#like a healthy amount dw i know roughly when i'm going to stop and start eating normally again (normally being not overeating to maintain)
acustardduckling · 2 years
So about 2021...
It’s time for my annual New Year’s Speech! It’s about half past eleven. Yeah, so uh, 2021 huh.
This year wasn’t fun. It was like we were still in 2020, but kind of worse because we spent the entire year stuck in the same crisis. I was in a bit of a rut, and I made little to no progress on my novel. But that doesn’t mean there weren’t highlights. 
For example, Miitopia came out on the Switch, and Miitopia was already a masterpiece, so playing that in HD was a major inspiration for me! There were some other cool announcements this year too that I’m excited for, and the Diamond and Pearl remakes were released only a few months ago. AND SORA ARRIVED IN SMASH. To top it off, Pokemon Center started delivering to the UK! That’s a really big step! Maybe these are shallow things to get excited about, but it’s the sort of thing that makes me happy, and that’s what matters.
As far as progress goes, there is something I started in 2021 that I’m proud of. It may have taken awhile, but I finally started driving lessons! I’m midway through them now, and I’ll be taking my theory test in a few weeks. I don’t exactly ... like driving, but I’m pleased I’ve come this far after being terrified of it (and terrified of using the bus some years ago too). I also realised I’m still sorting through my feelings about a lot of personal things; relationships and anxieties and the like, but I think giving myself due time to process them will help immensely--that sounds simple, but it’s something that I initially wanted to rush. I’m going to try and be patient with myself from now on.
My wish for 2020 was that the end of 2021, things would’ve improved, if only a little. I can’t say I’m in perfect spirits--I’m rather tired of the pandemic, honestly, and of learning how to ‘adult’. But I’m looking forward to the good things that’ll come out of 2022, and aiming to improve myself to the best of my ability. IN STEPS. PATIENTLY. 
Best wishes and good health to all of you! Happy New Year!
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