trepidation, as Tomine himself approximates the literary short story, and gets gigs doing illustration for The New Yorker, while Alden documents the sort of extended adolescence millennials fell into in the absence of other options.
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Sam Alden is by no means unemployable: He worked on Adventure Time at the time he made New Construction, and his earlier comic Haunter is the sort of post-Fort-Thunder genre comic that might earn someone such a gig. The two stories in New Construction, on the other hand, are literary fiction: One, Backyard, follows a group of young people living together in a house in New Orleans, where one person has stopped speaking altogether, and now communicates only in barks, and has moved to the backyard. Everyone is accepting this in the manner of open-minded young people, doing the best they can, noting she seems a lot happier now. The other story follows two siblings, also living in New Orleans, who have gone through a traumatic with their parent in the past and are ill-equipped for the larger world, and are having an incestuous relationship. They are much looser in their visual approach than you see in a Tomine comic, with scanning and printing technology developing enough in the intervening decades that Alden can work directly in pencil. He really nails the texture of water at night. The elliptical quality to his comics seems oriented towards the visual, towards capturing a gesture or atmosphere, something that might be elusive if attempting to recall it later, making for comics that feel decidedly immediate. Alden self-released a book called Sledgehammer digitally at the end of 2022, and my distaste for paying for digital comics has prevented me from reading it. I should get over this. It’s probably pretty good.
We all need to find a way to negotiate the digital space. It’s funny that Uncivilized proprietor Tom K, as he is known in shorthand, shares a surname with the Unabomber. It’s less funny that the company’s website does not offer anything in the way of interior art previews to show what these comics look like, which is almost certainly a big part of why I didn’t read them until they were deeply discounted. Images are from Uncivilized Books included in this post partly to remedy this problem, although they of course have far more comics that I have not read and have no idea what their art looks like. The images from mid-nineties comics I highlighted are included as part of my general largesse.
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ryanndalesworld · 2 years
Ilocano Lit| A Reflection of Us, Ilocanos
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Literature is one of a kind. It opens opportunities for us readers to take a break from reality to places we've never been or will never be. Just by reading with our wide imagination, we will not only be entertained, but we will also gain knowledge, lessons about life and understanding of the world including the people around us. However, have you heard of the richness of Ilocano literature? 
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"Iloko" is the language while "Ilocano" refers to the people who speak the Iloko language and lives in the provinces of Ilocos Norte, Ilocos Sur, La Union, and certain sections of Pangasinan, Tarlac, Cagayan, Isabela, Nueva Vizcaya, and Nueva Ecija. There are also some Ilocanos in Apayao, Kalinga, Ifugao, and Mountain Province. The entire region is sometimes called “Ilocandia” or the “Ilocos Region”.
The term Ilocano originates from i-, "from", and looc, "cove or bay", thus "people of the bay." A families and clans arrived by viray or bilog, meaning "boat". Ilocanos also refer to themselves as Samtoy, a contraction from the Ilokano phrase sao mi ditoy, "our language here".
One of the reasons why Ilocanos are known is because of the richness of their literature. In fact, it is believed by scholars to be the richest and most highly developed in the Philippines. 
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Ilocano literature are the literary works written in foreign or Philippine languages by the Ilocano ancestry writers. It is one of the several regional Philippine literatures. Ilocano literature, next to Tagalog and Philippine Literature in English, is one of the most active tributaries to the general Philippine literature.
Want to know how Ilocano literature developed? Let's see its historical background.
Folk songs, riddles, proverbs, lamentations called dung-aw, and epic tales in written or oral form made up the pre-colonial Iloco literature. The dallot, a long, spontaneous poetry given in a sing-song style, was a form of expression used by ancient Ilokano poets along with folk and battle songs.
During the Spanish regime, Iloko poetry was generally patterned after Spanish models. In fact, the earliest known written Iloko poems were the romances translated from Spanish by Francisco Lopez, an Augustinian friar who, in 1621, published his own Iloko translation of the Doctrina Cristiana by Cardinal Bellarmine, the first book to be printed in Iloko.
During the 18th century, the missionaries used both religious and secular literatures among other means to advance in order to further their goal of converting the Ilocanos to Christianity.
The comedia, otherwise known as the moro-moro, and the zarzuela were presented for the first time in the Ilocos in the 19th century. The comedia, a highly picturesque presentation of the wars between Christians and Muslims, and the zarzuela, an equally picturesque depiction of what is at once melodrama, comic-opera, and the skit interminably preoccupied with the eternal theme of boy-meets-girl-who-always-live-happily-ever-after-against-seemingly-impossible-odds are still as popular today as they were when first staged in the Ilocos.
Today, there is a sizable body of Ilocano literature, including newspapers and periodicals like the Bannawag.
Click this link to gain more information: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ilocano_literature
What's more interesting about Ilocano literature is that there is one piece that survived in the Spanish colonial period and still shines up to now!
Who wouldn't know the oldest, yet greatest Ilocano epic, Biag ni Lam-ang? 
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An illustration depicting the protagonist Lam-ang.
For many generations, Biag ni Lam-ang (The Life of Lam-ang) has been passed down orally, then it was later written down and documented during the Spanish Colonial era in the Philippines. It is notable for incorporating Roman Catholic elements into the piece, such as references by the characters of Lam-ang and Ines Kannoyan to marriage as a sacrament. 
It tells the story of Lam-ang's life from avenging his father's murder, to being eaten by the water monster Berkakan, to being reborn and living happily ever after with his love, Ines Kannoyan. Furthermore, the epic poem showed some of the customs, culture, tradition and belief of the Ilocano people of the Philippines, including how they value their family. The story also presented some of the qualities of the people of the Ilocos region such as adventurous, hardy, and brave, loyal as strongly portrayed by Lam-ang. 
Click the link below to have access on the summary of the Ilocano epic poem, Biag ni Lam-ang:
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Ilocano literature indeed has a special place in everyone's heart. This treasure of ours portrays Ilocano's ways of life, beliefs, cultures, traditions, customs, behaviors, ways of thinking, and many more amazing facts about Ilocanos. This literature speaks about who we are, what we are, and what we used to be. Thus, Ilocano literature is the life and identity of Ilocanos. 
This is just a glimpse of the richness of Ilocano literature and there are more amazing facts and information waiting to be discovered by you. At this point, you may realize that Ilocano literature is far different from yours. Ilocano literature might portray things that are not normal in your culture, beliefs, tradition, ways of life and the society you used to, but don't stop. Continue reading Ilocano literature because I guarantee that it will be worth it. You already gain awareness about our differences through literature and soon you will understand these differences which makes you to love and appreciate Ilocanos and Ilocano literature deeply.
As you read various Ilocano literature, you will be exposed to various situations. You will experience to be in the shoes of others and think or act like them. You will gain sympathy from others, understanding about differences, lessons about life and it will open your mind as to what reality is all about. Ilocano literature will change you in a good way. 
In conclusion, Ilocano literature brings out the best version of ourselves which contributes to making the world a better place to live. A place that is peaceful, sorrounded by love, full of kindness, free from discrimination, and where everyone is open minded, understanding and normalize differences. We can easily have access to a wide range of information in this generation. At this point, use any various means to feed yourself more information about Ilocano literature such as the technology which includes the internet, mobile applications, gadgets and various social media sites etc. 
Read and read and read Ilocano literature.
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shawngregory · 21 hours
How Decorative Bookends Can Add Character to Any Room
Decorative bookends are more than just practical tools for organizing books; they are a gateway to enhancing the aesthetic appeal and personality of any room. Whether you lean towards the timeless allure of antique bookends or the charming quirks of vintage styles, the right set of bookends can transform an ordinary space into a captivating visual story. Let's delve into how vintage, antique, and decorative bookends can infuse character and style into your home's decor.
