#l'esprit de l'escalier
yesterdaysprint · 1 year
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Courier-News, Plainfield, New Jersey, November 10, 1936
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3eanuts · 1 year
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June 18, 1955 — see The Complete Peanuts 1955-1958
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gravity-rainbow · 2 years
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l'esprit de l'escalier ("The spirit of the stairs")
when you leave a conversation thinking about everything you could have said.
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wileycap · 6 months
My one real skill is coming across an event from like, 6 months ago, and immediately thinking of an absolutely A+ banger of a joke that would have been really funny if I had made it back then when the event was relevant but would just be confusing and unfunny now.
I have this listed on my resume and am proud to say that I am still unemployed.
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marvellouslymadmim · 2 years
Reverberations Readers: ah, if you've already read today's update, maybe go back and re-read the "Now" section. I was vacuuming my living room and I realized there was an important element in the discussion between Tissaia and Cal that really needed to be addressed....so I went back and added it 😅
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unitedstates0fdakota · 3 months
I think Reaction Speed would have l'esprit de l'escalier as like, his evil twin. Like u miss the passive check at the start of the game to ask Klaasje questions so then the second you step out of the Whirling he pops up and goes “You totally should’ve asked that lady some questions!!!” Just the least useful little dude ever. Make his profile just reaction speed but facing the other way. Fucked up hamburger helper mascot style
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lovehablt · 6 months
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l'esprit de l'escalier zombie evan :D inspired by my mutal @/emhyaoi on twitta.. also the quote is from the emh video of the same name (l'esprit de l'escalier) it makes me so depressed i cant even
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04h09m · 1 year
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l'esprit de l'escalier, [lɛspʁi d(ə l)ɛskalje]; that feeling you get when you leave a conversation and think of all the things you could’ve said.
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fairydrowning · 2 years
"L'esprit de l'escalier" is a french term used for the feeling you get when you leave a conversation and think of all the things you should have said.
English speakers sometimes call this "escalator wit" or "staircase wit".
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zinniapetals · 9 months
l'esprit de l'escalier
Pairing: Zhongli/Xiao
Rating: M
Words: 31,177
Notes: Canon Divergence of Xiao dealing with life after Rex Lapis's death. Canon typical violence and Xiao's mental health. Smut at the end of the second chapter.
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youngveinsworld · 10 months
why they're called ... young veins
from a spin magazine article:
Why Young Veins: “At first, when we were throwing around names in the studio, we wanted to call the band the Veins,” recalls vocalist-guitarist Ryan Ross, “but there was already a band called that. So we just called it the Young Veins. We liked the ‘fresh blood’ connotation. But really the name is a Spinal Tap reference. There’s a part where the band is talking about when they were starting out. They were going to call themselves the Originals but that name was taken, so they call themselves the New Originals instead. So we’re sort of just playing off the idea of adding an adjective in front of a band name that already exists.”
Previously Rejected Names: “We thought about calling ourselves the New Things. We also thought the Band Names would’ve been funny.”
Best Band Names Ever: “The Chills. We wanted to use that one, too, but another band beat us to the punch by, like, thirty years. The Like is another good one, and not just because that’s the band my girlfriend [Elizabeth Berg] plays in.”
Worst Band Name Ever: “I don’t know if it’s the worst, but the Beatles is a pretty bad. It’s funny to think that the biggest band of all time has a name based on a bad pun. Maybe it was cool at the time.”
from an interview jon did for popmatters:
[The band name] comes from two weeks of us in the studio throwing out names because we had to decide on one before we could release a song.
from an MTV article:
It seems neither Ross nor Walker can come up with a thoroughly awesome handle for their new band (they thought about "The Guts," but decided it was "too punk" for their liking), and the problem was getting so bad that Ross flat-out asked me for my help: "If you've got any good band names," he laughed. "Send 'em to me."
I'll admit it: I sort of froze. I have about a million awesome band names floating around in my head at any given moment (Like "Weed Dragon" — just came up with that one right now), but when put on the spot, I couldn't come up with a single one. Naturally, I felt kind of bad about it. I didn't want to let good ol' R.R. down.
Of course, now having a few days to think about it, I've come up with no less than three-dozen killer band names for Ross's new group (thanks, L'esprit de l'escalier), so I feel like I would be remiss if I didn't reveal some of them here. Perhaps RyRo will read this and see something that will catch his eye. So, with apologies, here are my picks:
» Panic? at the Disco » Flaco y Melenudo » (Not) The Beatles » Bongzilla » The Jon (and not) Spencer (or Brendon) Blues Explosion » R.Y.R.O. Speedwagon » No Use For A Name » Jon's Addiction » The Beets
and another MTV article:
Ross e-mailed MTV News late Monday night to make the announcement, which came two weeks to the day after he told us that he and Walker were at a loss for just what to call their new retro-leaning band. (Of course, we tried to help out the best we could.)
"We're going with the Young Veins," Ross wrote. "I hope you'll check us out."
