colinodonoghue · 9 months
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That Thing [OUAT] - every so often I'd put on INXS, 'Need You Tonight', as I walked in... Do people know that song? *pulls out phone to play song* For people who don't because it's very specific to the, uhh, leather... *song starts playing* And I used to walk in like this... You have to picture the black leather and the eyeliner, okay?
(video by @lieutenantpirate and gif'd with permission - please do not repost)
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aprilqueen84 · 5 years
A Tail As Old As Time (Prologue/?)
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A/N: Hello! Here is the prologue of my new WIP. A CS Mermaid and Pirate Neverland AU, I really hope you like it. Also if you are interested in this story and want to be tagged, let me know.
Tag: @hollyethecurious, @resident-of-storybrooke, @kmomof4, @nikkiemms, @kingofmyheart14, @xemmaloveskillianx, @angellifedeath, @facesiousbutton82, @a-faekindagirl, @kymbersmith-90, @winterbaby89, @ekr032-blog-blog, @laschatzi, @teamhook, @jennjenn615, @ilovemesomekillianjones, @capswantrue, @bmbbcs4evr, @kday426, @tiganasummertree, @killianjonesownsmyheart1, @lieutenantpirate, @pirateherokillian
Summary: All Killian cared about was earning his way off this wretched island so he could exact his revenge against the crocodile. What he didn’t expect was being saved by a beautiful mermaid that would make him question everything.
A Tail As Old As Time (Prologue/?)
Rated: T
Killian made his way through the dense foliage of Neverland cursing Pan with every step he took. 
“Damn him,” he muttered as he stopped to take a drink from his flask. The task was a simple one, retrieve a rare stone for Pan from a cave that was on the far side island and he would be one step closer to leaving this place and avenging his Milah. He checked the map and saw that he wasn’t that far from his destination, tucking his flask back into his coat he continued on his way until finally reached the clearing.
“Bloody hell!” he exclaimed when he saw what was in front of him. Of course that fucking imp would forget to tell him that the cave was located on the other side of a lagoon. Killian looked up and down the shore, hoping that there was another way to the cave without having to swim there. Seeing that there was none, he let out a disgruntled sigh before shedding his coat and boots and stepped into the water.
Killian had made it halfway when he suddenly stopped. He could have sworn he felt something brush up against him. While he hadn’t been in Neverland long, he did know about the treacherous beings that live in the deep. Deciding to press on, he hurried his strokes and was almost to the rocky outcropping of the cave when he was violently pulled under the water.
Looking down he saw the unmistakable shape of a mermaids tail and hands pulling on his leg. Killian began to thrash wildly to get away from his attacker. He had heard stories of the vicious creatures and did not wish to become their prey. He swung his hook downward as hard as he could under the water, hoping to strike her so he could get away. Miraculously his next blow hit its mark, and the mermaid reared back as he saw blood in the water.
He made a mad dash for the surface, his head just breaking through when he was pulled under again this time by his shoulders. Suddenly, he was face to face with his attacker. She was beautiful, in a deadly sort of way, with dark hair and a menacing smile. She began to drag him down further into the deep, wrapping her hands around his neck, his vision began to blur. Then, out of nowhere, something rammed into her and he was torn loose from her grasp. Killian tried to swim, but he had grown weak and could feel himself starting to lose consciousness. Just before everything went black he saw a brilliant flash of golden light.
Killian woke up disoriented. He looked around and saw that he was laying on a mossy patch of rock inside the cave. Sitting up he scanned the water, trying to figure out how he got here since the last thing he remembered was that he was slowly drowning.
 “What the hell?”
“Oh, good! You're awake,” a female voice called out.
Killian whipped his head around looking for the source of the voice. “Who’s there? Show yourself!” he demanded.
Movement from deeper inside the cave caught his eye. Moving toward him, almost hesitantly through the water, was a beautiful woman with hair the color of the sun. She stopped about half way but it was close enough for him to see what else she had… a tail.
“Get back sea witch!” he seethed.
Instead of advancing on him like he thought she would, she merely smirked at him. “That’s not a very nice thing to say to someone who just saved your life.”
Killian was taken aback at that but then remembered something knocking him free from his would-be killer. “That was you?” he asked surprised.
The blonde mermaid smiled at him. “Yes, that was me.”
“Why?” he asked incredulous.
She looked at him in confusion. “Why what?” 
“Why did you save me? I thought all mermaids hated humans?” he asked 
“Would you rather I let you be killed?” she said sarcastically
“Well, of course not,” he said matter-of-factly.
She moved closer, stopping only a few inches from him. “Let’s just say the others and I  don’t exactly see eye to eye about a lot of things,” she said cryptically, moving until she was directly in front of him.
Killian’s eyes went wide as he got his first good look at her. With eyes the most brilliant shade of emerald, she wasn’t just beautiful, she was stunning. “What is your name?” he asked mesmerized.
“Emma” she simply said.
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aprilqueen84 · 5 years
When You Least Expect It (9/?)
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Summary: Killian and Emma had been wanting to start a family for a while now, but not had any luck. Soon they would learn that the best things happen when you least expect it. Except not everything is as it seems.
