#la bicha
valdevia · 3 months
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Today, I want you all to know about one of my favourite statues: the Bicha of Balazote.
This weird limestone sphynx-type beast was made in the 6th century BC in what's now the province of Albacete, Spain.
In the 1870s, some neighbors of the town of Balazote dug this statue up and started calling it "la Bicha" (which could be translated to "the beast", "the thing" or "the bug", with a feminine pronoun). After an uncertain amount of years they donated it to a museum, and it now remains one of the best examples of Iberian art of the time.
Look at her face. Isn't she great?
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jacobelgordi · 1 year
as someone who lives in argentina and this means i absolutely have some issues with my body but ALSO know people who have/had eating disorders because it is that prevalent i do have to say internet pro ana mia blogs and social media accounts from this country had gotten worse. they're absolutely rancid, mean and stupid to a point it's gross looking . I stopped talking yo a friend irl because she was in those circles just going around quoting girls' pics with "fatspo" like some freak and harassing them when they responded her with a simple please stop even though she was mildly nice in person. it's exhausting and most people (until now) just tried to justify it with the it's an illness a disease they are mean because trastorno and that's valid and true but there's a point where they have to learn that if they talk shit they don't have the right to act surprised or even angered when someone replies with the same energy and tell them awful stuff too. having an eating disorder and that being hard does not absolve you from being a cunt and you ARE going to get hit if you're being awful. you will deserve it. delete your proana account and be awful in private like normal people
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thewinchestah · 3 months
nossa acabou minha lua de mel com o tumblr
vamo dar licença pras chatas falarem
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chilumitos · 10 months
jujutsu kaisen ★ meme bios
menina chora que nem cavala pedindo e implorando a volta de nanami kento
me vê ai dois gojo satorus no ponto prfv
geto porra eu sou tua caralho Ta suave de boa te amo beijo pra tu
eu e itadori gravando tiktok d casal brega
ai sei la pq eh horroroso fa do sukuna (eu realmente sendo horroroso)
ninguem sabe que eu tenho um papelao gigante no meu quarto do toji kkkkjk tipo
servindo ao megumi em tempo integral
yuuta qual eh a parte que vc nao entendeu quando eu disse que eu quero um beijo agr
bicha muda (inumaki e eu)
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sweetsweethate · 2 months
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ya perdió toda vergüenza la bicha
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iinkbones · 6 months
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atenea y las bichas
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jartitameteneis · 3 months
Están saliendo las actas de la policía en las residencias de ancianos Ha salido el ex consejero de sanidad diciendo q lo ocurrido en las residencias en pandemia lo llevaba la Comunidad Hasta la bicha lo ha confirmado Que más pruebas se necesita para q Ayuso vaya a la cárcel??!.
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ann3xia · 9 months
Los animalitos son maravillosos, mi gata me hace regalitos para mostrarme su amol por mi🥰
Regalito de hoy: una culebra.
Tengo fobia a las bichas😂
Se presenta un día de 10.
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heavensenthale · 1 year
there was a reason I collided into you
Fandom: Blocco 181
Relationship: Bea/Mahdi/Ludo
Rating: Mature (same as the show)
Words: 1k
Read on AO3 or
It’s late at night —way past the time when the partying outside ended— when Bea can finally let herself cry.
She hides her face under a pillow, bites it when the sobs spill out of her like she imagines the waves crash against the rocks in the beach: a furious impact that threatens to rip her in half.
Bea wishes there was something she could do to turn back time and never steal the coke that started it all, even if it means she would never become tangled in the sheets of Ludo’s apartment, between Mahdi and Ludo’s bodies, wrapped in their warmth from head to toe.
There’s something about allowing herself to break that feels cathartic, but when the sobs stop and the tears dry on her skin the hole inside her chest is as big as it was before.
She didn’t think heartbreak was a real thing until now, when the two halves of her heart are no longer within reach. She misses them like a lung, sure that she hasn’t breathed properly since Mahdi left.
For a moment, Bea entertains the thought of leaving, grabbing the bag still packed under the bed and running away, but where would she even go? She doesn’t have money or connections to help her outside. All she’s ever known is la Misa and there’s no way Ricardo will let her walk away. Oh no, he’d make an example out of her, the way he did with Victor.
She sits up on the bed and looks over at her bag. Maybe she could find Ludo still, but leaving Mahdi behind feels wrong in so many ways. The only way Mahdi can survive this is if someone stops him from coming after Ricardo.
With a heavy heart, she realizes Mahdi must be getting ready to strike. He doesn’t know Ricardo will kill him if given the chance and he won’t even flinch. Ricardo wouldn’t even need to get his hands dirty when he’s got la Misa with him.
Bea touches the spot where her heart is breaking all over again, rubbing to stop the ache right under her sternum that won’t go away. Realizing there’s nothing she can do to stop it, she stands up and walks back and forth in her room, her feet drawing the same path over and over again.
She gets her phone from her bag and calls Mahdi, but the phone rings and rings until eventually it goes to the generic voicemail message he never bothered to change. Next, she calls Ludo, but it goes straight to voicemail. Bea keeps trying but neither of them answers, until eventually she tosses her phone on the bed and keeps pacing around the room.
Without anything else to do, she walks to Celeste’s room and knocks softly. Celeste opens the door for her not a minute later.
Frowning, she asks “what happened, Bea?”
“Ay, Bicha—” she doesn’t get another word out before a sob escapes her mouth.
“Come in, come in,” Celeste gestures for her to step inside, closing the door once Bea is in the room.
