woedans · 2 years
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Home is where we worship.
@woedans / ig: woedans
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altar-ov-plagues · 17 days
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shuruzy · 1 year
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Overcome the Labyrinth? why don't any of these fuckers Overcome their Issues first
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chromaji · 7 months
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another "i don't have anything to say i'm just documenting for OtL's sake" moment
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pumpking64 · 11 months
reading old norse proper nouns for places really is wild because damn we butchered the hell out of that name huh?
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aradxan · 1 year
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Gothenburg 2023 by Lars Lejring www.lejring.se https://flic.kr/p/2ob1hSL
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drawing munkustrap finally (mournful) im excited for this drawing though AHW KRJHA the perspective and the form is gonna be fun
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nordjourney · 10 months
Sagnlandet Lejre
Sagnlandet Lejre ist ein Freilichtmuseum in Lejre, Dänemark, das eine faszinierende historische und kulturelle Erfahrung bietet. Das Museum widmet sich der Präsentation des Alltagslebens und der Aktivitäten der Menschen, die in der Region während verschiedener Zeitperioden gelebt haben, von der Steinzeit bis zur Wikingerzeit. Besucher von Sagnlandet Lejre haben die Möglichkeit, rekonstruierte…
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omgellendean · 7 months
The long history of the Egtved Girl's dress
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The Egtved Girl's burial (1370 BC) // The archaeologist's sketch after the excavation (1921)
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Lise Fenger. The first attempt at reconstruction of the dress (1938) // An illustration from "Das Kostüm Werk" by Wolfgang Bruhn, Max Tilke (1941)
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An illustration by Aage Sikker Hansen (1944) // Anni Brøgge performing a ritual dance, photo by Flemming Kaul (1999)
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Modern reconstruction for the National Museum and Sagnlandet Lejre
Despite being preserved in almost perfect condition, the Egtved Girl's (c. 1390 – c. 1370 BC) clothes have been a controversial topic for an entire century. Because of how unexpectedly revealing (for our expectations) they look, these Bronze Age top and skirt's depictions have been repeatedly changed to be more "modest" and better fit the 20th century's sensibilities. Only by the end of the 1990s, Egtved Girl's clothes have been reconstructed accurately.
The Egtved Girl
Spor fra Metallernes tid
Crop top er ikke nyt i Jylland
Bronze Age dance
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not0a0mundane · 5 days
Essay Structure for Star Wars Archaeology
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Inspired by a conversation I had a few weeks ago at a seminar in Lejre Sagnlandet about the potential of Prehistoric Archaeology in the star wars universe
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broomsick · 1 month
Lejre (outdoor museum near Roskilde in Denmark)
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victorysp · 10 months
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The area around Lejre in Midtsjælland was more than 1,000 years ago an important center for the Vikings and legendary kings such as Roar and Helge.
Today, the area was once again - albeit for a short time - the center of Nordic regents, when Her Majesty the Queen and Their Majesties King Harald and Queen Sonja of Norway visited the Fairy Tale Camps.
The three majesties were given a tour of the area, and the 61-metre long reconstructed Viking hall, which has been recreated on the basis of archaeological finds, was among the highlights of the day. June 17, 2023.
📷 detdanskekongehus
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concerningwolves · 8 months
I found my new fave little guy in the Danish National Museum!! ("Guy" actually meaning "person of indeterminate gender" btw). Beelined around the entire Viking Raid exhibition until I found them <3
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[Image description: a tiny silver carved human figure displayed on a metal pole in a glass case. /End ID]
Here's a better picture, yoinked from The Children of Ash and Elm:
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The credit text beneath says "The ambiguities of dress. The enigmatic figurine from Revninge, Denmark, with its elaborate clothing. Photo: John Lee © National Museum of Denmark".
In terms of "viking fashion" this find was both incredibly eye-opening and confusing. The hair is a typical female style – side parting with a bun – but the clothes are ambiguous. The outfit depicted is a love letter to layers: underskirt, gown, bodice, shawl, and finally a multi-strand necklace to top it off. Oh, and a brooch is worn at the belt, although the extant body of evidence suggests these brooches would usually have been worn higher up.