The Charm of Vintage Bookends
Vintage bookends bring a sense of history and nostalgia that can warm up any modern space. These pieces often reflect the design trends and craftsmanship of the periods they come from, making them not only functional but also a piece of history. Whether it’s Art Deco designs from the 1920s, Mid-century Modern geometric shapes, or the intricate florals of the Victorian era, vintage bookends can act as a focal point on any shelf or table. Placing them in a contemporary setting adds a layer of contrast that highlights both the old and the new elements in your decor, creating a dynamic and visually interesting environment.
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Elegance Through Antique Bookends
Antique bookends are prized for their craftsmanship and the stories they carry from generation to generation. Often made from luxurious materials like marble, bronze, or hand-carved wood, antique bookends not only hold your literature but also elevate your home’s aesthetic. These timeless pieces can seamlessly blend into a sophisticated decor scheme or stand out as a statement piece in a minimalist room. By incorporating antique bookends, you’re not just decorating a space; you’re honoring craftsmanship and the enduring beauty of the past, adding a profound level of sophistication and elegance to any room.
The Versatility of Decorative Bookends
Decorative bookends come in endless designs, each capable of adding a unique touch to your home. From modern sculptures and abstract art pieces to thematic models that reflect your personal interests, these bookends are as versatile as they are functional. Decorative bookends serve as perfect conversation starters and can be matched with the room’s theme to enhance its character. For example, a pair of globe-shaped bookends may complement a travel-themed study, while animal-shaped bookends could add a whimsical touch to a child’s bedroom or a rustic living room.
Creating a Cohesive Look
Integrating decorative bookends into your home decor helps create a cohesive look that ties together various elements of a room. They can echo the colors and textures present in the space, or provide a striking juxtaposition that draws the eye. Moreover, strategically placing bookends can help balance visual weight across a bookshelf or mantle, adding both stability and style.
Functionality Meets Art
In many modern homes where space is at a premium, decorative bookends maximize functionality without sacrificing style. They make excellent use of vertical storage spaces, turning a simple book collection into an art display. This blend of utility and aesthetics is especially important in smaller living areas, where every decor choice needs to be both purposeful and visually appealing.
Decorative bookends, be they vintage, antique, or uniquely modern, offer more than just book organization. They infuse personality, elegance, and history into your living spaces. Whether you’re redecorating a room or searching for that perfect piece to complete your interior, consider how a simple addition like a pair of decorative bookends can transform the overall character of your environment. Remember, the best interiors are those that reflect the tastes and stories of those who live in them, and decorative bookends are a perfect tool to do just that.
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dog-food420 · 2 months
Maximizing Space and Comfort with Bunk Beds Twin Over Full
In the domain of space-saving furniture solutions, bunk beds stand tall, quite literally. They offer a pragmatic way to maximize floor space while providing comfortable sleeping arrangements, especially in homes where space is at a premium. Among the various configurations available, the bunk bed twin over full option shines as a versatile choice, catering to both juveniles and adults alike. Let's delve deeper into the benefits and considerations surrounding this popular furniture piece.
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Space Optimization:
One of the primary advantages of bunk beds, particularly the twin over full design, is their ability to efficiently utilize vertical space. By stacking two beds on top of each other, these bunk beds liberate valuable floor space that can be utilized for other activities or furnishings. This is especially advantageous in smaller bedrooms, apartments, or vacation homes where every square foot counts.
Accommodating Different Needs:
The twin over full configuration offers versatility in accommodating different sleeping preferences and needs. The top bunk typically features a twin-sized mattress, suitable for adolescents, teenagers, or single adults. Meanwhile, the bottom bunk boasts a larger full-sized mattress, providing ample space for couples or individuals who prefer extra room to stretch out comfortably. This flexibility makes the bunk bed twin over full ideal for families with children of varying ages or guest rooms where multiple guests may stay at different times.
Enhanced Functionality:
Beyond their primary function as sleeping quarters, bunk beds twin over full often come with additional features that enhance their functionality. Some models feature built-in storage drawers or shelves, providing convenient space for storing bedding, clothes, toys, or books. This integrated storage helps keep the room tidy and organized, eliminating the need for extra furniture pieces like dressers or nightstands.
Stylish Designs:
Modern bunk beds are available in a wide array of styles, materials, and finishes to complement any decor scheme. Whether you prefer sleek and contemporary designs or rustic and farmhouse-inspired aesthetics, there's a bunk bed twin over full to suit your taste. From metal frames with clean lines to wooden bunk beds with intricate detailing, you can find a design that adds visual appeal to your space while serving its practical purpose.
Safety Considerations:
While bunk beds are undeniably space-saving and functional, safety should always be a top priority, especially when children are involved. When purchasing a bunk bed twin over full, ensure that it meets safety standards and regulations, including sturdy construction, guardrails on the top bunk, and secure ladders or stairs for accessing the upper bed. Additionally, it's essential to educate children about safe usage practices, such as avoiding rough play on the beds and using the ladder/stairs carefully.
Assembly and Maintenance:
Assembling a bunk bed twin over full may necessitate some time and effort, depending on the complexity of the design. It's crucial to follow the manufacturer's instructions carefully and enlist the help of another person, if necessary, to ensure safe and proper assembly. Once assembled, regular maintenance is essential to prolong the lifespan of the bunk bed. This includes periodic tightening of screws and bolts, inspecting for any signs of wear or damage, and keeping the bed clean and free of dust and debris.
Bunk beds twin over full offer a practical and stylish solution for maximizing space without compromising on comfort or style. Whether used in children's bedrooms, guest rooms, or vacation homes, these versatile furniture pieces cater to a wide range of sleeping needs and preferences. By considering factors such as space optimization, functionality, safety, and maintenance, you can choose a bunk bed twin over full that seamlessly integrates into your living space while providing years of reliable use and enjoyment.
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astingoliverrose · 7 months
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This is the league of extraordinary gentlemen comic book that was a novelisation of the script from the movie of the same name, written by James Dale Robinson, which itself was based on the comic by Alan Moore and Kevin O'Neill. Above are four comic book covers that go back to early 1900s to modern 2009, I like that in each cover they embrace the artistic styles of the time period, the first one has the big frame with a circular image in the middle with bland darker colours that would match that dreary time period, for the 1969 version its bursting with colour which I really like because its expressive an psychedelic, and then the 2009 version is edgier and has a more sharper art style and in my opinion doesn't look to good with the green, its eye catching for sure.
This is a cartoonish like model of a literal Rat king with a crown, the rat itself is chubby keeled over eating a piece of cheese...even though this piece of cheese is actually a full cheese wheel so in actuality this rat is very large and is deserving of his royal crown, the paint on this model is a basic coating of grey with an undercoat of black to highlight the grey, the cheese is a bright yellow but isn't realistic enough to make me hungry, I think the floor boards could have a small dousing of black because its a bit too strong but overall the model looks good but personally I wouldn't go for this style.
This rat looks more realistic than the last model with the eyes, I could've used that for my model to make it easier however I doubt that there would have been black eyes with red dots so I improvised. The face was on point but the fur is lacking, its good as a base line but doesn't look the best, too choppy.
This isn't a rat but the main thing to take away from this model is that its fur is on point, particularly around its elbows and belly, it flows all around the body rather than in all directions, its position is matching its theme, that being an orangutang.
Steven Stagmeister - Stefan Sagmeister is a New York-based graphic designer and typographer who is best known for his album covers, posters and his uniquely packaged and designed books. He has designed album covers for Lou Reed, OK Go, The Rolling Stones, David Byrne, Aerosmith and Pat Metheny.