A/N: Finally an update! I’am so sorry that this took so long to get to you guys. The chapter was fought me every single step of the way, but its done and I am happy to be posting it. Always thank you to my Beta @hollyethecurious for going over this and thank you to everyone who is still invested in this tale. Also I  changed the title to this chapter, and if you want to be tagged in any of my future works let me know
Tag List: @hollyethecurious, @resident-of-storybrooke, @kmomof4, @jennjenn615, @facesiousbutton82, @nikkiemms, @xemmaloveskillianx, @laschatzi, @teamhook, @capswantrue, @lieutenantpirate, @kymbersmith-90, @winterbaby89, @ilovemesomekillianjones, @ekr032-blog-blog
Chapter 9: The Interlude
Emma was waiting on the living room couch for Killian to come back from downstairs.  After Blue had left, they’d all sat down and talked about what was happening. Her heart broke as she listened to Amelia recount her time as Gothel’s prisoner, how she broke down in tears, remembering how she watched Gothel take the other children away and how they never came back. When she cried herself to sleep Killan had gathered her up in his arms and carried her upstairs. Henry had immediately wanted to help, and after making sure it was alright with her, went to the library to look for any clues about this witch.
When Killian came back into the living room, Emma rose from the couch and immediately went into his arms. The events of the morning rattled them and they needed the connection of their true love to calm them. Leaning back, but with their arms still around each, Killian looked down at his wife.
“Are you alright my love?” he asked tenderly.
Emma shook her head. She could feel tears gather in her eyes. “No, I’m not. What that woman did to those children, what Amelia went through, it was horrendous. Killian, what are we going to do?”
Killian lifted his hand to cup her cheek. “We are going to do everything in our power to protect her,” he reassured her..
Emma nodded as she leaned forward to rest her forehead against his. They stood there for a few minutes, soaking each other in before pulling away. Emma took a deep breath to gather herself.
“Okay. First, we need to talk to Regina. Then we need to start setting up search parties. Have them look everywhere for any sign of Gothel. She had to have left some clues behind,” she said rapidly
Killian knew that Emma was going into full Savior Mode, taking charge, and taking the fight to the enemy. It was her way of handling the situation, and while he would normally applaud her, he felt she might be rushing into things too fast.
“We will Swan, we will. But I think first, we need to slow down and think things through,” he suggested.
Emma stared at him in confusion. “Killian. There is a psycho trying to kidnap Amelia and steal her magic. We need to go on the defensive, try and flush her out,” Emma said urgently.
“I know, love. I just think, perhaps, we need to proceed with caution. This Gothel is dangerous and doesn't care who she hurts,” Killian reasoned. “I agree that calling Regina is our next step, but maybe we should have a plan in place before sending out search parties.”
Emma calmed at her husband’s explanation. “You’re right. I’m sorry. It’s just she’s out there right now, we have no idea where she is, or how to stop her and...” she trailed off.
“Shh. We’ll find her, and we’ll stop her, Swan,” he said confidently.
“How can you be so sure?”
“Because. If there is one thing I have learned over the years, it’s that we make quite a team,” Killian replied vehemently.
Emma smiled. He always knew exactly what to say to make her feel better. “That we do.” She leaned forward to press another kiss to him lips when a scream rang out through the air. They both reeled back in shock, knowing exactly where it was coming from… Amelia.
Racing up the stairs, they rushed into the room where Amelia was sleeping. Finding her thrashing on the bed, clearly in the throws of a nightmare.
“No! Please! Let me go!” she screamed in terror.
Emma immediately sought to rouse her. “Amelia. Honey wake up,” she said, gently stroking her hair. The little girl’s eyes flew open, instantly darting around the room in a panic until they finally settled on Emma and Killian. A second later her arms were around Emma and her head buried in her chest. “Shh. Shh. You’re okay,” Emma soothed as her own arms went around Amelia.
Killian reached over form his spot next to Emma and cupped the back of Amelia’s head. “It’s alright, darling, it was just a dream,” he crooned softly.
Amelia shook her head. “She was after me,” she said, her voice trembling.
Emma and Killian’s eyes met, both knowing exactly who she was. “Hey,” Emma said as she pulled back, bringing her hands up to cup Amelia’s face. “Nobody is going to get you,” she told her.
Amelia nodded her head, calming slightly at Emma’s assurance.
“She’s right, lass. We promise we will do everything in our power to protect you,” Killian declared.
Emma could still see some unease in Amelia. “Hey! You know what always makes me feel better when I’m upset?” Emma paused. “A nice big cup of hot chocolate. Does that sound good?” Emma asked, watching as Amelia’s eyes lit up and a big smile spread across her face.
“Oh! Yes, please!” Amelia said in excitement. The three of them headed down to the kitchen where Emma began to prepare their sweet treat.
Killian went over to the cabinet to grab the mugs, bringing them over to Emma. “What do we do now?” Killian wondered.
“What do you mean?” Emma asked curiously as she poured the chocolatey liquid into the mugs.
Killian glanced back at Amelia who was sitting at the kitchen table. “About what happened upstairs.she was so scared, Swan,” he responded, running his hand through his hair in frustration.
Emma turned sideways to look at him. “I know, babe. Unfortunately, there isn’t much we can do for her except try and take her mind off of it, and be there for her if she wants to talk about it,” she whispered so Amelia wouldn’t over hear them.
“Aye, I suppose your right,” he sighed.
Emma gave his arm squeeze. She turned back to the counter to squirt whipped cream and add a dash of cinnamon to the hot chocolate. She and Killian grabbed the mugs and made their way over to the table. “Here you go,” she smiled, setting the cup down in front of Amelia as they joined her at the table.
Amelia took a sip of the sugary confection. “Mmm! That’s so good!” she said happily. “Thank you!”
“You are very welcome, sweetheart,” Emma said affectionately.
After they were finished Emma stood to take the mugs to the sink. As she did, Amelia moved to sit closer to Killian. “What happened to your hand?” she asked innocently, gesturing toward his hook.
Killian tensed, unsure of what to say. “I lost it a very long time ago,” he told her.
Amelia tilted her head to one side. “How did you lose it?” she asked curiously.
Killian decided to go with the truth. “Someone not nice cut it off,” he told her.