The Revninge piece isn't the only example of ambiguous dress, though! There's also a miniature figure found near Lejre, Denmark, which appears to represent Odin. The one eye, the wolves, the ravens and the throne are all widely-accepted shorthand for Odin. However. This Odin wears what historians recognise as traditionally female clothing.
I think it's incredible how finds like these remind us that we don't know as much about the viking era and people as we think. Are historians wrong about the dress code by gender? Was there a myth or some aspect of Odin's cult related to cross-dressing that's been lost to time? Did an artisan think "lol I'm going to put Odin in a dress"? Did making this figure have some deep personal meaning to its creator? Did Viking society have a different concept of gender from us? We don't know! There's lots of speculation and guesswork but few concrete answers. It's simultaneously wonderful and frustrating. I'm so happy we have these figures, though. (And I'm hoping we'll have time to visit the Roskilde Museum so I can find this little Odin myself and probably cry like I started crying over the Gundestrup Cauldron)
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chromaji · 8 months
i have to keep remembering that blot is more subdued & formal personality-wise. i keep wanting to write him as a goofy mf. I mean I can (and will) let him act like that a bit while he hangs out with the Empyreans. But you know, he doesn’t actually get silly with it in the actual game’s dialogue. How do you give a guy the :P expression and not let his ass be whimsical.
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maelkevejen · 14 days
Om at blive en skygge uden at lægge mærke til det
Jeg har ikke rigtigt lyst til at tage på Roskilde i år. Det føles bare ikke som en festival til mig længere, og det er er fint nok. Men jeg tager mest med for Mathias’ skyld, fordi jeg godt kan lide at være afsted med ham. Hvis han ikke tog med, havde jeg ikke nogen at tage afsted med, for ingen af mine venner tager på festival længere. Det forsvandt bare lidt efter lidt, uden jeg lagde mærke til det. Men det rammer et ømt, sårbart, privat sted i mit selvværd at vide, at det - ikke - gælder den anden vej for Mathias. Han ville glad tage med for sig selv, hvis det skulle være. Han synes klart, det er hyggeligere med mig, men ellers tror jeg ikke, det betyder noget, og… det kan jeg ikke lide. Jeg bebrejder ham ikke for det overhovedet, men det føles ulige. Det er ulige. Han sagde engang, at han ikke ville tage med, hvis jeg ikke gjorde, og det gjorde mig på en eller anden måde varm indeni; som om jeg er vigtig for ham og det er noget vi har sammen. Men da det blev bragt op igen på et senere tidspunkt var han som om det aldrig havde været sådan, som om det var noget, jeg havde misforstået. Jeg har en foruroligende fornemmelse af, at jeg seriøst og alvorligt skal have mig nogle hobbyer, som bare er for mig og til mig. Stat. Og nogle flere venner. Jeg fylder lidt for lidt i mit eget liv. Jeg vil fylde mig selv op igen, hænge mig selv op på mig selv, lære at stole på mig selv igen, for jeg tror, jeg er blevet visket ud med tiden uden nogen lagde mærke til det.
Og hvor små(angst)provokerende er det at tale om housewarming og høre hvor mange der umiddelbart tænkes at inviteres, bare som skud fra hoften, som ikke hører til min lejr. Som jeg kender og holder af, men som jeg, når alt kommer til alt, er +1 hos. Øhm. Er der ingen andre end mig, der lægger mærke til det? En gnavende usikkerhed ligger i min mave. Og så skal vi sidde og prøve at finde ud af, hvem jeg kan invitere, som om jeg er et barn, der sidder alene til frokost og hænger på yndlingspædagogen, fordi jeg aldrig formåede af måle mig med de jævnaldrende. Ffffuuuuuck. LIGE om lidt er jeg Jakob Thrane i den sang om at få venner som 30-årig. Og han er i det mindste gift! Det er jeg ikke, skulle jeg hilse og sige. Pathological people pleaser and all that. I just… jeg har glemt at holde af mig selv.
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aradxan · 1 year
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Gothenburg 2021 by Lars Lejring https://flic.kr/p/2oh6ruA
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