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Above is one of his pieces, it features a man looking either very worried or more likely staring down fiercely at the camera for an album cover, the most striking part of this cover is the Octopus tentacle's spiralling around his head and spelling out some words that I cannot decipher, I like the fact that the face is eye catching, achieving this by vignetting the background and making the tentacles a bright red, however I don't really like how the tentacles are modelled, it looks like it was made by an A.I. which looks naff.
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This one I like a lot more because the font is simple and sweet, plain black background, with a wiggly worm like stripy text that isn't distracting but straight to the point and bold. For a book cover you would use something more like this but that doesn't mean text cant produced in a creative way for example, merging the background and the text together.
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patelgalloway70 · 1 year
Build A Profitable Digital Strategy By Choosing The Proper Companions
This contains route knowledge from the native government authority, highway situation data from closed circuit cameras (real-time), public works and utility operators , crowdsourced data from cell gadgets for visitors volumes and so on. Not solely does this knowledge must be acquired, however it must be validated for accuracy, analyzed for proximity to hazards, pedestrians and different vehicles, and introduced to the driver for positioning. Location technology includes any methods that create, consume or course of info that's innately spatial or geospatial. best marketing strategies That is why if you look at a pair of pants on one web site you see an advert for that very same pair of pants after you've moved on to new websites. Since McDonald’s is keen to acquire extra digital customers it runs promotions like offering a free 10 piece field of Chicken McNuggets for people who sign up for MyMcDonald’s Rewards. Loyalty program members additionally receive 1,500 points after their first order, which means it doesn’t take very a lot or very long before you get a free treat. “Our friends are some of the most loyal on the earth, and we're happy to offer them extra causes to go to us, again and again. Last July McDonald’s launched its first ever points based loyalty program within the United States referred to as MyMcDonald’s Rewards. Don’t get me incorrect, these are are good ventures for incremental, value-added solutions, but these aren't recreation changers. Software tasks are infamous for falling outside scope, going over budget and operating past deadlines. A lack of forethought, undefined or ambiguous goals, and poorly carried out enterprise strategy. It is crucial to continue ongoing efforts in each the digital transformation of presidency services and financial coverage. “We’re well on our way to constructing the world’s largest loyalty program,”saidKempczinski. “Loyalty is the one greatest driver of digital adoption, and MyMcDonald’s rewards has exceeded expectations by means of enrollment and participation.” McDonald’s digital gross sales within the first nine months of had been $13 billion or 20% of sales. By having a loyalty program retailers can get round those privateness modifications by amassing knowledge instantly from their clients. The time period model is usually described because the name, brand, slogan, and symbols that a business use to create a way of identity. In my point of view, the word brand is more than a set of mentioned elements. A brand is a set of core values, visible id, and aims which altogether build a strong foundation for a enterprise. A digital strategy provides clear and practical expectations of technology, services and operational practices, and ensures that the options we implement are approached purposefully and meet the needs of the communities that we serve. Let’s say you have abusiness objective of selling the next volume of products on-line and a set of promoting targets that will assist you drive this initiative. Your on-line strategy outlines a set of techniques and tools that can assist you achieve these objectives. In our retail style instance, this would possibly translate to a social selling strategy that qualifies and directs results in your eCommerce web site with a 10% low cost code. In this e-book, Simone Abel, Director of Digital Strategy at Enginess, shares her expertise on the method behind making a digital strategy roadmap as it pertains to attaining digital transformation. Burnie Group’s in depth expertise in digital consulting and marketing allows us to help our purchasers all through the strategic process.
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earaercircular · 2 years
Recycle more beautifully
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In blocks: Sabine Marcelis, the Dutch designer with a penchant for marble, is visiting London.
Miu Miu upcycles biker jackets, the brass band La Brass Banda composes a beer, and the city's creative scene presents itself at the London Design Festival. The style news of the week
Farewell atmosphere on the Thames: hundreds of thousands want to pay their last respects to Elizabeth II at the coffin, the queue is kilometres long. Those who make their way to the British capital on a Queen memorial tour have definitely a second reasons to travel. Next week, the London Design Festival presents exhibitions, installations and events that showcase the city's creative scene. The program is again unmistakably diverse, and those who don't want to just drift through one of the "design districts", be it in Mayfair or on Pimlico Road, should plan their visit carefully. In 2019, 600,000 guests from 75 countries came, and for the twentieth edition of this year, the huge design party is also supposed to send a message to politicians: the pandemic and Brexit have brought the industry a "catastrophic step backwards". It is now a matter of not to jeopardise the promotion of London's "creative and artistic leadership", according to a statement. Highlights include the walk-through installation "Into Sight," that promises a multi-sensory experience with shifting light, colour, and sound effects, and a work by the widely acclaimed Dutch artist Sabine Marcelis, that aims to invite a new look at London's Brutalist architecture[1].
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Broad shoulders, soft collar: a motorcycle jacket from Miu Miu's upcycling collection.
Recycling in the luxury version, something like Miuccia Prada can of course afford. Search the global vintage market for exactly 50 particularly cool leather jackets, have them made a little prettier by hand in the studio with fur and glitter, add the logo - and the Miu Miu upcycling collection is complete. After a first line of used clothes from the 1930s to 1980s, that were redesigned in the style of the Italian brand, and a cooperation with Levis, the biker jackets turned inside out are now also about changing the image of classic motorcycle gear. The embellished second-hand pieces were photographed for the campaign with models on gleaming chrome machines - but with their beadwork and collars made of soft fur, they look anything but masculine[2].
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Colourful and Bavarian: "Love Beer", designed by La Brass Banda.
The band La Brass Banda has been around for 15 years and is centred around chief trumpeter Stefan Dettl. They have been a favourite piece of music for many Bavarians for almost the same period, and their rousing concerts in particular are entertaining at a high level with a mixture of love of their homeland and cosmopolitanism. You should not only be able to hear the idiosyncratic style, you should also be able to drink it. In any case, the barefoot band has brought their own beer onto the market together with the Weißbierbrauerei Schneider[3]: The "Love Beer" not only looks hippy-trended in its colourful bottle, Its aromas also read merrily and wildly: the wheat beer is said to transport notes of gooseberries and white elderflower, made possible by the interaction of the aroma hops "Nelson Sauvin" with the local variety "Herkules". The band beer is available in selected beverage shops and restaurants, as can be read on this love beer map[4].
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In "The Camera" the photographer Elfie Semotan talks about the models who have accompanied her in her life.
"A Different Kind of Beauty" is the title of the autobiography of the great photographer Elfie Semotan[5]. The Austrian became known in the 90s with her photos for magazines such as i-D and Interview, photographed the campaigns of her best friend Helmut Lang, was married to the artists Kurt Kocherscheidt and Martin Kippenberger. In the book "The Camera" that is now being published, one gets another very special insight into her life: through the respective camera lenses with which she has worked over the years. For example the Nikon: Semotan's first camera, given to her by Canadian photographer John Cook, then her partner. "In the beginning I was always much too fast. I saw something and started straight away: Well, I have to take a picture of that very quickly now. Nonsense!" Or the Polaroid, which she also used from the start: "For certain people, the Polaroid was really the medium. I've already seen what it can do. It's total seduction, which I've forbidden myself to give in to because for me It's not possible, I have the feeling that I would only rely on the aesthetics, and I don't allow myself that, that's very important." In conversation with the writer Ferdinand Schmatz, she talks about the respective models who have accompanied her on her way, and of course you can see and learn a lot about the art of her photography. The book is the start of the new series "Things of Life"[6] (18 euros).
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So-called sterile packaging from hospitals is used for Vepa chairs.
