sparviero44 · 3 years
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Beretta APX full size
Come è noto nell’ambito del Sistema individuale di combattimento (Sic) , l’APX semiautomatica calibro 9×19 mm, insieme ai fucili d’assalto ARX-160 calibro 5,56×45 mm e ARX-200 calibro 7,62×51 mm per incarichi “marksman” nonché con il lanciagranate GLX-160 calibro 40×46 mm, completa con la pistola mitragliatrice PMX calibro 9×19 mm la dotazione del “Soldato Futuro” evoluto nel tempo in “Soldato Sicuro”.
La Beretta APX Full Size Standard andrà a sostituire la Beretta mod. 92 FS, sempre calibro 9×19 mm, entrata in servizio nei primi anni ’90 del secolo passato al posto della Beretta mod. 34 calibro 9 corto, distribuita a partire dal lontano 1936.
Impiega caricatori bifilari per 17 colpi, ha un peso attorno i 760 grammi ed lunghezza totale di 192 mm con la canna di 108 mm.
La nuova pistola polimerica adotta un sistema di chiusura stabile geometrica tipo Browning modificato e l’azione a percussore lanciato. 
The news of the introduction of the Beretta APX pistol to replace the Beretta 92 FS supplied to the army
Is now official As is known in the context of the Individual Combat System (Sic), the semi-automatic APX 9 × 19 mm caliber, together with the rifles of Assault ARX-160 caliber 5.56x45mm and ARX-200 caliber 7.62x51mm for marksman assignments as well as the GLX-160 grenade launcher 40x46mm caliber, complete with PMX 9x caliber machine gun 19 mm the equipment of the "Future Soldier" evolved over time into "Safe Soldier".
The Beretta APX Full Size Standard will replace the Beretta mod. 92 FS, also 9 × 19 mm caliber, entered service in the early 90s of the past century in place of the Beretta mod. 34 caliber 9 short, distributed since 1936.
It uses two-wire magazines for 17 rounds, has a weight of around 760 grams and a total length of 192 mm with the barrel of 108 mm.
The new polymer pistol adopts a modified Browning type geometric stable locking system and firing pin action.
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folombas · 5 years
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In Thailand, in Phuket from the villa Villa Royale, I went further on foot along a winding mountain path up the hills from the jungle. The path up was probably in degrees 40-50 °. With two backpacks, with things, with a couple of kilos of buckwheat, to climb such a hill is just the highest degree sadomasochism! In reality, sometimes there was a feeling that now I’ll die right here on the roadside under tropical bushes, I’m not joking .. Then I’ll post pictures of my breadbasket in this tough state. Especially myself fotkal. And I also made a video of the type before dying on my Sony x3000 compact action camera, as I was dying in the jungle, I'll post it on the Internet soon .. #jungle #adventures #advencher #thailand #phuket #scout #route #path #through jungle #map #blogger #photo #heat #hero #feat #courage #fortitude #landingforce #blogger #photo В Тайланде на Пхукете от дорогой виллы Villa Royale я дальше пошёл пешком по извилистой горной тропе вверх по холмам с джунглям. Тропинка вверх была, наверное, в градусов 40-50°. С двумя рюкзаками, с вещами, с парой кило гречки подниматься в такую горку - это просто садомазохизм высшей степени! Реально иногда было чувство, что сейчас вот здохну прямо здесь вот на обочине под тропическими кустами, я не шучу..Потом выложу фотки своего хлебальника в этом жёстком состоянии. Специально себя фоткал. И видео ещё снимал типа перед смертью на свою компактную экшн-камеру Sony x3000, как подыхаю в джунглях, скоро выложу в Сеть Интернет.. #джунгли #приключения #адвенчер #тайланд #пхукет #лазутчик #маршрут #путь #черезджунгли #карта #блогер #фото #жара #герой #подвиг #мужество #стойкость #десант https://www.instagram.com/p/BtnPpVmAowS/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=mgzd2tzstciv
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neworderchannel · 4 years
Call To Arms - American Compaign Mission 05 invasion #bashar #usmarin #rebel #fsa #ufa #landingforce
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