Amelia’s eyes went wide. “Did it hurt?"
“Aye. It did,” he said, wincing slightly at the memory.
Amelia reached over and placed her hand on the curve of his hook. “I’m sorry,” she said sweetly.
Killian smiled. A little jolt of happiness went through him at the thought of her caring for him. “Thank you, little love, but it doesn’t hurt anymore.”
Emma smiled as she overheard their conversation. She knew how Killian felt about his hook, sometimes thinking that it was a tainted part of himself. He’d always been wary about letting children near it, so having Amelia not even hesitant to reach for it warmed her heart for him.
Her phone ringing broke her from her musing, and she picked it up from the counter. “Hello? Regina? Wh… Slow down, what’s wrong?” she paused, listening to the woman on the other end of the line. “Okay, Yeah. I’ll be right there.”
Killian stood and walked over to her. “Is everything alright, Swan?” he asked.
“I don’t know. Regina didn’t tell me anything, just to meet her in her office,” she explained.
“Do you want me to came with you?” Killian inquired.
Emma shook her head. “No. One of us needs to stay with Amelia. I know. Why don’t you take Amelia back to the convent to get her things, since she will be staying with us. When you’re done, call me and we’ll meet at Granny’s,” she suggested.
“Are you sure that’s a good idea, love? I mean, what if Gothel shows her face,” Killian said pensively.
Emma sighed. “I know it’s a risk, but if we’ve learned anything over the year’s it’s that we can’t just hide away because there is a villain after us.”
“That’s very optimistic of you, love. Alright, I’ll ask Henry if he wishes to accompany us,” Killian said.
“Well someone once said we have to live our lives during a crisis,” Emma said smiling at him slyly.
“This person sounds incredibly smart, wise, and devilishly handsome,” Killian said with a raise of his eyebrows.
Emma smirked, moving closer to him. Suddenly remembering Amelia, she quickly glanced over, only to find her watching them. “Later,” she said giving him a pointed look.
Killian gave a nod of understanding. “I will definitely be looking forward to it, Mrs. Jones.”
Emma went over to Amelia and crouched down in front of her. “Hey, I have to leave for a little while, okay? But Killian is going to stay with you He’s going to take you to get your things at the convent, and then I’ll be back before you know it.”
“You promise,” Amelia said quietly.
“Of course, I promise,” Emma reassured her.
Amelia only hesitated for a second before leaning forward and wrapped her arms around Emma’s neck. “I’ll miss you,” she said sweetly.
Emma squeezed her eyes shut and held Amelia tight. “I’ll miss you, too,” she said, trying to contain her emotions.
She stood back up and the three of them walked to door. All of a sudden Emma felt nervous about leaving. “Call me if you need me for anything,” she said to Killian.
“Swan, we’ll be fine. Try not to worry,” Killian assured her. “Now it’s probably not wise to keep Regina waiting for to much longer, you know how she gets,” he said before giving her a kiss goodbye.
They watched as Emma got into the bug. After she drove off Killian turned to Amelia. “Are you ready to head out?” he asked the little girl
Amelia nodded her head. “Yes!” she said enthusiastically.
“Alright, why don”t you go get changed, and then we will be on our way,” he said smiling as Amelia hurried up the stairs.
While she was upstairs, Killian called Henry and asked him if he wanted to meet them at the convent. “Okay, lad. We’ll see you there,” he responded to his son before hanging up the phone just when Amelia came back downstairs. “Ready?” he asked.
“Yep!” Amelia exclaimed.
The two of them headed out to the other Jones family vehicle. Right after Emma had made him the deputy, she told him that it might be a good idea for him to learn how to drive. At first he balked at the suggestion, saying he didn’t need to, that they could just go on calls together. Except that wasn’t always the case, sometimes they would receive multiple calls at the same time and he found it frustrating trying to reach them on foot. So he relented, and Emma procured what was called a Jeep.  It took some time, but he was finally at a place where he felt comfortable driving without Emma.
He helped Amelia into the Jeep and made sure that her seat belt was fastened before getting in. As they drove through town Killian couldn’t help but be on high alert. Looking for any sign of their enemy, only to realize he had no idea what Gothel looked like. Pulling into the driveway of the convent, he immediately spotted Henry by the front steps waiting for them.  When he put the car into park, he turned to Amelia.
“Look who’s here,” he said, gesturing toward Henry.
A big smile spread across her face. “Henry!” she said excitedly. Unbuckling her seat belt, she leaped from the Jeep and straight over to him. “Are you here to help?” she said hopefully.
Henry nodded his head. “I sure am,” he said smiling down at her.
“Yay!” she said happily as she grabbed ahold of his hand.
Killian smiled as he made his way over to them, happy that they were getting along in such a short period of time. “How did the research go, lad?”
Henry shook his head. “I couldn’t find anything about a fairy named Gothel that was sent to a dark realm,” he said reluctantly.
Killian clasped him on the shoulder. “It’s alright, son. We’ll find something on her. Hopefully about who helped her escape, and where she is,” he said.
“Look no further, Captain,” a voice called out from behind him.
Killian whirled around, immediately putting himself between Henry and Amelia and the woman before him. "Gothel," he growled.
"It's a pleasure to finally make your acquaintance, but if you don't mind, I believe you have something that belongs to me," she said, her eyes fixated on Amelia.
"You'll have to get through me first," he said. Instantly reaching for his sword, only to realize in horror that he left it in the truck.
"Gladly," she smiled. Giving him no time to react before sending a bolt of magic his way.
The End.
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aprilqueen84 · 5 years
When You Least Expect It (10/?)
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A/N: What is this! Is this an update! I’am so sorry that it has taken me so long to get this posted, real life got in the way. But here it is and I hope you enjoy?