Somewhere upcycling has its limits, this thought is probably the natural reaction to this news from the Netherlands: There, the furniture manufacturer Vepa presented the first chair made from "surgical waste". But don't worry, for the seats and backrests of the "Blue Finn" model only the sterile material in which medical instruments were packed is used. In hospitals, large amounts of so-called "bluewrap packaging"[7] regularly accumulate as waste, which can be easily recycled. The result is minimalist stackable multipurpose chairs and bar stools for cafeterias, waiting areas and lecture rooms. The blue colour is reminiscent of the earlier life of the plastic. In the spirit of the circular economy, all individual parts can be easily separated and then recycled again.
Anne Goebel, Kathrin Hollmer, Max Scharnigg & Silke Wichert, Schöner recyceln, in: Süddeutsche Zeitung, 16-09-2022; https://www.sueddeutsche.de/stil/mode-miu-miu-london-labrassbanda-1.5658183
[1] London Design Festival was launched by Sir John Sorrell CBE and Ben Evans CBE in 2003. Building on London’s existing design activity, their concept was to create an annual event that would promote the city’s creativity, drawing in the country’s greatest thinkers, practitioners, retailers and educators to a deliver an unmissable celebration of design. The launch of the first Festival took place at Bloomberg on 25 March 2003, with a show of support from design, education, government and London organisations. 20 years later, this vision remains ever strong. https://londondesignfestival.com/about
[2] https://www.miumiu.com/be/fr/miumiu-club.html
[3] G. Schneider & Sohn GmbH is a Bavarian beer brewer and distributor based in Munich and a brewery in Kelheim, specializing in the production of wheat beer, which is sold under the Schneider Weisse brand. Historically, the company is also known regionally as Weisses Bräuhaus.
[4] https://www.google.com/maps/d/u/0/viewer?mid=1h0rC0EjwJyQ7ayCppCO6vR203USL6G4&ll=50.75761402676104%2C16.97936635625002&z=4
[5] Elfie Semotan (born July 25, 1941 in Wels) is an Austrian photographer.
[6] The Residenz Verlag, based in Salzburg and Vienna, is one of the most traditional publishers in Austria and today stands for an extremely ambitious literary program and a dedicated non-fiction program. The focal points of the literary program are young new discoveries from all German-speaking countries, the continuous supervision of the complete works of renowned Austrian writers, selected translations from Eastern and Northern European languages and from English. In non-fiction, Residenz publishes on the topics of politics, sustainability, contemporary history and art as well as biographies and poses explosive socio-political questions with the essay series "Keep Unrest". https://www.residenzverlag.com/verlag/ueber-uns
[7] Bluewrap is entirely made of polypropylene, so-called meltblown and spunbond homopolypropylene. Bluewrap does not look like plastic but rather like a fibrous material. Nevertheless, polypropylene is easy to recycle. But it does require a different recycling process than, for example, the recycling of PET bottles. Bluewrap is used, discarded and then collected in cooperation with a waste collection company. https://vepa.nl/product/blue-finn/?lang=en
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shepherdlacroix8 · 2 years
Get The Designer Look With The Gucci Belt Dupe
Designers are all about having a great time in 2022 if you are. The catsuit is certainly one of the yr's most surprising trends to emerge. But lest you relegate it to runway solely (as seen a number of times on Saint Laurent's and at Burberry)—know that everyone from Hailey Bieber to Lizzo has already worn it out within the wild. It's like your favorite yoga one-piece received a sudden after-dark replace. Should a shop not offer prices in your local forex, we might calculate the displayed value on every day updated trade rates. In 2011, the company opened the Gucci Museum inside the 14th-century Palazzo della Mercanzia in Florence to rejoice its 90th anniversary. In 2016, Alessandro Michele curated two additional rooms dedicated to Tom Ford's collections. In January 2018, following a renovation, the Gucci Museum reopened with a brand new name, the Gucci Garden, and a new restaurant inside its partitions, the Gucci Osteria, managed by Massimo Bottura. During the Eighties, the Gucci saga eroded the family-held prime management of the company and fed the press headlines. Paolo Gucci, son of Aldo, tried to launch the model Gucci Plus on his own. Aldo was criticized for developing many of the international enterprise under Gucci America which he owned. In 1982, to ease tensions within the family, the Gucci group was consolidated and became a publicly-traded company, Guccio Gucci SpA. In May 1983, Rodolfo died. We reserve at Our discretion, the proper to modify/amend/alter/update this Privacy Policy, at any time by placing a discover on Our Site. To ensure your consciousness to the identical change, it is your sole responsibility to evaluate this policy periodically. wikipedia designer belt User/s” shall mean and include the Person/s who purchases merchandise, avail Our providers and supply Their information through Our Site. You haven't any obligation to purchase the product once you understand the worth. Generally, though, the looks of your liked one Gucci supply is dependent upon where you are shopping as every retailer has a different means of packaging their goods. Haute24.com is not responsible for the privacy practices or the content of those linked web sites. This Policy applies to Information/ Information any exhausting copy/ electronic document that could be collected /shared / analyzed and/or saved by Us. A full cost in advance may be required once in a while, to e-book all special/select/exclusive offers. Take the device, place the spoke over the mark and squeeze onerous. You might need to wiggle the device side to facet to minimize that final layer of leather-based. The resulting hole ought to look equivalent to the manufacturing unit made holes. In October 2019, Gucci launched a $1.5-million scholarship program for US students traditionally underrepresented in the fashion business. In September 2016, Gucci inaugurated the Gucci Hub, its new Milan headquarters constructed in the former Caproni aeronautical manufacturing facility. In July 2017, Gucci introduced the launch of Gucci Décor, the first time the brand tested itself in the home decoration phase. In November 2018, Gucci opened the Gucci Wooster Bookstore in New York, a 2,000-book shop curated by the founder of Dashwood Books David Strettell. The value may even differ depending on what width and elegance you’re buying. The Gucci’s black crocodile belt is the third most expensive belt design that the model presents currently. It options fantastic detailing with a GG log buckle in gold tone. The belt was made in Italy and the buckle includes a push-pin styling in a gold tone with a leather keeper and tonal topstitching. The type of the hardware is reminiscent of the 1970s classic aesthetic which was retrieved from an archive of the well-known brand, available in Black and made with genuine crocodile leather. gg belt fake First launched in 2016, the Gucci GG Marmont belt has quickly taken over the World of Fashion. Be certain to look at the price of your possible purchase, and be sensible. If the belt is marked at half the price of a regular Gucci belt, likelihood is it is pretend. In most cases, if the value seems too good to be true, it in all probability is. The belt and buckle surfaces are easy with no harm or tears.