For a time, they were also thinking about "the Guts," but decided it was "too punk" for their liking. Young Veins is a fitting name, one that sounds like it could've been lifted off one of the old Stax 45s from which Ross said he and Walker drew influence.
side note about it being a literary reference:
from what jon and ryan said in the above interviews it seems to have been a random decision to call the band the young veins. however, it is interesting to know that the novel 'the last man' by mary shelley (author of frankenstein) contains this passage:
"Yet the last events that marked our progress through France were so full of strange horror and gloomy misery, that I dare not pause too long in the narration. If I were to dissect each incident, every small fragment of a second would contain an harrowing tale, whose minutest word would curdle the blood in thy young veins."
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erstwhilesparrow · 8 months
hmmm....... top 5 short stories, for the ask game?
oooh. okay, thinking! (<- as many as several minutes after typing this out, future sparrow here to say: UH okay i have so many tabs open now! oops! i didn't realize i had so many short stories i liked! this turned out to be a bit trickier than anticipated, but in a fun way :] )
Termination Stories for the Cyberpunk Dystopia Protagonist by Isabel J. Kim - I Like It When There Are Stories About Stories. I Like Metafiction. I Like When Saying Something Is True Makes It So. I Like Weird Fucked Up Cities. And anyway, Isabel J. Kim just writes great stuff in general. I'm also obsessed with The Narrative Implications of Your Untimely Death.
Exhalation by Ted Chiang - There's something so lovely and gently curious about this one. A friend of mine sent me the link several years ago and I have never quite been able to stop thinking about death as an explosion of gold flakes.
Twilight Mirage Episode 63: Guaranteed Events, Or: An Accounting of the Time When We Built The Machine by Austin Walker - Every time people ask me for recs. I point at Friends At The Table Twilight Mirage. This is almost always cheating on account of It's A Podcast but LOOK THIS IS A STAND-ALONE SHORT STORY AND HERE'S THE TRANSCRIPT. I'm saying it counts. The last sentence stuck in me as soon as I heard it and has not unstuck from me since.
Alien Hand Syndrome by Molly Ofgeography - This world and these people are so specifically weird; it's unbelievably charming and I like it so so much.
L'Esprit de L'Escalier by Catherynne M. Valente - Retelling of Orpheus and Eurydice. There were a couple others I considered for this spot but I've been in a rotting bodies mood lately and this is REALLY good for that. Also type of thing I cannot stop thinking about. Came back wrong in the sense of 'the whole world knows she's supposed to be dead, herself included, and it wants to make this right.'
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bluepersonproblems · 4 months
21. IDK. Writer. D.A
L'esprit de l'escalier
Words I never got to write the first time around.
Here lie all the thoughts I have throughout the day, which I try to write down, but I don't and end up forgetting them, and then I try to write them in my journal from memory, but I just can't.
21 - I am to turn 21 this year and it scares me a lot.
IDK - I have no idea what I am doing. All I know is that I breathe and wish not to.
Writer - It sounds an insult to all the writers out there if I am to call myself one but here we are.
D.A - Took me three days to come up with the initials only for them to be my own name in the end.
I am barely a human who writes poems, love songs, letters, musings and more. The tone usually is that of dread but once in a while I am over the moon. You'll get used to it.
With love despair and ink stained kisses.
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filthforfriends · 9 months
I shit thee not today my psychiatrist told me he doesn’t know what’s wrong with me, but he thinks I’m “too perceptive” to have autism and gave the following examples as proof.
1. I can identify when a man is demeaning me.
2. When I am able to hold off on reacting when I am unsure if I am being insulted.
3. I rarely suffer from l'esprit de l'escalier
4. I mask to make myself invulnerable.
Now I’m positive I know the answer, but fellow autistics, can you not also do these things?
Literally two weeks ago he was so sure I had autism that he was complaining he couldn’t provide an official diagnosis personally.
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will-sigma · 5 months
In a moment of l'esprit de l'escalier, I was musing on complimenting a friend for their windbreaker. In trying to craft an amusing follow up, I was thinking about the span of time since I had owned that specific garment.
However, the first draft of this was "Yes, I remember breaking wind in my youth."
Maybe it's okay that I'm not quick witted.
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sobillyboy · 1 year
Je viens de désactiver mon compte Instagram et de supprimer les amplis Instagram et Facebook de mon téléphone. En 2023, on arrête de se comparer à des gens qu'on n'a pas vu depuis 15 ans, et on lit des livres qui nous ouvrent l'esprit.
Autre objectif : Réussir à monter à la Bastille (de Grenoble) (200m de dénivelé) en courant. Et par la même occasion du coup (même si oui il faut aimer son corps, ne pas y penser blablabla) perdre genre 10/15 kilos.
Je veux aussi faire de l'hypnotherapie pour arrêter d'être aussi désagréable avec Cyprien (et moi même).
Faire des tonnes de travaux dans la maison : retaper notre chambre, construire un placard à vélo, changer la cuisine, faire un placard à l'entrée, isoler et aménager le grenier en placard, poncer et vernir l'escalier, repeindre les toilettes, repeindre le couloir, mettre de la couleur et des cadres, mettre des lustres, changer le plan de travail de la salle de bains, installer un radiateur de salle de bains, peindre les volets et un bout de la façade en violet, mettre des plantes sur le petit bout de trottoir, créer une mezzanine dans la chambre d'amis, etc etc etc
Et sûrement 1000 autres choses !
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