Tag List: @hollyethecurious, @resident-of-storybrooke, @kmomof4, @jennjenn615, @nikkiemms, @kingofmyheart14, @xemmaloveskillianx, @angellifedeath, @facesiousbutton82, @a-faekindagirl, @kymbersmith-90, @winterbaby89, @ekr032-blog-blog, @laschatzi, @teamhook, @ilovemesomekillianjones, @capswantrue, @kday426, @lieutenantpirate,
Summary:  Killian and Emma had been wanting to start a family for a while now, but not had any luck. Soon they would learn that the best things happen when you least expect it. Except not everything is as it seems.
Chapter 10: The Danger
Emma walked quickly down the hall towards Regina’s office. She couldn’t help but keep checking her phone to see if Killian had texted her. Something felt off. She couldn’t quite put her finger on it, but there was an unsettling sensation in the pit of her stomach. Reaching the office door, Emma tried to push the feeling aside as she knocked on the door.
“Come in.”
Emma entered the room, immediately finding Regina pacing across the length of her office. “Regina. Are you ok?”
She whirled to face her. “What on earth took you so long?”
“Well, hello to you, too,” Emma said as she closed the door behind her.
“We have a problem,” Regina said bluntly.
Emma could tell she was being serious. “What is it?”
“This morning several people said they saw someone being taken off of Main Street,” Regina told her.
Emma’s eyes went wide. “Taken? You mean.”
“Abducted, yes,” she confirmed
“By who?” Emma asked.
Regina shook her head. “Nobody saw her face, only that she appeared in front of the woman, grabbed her, and disappeared with her.”
Emma cocked her head to the side. “It was a woman? And she had magic?” She could feel a sense of dread start to form inside of her.
“Yes. But what does it matter if it was a woman or not? Someone new is in Storybrooke, and I’m betting it’s this same witch that tried to kill you, Hook, and Henry yesterday,” Regina said.
Emma took a deep breath. “I have a lot to tell you.” She proceeded to tell Regina everything that had happened; from her conversation with Blue at the convent, to finding Amelia in their house, and finally getting the answers from Blue about who was behind everything.
Regina was stunned. “And your just now telling me about all this.”
“I literally just found out about it myself this morning and was planning on calling you but then Amelia,” she paused. “She had a nightmare so we had to take care of her.”
Regina softened at that. “Is she okay?”
“Well, she has an evil ex-fairy witch who is trying to take her magic after her, so no she is not okay, but she’s trying to be brave,” Emma simply stated.
“Amelia sounds like she is a very special girl. I look forward to meeting her. Now to this Gothel woman, you have no idea how she got here, or where she might be hiding?”
“No. Blue doesn’t know how Gothel was able to escape the dark realm she sent her to,” Emma said reluctantly.
Regina threw her hands in the air in exasperation. “Great. So one of our townspeople was taken by this witch and we have no idea where she is. Well, what else do we know about her.”
“Well, she is obsessed with magic, doesn’t care about how she gets it or what she has to do to somebody for it,” Emma paused suddenly. “Regina do you know who was taken?” She asked urgently.
“Yeah. It was one of the fairies, Bree I think her name was,” Regina told her.
Emma immediately rose from the chair, phone in her hand as she dialed Killian’s number. She cursed as it went to voicemail. “Killian, please call me back,” Emma said before she hung up the phone. 
“Emma, what's wrong?” Regina couldn’t remember the last time she’d seen Emma so frazzled.
“Killian took Amelia back to the convent to get her things,” Emma stated, now trying Henry’s cell as well, only to get the same outcome… straight to voicemail.
“And?” she inquired 
“And the only people that can get through the barrier without help are the fairies. Gothel kidnapped Bree to steal her magic so she could gain access to the convent,” Emma said frantically.
Realization dawned on Regina. “Do you think she knows they’re there?”
“I think Gothel has been one step ahead of everyone this whole time, so yes I do,” she said, hurrying to the door. “I have to get there, now!”
Regina quickly followed behind her. “Hold on”
Emma stopped and turned to her. “What? Regina, I have to go!”
“I know, but Emma there is a quicker way of getting her than driving,” she said giving her a knowing look.
Emma barley let Regina finish before she was engulfed in a plum of grey smoke, transporting herself to right outside the convent. When the smoke cleared the sight before her made her blood run cold. Standing menacingly in front of Killian, Amelia, and Henry with her hand out ready to strike was a woman that could only be Gothel. She watched in horror as a stream of light went sailing straight for her family.
Killian braced himself for the impact that was about to happen. “Don’t look,” he said to Henry and Amelia as he closed his eyes.
But the blast never came. He opened his eyes and watched Gothel’s face slowly change from glee to shock. She sent another bolt, but it dissipated before it even reached them. Killian could see the fury roll through Gothel as she glanced down beside him to where Amelia stood. Looking down he saw the little girl staring at Gothel with a fierce determined look on her face.
Killian realized in that moment that Amelia was the reason they were safe. Gothel must have come to that same conclusion, because she began to advance toward them. She only made it a few feet before she went flying through the air and landed hard on the ground.
“Mom!” Henry called out.
Killian let out a big sigh of relief at the sight of Emma running toward them. “Swan.”
“Are you guys okay?” She asked when she reached them, immediately gathering all three of them into a hug.
“Aye, love. Thanks to this young lady, we are,” he said gesturing toward Amelia.
Emma looked down at Amelia in shock. “You did that, sweetheart?”
Amelia nodded her head. “Yes,” she said hesitantly.
Emma bent down in front of her. “You did such a great job,” she said, praising her.
Amelia smiled at her, but that happiness was short lived as Gothel rose to her feet facing them once more.
