#kotone and pq2!Femc aren't the same TT0TT
sillyfudgemonkeys · 1 year
Fuck you atlus TT0TT “Oh here we have a canon name for FeMC, *flings out a random adaptation* UHhh here yea, here’s Kotone!” No, you can’t just do that, she’s paired with Sakuya not Makoto. It’s either Makoto (M) and Makoto (F), or Kotone and Sakuya, you gotta pick a lane! (considering PQ2 ya should’ve gone with Makoto (F)) 
I knew this would happen but it ain’t right. It just feels wrong and lazy. Give her-her own adaptation you lazy fucks.
I guess I have a few issues. 
1) It feels......lazy. Rude, like she’s an afterthought. “Oh but Silly she came 2nd anyway” but Atlus had an idea for an FeMC early on in P3, she was on the same footing at one point but had to be cut due to reasons. TT0TT It feels like we should just be LUCKY to have gotten the musicals. Because then we would’ve been SOL. (like they really couldn’t just give her a small OVA could they? TT0TT just an ep, a fun filler ep thrown in for one of the movies)
2a) In a meta sense if feels wrong, it irks me. PQ2 made it a point to show their similarities and how they are copies almost of each other. Person with the same heart. To the point it really bothers FeMC and gives her a bit of a complex (not that much but enough). So the canon name scheme would reflect that beautifully if it was the same or close. Which means the choice of it being both Makoto Yuki, or having the same last name (Shiomi, and the firsts being Kotone and Sakuya), would’ve fit that. Or hell, Kotone Yuki even. But now it’s just whatever.
2b) It feels weird to take half from the Stage Play but leave the other half behind. Kotone/Sakuya are a pair for a reason. Like, it just feels weird to pull from two different sources. And then there’s the fact PQ2!FeMC and Kotone (play) have pretty different personalities (love how versatile FeMC is, but it really stands out here). Like at this rate give her a new name (or just Makoto who cares, at least Female!Makoto Yuki doesn’t already exists to contradict it). 
tldr; I want the right names paired together, or just a new name entirely. 
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