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Celine Bag
And we promise that our high quality of replica Celine field bag is not going to be second to none. Aired October 8, 2000, generally known as "The It Bag" of the period episode was in full swing arc, a time when it appeared completely normal, there may be an much more coveted, identified by style-name handbags as plot factors in a preferred TV present. For a time, these irrational reverence bag is a logo of trend's most covetable status, encouraging customers around the world to add their names to a ready list for months. Cheap replica celine baggage store outlet uk,australia and extra country, we are the replica celine supplier, all celine bags are nearly wholesale value ,if you order more,much money save. One such bag that may be very well-liked on the style scene is the Celine traditional field bag. replica celine bag This is the sort of bag is really the accent that each lady needs in her equipment closet, and moreover, in each color. "It's the Celine sale replica outlet handbags mini similar thing the bag." She stated that from expertise. In the previous three months, Zucher Ms. been trying to find the proper black purse to suit a iPad, folders, books Anda big purse, may select to put on cross body. To authenticate an elegant Celine Luggage bag start by observing the overall look with its form and ornaments. Then, transfer onto the leather method and analyze the standard - if it would not feel and appear like genuine calfskin then the bag is pretend. Check the bottom aspect too with its stitching and metal hardware. Don't forget to take a detailed look at the zipper and puller. Now the replica luggage on iOffer are cheaper than on most respectable replica websites and there are tons of models to choose from. However iOffer is just a mediator, they never get involved if one thing goes mistaken in a buy order, so you as a purchaser mainly have no safety web. So I discovered a vendor that had many Celine replica baggage and plenty of buyer evaluations, I thought this was a good thing. I made the supply for a reproduction Celine Luggage with black and beige. He offered a discount for Western Union but I refused and selected PayPal as a substitute. Sorry for being so M.I.A – I’ve had a really busy summer so far and had little or no time to update the blog. It is a beige canvas handbag Espolón Tequila, he says there is a skeleton riding a cock pictures. And lastly the decoration - on this close-up image we can see how outlined the authentic ornament is and the way flat the counterfeit one is compared to the left picture. When it comes to zippers should you remember that tooth of the low-quality zippers are asymmetrical, not perfectly straight, and placed farther from each other. This is the precise scenario with the counterfeit model whereas the genuine zipper teeth are completely straight and flawless, which will make it simple for the slider to move. The ornaments on the perimeters of the authentic centerpiece are very delicate, beautiful, and embossed however the fake ornaments appear to be less outlined as properly as incorrectly positioned too. wikipedia handbags The genuine model has a boat-like shape and the perimeters could be folded inside if the individual would not have to carry a lot round or simply prefers to take action. Learn how to distinguish old and new logos from each other which is able to allow you to in the authentication course of. Finally, verify the label and understand that higher quality replicas are a lot harder to identify the variations on. Crafted with high-quality leather the fabric is close to the calfskin of the real piece. The newest trend information, beauty coverage, celebrity style, trend week updates, tradition reviews, and videos on Vogue.com. Designed that will help you “reset at instances of high stress,” this aromatic perfume from The Nue Co. is clean, woody, spicy, and smokey. The unisex scent options notes of green cardamom, iris, palo santo, and cilantro. One of Acqua di Parma’s most popular colognes, Colonia is a recent, citrusy scent that fits any event. It includes key notes of lemon, bergamot, lavender, and patchouli. You can see a really shiny leather-based that appears sort plastic-y on the old bag, but the new leather is extra matte and luxe. Paco Rabanne’s earthy, woody 1 Million Lucky scent features a distinctive mixture of hazelnut, green plum, grapefruit, and cedar—making it a woody, sensual fragrance with a contact of citrus. The futuristic-looking bottle is also the perfect thing to flex in your drugs cupboard. Overall, the finish is of shiny, good high quality leather-based for a long-lasting, perfect-looking piece. The lock closure is made with gold hardware, designed to rigorously replicate the true piece. Spacious, smart, and great for skilled events the Celine 16 dupe purse is a should have on your wardrobe. In Spring of 2015, the Celine Belt Bag was born added to an already impressive portfolio of purses. Most tourists benefit from the surroundings of high rise motels within the metropolis. Rental residences are getting increasingly well-liked in Phoenix as they've a lot celine replica phantom of celine bag sale nice celine on the market options. These excursions include a stopover at Phi Phi Island that has now totally introduced again from the tsunami in 2004. Every year from across the globe people visits this country in a great numbers with totally different holidaying objective, Be it celine trapeze replica escape to paris, Family household trip, Adventure or different. However, It is possible to gadgets to measure muscle rigidity, And sensors to trace and assess pores and skin temperature variances. This is a market where many people use celine phantom sale these product daily outlet celine to situation their skin. However, the value is often the biggest obstacle why many cannot afford this perfect bag. That is why Baginc has created the Celine traditional box bag dupes. Those designer dupes are the cheaper model of the unique that holds top quality, and extraordinary stitching. The Celine classic field bag dupe is the true replicas of the original Celine box bag. Made out of high-quality leather, The Celine dupes are a much less expensive and nonetheless very fashionable alternative to the Celine classic box bag.
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pontoppidanbowles7 · 2 years
ferragamo belt
Adjustable Gancini Belt The product range is accomplished by eyewear and watches, manufactured beneath licence by third events in Italy and abroad, to have the ability to make good use of native abilities. The distinctive, unique design which has at all times distinguished the Group's products is obtained by combining style, creativity and innovation with the standard and craftsmanship typical of Italian-made goods. Since then, Prada’s most profitable items by far are made from nylon. Strangely sufficient, it was a marriage between the beloved triangular steel badge and the house’s celebrated Saffiano leather-based that gave delivery to one of the most popular men’s belts around. Ferragamo belt supplied on the positioning have a quantity of piercings fitted to all sizes and might even be personalized. However, you can also use one other cleaner particularly designed for leather, as nicely. That brings us to the tip of our actual vs pretend Salvatore Ferragamo Gancini belt guide. We will proceed to update this article as better and newer comparisons are put out. All you have to do is ship us good-quality photos of your Ferragamo Gancini belt and we'll get again to you with the results inside 24 to 48 hours. The outcomes may also come with a report on why we imagine your sneakers are pretend or genuine. The mixture of supplies and Ferragamo expert processing delivers an expensive and elegant impact. Four wheels, extendible deal with, front giant flap pocket and mixture closure make this luggage the best piece for avid travellers. With the current success of its signature fragrances for both men and ladies, Ferragamo has expanded its inspiration in the world of style, making a world of sweeping brilliance and elegance. Please contribute to the website quality by offering suggestions or Submit A Coupon Code to assist different users saving when purchasing at Ferragamo Belt Sale. Are expired with the period time offered by the store. Some coupons have restricted time or their necessities. However, essentially the most vital sign that the bag you’re holding is authentic is the serial number. On the inside of the bag, you should find more than one serial quantity as properly as care instructions and the Ferragamo name tags. For example, if you put on a 36” waist trouser, then a 38 belt dimension might be a secure bet. Book a private appointment at house or in retailer with our Ferragamo professional. Discover the model new collections and luxuriate in a novel buying experience. Starting from a small factory in 1891, Ferragamo has assured trend to last for almost a century, from international success to prestigious collaborations with the world’s most famous designers. They have created many famous names, ranging from Gianni Versace to Karl Lagerfeld and Chanel to Giorgio Armani. I have a combine of very nice belts that I "showcase" with sure outfits and cheaper "everyday" put on belts . Most essential is to buy a belt that matches your shoes. We even have novelty belts, woven belts, huge and tall males's belts and cash belts. We additionally carry the brands you trust like Levi's, Tommy Hilfiger, Dickies, Dockers, CTM belts and more! We additionally offer FREE normal delivery on all orders of $35 or more. Shop our complete selection of males's belts OR click on on any of the boys's belts sub-categories to get began. Reversible calfskin belt that includes the long-lasting Gancini buckle in palladium. The neatest thing about this belt’s design is that while it does have the brand’s brand it’s not etched everywhere in the strap and buckle, permitting the belt to keep its refined and upscale look. It’s made of black calf skin leather, silver toned hardware, and has a silver buckle with the brand’s brand prominently etched into it. There aren’t many equipment featuring grey in the Salvatore Ferragamo belt collection, but this one is a uncommon exception. It features a belt strap made of black calf skin leather, however the buckle is a trendy shade of darkish grey. Silver tone hardware competes the design and provides this accent even more flair. It features Gancini buckle with a burnished end and is adjustable. The most exciting thing is buckle could be changed with new versions to play with totally different attires. Vara is successfully capable of create a style that is female, timeless, and fashionable. The inventive director explores new, modern paths to realize this goal, Can be worn with any costume of your alternative to offer a chic look. The other colors price the identical because the black iteration. If you find one and might afford to splurge, undoubtedly consider selecting it up — these belts are a good way to add distinction to your apparel and a touch of color. Our Ferragamo Belts, can be found at the best wholesale costs and in an enormous variety of styles, sizes and designs. Choose from the epic leather collection to the gorgeous monogrammed canvas. https://phoenet.tw/replica-designer-belts/ferragamo-replica-belts.html wikipedia handbags Remember, the belt isn't an indeterminate accessory. It is best to withdraw the belt earlier than the belt is worn or the belt buckle looks bad. Contact us to order by cellphone or for any other data regarding our services. Salvatore Ferragamo’s ardour for his craft has been passed down as a residing legacy in the house of Salvatore Ferragamo, whereby the custom of making sneakers has not been misplaced.