“Ah! The Savior! We meet at last,” Gothel sneered.
Emma turned to her. “Yeah. Well, getting to throw you on your ass is a good first meeting in my book.”
“You caught me off guard, it won’t happen again,” she hissed.
Emma saw movement behind Gothel then smirked at her. “I wouldn’t be so sure about that.”
A fireball went flying past Gothel, causing her to stumble back. 
“So sorry, didn’t mean to interrupt,” Regina said as she casually walked in their direction.
“What couldn’t face me on your own savior, had to bring back up?” Gothel said tauntingly.
“You know, I forgot how much villains like to talk,” Emma quipped.
“Well, then by all means, enough talk,” she simply said before her hands shot out and a blue wall of magic came hurtling at them. They all dove to either side to avoid it.
As they stood from the ground Emma turned to Killian. “Get the kids inside!”
Killian shook his head vehemently. “I’m not leaving you, Swan!”
“Please, I need to know that you all are okay!” she said desperately.
Killian was about to respond when the earth started to shake. “What the bloody hell!” he exclaimed.
All around them the ground began to crack under their feet, and they both stumbled apart. As the cracks grew larger, Emma heard a scream coming from beside her. Looking over she saw Amelia struggle to keep her footing, getting closer and closer to the opening. Emma got to her just as she was about to reach the edge. 
“Woah! I got you,” she said in relief, wrapping her arms around the little girl.
The relief was short lived because right before their eyes huge thick vines shot up from the openings all around them. They started blinding themselves together, creating a barrier on either side of Emma and Amelia, leaving them cut off from the others. “Killian! Henry!” Emma called out to them, grabbing onto the vines, trying to break them but to no avail. 
“Alone at last.” Gothel said, slowly stalking her way toward them.
Emma pushed Amelia behind her. “What? Afraid to take all of us on by yourself?”
“Them?” she scoffed. “Please. They aren’t worth my time, but you, you’re the Savior, the product of true love. Let’s see what you’re made of.”
Tendrils of dark magic emerged from her, slithering rapidly in their direction. Emma had only a second before it came flying at her and Amelia. She called upon her magic, reaching deep within herself until a brilliant white light burst forth from her hands and met the dark magic head on.
Their magic swirled together as they both battled for the upper hand. Emma could feel herself losing ground, Gothel was both powerful and desperate, two very dangerous traits. 
“Is that all you’ve got, Savior? I must say, I am disappointed.”
Emma fought with everything she had, but she was losing. Turning her head to look at Amelia with regret in her eyes. “I’m so sorry.”
Turning to face Gothel she saw the look of smug satisfaction on the witch’s face when she realized her victory was close at hand. Suddenly, out of nowhere, Emma felt a surge of power go through her. Confused, she looked over to see that Amelia had placed her hand upon her arm. Her eyes were closed and her face was scrunched up in concentration. Only then did Emma understand what was happening. Amelia was sharing her magic with her. Emma could feel her powers being amplified. Turning back she watched in awe as the magic grew larger and began to envelope the darkness. 
Gothel’s face dropped as she witnessed the sudden turn of events. “What!? That’s impossible!”
“Yeah. Probably,” Emma said with a shrug of her shoulders. Using every bit of strength, she channeled the combined powers of Amelia and herself toward Gothel. The result was a tremendous wave of pure white light exploding all around them.
The instant the light touched the vine barrier it started to crumble and break apart. It continued to advance toward Gothel, who was desperately trying to hold it back, but it was in vain. The combined white magic was too much for her, and she was propelled backwards as the wave reached her.
Emma lowered her arms and let out a deep breath. She watched the vines and the cracks in the ground vanish, almost like they were never there to begin with. She suddenly heard a small noise beside her and turned to see Amelia swaying.She had gone incredibly pale. 
“I don’t feel good.”
Emma watched in horror as the little girl’s eyes rolled back into her head before she started to crumple to the ground. 
“No! Amelia!” 
The End
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aprilqueen84 · 5 years
When You Least Expect It (10/?)
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Sneak Peak #2
A/N: I am so sorry that this chapter is taking so long to finish. My summer job started 3 weeks ago and I have been so exhausted when I get home I don’t have the energy to write. Hopefully I will have it done soon, but in the mean time here is another tease of the next chapter. I also hope that people are still excited for this story.
Tag List: @hollyethecurious, @resident-of-storybrooke, @kmomof4, @jennjenn615, @nikkiemms, @kingofmyheart14, @facesiousbutton82, @xemmaloveskillianx, @angellifedeath, @a-faekindagirl, @kymbersmith-90, @winterbaby89, @ekr032-blog-blog, @laschatzi, @teamhook, @ilovemesomekillianjones, @capswantrue, @kday426, @lieutenantpirate
Summary: Killian and Emma had been wanting to start a family for a while now, but not had any luck. Soon they would learn that the best things happen when you least expect it. Except not everything is as it seem.
Chapter 10: The Danger
“Alone at last.” Gothel said, slowly stalking her way toward them.
Emma pushed Amelia behind her. “What? Afraid to take all of us on by yourself?”
“Them?” she scoffed. “Please. They aren’t worth my time, but you, you’re the Savior, the product of true love. Let’s see what you’re made of.”
Tendrils of dark magic emerged from her, slithering rapidly in their direction. Emma had only a second before it came flying at her and Amelia. She called upon her magic, reaching deep within herself until a brilliant white light burst forth from her hands and met the dark magic head on.
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aprilqueen84 · 5 years
Surprise Addition
Summary: The Swan-Jones clan is about to get some news that will change their lives forever.