Bea, standing next to the bed, feels the tears running down her cheeks, trying to swallow the distraught sobs that threaten to leave her mouth.
“What happened to you?” Taking her hand, Celeste drags her over to her bed and sits down with her.
In between sobs, she tells her everything: the coke, the parties, the sex. Then she tells her about their trip, their plans and why they fell through. Bea’s words flow from her mouth in bursts, disjointed and directionless, but Celeste holds her hand through it all.
While she retells their story, her heart fills with something else: anger. At Mahdi, at Ludo, at la Misa, at Ricardo, but mostly at herself. Bea could’ve killed her brother for what he took away from her but ultimately, she couldn’t do it. She wasn’t a killer and it was her brother, she couldn’t do that to her own mother.
“Bea, why didn’t you tell me before?”
Wiping the tears from her eyes, Bea answers, “would you have believed me?”
“Always, Bea.”
After a moment of silence where her heart beats faster in anticipation, Bea speaks, her voice raw from all the crying. “Bicha, I don’t know what else to do.”
“You find them. You go find your men and leave.”
“Don’t ‘Cele’ me. You can do it, you can leave la Misa. If anyone can make it out, that’s you.”
“If I leave, Ricardo will kill me. He said as much.”
“No. Listen to me, Bea. You are the strongest woman I know. You’re going to leave and you’re going to be free, you hear me? Even if you don’t find them. But you will, I know it.”
Celeste kneels and reaches under the bed, her hand disappearing for a moment inside the mattress. Then she pulls out a wad of bills and leaves it on the bed.
“Bicha, I can’t take this.”
“Yes, you can. One of us has to leave this dreadful place. I’ve been waiting a long time, I can wait a bit more.”
Bea tries to push the money away but Celeste won’t let her, giving her a silent, hopeful look.
“Where do I even go?” Something that feels like hope laces her words.
“Away. Now. That’s all that matters.”
Without thinking about it, Bea hugs Celeste, tight enough to leave an imprint on her own body. She will come back for her one day. Right now, she’s got pressing issues: she has to run.
Bea kisses Celeste’s cheek and promises to see her soon, then leaves the room and walks decidedly to her own, picking up the bag from where she left it that morning.
She loves her boys, but even if she never speaks to them again, at least she will be out. Free. The word tastes foreign in her mouth after her last conversation with Ricardo.
When she steps outside, the sky is turning gray as dawn comes closer. No one is around to stop her when she leaves the premises.
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jacobelgordi · 1 month
igual no entiendo como la gente puede ser transfobica tipo ME SORPRENDE cuando ño veo lo único 1 pienso es por que quieren ser tan bichas infelices
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losmuertosqueviven · 4 months
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Una bicha prestada porque no soy hampa, pero la rabia que siento no escampa, es tanta que me ahoga. @perroaustero
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pupuseriazag · 5 months
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Spotify knows so little of me, it assumes I:
1) like bad bunny and taylor swift
2) am an aries
3) care about those awards
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colaherrerar · 5 months
No sé véanlo como quieran pero no es ser busca fama
El éxito lo estoy teniendo yo
Yo estoy en el mundo de la fama
Soy Victoria Herrera
Soy la modelo mundial
Todo empezó conmigo
Quién lanzó primero
Y que fue
El hilito amarillo
E hecho CEO con redes sociales de con CEO de desarrolladores de redes sociales y me han dado la bienvenida espléndidamente bien
Todo gira entorno a mí
Yo todo lo que quiero lo tengo
Yo todo lo consigo de todo lo que YO quiero de lo que se me da la regalada gana a mi en yo siendo Victoria Herrera
Estoy siendo como Julieta Poggio que se une de minita con otras para seguir triunfando
Vieron como lo de Julieta Poggio y Pampita
Que buena charlita que tuvieron de intercambio de moda y consejos
Yo estoy haciendo cosas de minita con otras famosas y me va bastante bien
Yo lo que hago es meterme en el mundo de las famosas porque estoy en el mundo de la moda y necesito ir de la mano de diferentes famosas modelos para triunfar YO EN MI PUNTO PERSONAL
No es ser busca fama
Ea ser bicha
Ea ser viva
Básicamente la palabra soy CANCHERA
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latinotiktok · 2 years
De chiquite solia ir mucho a la casa de una prima mientras mis papas trabajaban, y ella tenia una vecina con la que era besties y su hermana menor tenia masomenos mi eda asique con la bicha hablabamos y jugabamos. El punto es que un dia vino ella y me dice "Mira, aqui enfrente de mi casa se va a poner un bolito" y saco un cuchillo "Y si lo matamos?"
Man y que vamos ella sosteniendo el cuchillo y el señor la escucho medio reirse y luego le puso queja a mi tio y nos regañaron
Y vine yo y me defendi que yo no sabia que estaba pasando y me creyeron 💀
Y años despues me salve de otra regañada porque una prima mayor nos cacho a mi y a esa prima leyendo 50 shades, pero como yo soy le menor pensaron que ella me estaba "malinfluenciando" y que putas, habia sido yo y mi chronially online childhood 💀💀 pero aja
LEYENDO 50 SOMBRAS dios que cosa, tuvimos la misma adolescencia ahre
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sweetsweethate · 1 month
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entre a eldarya y la tunee a mi bicha
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manaosdeuwu · 7 months
no confío en que mi hmno y mi papá reaccionen tan rápido y estén dispuestos a pagar tanto para asegurarse de que la bicha este sana
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