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linnet92holder · 2 years
Celine Replica Purses
It is a beige canvas purse Espolón Tequila, he says there's a skeleton driving a cock pictures. And lastly the ornament - on this close-up picture we will see how defined the genuine decoration is and how flat the counterfeit one is compared to the left image. When it involves zippers if you remember that tooth of the low-quality zippers are asymmetrical, not completely straight, and placed further from one another. This is the precise state of affairs with the counterfeit model whereas the genuine zipper tooth are perfectly straight and flawless, which is ready to make it easy for the slider to move. The ornaments on the perimeters of the genuine centerpiece are very delicate, exquisite, and embossed but the fake ornaments seem to be much less defined as well as incorrectly positioned too. The authentic mannequin has a boat-like form and the edges could be folded inside if the individual would not have to hold a lot round or just prefers to do so. "It's the Celine sale replica outlet handbags mini identical thing the bag." She said that from experience. In the past three months, Zucher Ms. been looking for the right black handbag to suit a iPad, folders, books Anda massive purse, would possibly choose to put on cross body. To authenticate a chic Celine Luggage bag begin by observing the overall look with its shape and ornaments. Then, move onto the leather technique and analyze the standard - if it would not look and feel like authentic calfskin then the bag is pretend. Check the underside facet too with its stitching and metallic hardware. Don't neglect to take a close have a glance at the zipper and puller. You can see a very shiny leather-based that appears type plastic-y on the old bag, however the new leather-based is more matte and luxe. Paco Rabanne’s earthy, woody 1 Million Lucky scent contains a distinctive combination of hazelnut, green plum, grapefruit, and cedar—making it a woody, sensual fragrance with a contact of citrus. The futuristic-looking bottle can be the proper thing to flex in your medication cupboard. Overall, the end is of shiny, good high quality leather for a long-lasting, perfect-looking piece. The lock closure is made with gold hardware, designed to rigorously replicate the actual piece. Spacious, sensible, and great for professional occasions the Celine 16 dupe handbag is a must have in your wardrobe. In Spring of 2015, the Celine Belt Bag was born added to an already impressive portfolio of purses. And we promise that our high quality of replica Celine box bag won't be second to none. Aired October 8, 2000, known as "The It Bag" of the period episode was in full swing arc, a time when it seemed perfectly regular, there is an even more coveted, known by style-name handbags as plot points in a well-liked TV show. For a time, these irrational reverence bag is a symbol of style's most covetable status, encouraging customers around the world to add their names to a waiting listing for months. Cheap replica celine luggage shop outlet uk,australia and more nation, we're the replica celine supplier, all celine luggage are nearly wholesale value ,should you order more,much money save. One such bag that is very popular on the fashion scene is the Celine traditional field bag. This is the type of bag is actually the accessory that every lady wants in her accessories closet, and furthermore, in each colour. See,celine replica our Queen bag is in an informal gown with yellow as its major colour,celine bag replica which go away us a really powerful notion, celine replica purses spring clean. The orange footwear plus the bag make the general image more integrated. phoenet.tw replica CELINE bag The Celine classic box bag is so popular that you could see it in all places on the web, and lots of replica luggage websites promote it. One could easily buy a reproduction Celine box bag online, but it will be hard if you need to get a extremely good replica of Celine box purse. However I just lately received this review, and identical to I anticipated, nothing has modified here. It’s not only Céline replica bags from iOffer that you must avoid shopping for, however all replica purse manufacturers in general. However, the worth is commonly the biggest obstacle why many can not afford this good bag. That is why Baginc has created the Celine classic box bag dupes. Those designer dupes are the cheaper model of the original that holds high quality, and extraordinary stitching. The Celine classic field bag dupe is the true replicas of the original Celine box bag. Made out of high-quality leather, The Celine dupes are a much less expensive and nonetheless very trendy substitute to the Celine classic field bag. In the US, a small sixteen purse starts at $3,850 with prices reaching $4,250 for their larger makes. Celine Replica handbags have a timeless type which could be very simple but nonetheless very distinctive and stylish which may be easily noticed in the lime mild of style trade. Another distinction that must be pointed out is how the leather puller of the authentic bag is made from calfskin whereas the counterfeit puller is made of pretend, low-quality leather that is rough and rugged. If you have always wanted to own a Celine classic box bag, now might be the time. With Baginc and the Celine Box Bag Dupes, it is time to treat your self to the bag that you've at all times dreamed of. wikipedia handbags
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sanderberg44 · 2 years
Celine Bag
And we promise that our quality of replica Celine field bag is not going to be second to none. Aired October 8, 2000, known as "The It Bag" of the period episode was in full swing arc, a time when it seemed completely regular, there may be an much more coveted, known by style-name handbags as plot factors in a popular TV show. For a time, these irrational reverence bag is a logo of fashion's most covetable standing, encouraging shoppers around the world to add their names to a waiting record for months. Cheap replica celine baggage shop outlet uk,australia and more nation, we are the replica celine supplier, all celine bags are virtually wholesale price ,when you order more,a lot cash save. One such bag that could be very well-liked on the fashion scene is the Celine basic field bag. This is the sort of bag is actually the accessory that every lady wants in her equipment closet, and moreover, in every color. "It's the Celine sale replica outlet purses mini identical thing the bag." She stated that from experience. In the past three months, Zucher Ms. been looking for the proper black purse to fit a iPad, folders, books Anda big purse, might choose to wear cross body. To authenticate a chic Celine Luggage bag begin by observing the general look with its form and ornaments. Then, transfer onto the leather-based technique and analyze the quality - if it does not look and feel like genuine calfskin then the bag is fake. Check the underside facet too with its stitching and metal hardware. Don't overlook to take an in depth have a look at the zipper and puller. Now the replica baggage on iOffer are cheaper than on most respectable replica websites and there are many fashions to select from. However iOffer is just a mediator, they by no means become involved if something goes wrong in a purchase, so that you as a buyer mainly have no security internet. wikipedia handbags So I found a vendor that had many Celine replica baggage and plenty of customer critiques, I thought this was an excellent factor. I made the offer for a duplicate Celine Luggage with black and beige. He provided a reduction for Western Union however I refused and selected PayPal as an alternative. Sorry for being so M.I.A – I’ve had a extremely busy summer season thus far and had very little time to update the weblog. It is a beige canvas purse Espolón Tequila, he says there's a skeleton riding a cock footage. And finally the ornament - in this close-up picture we are in a position to see how outlined the genuine decoration is and how flat the counterfeit one is in comparability with the left image. When it involves zippers when you do not forget that enamel of the low-quality zippers are asymmetrical, not perfectly straight, and placed farther from one another. This is the exact situation with the counterfeit model whereas the genuine zipper tooth are perfectly straight and flawless, which will make it straightforward for the slider to maneuver. The ornaments on the edges of the authentic centerpiece are very delicate, beautiful, and embossed but the pretend ornaments seem to be less outlined in addition to incorrectly positioned too. The genuine model has a boat-like form and the perimeters could be folded inside if the person does not have to hold a lot round or just prefers to take action. Learn tips on how to distinguish old and new logos from one another which is ready to allow you to in the authentication course of. Finally, verify the label and remember that higher quality replicas are a lot harder to identify the variations on. Crafted with high-quality leather-based the material is close to the calfskin of the real piece. The newest style news, beauty protection, superstar type, style week updates, tradition