A/N: Hello! So sorry this took so long, lately writers block has hit me something fierce and it’s been a struggle to write. But here it is, this story is set before my other stories, “Special Day,” “The Party,” and “Halloween Treat,” but it also can be read on its own. This story does have WHook/Rogers as a friend of Emma and Killian in it, so if that is not something you enjoy this may not be the story for you. Shout to my Beta @hollyethecurious for looking over this for me.
Tagging: @hollyethecurious, @kmomof4, @jennjenn615, @pirateherokillian, @resident-of-storybrooke, @xemmaloveskillianx, @facesiousbutton82, @nikkiemms, @laschatzi, @capswantrue, @lieutenantpirate, @teamhook, @winterbaby89, @ilovemesomekillianjones, @kymbersmith-90
It was a sunny but cold early April morning in Storybrooke. Even though winter was over, a chill still lingered in the air. Emma was driving to the station for her shift after a rough morning in the Swan-Jones household. First, her alarm didn’t go off this morning because she forgot to charge her phone and it died. Then, it was a nightmare trying to get Hope up and ready. Her usually happy daughter had been unusually grumpy lately, to say she would be happy when the “terrible twos” were over was an understatement. To top it all off, she thought she might be coming down with something, the last couple of days she’d been feeling run down and tired.
After dropping Hope off at the daycare that was run by Ashley, Emma realized she was running late. “Damn it,” she muttered out loud.
Killian had left early this morning on a sailing trip with Henry and Lucy, sort of a father, son, and granddaughter day. Man, that was still strange after all this time, that she had a granddaughter. But I guess when you live in a town full of fairytale beings, where realms where connected and time travel existed, you just learn to go with it, she mused Pulling in front of the station she quickly shut off the car, locked it, and headed inside.
Sitting at one of the desks was Rogers, doing paperwork. After the realms had united, and everything and everyone settled down, he’d reached out to her and Killian. They had all agreed to meet at Granny’s, considered it neutral ground, and when they’d arrived they saw him sitting in a booth with a young blonde woman. She was talking animatedly and gesturing wildly with her hands, watching them together and seeing the fond look Rogers was giving her, she knew immediately who it was, his daughter, Alice.
They had heard from Henry about everything those two had gone through, and seeing them together had warmed her heart. Roger’s had caught sight of them then and raised a tentative hand to them and waved them over. When they made it to the booth he introduced both of them to Alice, and what probably should have been a slightly awkward meeting was actually quite nice. It was Alice, with her exuberance and openness, that put everyone at ease.  By the time their lunch was over it was like they were old friends. Since then, Rogers and Alice had become a part of the family, coming to Sunday dinners at her parents farm, to Hope affectionately calling him “Uncle Rogers,” and finally, to him coming to work at the station with them.
Rogers looked up when he heard the station door close to see Emma. “Good morning,” he said with a smile. He could tell that she was a little flustered this morning. “Everything alright, love?” he asked.
Emma gave him a small nod of her head. “Yeah, it’s just been a hectic morning, that’s all,” she told him as she moved to the other desk and sat down.
Rogers leaned back in his chair. “Anything I can do to help?” he asked.
Emma gave him a tired smile, “Only if you can help me find out what the evil doppelganger of my daughter did with my actual daughter,” she joked.
He looked at her in confusion. “I’m afraid I don’t follow love.
She waved her hand in the air. “It’s nothing, just Hope has been sort of difficult lately, not listening, acting out, and having alot of attitude for a two year old,” Emma explained to him in a frustrated voice.
“Ah! Yes, I remember that stage with Alice well, I almost went insane, just be lucky you are not stuck in a tower with her love,” he said good naturedly.
“Any tips on how to combat it?” She begged.
He shook his head. “Unfortunately, no. It’s just a phase love, one shell grow out of eventually,” Rogers said reluctantly with a shrug of his shoulders.
She gave him a playful glare before they both got back to work. Sometime later Emma felt herself start to drag. Standing, she moved toward the coffee maker when a sudden dizzy spell stopped her in her tracks. She gripped the side of the desk to hold herself steady until it passed, opening her eyes she saw Rogers standing in front of her with a look of concern.
“Are you alright, Emma?”
“Yeah, I think I just got up to fast,” she said nonchalantly, moving past him to pour herself a cup of coffee.
“Are you sure?” he asked as he moved closer to her.
Emma nodded her head. “Yes, I’m fine.” She saw the skeptical look on his face, “Really, I am. I have just been so tired lately, and I think I’m getting a bit of a bug.” she paused. “So, okay, I’m not a hundred percent, but it will pass.” She tried to downplay it, but as Emma turned to face him her vision began to blur. The last thing she saw was Rogers shocked face before everything went black.
Emma woke to the sound of beeping. Her eyes slowly opened to the sight of plain white walls of a hospital room. Looking over, she saw her husband sitting in a chair next to the bed.
“Killian,” she whispered.
Killian’s head shot up, relief surging through him at the sight of his wife awake. “Emma? Oh! Thank God,” he exclaimed, raising up from his seat and placing a kiss to her forehead.
“Killian, what happened? What am I doing here?” she asked in panicked confusion.
He sat down beside her. “You fainted, love. Rogers couldn’t wake up, so he called an ambulance,” he soothingly told her.
“I fainted? The last thing I remember was standing by the coffee maker talking to Rogers and them... nothing,” she recounted, looking up at him with nervousness. “Killian, when did you get back? How long have I been out for? Hope! Is Hope okay,” she rambled, her voice raising with each question.
“Shh, Swan. Hope is fine. I had your parents pick her up. You been out for about an hour or so, we had just arrived back when I got the call from Rogers. I think my heart stopped when he told me you were in the hospital,” he confessed, taking her hand in his and bringing it to his lips.
She cupped his jaw in her hand and stroked her thumb over his scar. “I’m sorry for making you worry,” she said.