critiques, and movies on Vogue.com. Designed that will help you “reset at times of high stress,” this fragrant fragrance from The Nue Co. is clear, woody, spicy, and smokey. The unisex scent options notes of green cardamom, iris, palo santo, and cilantro. One of Acqua di Parma’s most popular colognes, Colonia is a recent, citrusy scent that suits any occasion. It contains key notes of lemon, bergamot, lavender, and patchouli. You can see a really shiny leather that appears sort plastic-y on the old bag, however the model new leather-based is extra matte and luxe. Paco Rabanne’s earthy, woody 1 Million Lucky scent contains a unique combination of hazelnut, green plum, grapefruit, and cedar—making it a woody, sensual fragrance with a touch of citrus. The futuristic-looking bottle is also the right thing to flex in your medicine cupboard. Overall, the finish is of shiny, good high quality leather for a long-lasting, perfect-looking piece. The lock closure is made with gold hardware, designed to carefully replicate the real piece. Spacious, good, and nice for professional events the Celine sixteen dupe handbag is a must-have for your wardrobe. In Spring of 2015, the Celine Belt Bag was born added to an already spectacular portfolio of purses. Most tourists benefit from the surroundings of high rise hotels in the metropolis. Rental flats are getting increasingly popular in Phoenix as they have a lot celine replica phantom of celine bag sale nice celine on the market features. These excursions include a stopover at Phi Phi Island that has now fully brought again from the tsunami in 2004. Every year from around the globe individuals visits this nation in an excellent numbers with totally different holidaying objective, Be it celine trapeze replica escape to paris, Family family trip, Adventure or different. However, It is possible to devices to measure muscle pressure, And sensors to trace and assess pores and skin temperature variances. This is a market the place many individuals use celine phantom sale these product every day outlet celine to situation their skin. However, the worth is commonly the largest obstacle why many cannot afford this perfect bag. That is why Baginc has created the Celine classic field bag dupes. Those designer dupes are the cheaper model of the unique that holds high quality, and extraordinary stitching. The Celine basic field bag dupe is the true replicas of the original Celine field bag. celine bag replica Made out of high-quality leather, The Celine dupes are a cheaper and nonetheless very trendy replacement to the Celine classic box bag.
0 notes
astingoliverrose · 7 months
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Sherlock Holmes is a fictional private detective who solves mysterious thrilling crimes, this creation was invented up by sir Arthur Conan Doyle in 1883, and it has Sherlock Holmes and young Watson solve crimes with new and different villains in different situations. Over the years there have been many iterations of Sherlock Holmes in different periods of time, one specific one being my favorite of Benedict Cumberbatch's portrayal in the TV series of Sherlock Holmes...It has Holmes solving modern day crimes with twists linking back to the books.
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Professor James Moriarty is a fictional character and criminal mastermind created by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle to be a formidable enemy for the author's fictional detective Sherlock Holmes. He was created primarily as a device by which Doyle could kill Holmes and end the hero's stories. All around this character was meant to be Holmes match and more, a perfect antagonist to Holmes, In my rat man story the Rat kings adversary or antagonist is a plague doctor like undead, ghoul, undead hunter that cleverly hunts down the creature like in Roald Dahls (And new Netflix short film by Wes Anderson) The Rat Catcher
This a video on how to sculpt a good ear that could be used on a human model or could be used as anatomy if needed to make thin protruding flesh objects on a model, personally I wouldn't need to use this for my model since most of my model is small and supposed to be furry so I wouldn't need such small intercut smooth details.
From Hell is a graphic Novel created by Alan Moore and Eddie Campbell about the Identity, story and the possible motives behind Jack the Ripper, this Novell has similarities between my story and From Hell, they both feature murders in London and have that supposed spooky atmosphere. Except that my murderer kills at random and is a monster that hunts at night out of instinct (Against its will) rather than a meticulous murder who only murders prostitutes.
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From the front cover of From Hell, it looks dark, gloomy, tame (calm before the storm) with berries by the side of a hat covered in blood or supposed juices from the berries, all dark and mysterious vibes combined with the colours, and above it in big blood red text FROM HELL... for my Cover I will do something clever with the text and try to make my rat man a center piece by using the environment to create the silhouette of it.
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If I had to describe the artwork to someone who had never seen this before I would say that it is very gory and the art style is blank lines or scribbles making up the characters and objects in this gruesome comic world, in a way I like it for the vibe it sets through its sketches however I think it would all blend together after looking at the black and white pages but that doesn't take away from the story.
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fiskergorman64 · 2 years
Celine Bag
And we promise that our quality of replica Celine field bag won't be second to none. Aired October eight, 2000, often recognized as "The It Bag" of the period episode was in full swing arc, a time when it appeared completely regular, there's an much more coveted, identified by style-name handbags as plot points in a popular TV show. For a time, these irrational reverence bag is an emblem of style's most covetable standing, encouraging shoppers around the globe to add their names to a ready listing for months. Cheap replica celine baggage store outlet uk,australia and extra country, we're the replica celine supplier, all celine baggage are almost wholesale value ,if you order extra,a lot cash save. One such bag that could be very well-liked on the style scene is the Celine classic field bag. This is the type of bag is really the accent that every girl wants in her equipment closet, and furthermore, in each colour. "It's the Celine sale replica outlet purses mini similar thing the bag." She mentioned that from experience. In the past three months, Zucher Ms. been looking for the right black purse to suit a iPad, folders, books Anda huge purse, would possibly select to put on cross body. To authenticate a classy Celine Luggage bag begin by observing the overall look with its form and ornaments. Then, move onto the leather technique and analyze the quality - if it doesn't look and feel like genuine calfskin then the bag is pretend. Check the bottom aspect too with its stitching and metallic hardware. Don't forget to take a detailed take a look at the zipper and puller. Now the replica bags on iOffer are cheaper than on most respectable replica sites and there are many fashions to select from. However iOffer is just a mediator, they by no means get entangled if something goes mistaken in a buy order, so that you as a purchaser principally don't have any safety web. wikipedia handbags So I found a seller that had many Celine replica baggage and many customer critiques, I thought this was an excellent factor. I made the offer for a replica Celine Luggage with black and beige. He offered a reduction for Western Union but I refused and selected PayPal as an alternative. Sorry for being so M.I.A – I’ve had a really busy summer time so far and had little or no time to replace the blog. It is a beige canvas handbag Espolón Tequila, he says there is a skeleton using a cock pictures. And finally the decoration - on this close-up image we will see how defined the genuine decoration is and how flat the counterfeit one is in comparison with the left picture. When it comes to zippers if you keep in mind that teeth of the low-quality zippers are asymmetrical, not completely straight, and positioned further from one another. This is the precise scenario with the counterfeit mannequin whereas the genuine zipper enamel are completely straight and flawless, which can make it straightforward for the slider to move. The ornaments on the edges of the authentic centerpiece are very delicate, beautiful, and embossed however the fake ornaments appear to be much less outlined as properly as incorrectly positioned too. The authentic model has a boat-like form and the perimeters could be folded inside if the person would not have to hold a lot round or simply prefers to take action. Learn how to distinguish old and new logos from each other which is ready to allow you to in the authentication process. Finally, examine the label and keep in thoughts that higher quality replicas are much harder to spot the differences on. Crafted with