He turned his head and kissed her palm. “Nonsense, Swan. It’s not your fault, but what happened, darling?” he asked.
Emma shrugged her shoulders. “I don’t know. I didn’t sleep very well last night,”
“Again, love?” Killian interjected. “This is the third day in a row you have slept poorly,” he stated worriedly.
“I know. I guess that, on top of not feeling well,  just hit me all at once,” she explained.
Killian cocked his head. “You haven’t been feeling well, since when?” His voice was laced with concern.
“Just the last few days,” she said sheepishly. “I thought at first I was just feeling rundown from not sleeping, but the last two days I’ve been waking up really nauseous and-” she stopped mid-sentence, thinking over her symptoms again. The last time she felt this way, she was pregnant with Hope. She did the mental calculations and let out a tiny gasp when she realized she hasn’t had her period since early February.
“What is it?, What’s wrong?” Killian asked, his voice panicked in response to her gasp.
Sitting up, Emma smiled and reached for his hand and hook. “Nothing’s wrong, Killian, but I think I know what’s wrong with me… I think I’m pregnant,” she said excitedly.
Killian’s eyes went wide. “What? Pregnant? Are you sure?”
She nodded her head. “I’m pretty sure. I have all the same symptoms I had with Hope - fatigue, nausea, and my period is very late,” she said with a tearful laugh.
Killian swooped down to catch her lips in a passionate kiss, trying to pour everything he was feeling into the action. Pulling back, he gave her a brilliant smile. “Oh Emma! That is fantastic news! Another little one!” he exclaimed happily
She let out a small laugh. “Hold on, babe. We don’t know for sure that’s why I fainted, we should wait for the doctor.” No sooner had the words left her mouth, Dr. Whale entered the room.
“Emma, so glad to see you’re awake. The gathering in the waiting room will be very happy about that,” he said in greeting.
Emma let out a sigh, and looked up at her husband who is now standing beside the bed. “Who all is here?” she asked with a groan.
Killian reached up to scratch behind his ear. “Well, when I called asking them to pick up Hope from daycare, I, of course, had to tell them why. I told them they didn’t need to come but...” he shrugged a shoulder, leaving the rest unspoken.
“They didn’t listen,” she guessed.
“Do you blame them, love. Their daughter is in the hospital after fainting at work, you knew they would come,” he stated matter-of-factly.
Emma was about to retort when Whale stepped forward. "If I may interrupt, we have the results of you tests back, and Emma… Your pregnant,” he told them.
Killian and Emma’s eyes met, both brimming with happiness about having their suspicions confirmed. “That’s amazing news, I guess that’s why I fainted,” Emma said turning to Whale.
Whale nodded his head and opened the chart that was in his hand. “You were mildly dehydrated which caused your blood pressure to drop,” he informed them.
“Is the baby okay?” Killian asked concerned.
“We won’t know anything until we perform an ultrasound, but I don’t foresee any complications with the fetus,” he said as he looked to Emma. “Your blood pressure is stable, and we have you hooked up to an I.V. that’s giving you fluids, other than that you are in perfect health,” he told them.
Emma and Killian both let out a sigh of relief at the news. “Thank you, Whale,” Emma said..
“Of course. I’ll get your release papers ready, but Emma I want you to take it easy for the next couple of days, okay? Congratulations,” he said and left the room.
As soon as the door was closed their arms went around each other, holding one another close. Killian was the first to speak. “Oh, Swan! We are going to be parents again. Once more you have made me the happiest man alive,” he said enthusiastically.
Pulling back, Emma gave him a beautiful smile. “I’m really pregnant,” she said in awe, leaning forward to press her forehead to his.
A knock broke them apart, a second later the door opened and a woman with dark hair dressed in scrubs walked in, pulling an ultrasound machine behind her. “Hello, my name is Mya and I’ll be performing your sonogram,” she greeted them with a smile.
“Oh!” Emma said surprised. “I didn’t know I was going to be having one so soon.”
“Yes, well, Dr. Whale thought that you might be a little anxious to see how everything is,” she informed them cheerfully.
“Yes, we are,” Killian answered.
Mya clapped her hands. “Okay, if you could please lay back on the bed and lift your gown,” she said as she turned back to turn the machine on.
Emma got ready and looked up at Killian who was already gazing down upon her adoringly. “Ready to see our baby, my love?” he asked tenderly.
She nodded her head, grabbing onto his hand before turning back to Mya who took the bottle of gel and squirted some on her stomach. When it hit her skin, Emma sucked in a breath. “I forgot how cold that is,” she winced.
“Sorry, I sometimes forget to put it on top of the machine to warm it up.” Mya grabbed the wand and placed it on her stomach. “Okay, let’s see what we can see,” She started to run the wand back and forth across Emma’s abdomen before finally saying, “There,” pointing to the middle of the screen.
It couldn’t have been more than the size of a bean, but there it was, their baby. “Is everything okay?” Emma asked, her hand tightening around Killian’s.
“From everything I’m seeing your baby is fine,” Mya reassured them with a smile. “According to this, you are about seven weeks, and if you look right here,” she pointed again at the screen, “you can see the-”
“Heartbeat,” Killian and Emma said in unison, leaning their heads against each others and staring at the life they created. Mya clicked a couple of bottoms, and a few seconds later handed them a print out of the sonogram.
“Well, everything looks great! Just be sure to make an appointment with your doctor soon, and congratulations,” she said before packing up the equipment and leaving the room.
They stared down at the picture in elation. “I still can’t believe it, another baby,” Emma said in amazement.
Killian pressed a kiss to the side of her head. “Believe it my, Swan. He or she is right here,” He brought his hand up to rest over her stomach.