high-quality leather-based the material is near the calfskin of the real piece. The newest fashion information, magnificence coverage, superstar fashion, style week updates, tradition reviews, and movies on Vogue.com. Designed that will help you “reset at instances of excessive stress,” this aromatic fragrance from The Nue Co. is clear, woody, spicy, and smokey. The unisex scent features notes of green cardamom, iris, palo santo, and cilantro. One of Acqua di Parma’s most popular colognes, Colonia is a contemporary, citrusy scent that suits any event. It includes key notes of lemon, bergamot, lavender, and patchouli. You can see a really shiny leather that looks sort plastic-y on the old bag, but the brand new leather is more matte and luxe. Paco Rabanne’s earthy, woody 1 Million Lucky scent includes a unique mixture of hazelnut, green plum, grapefruit, and cedar—making it a woody, sensual fragrance with a touch of citrus. The futuristic-looking bottle can be the proper thing to flex in your drugs cabinet. Overall, the end is of shiny, good quality leather for a long-lasting, perfect-looking piece. The lock closure is made with gold hardware, designed to fastidiously replicate the true piece. Spacious, smart, and nice for professional events the Celine sixteen dupe purse is a must-have in your wardrobe. In Spring of 2015, the Celine Belt Bag was born added to an already spectacular portfolio of purses. Most tourists profit from the surroundings of excessive rise hotels within the city. Rental flats are getting more and more in style in Phoenix as they've a lot celine replica phantom of celine bag sale nice celine for sale features. These tours include a stopover at Phi Phi Island that has now fully introduced again from the tsunami in 2004. Every year from across the globe individuals visits this nation in a fantastic numbers with totally different holidaying purpose, Be it celine trapeze replica escape to paris, Family household vacation, Adventure or different. https://phoenet.tw/celine-bag-replica.html However, It is feasible to devices to measure muscle pressure, And sensors to trace and assess pores and skin temperature variances. This is a market the place many individuals use celine phantom sale these product every single day outlet celine to situation their pores and skin. However, the worth is usually the most important impediment why many can't afford this perfect bag. That is why Baginc has created the Celine traditional field bag dupes. Those designer dupes are the cheaper model of the unique that holds top quality, and extraordinary stitching. The Celine classic box bag dupe is the true replicas of the unique Celine field bag. Made out of high-quality leather, The Celine dupes are a cheaper and still very fashionable replacement to the Celine basic field bag.
0 notes
bryant30sigmon · 2 years
Celine Bag
And we promise that our quality of replica Celine field bag is not going to be second to none. Aired October eight, 2000, often identified as "The It Bag" of the period episode was in full swing arc, a time when it seemed completely regular, there might be an even more coveted, recognized by style-name handbags as plot factors in a popular TV show. For a time, these irrational reverence bag is a logo of trend's most covetable status, encouraging shoppers around the world to add their names to a waiting record for months. Cheap replica celine luggage store outlet uk,australia and more country, we're the replica celine supplier, all celine bags are nearly wholesale price ,when you order extra,much cash save. One such bag that may be very popular on the fashion scene is the Celine basic field bag. This is the type of bag is actually the accent that each girl needs in her equipment closet, and furthermore, in each color. "It's the Celine sale replica outlet handbags mini identical thing the bag." She stated that from expertise. In the past three months, Zucher Ms. been trying to find the proper black purse to suit a iPad, folders, books Anda huge purse, might choose to put on cross physique. To authenticate a classy Celine Luggage bag start by observing the general look with its form and ornaments. Then, move onto the leather-based technique and analyze the standard - if it doesn't feel and appear like authentic calfskin then the bag is pretend. Check the bottom aspect too with its stitching and metal hardware. Don't forget to take an in depth have a glance at the zipper and puller. Now the replica bags on iOffer are cheaper than on most decent replica sites and there are numerous models to choose from. However iOffer is just a mediator, they never get entangled if something goes wrong in a purchase order, so that you as a purchaser basically don't have any security net. So I discovered a vendor that had many Celine replica baggage and heaps of customer critiques, I thought this was an excellent thing. I made the provide for a reproduction Celine Luggage with black and beige. He provided a discount for Western Union however I refused and chose PayPal as an alternative. Sorry for being so M.I.A – I’ve had a very busy summer time so far and had very little time to replace the weblog. It is a beige canvas handbag Espolón Tequila, he says there's a skeleton riding a cock pictures. And finally the ornament - on this close-up image we are ready to see how defined the authentic decoration is and the way flat the counterfeit one is in comparability with the left picture. When it involves zippers should you remember that teeth of the low-quality zippers are asymmetrical, not completely straight, and placed further from one another. This is the exact state of affairs with the counterfeit mannequin whereas the genuine zipper enamel are perfectly straight and flawless, which will make it straightforward for the slider to move. The ornaments on the perimeters of the genuine centerpiece are very delicate, exquisite, and embossed but the pretend ornaments appear to be less defined as well as incorrectly placed too. The authentic mannequin has a boat-like shape and the sides could be folded inside if the particular person doesn't have to hold a lot round or just prefers to take action. Learn the method to distinguish old and new logos from each other which can allow you to in the authentication course of. Finally, examine the label and remember that greater quality replicas are much more durable to identify the variations on. Crafted with high-quality leather-based the material is near the calfskin of the real piece. wikipedia handbags The latest style information, magnificence coverage, superstar style, fashion week updates, culture evaluations, and videos on Vogue.com. best celine replica handbags Designed to assist you “reset at times of excessive stress,” this fragrant perfume from The Nue Co. is clean, woody, spicy, and smokey. The unisex scent features notes of green cardamom, iris, palo santo, and cilantro. One of Acqua di Parma’s most popular colognes, Colonia is a contemporary, citrusy scent that suits any event. It contains key notes of lemon, bergamot, lavender, and patchouli. You can see a very shiny leather-based that appears sort plastic-y on the old bag, but the model new leather-based is extra matte and luxe. Paco Rabanne’s earthy, woody 1 Million Lucky scent features a unique combination of hazelnut, green plum, grapefruit, and cedar—making it a woody, sensual perfume with a touch of citrus. The futuristic-looking bottle can additionally be the perfect thing to flex in your drugs cupboard. Overall, the finish is of shiny, good high quality leather-based for a long-lasting, perfect-looking piece. The lock closure is made with gold hardware, designed to carefully replicate the true piece. Spacious, sensible, and great for skilled occasions the Celine sixteen dupe handbag is a must have on your wardrobe. In Spring of 2015, the Celine Belt Bag was born added to an already spectacular portfolio of handbags. Most vacationers benefit from the scenery of excessive rise motels in the metropolis. Rental residences are getting more and more well-liked in Phoenix as they have a lot celine replica phantom of celine bag sale great celine on the market options. These tours include a visit Phi Phi Island that has now totally brought again from the tsunami in 2004. Every year from across the globe folks visits this nation in an excellent numbers with totally different holidaying purpose, Be it celine trapeze replica escape to paris, Family family vacation, Adventure or other. However, It is possible to gadgets to measure muscle tension, And sensors to trace and assess pores and skin temperature variances. This is a market the place many people use celine phantom sale these product daily outlet celine to situation their pores and skin. However, the price is often the most important impediment why many can not afford this excellent bag. That is why Baginc has created the Celine classic field bag dupes. Those designer dupes are the cheaper model of the original that holds top quality, and extraordinary stitching. The Celine classic box bag dupe is the true replicas of the original Celine box bag. Made out of high-quality leather, The Celine dupes are a much less expensive and still very modern substitute to the Celine basic box bag.
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