Emma turned to face him. “I love you,” she said fiercely.
“And I you,” he said just as fiercely, leaning forward to seal that love with a kiss. They stayed like that for several minutes until finally pulling away, “As much as I would love to stay with you like this all day, I believe we have some people who would very much like to see you,” he told her.
Emma sighed and nodded her head. “You’re right.” She paused biting her lip., “Killian can we maybe keep the news about the baby between us for now, I mean it's still early and...”
“Of course, darling. No need to say anymore,” he gave her one last kiss then left the room.
The next time the door opened her parents walked in followed by Killian who was holding Hope, who upon seeing her mother, immediately started reaching for her, wiggling in her father’s arms. Killian brought her over to Emma who instantly took her, settling her to lay down beside her on the bed. "Hi, baby! Mommy missed you so much." Emma pulled her close and pressed a kiss to her curls.
Snow moved to her daughter's side. "Oh, Emma! We were so worried about you," she fretted
"What happened? No one would tell us anything," David questioned with concern.
"Mom. Dad. It's okay. I was a little dehydrated, and my blood pressure dropped.That caused me to faint, but I'm okay now," Emma said while stroking Hope's dark blonde hair.
They both look at her skeptically, but not wanting to push after her ordeal, they let it go. They talked for awhile before the door opened and nurse came in with Emma's discharge papers ready for her to sign. After handing a reluctant Hope to her grandparents, with plenty of kisses and a promise to be home soon, Emma signed the paper and got ready to go while Killian went to return the papers to the nurse.
Emma had just finished zipping up her boot when she heard the door open. “‘Kay, babe. I’m ready for you to take me home,” she said looking up to see that it was not her husband standing at the door, but Rogers with an amused smile on his face.
“Not that I’m not flattered, but I don’t think my slightly less dashing twin would appreciate that,” Rogers said teasingly, stepping fully into the room.
Emma let out a laugh. “Sorry. Killian went to get me sprung from this place. I thought he was back with good news,” she explained, standing up from the chair.
“I jest, love. I saw your better half in the hall, and asked if I could come sit with you for a while, if that’s alright with you?” he asked, waiting for her approval.
“Of course, it's all right,” she agreed as the two sat down on the sofa.
Roger’s turned to look at Emma. “How are you feeling, lass?”
“Better, thanks. I guess I was more under the weather than I thought.” Emma paused. “I’m sorry if I freaked you out.”
“You did give me quite a fright, but I’m just glad you are okay,” Rogers said with a smile.
They talked for a while, Emma telling him that the doctor wanted her to take it easy for a fews days, so he and Killian would have to man to station. Both stood to say their goodbyes when Rogers said he should be going. A piece of paper fell from the sofa and landed between them. Knowing what it was, Emma tried to reach down quickly to get it, but Rogers beat her to it.
Staring at the black and white photo, Rogers knew immediately what it was. He looked up at Emma. “You’re pregnant,” he stated, handing the photo back to her.
“Yeah, but we didn’t tell anyone else. We wanted to keep it quiet for a little while, you know, with it being so early,” Emma said, taking the photo back from him.
“Congratulations, Emma. I’m so happy for you and Killian,” Rogers said genuinely .
“Thank you. We are still a little surprised," she said with a smile.
"You both had no idea?" he asked curiously
She shook her head. "No. Like I said, I thought I was just sick."
"And is everything okay with the babe?" Rogers asked, gesturing to the photo.
Emma nodded her head. " Oh, yeah! Tip top. Everything is great," she beamed.
Killian walked back into the room and took in the scene before him. His wife and Rogers smiling happily at each other. "What's going on in here?" He asked was walking over to his wife's side. Upon seeing the photo in her hand, he looked up at her.
Knowing where his train of thought was going, Rogers interjected. "It was purely by accident. The picture fell to the ground, and I picked it up."
Killian looked to Emma who nodded her head in agreement. "It's true. He found out by accident."
"Aye. It's wonderful news, and I promise I shall not tell a soul,” Rogers reassured them.
"Thanks, mate. We appreciate that." Killian reached out, and the two men clasped their hands around each other's forearm. Rogers said goodbye, offering to take the first shift tomorrow at the station the next day. After he left, Killian turned to Emma and wrapped his arms around her.
"Now how does going home sound to you, Mrs. Jones?"
Emma's eyes lit up. "That sounds amazing, Mr. Jones."
They stopped by her parents on the way home to pick up Hope. When they got home they spent the rest of the day as a family. Killian and Emma both explained to Hope, in a way the two-year-old could understand, that Mommy had to rest so she could get all better. Their daughter took it upon herself to be Mommy’s “nurse,” telling her to sit on the couch, and bringing her everything she thought Emma needed, from stuffed animals to blankets (with a little assistance from her daddy). Emma, of course, indulged her, happy to see her daughter being so sweet and loving again.
Later that night, after Hope had been tucked into bed with two stories and plenty of kisses, Killian and Emma laid in bed.
“What are you thinking about, my love?” Killian asked.
“My life. Even after all these years, I still can’t believe it's all real. That I was reunited with my son that I had to give up, I’m married to the love of my life, have a beautiful daughter, and now other child on the way. I sometimes think that I’m going to wake up one day to find out it’s all been a dream,” Emma revealed
Killian looked down at her. “I know, Swan. I sometimes have those same thoughts myself. Surely the dreaded Captain Hook could never have a life like this.”
Emma laughed. “We are quite that pair, aren’t we?”
“Aye, that we are. How about when we have those thoughts we come to one another for reassurance, deal?” Killian suggested.
“Deal,” she accepted.
The two sealed it with a kiss, then fell asleep wrapped in the arms of their true love.
The End
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